Enjoy that Gucci

Gumiho Flashback



I looked at the small twin size bed.

I looked at Huang ZiTao.

We were both abnormally skinny but around 180 cm tall. I looked at the teeny tiny bed again.


As we held blankets and pillows, waiting for Auntie to finish tucking in the bedsheets, I tried to think of any possible way out. I didn't want to sleep on the floor...but how in the world was I going to share a bed with Huang. Zi. Tao. I could cramp in with Sunny and Minra except they would hate me for it...but how in the world was I going to share a bed with Huang. Zi. Tao? I looked up at the ceiling and held in a moan. Why was Auntie and Uncle allowing this? Why do they approve of this? Why do they think it is perfectly fine to have "two childhood friends" sharing a bed, with the only possible dangerous situation happening is if it became "awkward?" 


I was trying to fall asleep as Tao was taking a shower. Maybe it would be less awkward if he came back and I was already snoring? But that thought just made it even harder to sleep. I saw Tao's phone on the desk. I was bored so I grabbed it. The screen was a picture of...

It looked familiar for some reason. The phone was all in Chinese so I didn't really know what was what. My Chinese reading and writing skills are quite y. I recognized two characters 照片 which meant pictures. Curious, I opened it. 


By the time Tao had finished washing up and gone back to the guest room, I was rolling on the floor laughing my head off. 

"What's so funny..." he asked, when he saw that I was still clinging on to his phone. He snatched it away. "What were you doing-" He look down at the phone screen. 

"You...you...have so many-" I gasped. 

"Um yeah...but's what's so funny?" He asked, scanning his own phone screen as if to find why I was laughing. 

"IIIII never knew you were the kind of person that takes selcas like everydayyyy-"

"Selca? What? What's that?"

"Eyeliner!" I cracked up again. 

He was making that glare face.

I gave him a straight face. "Sorry, Tao. I'm sorry. A lot of people do that here too...uh being fond of taking pictures of themselves in bathrooms-" I held in a giggle, "I just find it kinda amusing..." I stuffed my face into the pillow. "Youenjoyyourguccitoo." 

"Huh?" Tao looked at his phone screen, which had been changed to 

I sat back up, more serious. "You're going to the 5am morning practice tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah," Tao replied, slowy putting his phone back on the desk with a confused face. 

"Well then. Um. You can just sleep here and I'll grab a blanket and sleep on the floor-"

"No!" He exclaimed. I looked up, shocked. "I mean....I can..."

"Oh no, let me, I actually want to," I say. "You are the actual guest so-"

"YAAAHHHHH!" Auntie barged into the room. "WHAT ARE Y'ALL DOING RIGHT NOW?!? YOU TWO HAVE TO GET UP AT 4:30 TOMORROW! GET. IN. BED. NOW!!!" Auntie screeched. 

She stood there. At the doorway. Arms crossed. Just waiting for the both of us to get in bed. I climb onto the bed, squishing myself against the wall. Tao awkwardly got in too and laid down, our shoulders almost touching. I squished myself some more. Auntie smiled.

"Well then, sweet dreams you two!" She said brightly, before turning off the lights and shutting the door. The room was pitch black.

I force my eyes shut and pretended to sleep. 


Tao's P.O.V.

I really can't get used to the time difference here. It was almost 2 AM? And I was still awake. I looked over at Mihou who had fallen asleep hours ago.

I suddenly became self counscious that I had been lying in a comfortable position the whole time. I remembered how small the bed had looked. I turned my head again and saw that Mihou was lying half on the bed and half against the wall. I felt guilty for not noticing earlier; she didn't even have a blanket on her. I quickly got up and lifted her so that she had part of the bed to herself too. She was shivering in her sleep. She was wearing sweat pants but only a T-shirt on top. That's when I noticed some faint scars on her arms. There was definitly a lot more on her legs, and I bet I could point out all the ones I had accidently given to her. I smile in the darkness, remembering those ridiculous childhood memories. We've both given each other so many minor injuries. Then I see the familiar long white scar that stretched across her upper left arm. I knew where it continued to.

All of Master Gu's children had long white scars covering parts of their limbs and all over their backs. It was really scary. I quickly cover her up. Fortunately, there wasn't any scars on her pretty face. I felt bad for Mihou for a while. Whenever I talked to her parents, they always seemed ashamed of her. Mihou didn't take very good care of herself either. So skinny and always fainting. I mentally cursed myself for being so harsh to her. There was definitly a few things I needed to staighten out with her......my eyebrows furrowed. But honestly, when I saw her today after she fainted, I was happy. She actually was alive. Then I sort of let out all my anger towards her parents on her...she didn't think I was mad the whole time, did she? I have this habit of looking mad when I'm actually bored or tired. But, Mihou definitely knows that. I look down to see her still shivering. I add an extra blanket on top and wrap my arms around her. "I'll take care of you if they won't," I whisper into her ear. "Good night...Wǎn' ān Mihou," I say before finally falling asleep.



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sorry junior year is tough for me ;A; hopefully i can find a weekend/break to update, i'm so sorry guys ToT


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 50: This is really good and I’m glad they are together
Chapter 1: Yay!! Mandarin pinging I can understand it!! In case you guys did not get it was "you both are idiots" second one was "I did not understand you" then the last was " you're still talking where is she"
Chapter 50: waaaahh.. this is such a heart melting story, which can make you feel all kinds of emotions. ^^ I'm going CRAZY over the cheesiness BABY TAO could possibly be in real life. Anyways what kind of drama was that exactly ? I kinda like it on the snapshots you use it here. ^^
LuckyMend_97 #4
Chapter 50: This story is so cute >///< I loved it :) but I have to admit that at the end I got a bit confused, and if you let me, I would say that you focus a lot on other characters and feels like you forgot about mihoutao (which were also so cute. I don't have anything to complain about). Anyways, fighting with your school things :)
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 50: It's over.. *cries*I can't believe it. I haven't gone to AFF for a while and when I do... I found this and that little orange (C) ;_; aahh.. Well it was good while it lasted! But even when it's completed, I hope people still stumble into this fic and get in it and spazz in the comments xD
Chapter 31: Panda couple! Woot woot!
Chapter 49: Suho and Hazel are totally stealing the show. Can we just have more chapters of them being fluffy? ^^
PoisonApple911 #9
Chapter 49: Out of everything that happened here.. Only one thing is on my mind...
They're just so.. ARGH!! >w< arcadians unite! XD
I gotta say, I was really impressed with your story the first time I read it (I read 40 chaps in one go >w<) because it was well thought out. You obviously know what you're doing and the kiwi thing is pretty smart~ there are a lot of witty puns and wordplays here~! (I love puns~)
Suho cracked me up =D how is that even possible? ^^"
PoisonApple911 #10
Chapter 48: I felt the need to comment..
KYAAAA~!! SuHye is finally together! THANK YOU!! >.<
We just need to wait for Xiunny~! They're so funny and adorable but.. Very.. Prideful ^^"