22 Art Project

Falling In and Out of Love [HIATUS]


The best way to cope with stress is to indulge yourself with the activities you enjoy the most. And what I meant is involving myself back again to art. These past few days were really stressing me. As far as I know, this was the only moment in my life that I have been stressing myself with just by thinking about a certain person whom I don’t even know why.

I sat on my usual seat only to find Myungsoo who is now present on our class. Myungsoo greeted me with an awkward “hi” and I only answered him with a more awkward “hello”. And crap, I can sense this awkward aura forming between the two of us. I just sighed restrained myself from looking at him and just focus on the lecture. Professor Kang’s voice filled the room as the class became very silent when he announced our very first project for the semester.

“So the first week of the semester ends today and so I will give you now your first project. But first of all, you must find a partner” he announced.

Every student easily found their partners except I guess, us, the two lonely people in the world.

“Does everybody found their partners?”

We shook our heads in sync and awkwardly looked at each other. I don’t want him to be my partner because this will only means a lot more awkward moments aside from this. I think there are still who hasn’t found their partner yet so I eyed my other classmates but it seemed like they have their partners.

“It will be easy if you choose the one who is sitting beside you” Prof. Kang suggested.

Since I was sitting at the corner there is no other choice left for me, well aside from choosing the wall, but to choose Myungsoo who is staring at me once in a while. 

“Is it okay?” Myungsoo asked me.

I looked at Prof. Kang who is gesturing that I have no choice but to be partnered with this person beside me. I sighed and looked back to Myungsoo, nodding.

“Then it’s settled. So everyone has a partner now right? What you have to do now is to present to the class anything hand-made which represents the two of you. Then you have to explain to the class why did you come across to that art form. You have to be creative in the best way you can.”

Best represents the two of us? What should it be?

“When will be the deadline?” a student asked.

“Oh. Yes, the deadline. Probably one month starting from now. I don’t want your works to appear like you just rushed it just to finish and beat the deadline. I want you to put your hearts into it and I want you guys to know each other well. Besides, this project is for pairs. So, do you have any questions?”

The class shook their heads which mean everything is settled. Prof. Kang left the room and told us to use the remaining class time to talk to each other and plan out their project.

“That was one weird project”, Myungsoo muttered to himself but I somehow heard it.

“It’s not weird at all”. What’s weird is that I have to be partnered with you. From all of the people in the class, why it has to be you? Prof. Kang should have assigned us partners through draw-lots or through his class records or through whatever possible means just so I couldn’t ended up with him.

 “So, what are we going to do now?”

Myungsoo let out an awkward smile while he stared at me and I was caught off guard. “Huh?”

“What are our plans?”

“I don’t know”. I shortly answered.

Myungsoo pursed his lips and immersed himself in his own thoughts. I just doodled onto my notes without uttering another word. How could we work this project out if we continue like this – if I continue on being like this?

“I think we have to know each other first” Myungsoo proposed.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“If we knew each other well then we could come up into something great that will best represent the two of us…which is basically our project”. Myungsoo explained. “Prof. Kang said earlier that we have to come out into something handmade which best represents us and if we do not know each other well…”

“Yes, yes, I get your point now” I said interrupting him.

Myungsoo moved his eyebrows up and smiled timidly as he took a deep breath. Now it’s my turn to think deeply. I put my pen down and stopped doodling as I stared at Myungsoo.

“Okay. But how will we do that?” although I know the answer to my stupid question, I just want to know how will he do that?

“I guess we should start on asking…basic questions?”

“Basic questions? Like what?” God. I can hit my head for asking questions with obvious answers I knew.

“Uhm, like we’re going to answer a biography. Name, address, favorite colours, food, everything”

I gently bobbed my head agreeing to Myungsoo’s words.

“I guess the basic question includes our schedules, right?” it’s the basic and it’s a must. Since we’re going to spend like a month onto this art project, it will be better if we knew each other whereabouts so we could easily communicate and plan things out.

“Yup. I also think so. We can meet after my work, I guess. Or if you can’t wait for me, I can go to your house instead”.

“You mean my house?”

Myungsoo will go to our house? Myungsoo gave me this “is-it-okay” look and I have nothing to do but to nod but still with the uneasiness obviously marked on my face. I eventually gave him our home address. After that chat, we both went into their separate ways as Myungsoo head to the café while I went to the library.

After what seems forever, I finished up my research at the library on the possible art models we can use for our art class project. I also made sure that I studied Prof. Nam’s lessons and did my home works just in case he’ll call me to recite again in class. I couldn’t bear any embarrassing moments anymore. I grabbed the books I borrowed and put it inside my bag. It’s weird because I haven’t seen Sungjong today and he doesn’t even text me. What on earth happened to him? I wondered where he is and so I sent him a text message.


Hey Jjongie, I haven’t seen you for a while. Are you okay? Are you busy? Take care. ^^


I waited for him to reply but I received nothing. Before leaving the library, I took one last look to my phone but it was still without Sungjong’s reply. Then I heard my phone beeped.


See you later Jinyoung. -Myungsoo

Wait. He’s going today? It’s so sudden. We can just talk after his work and all because it’s not a big deal but he wants to go to our house today.

I sent him a message to clarify things.


You mean you’re going to our house later?




That text message lingered inside my head as I keep on wondering whether he was serious or not about it. “I’m home!” I exclaimed as I put my shoes into the rack and wear my cute beige cat-designed slippers. I almost trip myself with the huge pair of black shoes beside Aunt Misun’s – blame my floating mind.


I almost trip again from hearing that overly cheerful voice coming from the living room. Mr. Sunggyu who got up from slouching at the sofa and watching baseball game while munching chips greeted me.

“Oh, anyeonghaseyo Sunggyu oppa”. I bowed at him and greeted him with a smile as looked for Aunt Misun. He wanted me to call him “daddy” but it’s very awkward (more awkward than calling your aunt “mommy”) for me to call him like that so I ended up calling him “oppa”. Anyways, Mr. Sunggyu pointed his index finger to the kitchen where Aunt Misun who was busy preparing snacks. I nodded to acknowledge him and gestured that I’ll be entering my room. He nodded and went back to face the TV screen. I heard Aunt Misun asked Mr. Sunggyu about me but I went on inside.

I exhaled a long “HA” to relieve my stress. I threw my aching body into the bed and sighed. I closed my eyes thinking about the stressful day today – about Sungjong’s whereabouts, about Hoya’s sudden gentleman-ish manners, and about Myungsoo, the text message and the art project. And I didn’t notice that I drifted myself into a peaceful slumber. 

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Updated the Chapter 44 ^^


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Chapter 45: I hope you update soon!
Nicole_kissme #2
Update soon~
Noooo don't delete :)
I like the couple name 'Myungjin' it's cute! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
hehe Songjong^^ so cute he left MyungSoo and JinYoung alone^^
aww Hoya so cute of him to help JinYoung's Mom^^ haha her Mom is just like every other Mom's telling theire childrens little secrets^^

And MyungSoo haha yes JinYoung has only you in her minde <3^^

love your chapter <3
shiro123 #6
omo!! Hoya!! next chappie please ^^ update soon unnie :)
yay JinYoung choose Myungsoo yay even if I really love Hoya but I want her to be with Myungsoo^^
Cute chapter^^

Once again you did a really great job author-nim d(^-^)b

Thank you for your upload and I hope you'll update soon again ^^
JingCuteTurtle #8
i thought jinyoung would choose hoya!!
everyday i check ur update sweety..
keep writing..
looking forward next chapter^^
shiro123 #9
Aigoo!!! Update unnie!!! <33 Loving the story ^^ hehe