Sunsets and Night Skies

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]



“It’s me”.

“Oh, Myungsoo-ssi. Why’d you call?”

“Uhm, are you busy?”

Jinyoung paused for a while. “No, I’m not. Actually I’m heading home. Why?”

“I’m off for today’s work. Just wanna ask if you’re free for today… so… we can plan for our art project?” Myungsoo awkwardly chuckled on the other line.


“Really?” Myungsoo exclaimed with a hint of joy in his tone. “Where are you? I’ll pick you up.”

“No, it’s okay. Let’s just meet at the school’s entrance”

“Okay. See you soon”


And they both hung up on the phone. Jinyoung put some of her things inside her locker, smiling at herself. Then she headed to the school’s entrance.


Myungsoo’s POV

Thinking about what happened last night at Jinyoung’s house, I think words aren’t needed for Hoya and me to sense that we are rivals. It was really fortunate of me that I’m off for today’s work. I’m not ready to face Hoya and for another round of heated awkward moments with him. It will just mess the workplace for we will just exchange fiery glares. Ji Hye noona and Dongwoo will just ask the both of us what our problem is and it will be all awkward again. I don’t want to lose my job so I just try to avoid controversy and just compromise.

I called Jinyoung. I don’t know exactly why but I want to hear her voice. I haven’t seen her around campus all day so I decided to call her instead. I just…missed her. Fortunately she answered.

“Yoboseyo?” Jinyoung answered.

“It’s me”.

“Oh, Myungsoo-ssi. Why’d you call?”

“Uhm, are you busy?”

Jinyoung seemed to think. “No, I’m not. Actually I’m heading home. Why?”

“I’m off for today’s work. Just wanna ask if you’re free for today… so… we can plan for our art project? I awkwardly chuckled on the other line. I really don’t know what to reason out. Thank God, there’s still the art project.


“Really?” I can’t hide the happiness I am feeling right now. “Where are you? I’ll pick you up.” I urgently stated.

“No, it’s okay. Let’s just meet at the school’s entrance”

“Okay. See you soon”


With that she hung up on the phone. I stood up, dusting off my pants and grabbed my back pack. I rushed to the school’s entrance afraid that I’ll be late. I don’t want to be late since I was the one who asked her to meet me. I catch up on my breath as I stand and leaned against the stone bricked wall. I tapped my foot, walked in circles, nervously waiting for her.

“What should I do? What should I say? Aish. Hi Jinyoung (low voice). Hey Jinyoung (happy voice). I’m glad you came. I really like that you’re here. Now, let’s go to our date!” I voiced out my thoughts, smiling to myself like an idiot.

“Talking to yourself?” a familiar voice was heard.

“Huh?” I turned around and saw her softly chuckling. “Oh! Jinyoung!” My mouth hung open and awkwardly smiled. “How long you’ve been standing there?”

“I just came”

“Oh…Do you hear…something?”


“Oh I guess you haven’t heard anything”. I just sighed.

“Let’s go?” She suggested while looking at me. I nodded and smiled.

“To our date?” Jinyoung continued as she started walking, her back was facing me.

I was frozen. Oh crap. She heard everything I said. I ruffled my hair and then followed her. But it’s a relief that she wasn’t even mad or annoyed at me. I quickened my pace and catch up on her so we can walk side by side.

“So, where are we going exactly?”

“Just follow me~”

Jinyoung just cutely pouted. I felt guilty of not telling her exactly where are we going but I just wanted to surprise her. Then we quietly went to the place I wanted to bring her today. She seemed like in deep thought as she hasn’t spoken a thing. I don’t want to interrupt her train of thoughts so I just kept quiet and admired her pretty face. Besides, words aren’t important as long you are in the company of the person you love the most.

“Here we are!” I excitedly stated.

She just answered me in silence and just stared at the height of the building.

“Why? Are you afraid of heights?”

She seemed in trance and that’s why I waved my hands in front of her. “Jinyoung, are you okay?”

“Ah. I’m sorry. I just… Ah, this place is nice. Let’s go?”

“Okay!” with that, I instinctively grabbed her hand and we entered the building. Thankfully, she didn’t budge but I can sense her stiffness. We took up the elevator so we could reach the top immediately. We just shared a moment of silence and when the elevator stopped and reached the destined floor, I released her hand and lead her way.

“It’s still five in the afternoon and it’s pretty early but I just want to show you the beautiful sunset and the night sky in Seoul! I know there’s nothing like this in Busan so I wanted to show you this.” I explained as we headed to the edge of the building.

She held on the railings and stared at the sky, smiling. I really don’t know why she was so quiet once we reached this place, but it doesn’t matter. What matters most is that she’s here with me. Her face glows radiantly like the sun. The calmness of the afternoon breeze moves her long brown hair in such a way that I think I was looking at an angel. The oranges and blues and whites of the sky blend perfectly like a masterpiece which complements her state-of-the-art beauty. With her, simply standing like that is such perfect. I snapped out on my thoughts as I remembered something. I won’t starve her.

“Oh, while we’re waiting, I go and buy us some food. Wait for me here, okay?” I proposed.

“Is it okay for you to go alone?” she asked, a hint of worry in her tone.

“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll be back in just few minutes”

“Take care” Jinyoung smiled at me as I turned back and exited the rooftop. My smile has faded once I entered the elevator. I don’t know but I can sense that she was hiding something from me. Her smile has a hint of sadness. And it really bothers me a lot.


Jinyoung’s POV

I was surprised when Myungsoo and I are heading a familiar road. I was about to rack my brain cells so I could remember what is it but then I was answered immediately.

“Here we are!” Myungsoo exclaimed as I saw ourselves standing in front of a tall building. Coincidentally, it was the same building where Hoya brought me last time to see the sunrise.

“Why? Are you afraid of heights?”

I heard him asked me but I can’t bring myself to answer so I kept quiet. I was still questioning the places in Seoul. Is it the only building in Seoul where you can see great panoramic view of the whole city? Why do Hoya and Myungsoo must have the same suggestion?

Then Myungsoo waved his hands in front of my face, waking me up from my trance.

 “Jinyoung, are you okay?” he sounded so worried.

“Ah. I’m sorry. I just…” I just remembered Hoya, I thought to myself but I don’t want him to know that I actually know this place before so I just lied. “Ah, this place is nice. Let’s go?”

“Okay!” He said as he grabbed my hands and we entered the building. I feel comfortable with his hand holding mine but I was becoming stiff. I know its crazy and its nonsense but somehow I felt guilty for knowing this place before him. We just shared a moment of silence and when the elevator stopped and reached the destined floor, he released my hand and led the way.

It was still the same although the sky’s different from the first time I went here.

“It’s still five in the afternoon and it’s pretty early but I just want to show you the beautiful sunset and the night sky in Seoul! I know there’s nothing like this in Busan so I wanted to show you this.” Myungsoo stated.

I smiled as we headed to the edge of the building. I held onto the railings and stared at the sky. I remembered the day when I asked Hoya about how I could know if I was in love. His words lingered inside my head.

“Well, to start off… Being in love, I don’t really exactly know how or when did I started feeling it. It’s like you’ll just feel a different feeling in ways and times you really didn’t expect to happen. You’ll feel happy and giddy and excited. You will feel everything…because love encompasses all the emotions in the earth and if you felt all these emotions you can find in a dictionary towards that same person, you’ll know it. You’re in love.”

I guess I have now a grasp of understanding what Hoya said to me that day. But then, I remembered his asking me if I have someone on my mind. But I’m not really sure about the answer yet. I wasn’t sure yet.

Myungsoo suddenly stopped my train of thoughts when he suddenly spoke up.

“Oh, while we’re waiting, I go and buy us some food. Wait for me here, okay?”

“Is it okay for you to go alone?” I asked him.

“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll be back in just few minutes”

“Take care” that’s what I just said as he vanished into my sight.

I stared again at the sky. The orange sky was starting to be engulfed with darkness. The sun was ready to set and take its rest for the long day. The stars were starting to be visible. How fast the sky could change its colours? Is it also the same for people’s feelings? Does annoyance and hatred could possibly change into love? Is Hoya right for saying that love also encompassed the feelings of hatred? I just sighed as I can’t seem to find any answers on my questions. I guess I won’t rush myself. The night is still young and so is my heart.



Author’s POV

Myungsoo returned with his heaving paper bag of soda and various junk food and couple of bread. He seemed to struggle carrying the loads of food but he managed to safely bring it back to Jinyoung.

“Here’s the food”

“Oh my! Did you just buy the whole grocery store? There’s so many for just the two of us.” Jinyoung exclaimed as she rushed to Myungsoo to help him. Myungsoo just smiled and gestured to her that he can carry those by himself. Jinyoung just chuckled.

“Sorry, I don’t know what you like so I pretty bought whatever. Sorry.”

“Coffee will do, you know?”


Jinyoung just nodded. Myungsoo smiled.

“I shouldn’t have bought all of these though”. He paused for a while. “So that’s why you regularly come to the café. You are the epitome of a coffee addict!” Myungsoo exclaimed as Jinyoung just hung open. Then Myungsoo carried on. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep that in mind.”

She just clicked her tongue as they both stood up near the railings. Myungsoo placed the paper bag on the floor as he grabbed the soda cans and gave one to Jinyoung. He also gave her sweet potato pudding while he munched on garlic flavoured crackers.

It was going pretty dark but the sun hasn’t set yet. And both of them were busy on their food and staring at the sky as they seemed to forget how to talk. Right then, Myungsoo started to talk.

 “Thanks for being here with me. I really want to show you this. I really want you to see the sunset and the night sky” Myungsoo smiled.

“Well, thank you too for bringing me here” Jinyoung smiled and sip on her soda can. “Wait, can I ask you?”

“About what?”

“Uhm. Why do you prefer sunsets and night skies?”

“Ah. Well, sunsets remind me to stop myself from worrying, telling me that my problems will be over soon, that I don’t have anything to worry about. That even the mighty sun needs to rest”. Myungsoo paused for a while and smiled. “And even though the sun stopped from providing light to every one of us, there are still the moon and the stars to light up our dark nights. So in our dark hours and loneliness, there is always a reason for us to smile and lighten up. Not to say, I’m pretty a nocturnal person.” He ended his sentence with a soft chuckle, pretty embarrassed of his words. “I can’t believe I’m saying all of these”.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep my mouth shut”. Jinyoung chuckled.

“Now you know a secret from me, would you mind if you share yours?”

“Mwo? Why should I? I didn’t even ask you to share your secret.” Jinyoung nervously drank her soda, emptying the bottle in just one shot.

“Well, you do. Remember you asked me why I prefer sunsets and night skies? That’s why I shared a secret of mine.” Myungsoo chuckled as Jinyoung’s face was flushing.

“I d-didn’t know that you’re secretive about that fact, okay? I thought its okay for everyone to know. I…I…” Jinyoung stuttered.

“I like you”

“Huh?” Jinyoung eyes were wide open.

“That’s my secret. I secretly like you.”




A/N: Kyaaaaaa~ Squeal!!!! What would be Jinyoung's reaction now? Aigoomeonina! (I just love saying that expression. Heu. Witty Hoya!)
So... That's my updates for you today! I really, really did my best to write all the chapters very long so I can make it up to you guys. I hope you like my updates and the flow of the story now. Did I seem to rush it? I hope I'm not because I have a lot of inspirations left in my sleeves, pockets, socks, etc. LMAO. I just seem to like writing now because I am just inspired. LOL. I don't know, after hearing Jung Eunji and Seo In Guk's All For You. My romantic desires are fuelled up. Have you listened to the song yet? If not, you should. Haha. It's a feel good song! Okay, I have to go now! Have a really good day my lovely readers! Comments are loved! Really, it keeps me alive!

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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe