Sweet yet Sour

Gumiho Flashback

A/N: I apologize deeply ahead of time for my terrible picture-editing skills. I'm too lazy to get photoshop =.=



Mi Ho's P.O.V.

I dragged myself to class. I could barely keep awake. I scolded myself for going to bed so late. "Aish. Huang Zitao. It's all because of you that I got no sleep, when sleep is what I need the most...all because of you...where are you..."


"Where are you two?!?!?" Tao's mother screamed. She found Tao and I stood standing and drooling over the fruit stand. "Ai-yaah! You two are still here? Well hurry up and choose! I'm not going to bring you two along next time if you're always going to be like this!" warned Tao's mother. She ran away to look for Tao's little sister.

I giggled, "Hey Tao! Do you want to buy Táo zi, Yīng táo, Pú tao, or Mí hóu táo?"  (A/N: That would be Peach, Grapes, and Kiwis.)

Tao laughed. "Hmm...I'll go with Mí hóu táo. May we have two bags please?" The stand owner shouted out the price and begun filling two big bags of Kiwis. 

Mí hóu táo. Mi hou. And Tao. I smiled. I always loved calling him peach because his name sounded like it. But I never realized that if you combined his name with mines, it would become another fruit. It's like...the fruit kingdoms from above telling us we belong together.....I slapped myself in the face. What in the world was I thinking...? I look up to see Tao staring at me strangely. "You're funny, Mihou...you've been slapping yourself in the face a lot recently..." I blinked. Then without hesitating, I kicked him in the leg. "Ow! Mihou! Again? I thought we only kicked each other when we were little!" He laughed. We ended up kicking each other and running around the streets screaming at the top of our lungs just like little, immature kids. We finally found a place to sit and Tao took out the kiwis for us eat while waiting for Tao's Mom and sister to catch up with us. We peeled them and I put a chunk of fruit into my mouth. I made a face. "It's so sour! Yuckss!" I spat it out. I stared at my leftover kiwi and cursed at it silently. Are you telling me this is how Tao and I will be like together? I thought, before slapping myself again. Tao looked at me. "Here, try mines, Mihou." Tao handed his over to me. I slowly took a bite. It must have been riper, because it was a lot sweeter. I remembered something my own mother used to say...about how true love has to be sweet yet sour. I quickly shook my head. I wanted to slap myself hard, but Tao was sitting and smiling at me just as sweetly as the kiwi.

"Mihou." Tao scooted closer to me, staring at me with his eyes. My mouth was still full of kiwi. I swallowed it down. I opened my mouth but couldn't make a sound. "Minhou, why do you always slap yourself?" Tao whispered slowly. I blushed. "Because...because...sweet and sour...." I mumbled.

"Mmm...What is? Mihoutao?"

I look up. He didn't say it with the right tones. The way he said it didn't mean kiwi, it was my name and his name combined as one. Did he mean to do that?

"You can always kick me, Mihou. But please don't slap yourself in the face again." I blinked. For the longest moment, we just sat there staring at each other. Then Tao leaned in closer.


I woke up to the sound of the bell and scurried to gather my belongings. My heart was beating fast. The only flashback that didn't make me sweat or cry was that one. But I always woke up with my heart beating just as fast as the other memories. Sometimes faster. I made a mental note to head back home after school to get more medicine for my flashbacks. 

I ran down the hallways. Trying my hardest not to let the rest of the memory continue. "Hi Minra! Heey Mr. Soon! Ayo waddup Chanyeol!" I was hollering at random people I knew, not caring about the shocked faces I was getting, not caring if I even got the names right. I took the stairs two at a time while rapping Jazzyfact's Awake Awake at the same time (A/N: listen to the above link! :D It's Chanyeol's favorite song haha). I could hear the boy I called Chanyeol trying to do the same thing, but sadly stopped when everyone kept staring at him. I didn't care. I was trying to do everything I could to distract my mind from remembering. Erase it. Please don't remember. Please don't remember. Please-


Tao's eyes were closed. His face kept getting closer. Then it just...happened. 


"Aniyaaaaaa!" I was panting at the top of the stairs. I had completely missed my level my two floors. "Uh...Gwenchana? Miho?" I saw one of the other SM trainees that also attended this school peering down at me. Jong In...what was his new name...I didn't care.

Anything. I would do anything. To undo that.


Tao looked at me, his cheek red. I looked down at my hand.






It was red too. 




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sorry junior year is tough for me ;A; hopefully i can find a weekend/break to update, i'm so sorry guys ToT


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 50: This is really good and I’m glad they are together
Chapter 1: Yay!! Mandarin pinging I can understand it!! In case you guys did not get it was "you both are idiots" second one was "I did not understand you" then the last was " you're still talking where is she"
Chapter 50: waaaahh.. this is such a heart melting story, which can make you feel all kinds of emotions. ^^ I'm going CRAZY over the cheesiness BABY TAO could possibly be in real life. Anyways what kind of drama was that exactly ? I kinda like it on the snapshots you use it here. ^^
LuckyMend_97 #4
Chapter 50: This story is so cute >///< I loved it :) but I have to admit that at the end I got a bit confused, and if you let me, I would say that you focus a lot on other characters and feels like you forgot about mihoutao (which were also so cute. I don't have anything to complain about). Anyways, fighting with your school things :)
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 50: It's over.. *cries*I can't believe it. I haven't gone to AFF for a while and when I do... I found this and that little orange (C) ;_; aahh.. Well it was good while it lasted! But even when it's completed, I hope people still stumble into this fic and get in it and spazz in the comments xD
Chapter 31: Panda couple! Woot woot!
Chapter 49: Suho and Hazel are totally stealing the show. Can we just have more chapters of them being fluffy? ^^
PoisonApple911 #9
Chapter 49: Out of everything that happened here.. Only one thing is on my mind...
They're just so.. ARGH!! >w< arcadians unite! XD
I gotta say, I was really impressed with your story the first time I read it (I read 40 chaps in one go >w<) because it was well thought out. You obviously know what you're doing and the kiwi thing is pretty smart~ there are a lot of witty puns and wordplays here~! (I love puns~)
Suho cracked me up =D how is that even possible? ^^"
PoisonApple911 #10
Chapter 48: I felt the need to comment..
KYAAAA~!! SuHye is finally together! THANK YOU!! >.<
We just need to wait for Xiunny~! They're so funny and adorable but.. Very.. Prideful ^^"