This Morning

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]


Myungsoo insisted of bringing me home but I was too shy that maybe omma will see him. However he said that he just wanted to make sure that I return home safe.

“You can go now” I said with a hush tone.

“I’ll wait here until you went inside your house” he said with a smile and then he was there standing in front of the house watching me as I go inside the house. I shooed him with my both hands telling that I’m okay now and he can go home as well. He just smiled and as soon as I closed the door, I saw him walk away. I still peeked on to the door to see if he really is gone and after assuring myself that he is, I turned my back and closed the door only to see omma giving me a questioning glare. I stumbled a little bit and grasp the door handle to have myself some balance.

“Tell me Jinyoung” she started with a dead serious tone.

“I-I’m sorry omma…” I stuttered.

She’s still wearing that poker face of hers not until her lips were forming a wide smirk with her eyes widened. With just one snap, her wicked face turned brighter than ever. “What are you sorry for sweetie? Come on. Let’s take a seat on the couch and talk about your first date!” she said with that very enthusiastic tone and clapped her hands. Then she linked her arms around me and escorted me to the living room.

“Sit there and I’ll sit here. You’ll do the talking and I’ll do the listening. Go!” she commanded with an eagerly tone. She beamed at me cupping her face with her two hands. Omo. Here we go again with the aegyo.

“W-What should I say to you omma?” I fidgeted. “And, omma, it’s not a date”

She sneered. “Come on Jinyoung-ie. Don’t be shy to me. You can tell everything to me. I’m all ears. Did he do something bad to you? If yes, I’mmakick those bastard’s as well as Sunggyu’s! Tell me, tell me everything!”

“No, no, no omma! He didn’t do anything bad at me. As a matter of fact, he brought me home safely”.

“What? He brought you home? Why didn’t you let him in? I should make him dinner!”

I let out an anxious smile. “Maybe next time”

“So you are looking for next times, huh? Omo. Our Jinyoung-ie’s grown up now and she wants to date now often with Myungsoo. Omo!” Aunt Misun declared as she did some fake acting such as wiping her tears and such. I just laughed at her silliness. My Aunt seemed to never grow old.

“But tell me Jinyoung-ie, do you somehow like Myungsoo?”

I pouted. “I don’t know omma. I think I have to know him better.”

“Well, I couldn’t force you to answer for now. But it seems like Myungsoo is a nice person. And if he isn’t, I’ll make Sunggyu’s life like a living hell.” She stood up and clenched her fists tight and threw punches in the air. I just continued laughing at my cute aunt.

“Anyways, omma, where’s Sunggyu oppa?”

“Oh, you’re changing the topic now, huh?” She gazed at me and sit down to the couch again. “Well, he’s standing on your back”

“W-What?” I exclaimed as I immediately turned around to check if there’s really Sunggyu oppa who’s listening to our conversation all along.

And I found out no one.

“Got you. I was just kidding!”

“Aish!” I pouted. Then Aunt Misun laughed hard at the fail me as she grabbed me and pulled me in to tickle me hard. I was there laughing my heart out like there’s no tomorrow.

As our laughter died down, Aunt Misun spoke up with a certain tone. “Don’t force yourself to like a guy whom you just met and dated for once. Or like a guy because he’s kind and nice to you…because all guys are like that at first. You should like or eventually love a guy whom you could be comfortable with – whom your heart will choose.

“Love is not about dates, or meetings, it’s about commitment, even a lifelong commitment. I just want you Jinyoung to choose carefully whom you could trust your heart to because I don’t want you to be hurt. I don’t want to see you cry.”


“Thank you so much omma. Really. Thank you for everything. I’ll follow your advice omma”.

She warmly smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I smiled too.

“But wait omma, did Sunggyu oppa kinda hurt you throughout the years of your relationship?”

She gritted her teeth as I sense her recollecting all the memories they shared together. “I guess it happens but there’s nothing a decent communication and huge understanding couldn’t solve”.

She rolled her eyes. “And if he dares to hurt me again, I will drag him to hell!” and she laughed devilishly again.



I checked out the time on my phone placed on my chest drawer which says 05:13A.M (A/N: Well, I was writing this on my computer at the exact time. lol just sharing). I yawned a little bit trying to get some sleep but it's weird that I can’t.

I went outside my room and saw Aunt Misun preparing our breakfast this early in the morning.

“Oh good morning darling! You woke up so early! Do you have class?”

I shook my head 'no' and propped myself at the chair in front of the set table facing the back of Aunt Misun who was chpping some vegetables. “Omma, can I jog around our neighbourhood?” I suddenly asked.

“Of course it’s okay, just be careful”

“Arasseo, omma. I’ll be back soon.”

I put on my black hoodie and plug in the earphones and played my customized playlist of my favorite K-Pop songs at this moment

The cold morning breeze was perfectly right. Not that cold enough to freeze my body and not that hot enough to make me perspire liters of sweat. My plan was to run around the neighborhood like a pro-athlete but it doesn't work out as I admire the serenity of the community. The sun was just starting to rise. The dew drops glistening like stars in the night. Everything feels so perfect, like they were all suited to be in their place and they all fit perfectly like a priceless artwork. I also saw other people of different age range jog like me, some were alone, or with someone else beside them, or with their house dogs. I saw wives send their husbands off to work with a sweet goodbye kiss. I could remember my parents do that when they were still living. Mom would always wake up early so that she could cook and prepare my dad the most delicious and artistic 'doshirak' (tr. boxed lunch) ever made by a woman like her. 

I sat on the nearby bench to have myself a little rest. It's been quite a while since I jog in the morning. Normally, I did this when I have to think hard or if something's bothering me so much. And yes, something's really bothering me for quite some time now.





“I knew it was you”


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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe