14 Call Her Maybe?

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]


A/N: This will be told from Myungsoo’s POV and this will be a little longer. XD



“Make sure you text her! Or call her maybe!” Sungjong shouted as Jinyoung has practically dragged him out the café. I smiled to myself. I couldn’t believe that I finally have her number. Sungjong is such a nice person. But still, I worried about her. Does she hate me? If I call her, will she answer it? And if she answers it, what will I say to her?

“Yah! Kim Myungsoo!” Hoya interrupted my train of thoughts. Will you please get back on earth?” I heard Hoya shouted literally at my face. I was surprised.


“I was calling you a million times but your ears must’ve been clogged or something! We have to do double time. There are so many customers!” Hoya shook his head and gave me other trays of orders as he got back to the counter. Dongwoo, who was at the counter, was laughing at my failed expression.

“Sorry”. I sighed and get myself back to work. Some customers are laughing at me, I don’t know if they were but I don’t care. Thoughts of Jinyoung were clouding my mind and I can’t seem to focus. Time passed by so slowly and I can’t wait to go back to home and dial her number and call her.

After finishing her important paper works, Ji Hye noona went outside her room and saw us panicking with the huge number of customers lined up to have their orders. “Wow! This day is so daebak! I knew it. I am so right of naming this café Over the Top”. She came to the counter much to Hoya’s surprise.

“Oh noona! You’re here!”

She let out a small laugh. “God. Looks really could kill”.

“What do you mean noona?” Dongwoo butted in with his coffee mixer on his hands.

“Because of your good looks, all of you are dying! Here. Let me help you guys”. She gestured her hands and smiled at herself. She positioned herself on the counter and told Hoya to help Myungsoo delivering the orders. Hoya came out from the counter while Dongwoo was still immersed in his deep thoughts, processing Ji Hye noona’s compliment of us having good looks.

With that much help, our working hours finally come to its end. After we cleaned the whole café, I immediately left after we bade goodbye to each other. Hoya and Dongwoo went home together while Ji Hye noona stayed a little longer at the café to finish some works probably for tomorrow.




“You’re here! How’s the first day?”

Sungyeol asked without looking at me. He was too much focused typing on his computer on his one hand and sipping his cup of espresso on the other hand.

I threw away my bag on my bed which was on the top bunk but sat on Sungyeol’s bed and rested my head against the wall. “It’s okay, little tiring”. I sighed.


“Hm, probably later”


After that little discussion, Sungyeol and I went back to each other’s own business. My body is really exhausted and I think I can no longer move. Who says that working in the café is fun and easy? Blame the dramas. I sighed and closed my eyes. And her image appeared inside my head like an instant.

“Holy, Jinyoung!” I suddenly remembered the best thing that ever happened to me today. I have her number now and it’s time to call her. I searched at my phone’s list of recently added contact numbers and a smiled was instantly painted on my lips as I saw her name.


Han Jinyoung


Her name and her number appeared in my very eyes. My fingers wanted to push the call button but my mind’s hesitating. The other part of me says, “She’s going to reject you” while the other says, “Just give it a try. It’s your chance”.

I ruffled my hair because it was really confusing. Am I going to call her or not? Will she pick up her phone or not? I unconsciously groaned.

“Hey, Myungie, what’s wrong? Are you constipated or something?”


“You look pathetic, you know?”

I pouted. “Do I?”

Sungyeol nodded and stopped from typing. “What’s bugging you?”

“Remember the girl in the wallet I told you before?”

Sungyeol furrowed his eyebrows and gently nodded. “What’s with that?”

“I have her phone number and I don’t know if I’m going to call her or-“

“Call her”. Sungyeol cut me off with his straightforwardness.

“Huh? But I don’t know if she will-“

“She will”. He cut me off again.

“But what if she doesn’t?”

“She will. I’m telling you”.

“You sure she will?”

He nodded with a smirk forming on his lips. “I’m very sure…She will dump you!” He mocked me, laughing at his snide remarks and continued typing on his computer.

I wanted to throw him a punch but he continued on talking. “Come on. How will you know if you’re not going to try? Myungsoo, you know what? It’s the first time I saw you being like this towards a girl – Jittery and all. Is she a miracle or something? Wow. Just wow”. Sungyeol eyed me and I gave him a glare. He went back to his computer screen and laughed with himself. Is it the first time I’m being like this? Wait. What am I now anyways? Jittery? Am I jittery towards Jinyoung? Whatever it is, I have to decide now if I’m going to call her or not. I stared at my phone waiting for my fingers to do the job. aftr gathering enough courage, I decided to push the call button.


Ring ring ring


“Please don’t answer, please don’t answer”, I begged inside my head. Although I wanted her to answer, I think it’s better if she doesn’t.

“Yoboseyo?” an angel’s voice answered me.

I sighed. Just a single word coming from sends me to heaven. It’s pretty strange. I really can’t believe myself for squealing like a girl. I let out a scream covering my mouth with Sungyeol’s pillow so she can’t hear me on the other line.



A/N: Hohoho. Lucky guy Myungsoo! She answered. Ayeeeee~

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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe