Liars, Liars

Gumiho Flashback <-- this song is just unf.


I twirled around in the mirror, before stopping and staring at my own reflection again. 

"Do you like it?" Tao asked. 

"It's beautiful," I gushed. "Wait, you don't have to buy-"

"I would like to buy that dress right there. The one she's wearing." Tao said, already at the cash register.

"Of course, it looks lovely on her! I'll cut of the tag and she can just wear it right outside," said the sales lady. "Is she your girlfriend? She's very pretty."

My eyes went wide. "I'm not-"

"Yes, I think my girlfriend is very pretty too." Tao said, interupting me. 

The sales lady smiled as she cut off my tag. "Well, you two make a perfect couple." 

"Thank you," laughed Tao.  I stood there, speechless. Tao took my hand again and we walked back outside.

We strolled down the sidewalk, looking at the window displays. It was hard believing that what I saw reflecting off of the glass windows of the shops was me. Of Tao and me, holding hands. 

Tao stopped in front of a little shop. "This place has good bubble tea," he said, holding the door out for me. 

I smiled as I walked in. So that's why he asked me if I liked it. 

We ordered the same flavor, and sat down near the window, drinking our bubble tea and watching people pass by. I suddenly looked up when Tao snapped a picture of me. "Sorry," he grinned. "I needed a new background...and you're just too pretty." I rolled my eyes as he put his phone away. I looked down at my own phone screen, which was boring and blank since I had never bothered to change it. Tao was sitting there in front of me, peacefully looking outside...

Tao suddenly looked up when I snapped a picture of him on my phone. "Sorry...I needed a new background too," I said. 

"And I'm too pretty?" Tao grinned.

"Sure," I laughed. 

I finished my drink and stood up. "I need to use the bathroom," I said. 

Tao nodded. "I'll wait for you, take your time," he replied. 


Tao's P.O.V.

My phone vibrated. I looked down to see a message from Lay. 


I grinned. Ayou Duizhang copycat.  

On a date with Miho<3 



Are you guys actually dating?

I thought for a while. I had been saying Miho was my girlfriend all day, but were we actually dating? I knew the way I answered this would make it official.


I smirked as it took Lay a while to respond again. 

So her problems don't bother you?

What the...

Problems? What do you mean.

You she's kinda...mental

I glared at the screen. How dare you call my Miho mental.

...She's not mental. Who are you to say that

That's not what I meant. I mean everyone kinda knows she has a memory problem and everything...

Memory problem?

Yeah. Like before you came here, she could never remember anything and she kept fainting. It's been better, but you never know, man.

She really had a memory problem? And fainting? It wasn't from her diet? Lay messaged me again.

So you really never knew? And she never told you?

How do you know all this.

Everyone kinda knows, dude. I think Sammie said it was from flashbacks? From childhood? Idk.


Childhood all those times I had yelled at Miho...


     "Why are you...who are those people..." Miho stammered.


     My eyebrows furrowed. "You don't recognize those names? Our childhood friends? Our classmates, the people on our martial arts team?"

     She sat there in shock. "My memory..."

     "You don't care about anything do you? How much were we to you if you couldn't even remember our names?" 



       "You just fainted randomly on the street..."

       "It's not random." She sputtered.

                                  . . . . . . . . . . . .

     "Are you not eating enough? Why do you faint so suddenly-"

     "Hey! It's my own problem so you can stop asking."


Suddenly I felt heavy with guilt.

Then, I heard Miho's voice echoing in my head.


"It's okay. I never hide anything from you so don't hide anything from me. Just get some help from a doctor now, alright?"


"Tao-ah...gwenchana?" I glanced up to see Miho looking down at me. 

My mind was still in shock. "You lied too," I whispered to her, before rushing out the shop.


I had already ran far away from Miho when I realized that I had indeed lied to Miho, but Miho had never lied to me. 

I was just too stupid and ignorant to care for the exact reason of Miho's forgetfullness, of her lack of strength. 

"Aish! Why are you so dumb Huang ZiTao!" I yelled, kicking the ground. 

Would it be too late to turn around? Then I remembered...our telepathy should work at a serious time like this, shouldn't it?

I stopped moving and closed my eyes. 









(A/N: Hehe this is my edit of Tao, it's very bad huhu. Credit @筱瞳想娶樸正洙想嫁吳亦凡 for the original photo.)



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sorry junior year is tough for me ;A; hopefully i can find a weekend/break to update, i'm so sorry guys ToT


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 50: This is really good and I’m glad they are together
Chapter 1: Yay!! Mandarin pinging I can understand it!! In case you guys did not get it was "you both are idiots" second one was "I did not understand you" then the last was " you're still talking where is she"
Chapter 50: waaaahh.. this is such a heart melting story, which can make you feel all kinds of emotions. ^^ I'm going CRAZY over the cheesiness BABY TAO could possibly be in real life. Anyways what kind of drama was that exactly ? I kinda like it on the snapshots you use it here. ^^
LuckyMend_97 #4
Chapter 50: This story is so cute >///< I loved it :) but I have to admit that at the end I got a bit confused, and if you let me, I would say that you focus a lot on other characters and feels like you forgot about mihoutao (which were also so cute. I don't have anything to complain about). Anyways, fighting with your school things :)
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 50: It's over.. *cries*I can't believe it. I haven't gone to AFF for a while and when I do... I found this and that little orange (C) ;_; aahh.. Well it was good while it lasted! But even when it's completed, I hope people still stumble into this fic and get in it and spazz in the comments xD
Chapter 31: Panda couple! Woot woot!
Chapter 49: Suho and Hazel are totally stealing the show. Can we just have more chapters of them being fluffy? ^^
PoisonApple911 #9
Chapter 49: Out of everything that happened here.. Only one thing is on my mind...
They're just so.. ARGH!! >w< arcadians unite! XD
I gotta say, I was really impressed with your story the first time I read it (I read 40 chaps in one go >w<) because it was well thought out. You obviously know what you're doing and the kiwi thing is pretty smart~ there are a lot of witty puns and wordplays here~! (I love puns~)
Suho cracked me up =D how is that even possible? ^^"
PoisonApple911 #10
Chapter 48: I felt the need to comment..
KYAAAA~!! SuHye is finally together! THANK YOU!! >.<
We just need to wait for Xiunny~! They're so funny and adorable but.. Very.. Prideful ^^"