That was HIM?!!!!

The Kim's


I wave nana goodbye and ran to my friends .  


Nana's phone rang and answered an anonymous call  

" hello? Yesss I'm her guardian, ohhh you have her phone?? Yessss , oh thank you! Yes she's a junior at  SEOUL---------


I was walking with amber to our class  when someone suddenly grabbed me  and pushed me to the wall.

" yaaaahhhh! " I shouted , I noticed ambers jaw almost dropped to the floor with shock! I looked up and saw two murderous eyes looking at me . *its Kim myungsoo! *

" how was your weekend drunkard girl??! Did you sleep well every night? " he said with sarcasm.

All the people in the lobby suddenly disappeared in a flash ! Even amber left! And I was standing there like a rock!!

" w--what are you talking about??" I asked.

" ha! You forgot?? Want me to refresh your memory??!! " he shouted infront of me, he was so scary I felt like crying!!! He grabbed my collar.

I gathered all my energy and stepped on his foot and ran for my dear life!!

While myungsoo was left shouting in pain

" youuuu want to play huh??!" myungsoo mumbled and started running towards minhae.


I was running like crazy and my head was in chaos! I knew it! There's something about him!  

" yeah, he met an accident last night. Ahahaha car crash, poor guy "

" hey nana have you seen my phone?? " my body bag is also missing "

" Why do I feel weak early in the morning ?? And what's with this headache ?"  what is these??! cd's??

" how was your weekend drunkard girl??! Did you sleep well every night? "

" ha! You forgot?? Want me to refresh your memory??!! "  

All of those came rushing in my head  and my eyes widened when I suddenly remembered SOMETHING!

I looked up and saw a pair of worried eyes staring back at me, his hair was as black as night and he had the milkly flawless skin every girl would die to have, his nose was perfectly shaped and his thin cheery lips is slightly parted like he was about to say something. " wooowwwww so beautiful " I mumbled and slowly closed my eyes.


" THAT WAS HIM!!???"

I saw Minho and iu walking together. I stopped in front of then.

" ggguuyyyzzzzzzhhh iiiii " I said grasping for air.

" minhae? Why are you running? " minho asked. All of the students was also looking me 

I was about to say something but I saw myungsoo a few feet from me!! " il explain later! " I said and ran.

" this is it! This is my last day on earth!! " I have to hide but WHERE?! I can't run forever !


Key was walking with jonghyun and saw myungsoo .

" hey! Is that myungsoo?? Why is he chasing a girl??  "key said

" whaaaattt?? Girl?? Where ? Where??" jonghyun asked looking around.


I was catching my breath desperately ,I was looking around for a way out,but there was none! Dead-end!!

Going somewhere?? A voice from behind said as he was also catching his breath .

I faced him as I stepped backward. He stood firm and walked straight towards me.

After a few seconds he was now only a few feet away from me!

. There was tension between us, and the way he looks at me?! Gosh!!! If looks could kill?? I'm already at the funeraL right now!

I-I don't knw what your talking about! I yelled,

Really?? He said with an evil smirk " stop playing dumb with me. "He said with that arrow stares.

Yah! I told you! I dOn't knw what your talking about! Your barking at the wrong tree! I told him, oh now I'm creeping out . Seriously ?!

He chuckled and took something from his pocket. His phone. He scrolled something and after a few sec he raised the phone for me to see. Now I'm confused!

What is that??!!! A scandal??! I yelled

Why don't you look closer . He said

I leaned closer and saw numbers on the screen . It was a contact number but the owners name was not registered.


My eyes almost popped out!! The digits are quite familiar ..... Wait!!!! Yaaaahhhhh!!!! That's my mothers mobile number!!! I screamed!

He smiled. "woww it's a good thing u can still remember your mother 's mobile number but can't seem to remember how you crashed my car and almost Got me killed!" he shouted. Wow I almost went deaf.

Now.. Flashbacks of the events struck me. EVERTHING!


Yaahhhh! Your saying it as if I purposely wanted to crash your car!

So what do u want me to think h------! I cut him off by saying

"I'm sorry, it was an accident. Plss forgive me plssss * with cute puppy eyes* with bended knees * c'mon, buy it buy it*

And for a moment he smiled.

*yesssss!!!! I am mentally rejoicing right now people ! No one can escape my charming eyes! *

But that smiled turn into an evil smirk .

You think a simple sorry can fix my car?! Do u even know what kind of car you just crashed?!! And i spent a week at the hospital! He yelled.

* I can almost see his cervical veins while he was shouting . Geezzz why is he being such a pissy over a car?! MEN! *

No I don't . I calmly said * he was at the hospital for a week??!! Poor him*.

It's a Bugatti Veyron Super Sports car worth $2,400,000. And oh, plus the hospital bills . He calmly said with arms crossed over his chest.


Bbbbbbwhhhhhaaaatttt?! I shouted! Who in their sane mind would spent that much over a car?!!!

Shocked much huh? He said and grabbed my wrist and drag me without a word!

Yaaaahhhh! Where are u taking me?!

You just earned a one-way ticket to the police station. He said and laugh evilly

Waaaaathhhhhhh??!!!!! I almost lose all of my voice with that shout Yaaaahhhhh!! Let go! I'm not going ! Let go! I struggled, but he was damn strong my hand was almost pale because of his tight grip.

He suddenly released my hand and faced me. He his lower lip before talking.

Oh my god my poor hand!!! ;(

Ok fine. I'll make this more easier for you. He said and pull out a paper from his pocket and handed it to me.

What is this?!!!! I said, and looked at the piece of paper.

He chuckled and smirked. " a contract".

A whaaaattt??!!! I looked at the piece of junk and read the words written.

My eyes almost fell from its socket because of what I just read!

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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen