17 You Saved Me

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]


A/N: I really really like this chappie! Hohoho.

So I wanted you to read it. lol XD

It's back to Jinyoung's POV



After that quote-unquote FAIL phone call...

There we are again at Professor Nam’s literature class. Situation is the same as we first met this greasy professor and his nearly-greasy fangirls, I mean my classmates. I somehow started to admire Prof. Nam’s cheerfulness when he teaches and he can really explain his lessons really well with the help from his own experiences. He was talking about some stories of love and heartbreak and how reading such stories could help us survive in life. I suddenly became interested at the lesson. Sungjong was busy doodling in his notes everything related to his cutie Hoya. I smiled seeing his love struck face. Then Myungsoo’s image popped inside my head. Why now? Why did I think about him?

I tried my hardest to focus on Prof. Nam’s lecture but every male character he’s been introducing to the class was being replaced with Myungsoo’s image in my head. Is it because of last night? Or I didn’t just have enough sleep? Is it because I couldn’t sleep at all? It’s his fault. It’s the bastard’s fault. It’s KIM MYUNGSOO’s fault!


“Who’s Kim Myungsoo?” I can see Prof. Nam walking towards my seat. “Would you like to share it to the whole class Ms. Han?”


I practically voiced out my thoughts. Shame on me. Nan babo.


“Tell us your interesting story about…what’s that name again? Ah! Kim Myungsoo. Tell us something about that character”. He showed his greasy smile which he matched through wiggling his eyebrows. All eyes were on me. And I could feel my cheeks burning. I pinned my eyes on my desk. I can’t face their fiery glares. I can’t even face Prof. Nam’s pleasant face. I gestured my hands towards Sungjong to ask for some help but it seems like he couldn’t help me either. I don’t know what to say! Eottoke? Somebody help me! S.O.S. Someone. Help. Me.


Prof. Nam turned to the guy who called him raising his right hand. Whoever you are, I owe you a lot. My eyes were still pinned in my desk since Prof. Nam hasn’t left my area yet.

“Yes?” Then he left me. Oh God. Thank you for saving me from this crucial moment of my life. Thank you for saving me from an epic embarrassment. When Prof. Nam left, I gathered enough confidence to lift my head up and searched for my saviour. It was none other than, Mr. Cute guy. Hoya. Hoya is my saviour?

“Yes? Anything you like to share with the class, Mr. Lee?” Prof. Nam asked him.

“Uh, ne~ I was going to tell the class…the story of uhm…the story of…Aha! I would like to share Secret Garden!”

“Oh~ The English story of Mary and the Secret Garden! That’s a good story! Come. Please narrate the story to us” Prof. Nam requested as he went back to his table in front of the class. Hoya bravely stood up despite of his obvious anxious face.

“No Sir! It’s Korean”. Hoya emphasized. “It’s a story of Kim Joo Won, a chaebol big time owner of a department store who exchanges soul with a stuntwoman named Gil Ra Im. Eventually, during this magical switch, they soon discover the real magic which is love”.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. is that the Korean drama starring Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won?”

Hoya shyly nodded. “It’s a good love story though, Sir”, Hoya defended.

Everyone in the class seemed to be interested in the discussion.

“But we’re talking about love stories we could found in classic novels. Remember, this is a literature class”. Prof. Nam clarified. “And you’re telling about Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won…” Prof. Nam smirked.

Hoya was in danger but he seemed ready for a way out. “Hey classmates!” he called out for our attention. “Haven’t you noticed Prof. Nam’s resemblance to Hyun Bin?”

“Huh?” Prof. Nam gave us a confused look.

“Look closely. His hairstyle, his jaw line, and his eyes…pretty much resemble the great Hyun Bin! What do you think?”

Everyone examined Prof. Nam’s features to test Hoya’s opinion and so was Prof. Nam himself. As usual, Prof. Nam’s fangirls agreed and even say that he looked better than Hyun Bin though. It was daebak! And Hoya was successful in escaping from Prof. Nam and so he sat on his chair with a smirk on his face. Meanwhile, Prof. Nam’s fangirls are suggesting him to wear Hyun Bin’s popular blue track suit one time he attends our class again.

 “Oh my God. He’s really cool!” Sungjong elbowed me and giggled.

I let out a shy smile as I saw Hoya looking towards our direction. I just smiled since I couldn’t find any words to thank him for saving me from that possible humiliation because of Myungsoo! Why does he keep on bothering me even when he’s not around? I don’t know that he has powers to still piss me off even without doing such a great effort.

Classes ended and Prof. Nam was really enjoying our class. I can see it in his eyes. Then he bade goodbye to the class through his legendary heart throwing act. The fan girls, I mean, my girl classmates swooned at his overly cute aegyo. I wonder how old he is he could still do such aegyo without failing. Anyways, I have to thank someone I remembered.

I spotted Hoya fixing his shoelace and came towards him. I could hear Sungjong called me from outside the room but I didn’t bug. I have to thank this person first.

“Uhm…” I started to speak up.

He nearly tripped when he noticed me standing in front of him.

“Oh! Jinyoung” He let out a somehow nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head. After he finished tying up his shoelace, he leaned onto his desk and spoke up again. “What’s up?”

“Uhm, I would like to thank you”.

“Huh? Thank you for what?”

“For saving me from that pitfall?” Now, this is my turn to show a nervous laugh. I can’t even imagine myself being embarrassed at the whole class because of screaming that bastard’s name.

He chuckled and bit his lip to control himself. “That’s okay. I guess it happens sometimes”.

I smiled at him. “Yeah, I guess so. Are you going to the café?”

He nodded.

“Oh I see”.

“Want to come with me?”

“Huh?” I pretended that I didn’t hear him. Come with him, it’s like walking around the campus with him, strolling towards the café with him, just the two of us. I didn’t answer him verbally and silently went with him. He opened the door for me like a total gentleman. It made me smile. Then I remembered Sungjong. I searched for him but he was nowhere in sight.

“Is there a problem?”

“Huh? Ah! No. Don’t mind me. Just keep on walking”.

“Oh, okay”.

We walked, side by side but not that near from each other. It was a very awkward and silent walk. Then I received a text from Sungjong.


Don’t seduce him or else…


I gasped and eventually laughed at the sight of this message. I replied at him immediately.


Don’t worry my princess. He’s all yours ^^


Then he replied back.


I hate you.


 I laughed even more when angry Sungjong’s image crossed my mind. Hoya notice my actions again.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Huh? No. It’s just this text message is so funny that I couldn’t stop myself from laughing”. I laughed hard but then I controlled myself and went back to normal again. “Yeah, that’s it. HAHA”.

I can’t bear to control my emotions but I must since there’s someone beside me who may think I’m going crazy so I sent Sungjong a quick emoticon reply.


Then I heard my phone beeped again. What a fast finger he has.


Oh well, I remembered. You will no longer be attracted to my Hoya because you have Myungsoo with you


“WHAT?” I practically voiced my thoughts again and this time, it really confuses Hoya. You know, I should really stop this bad habit of mine or else I will keep on placing myself in danger.  Myungsoo? Again? Oh God Sungjong. I have plenty of Myungsoo thoughts in my mind so don’t add up to that, okay? Argh.

“What’s wrong?” he asked me.

I was caught off guard. “Nothing. Ah! This spam bugs me a lot”

“Block that number from your phone!”

“I guess so”

“Oh! We’re here”

I didn’t realize that we are standing in the front patio of the café. Hoya ushered me to enter the café as he opened the door for me once again. I slightly bowed at him to thank him and he just smiled.



A/N: Hohoho. I really like you Sungjong! And oh, the Hoya-ssi to the rescue!!! Uh-oh... I guess something's going to be jelly if that person saw Jinyoung and Hoya together...Hmmm. What do you think?

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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe