05 You Really Like Him

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]


A/N: Sorry for the late update and to make it up to you guys, I've come up with THREE, yes, THREE NEW CHAPTERS! *throws confetti*  lol ENJOY ~_~



“Hey! Watch out!”

I cursed under my breath and faced the person who bumped me. The anger inside me is piling up and I wanted to crush whatever that will come my way. But then, I saw my friend Sungjong. “Thank God, it’s you!” I muttered.

“You know, your eyes look like you’re going to kill me!”

“I’m sorry”.

“What just happened?”


I'm imagining this as the cafe's look What do you think? ^^ It's from Cafe Noriter located at Philippines. cr: to the owner


I just sighed. I don’t want to talk about the bastard for it will only bring back the anger I felt a while ago. But then, Sungjong insisted. We went to his favorite café and ordered some iced coffee. As soon as I get my order, I sipped on my drink like there’s no tomorrow and kept on munching the ices.

“Hey, hey, hey. You’re going to break a tooth!” Sungjong stopped me and grabbed my cup. I pouted much to my dismay. “Come on. Tell me what really happened”.

“That bastard. Remember the wallet I told you that went missing? I saw the person who stole that!” I could see Sungjong gasped but I continued my story. “And then, when I asked him to return my wallet, he just kept on smirking at me like a fool and then… and then…”

“Then what?”


“He said that I like him.”


“Whoa~ Well, do you?” Sungjong raised his eyebrows, mocking me.

“What the- Come on Sungjong! He’s a complete narcissist freak! I hate him like hell. And there’s no way I could like a person like him. I hate him to death! I-”

“Whoa, whoa, chill!” Sungjong calmly said as he took a sip on his half-full drink and asked for the waiter’s attention. I just grumbled incoherent words to myself. I can’t calm down. Then I heard him talk to the waiter. “Another iced coffee, please.” He then smiled at me, looking at my empty cup.

“So, what make him say that you like him?”

“Because I keep on looking at him”.

“Is he cute?” Sungjong softly chuckled.

I scoffed. Well, actually he is kinda cute. His image flashed in my mind. His eyes, when he stared at me, are so divine. And his lips, when he smirked at me, I guess it will be a lot better if he just smiled. His hand wasn’t surprisingly that rough. His complexion is really nice and his body built was praiseworthy.

“You really like him”. Sungjong stopped my train of thoughts. . What makes Sungjong think that I like that bastard.


“I could see in your eyes”.

“Sungjong…” I glared at him. He just answered me with a mocking glare. It’s like our eyes were fighting. I think it lasted for a couple of minutes but then a loud cough interrupted our glaring competition. We both shouted ‘what’ at that person who is holding a tray in front of us, looking a little startled.

“Uhm, excuse me. Your coffee is here”. He looked at us with unsure eyes. And then we laugh like crazy, mentally hitting our heads. The waiter rubbed the back of his neck after putting the iced drink on our table and took his leave. Sungjong and I were still laughing at our little crazy ‘fight’.

“Daebak!” Sungjong exclaimed taking another sip on his drink. I was trying to suppress my laughter by holding my tummy. I grabbed my next cup of iced coffee and took a sip. I think it calmed me down a little bit.

“Whatever. I think you really like the guy”. Sungjong suddenly spoke up.

I nearly choked on my drink. “Sungjong… I suggest you stop saying that to me or else you want me to do to you what I did to that bastard”.

Sungjong let out a small laugh, trying to restrain himself from starting another round of teasing. “Okay, okay”. He raised his arms to guard himself from me. “Just introduce me to your cute enemy”. He laughed. I just sneered. I could feel myself involuntarily smiling inwardly and I don’t know why.

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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe