Promise? -Changmin (DBSK)

Cute Oneshot scenes
Hey everyone! I have a lot of applicants XD after this story I'll have about 5 or 6 more to I might be going on Hiatus for like 2 days so I can catch up and then like Thursday I should be back up! Thanks for subscribing and applying everyone!!!! I apreciate it and this all really fun XD sorry I've been delaying my writing by asking you all questions. I fxed my application to make it a bit easier for everyone who was confused as to how to fill it out! ALSO you CAN apply again if you raelly liked your one-shot that much hahah. I advise you to pick a different person though...or I guess a sequal? Idk up to you!!!
Lee Joanna x Changmin 
     -------DREAM----JOANNA'S POV-----------------------
     As he finished singing, he looked up at me.
     'So do you think I'll be famous one day?' He asked me. I nodded and patted his shoulder.
     'Isn't it obvious? Changmin you're amazing!' I replied, my words sincere. I loved Changmin, and as much as I cheered him on for going after his dream...part of me still screamed for him to stay with me. He pulled me into a tight friendly hug, and his rich laughter filled my ears.  
     'Joanna~ you're too good to me. Promise me you'll be mmy number one fan? I'll contact you all the time too.' He pulled back and smiled.    
     'Of course! We'll be best friends forever. Through thick and thin, be it good or bad publicity.' I laughed, and he smiled as he held up his pinky.    
     'Promise?' He raised an eyebrow.
     'Promise.' I answered, linking my pinky with his. I wished it could stay like this forever.
     -----------END OF DREAM-----------------
     I opened my eyes after my usual dream. I sat up and sighed seeing that it was still night time. I picked up my phone from my bed side table and stared at it.
     "He should be awake, right?" I asked out loud. As an idol, he would have a schedule that ran into the night normally. I decided to test my luck as I dialed his number.
     Changmin becasme a trainee two years ago. We were friends before though, so don't think I'm some crazy fan. Changmin used to be my neighbor in this small town. We grew up together and were best friends ever since. After Changmin left to be come a trainee, and eventually a member in DBSK, our contact was basically....cut. Now don't get me wrong, I know hes busy and he would call me every once and a while.....but other than that he would never answer his phone when I called or texted.
     "Hello? Joanna? You there? Well looks like she dialed me....." I jumped as I realized I zoned off while CALLING Changmin!
     "No! NO! Changmin don't hang up!" I yelled, later regretting that because I'd probably disturb my nbeighbors.
     "Why'd you call?" He asked me, and now that I thought about it....I didn't quite lknow my self. 'I wanted to hear your voice' now of course I can't say that.
     "Why? Ummm because I missed you Changmin. I had a dream about you, too." I laughed awkwardly, his voice seemed distant. I shouldn't have called! Stupid, he's probably in the middle of a show recording.
     "Oh is that so? Thanks I guess.... listen, I'll call you another time okay? I'm in the middle of recording and getting ready for my concert in a few days." He said, and I nodded even though he wouldn't see.
     "I understand, bye, I miss you." I replied.
     "Bye Joanna, and Joanna?" I smiled as he said my name with care.
     "I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep my promise."
     "Its fine Changmin, you're busy." With that I hung up, and tried to go back to sleep...
     --------Changmin's P.O.V--------------------
     "Its fine Changmin, you're busy." She hung up, and I stood there and kept the phone to my ear. I pretended she was still on the phone, I smiled as I said the words I could never say to her. The words I wish I could.
     "Bye hon, I love you~" I hung up my phone, as I ran back onto the set to finish up the rest of my scheduale.
     -------------The Day Before The Concert----------------------
     I woke up in DBSK's dorm, and sat at the table as I ate my breakfast. Junsu walked into the room and frowned.
     "Hyung, you aren't thinking about Joanna again are you? What did she call you again?" He asked me. I looked up at him and nodded. "Hyung! Just meet up with her. Its been what? Two years? You never answer her texts or calls either. If you really love her you wouldn't keep her in teh dark! She'll hate you for that." I said nothing and stared at my cereal.
     "Junsu...aish I don't know what to do. I get happy when I read her texts, see how many calls I missed...but I feel like shes forgetting me. Its hard to meet a girl you know without getting caught by the cameras or fans." He stared at me like I was sick or something. "WHAT!" I asked, causing him to roll his eyes.
     "Changmin, you like her right?"
     "I love her."
     "Exactly, so If you really do love her you shouldn't care about stupid publicity! THe fans will understand if you handle this situation with care." He smiled and patted my shoulder. "You'll think of something. You always do~" He said as he walked away. I sighed and set my spoon down.
     " can I tell you?" I whispered, and took out my phone. I couldn't meet with her since I had a concert. Wow Changmin, you're always thinking up excuses! Wait- CONCERT! THATS IT! I opened my phone and called my managaer.
     "Hyung! Can I get a ticket ot our concert? No of course not for me! Yeah its for my gir- someone special." I frowned, hopefully if she would come to the concert I could finally tell her my fielings....even if it was infront of all my fans.
      I eventually was able to get one ticket ot our show tomorrow night. I drove to my old neighborhood to give it to Joanna in person...but OF COURSE she wasn't there. I left it in her mailbox and drove off.
     "You better come Joanna Lee! Or you're dead meat." I smirked to myself.
     -----------Joanna's POV----------------
     When I got home I saw a real nice car leaving my apartment building.
     "Wow, was there a meeting going on or something nearbye?" I shook it off and walked into my house after picking up my mail. I saw there was a letter with 'JOANNA' written on it. I opened it up to find a letter and a ticket to a concert. The letter said:
     'Dear Joanna,
         I know I haven't been able to actually talk...or SEE you in forever. I really want to talk to you, because I miss you so much. You haven't forgotten your best friend right? I want to keep our promise even though I've failed to for the past 2 years. Come to my conert tonight. I'll be singing to you and only you. I miss you so much Joanna, I just want to hug you and see you're beautiful smile
     -sorry that probably is creepy for a friend to say...but there is something I have to tell you....SO YOU BETTER COME OR YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE!-
                                                                                                                           -Changmin <3'
     I stared at the letter, which caused me to laugh out loud(LOL). He was still the same Changmin, but I couldn't get over something he wrote. What did he want to tell me? Why was it important enough to buy me an expensive ticket.....I looked at the ticket. FRONT ROW! WHAT?!?! Oh Changmin, you'll never learn how to use your money wisely will you. I laughed and went to pick out an outfit for tomorrow night.
     ------------------------------AT THE CONCERT CHANGMIN'S POV---------------------
     I prayed that Joanna would come tonight. If she didn't....I don't know what I would do. I looked at myself in the mirror.
     "Get a hold of yourself Changmin! This is the night where you confess to the girl you've loved all your life!" I grinned at myself.
     "Changmin stop talking to yourself and lets go!" Yunho yelled from the door way. I blushed at turned to follow him. As we got up on stage the fans cheered. I was oblivious though, because my heart and eyes were only searching for one woman.
     "Joanna where are you...." I whispered, thankful that my mic wasn't on yet. I scanned the ground floor, and then I saw her. She was as beautiful as she was 2 years ago. Her hair had grown, and she was a woman now. She looked up right as I found her, and our eyes locked. Her eyes widened and she gave me a that felt like she was just seeing me for the millionth time that day. Her smile was like I had never left, or broken our promise. I was going to wave, but one of the other members nudged me to get into position. I sighed and turned to get into my spot. As the music started I thought:
     'Watch me tonight Joanna, and after this is over...please oh please accept my confession' I smiled and began my performance.
     After the concert was over, the fanmeeting began. I sat behind a table as I smiled and signed albums the fans brought. I recieved many gifts....which I'd focus on later, but right now I was distracted. Where was she? Did she leave early without saying hi to me? I searched for her but there were to many fans.
     Finally the fan meeting was ending and the last of the fans came and left. We stood to get ready to go, but I stood behind the table waiting while the others cleaned up their gifts.
     "Changmin...she's not coming. Lets go home." Xiah said to me. I frowned and nodded. I leaned down to pick up my gifts when I heared the doors open. I looked up and there she was. Her hair was messed up from running, and she starred back at me with wide eyes as she breathed heavily.
     "J-joanna....." I walked out from behind the table, and she ran up to me and jumped in to my awaiting arms. I hugged her as if it was the thing I would ever do. She kissed my cheek and looked at me.
     "How could you put me through hell the past two years Changmin!" She teared up and hit my chest. I frowned and took her into another hug.
     "Joanna, I'm so sorry. I was afraid to meet make the press go after you....I'm sorry I shouldn't of cared about them." I looked up to see the other members giving me thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and pulled back from the hug. Joanna looked up at me with wet eyes. I took a deep breath. "Joanna...theres something I have to tell you." She nodded. I looked up at the other members, who stared on with anticipation. I motioned for them to leave the room and they embarresingly nodded and exited the room. I looked back at Joanna. "Joanna I....ever since I met you.....I've...."
     "Just say it already!"
     "Joanna I love you. I love you so much ever since the first day I met you. I never wanted to reply to your calls or texts because I was afraid of what you would say...that you moved on and forgot about me...that..." the words flowed out, and she just stared on. "I felt like I didn't know hwo to tell you this...I couldn't think of anyway to confess I-"
     "Didn't you ever think of just confessing this way?!?" I stopped and she pulled me down to her and kissed me with passion. My eyes widened as she kissed me. Did me too? She pulled away and smiled.
     "Changmin you're really an idiot aren't you? I've loved you forever! Do you think I'd call you all the time if I didn't?" She said. I laughed and kissed her.
     "Who cares! I'm to happy to think of the past. Joanna lets start over." I said. She nodded.
     "This time you ohave to call me, seeing I'm you're girlfriend." She laughed. "We'll be together forever Changmin." She smiled, and I held up my pinky.
     "Promise?" I raised an eyebrow.
     "Promise~" She said as she linked her pinky with mine.
ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD Sorry if it seemed rushed or if you didn't like it! I wrote this as I was going to bed so I had to end it quicker than i wanted. I'm going to school tomorrow so this week will be slower than I wish. I'll try to get the other pone-shots in...but I think Im going to have to go on hiatus soon while I finish them up. Then during break I'll start them again.
THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD