The Perfect Boyfriend- Junhyung

Cute Oneshot scenes

Hey everyone! Wow I'm surprised how much good feed back/appliers/subscribers/coments/2ndappliers I'm gettin ghahah THANKS EVERYONE!! I'm trying to write 2 one-shots  a day, schedule lets see how that goes haha.

Lee Hana x Yong Junhyung


     -------------JUNHYUNG POV------------------------------------

     It was night time, and I just finished taking one of my many college exams. It was already hard to study for college exams, but I had an even greater problem than exams. You se, I have a girlfriend. She's a senior in highschool, so we rarely see eachother. She's teh best thing thats ever happen to me though, so even seeing her just once or twice a week is fine! My girlfriend is the shy quiet type, and when she gets emotional its just adorable! I laughed quietly at how lovey-dovey I was being, but I had to laugh quietly so I wouldn't wake Doojoon, my roomate.

     "Lee Hana, are you sleeping yet? Did you eat yet? Do you miss me?" I questioned the picture of Hana on my desk. It almost was our one year anniversary, so I was planning on doing something for her. The only thing was, was that Hana was so quiet that she wouldn't tell me what she wanted- no, it was more like she forgot about it. I sighed, and picked up the picture of her and kissed it. "I miss you, love." I whispered. My phone buzzed then, and I quickly answered it and got excited when I saw the caller idea displaying Hana's number.

      "Junhyung?" I smiled hearing her voice. I hadn't talked to her on the phone for days...and I haven't seen her since way longer than that.

      "Whats this? Shouldn't you be in bed missy? Its almost 12." I asked carinly. She giggled, which was music to my ears.

No matter how 'bad ' I acted, it all flipped 180 degrees when Hana was involved. Just asked my annoyed (*cough*single) friends.

     "I could say the same for you Junhyung! If you were just taking an exam a bit ago, shouldn't you be passed out by now? I bet Doojoon is." She giggled, and I eventually follwed with my loud laughter. I looked at teh picture of her I still held in my hands.

     "Well I miss you too much to sleep~" I confessed.

     "I missed you too, hon." I sighed, wishing she could just be here next to me. I wished she could be so close that I could kiss her right now.

     "Hana, do you realize what just talking to you is doing to me?" I chuckled, "I can't sleep because Im thinking of you!"

     "Well then just do think of me!" Well thats harder than it sounds, "Just hang up and go to bed. We'll see eachother on Friday." she said.

     "No, how about you just hang up?" I smirked.

     "Ha, no you! I insist!"

     "Well ladies"

     "Exactly, Junhyung, you go!" I laughed

     "Fine, fine. Just go to sleep, you need your beauty sleep, love. Have sweet dreams about me okay? I love you~" I whispered as she laughed and hung up. I laid down the picture and my phone back onto my desk. "Friday! I can't wait!" I semi-yelled, earning a sleepy 'shut up' from Doojoon.

     ----------FRIDAY----HANA'S POV---------------------------------

     It was finally Friday, and I couldn't wait to see Junhyung. Junhyung was my boyfriend for almost a year! Despite him acting like a bad all the time, when he was with me he was his true self. He was the kind, silly, adorable guy I loved. As the bell rang ending the school day, I quickly went to my locker, and out the front doors of the school. I began my walk to the cafe near my school, which was where Junhyung wanted me to meet up with him. Because of my hectic exam weeks, I haven't been able to meet up with Junhyung when he was free. It killed me inside, but at least he could focus on his studies? I felt happy that I was going to meet him, because for some reason today felt...special. As I walked to the cafe, memorable moments of my relationship with Junhyung played in my mind. I remember the first day we met too. It was exactly a year we met a couple days ago, and even THAT I wasn't able to celebrate with him. It was okay thouhg, because he probably forgot. I remember that day though, it was at the nearby hospital. My older brother KiKwang was sick again, and one day I went to take care of him. When I stepped into his room, I saw Junhyung and Kikwang's other friends. The others were all sitting around chilling, but Junhyung was running around doing every task my brother gave him. I watched as he helped my brother out, and the feelings I had on that day were returning as I remembered that scene.


     I opened the door to a loud and roudy room. Looks like Kikwang had other visitors? I thought as I stepped into the doorway. I looked around too see a few boys chilling on a couch talking and reading...but one other person was busily helping out Kikwang with his food and cleaning the room. Kikwang looked up as I entered and smiled.

     "Hana! I've been waiting for you! Poor Oppa had to make Junhyung here do all of your work!"  Kikwang gave a fake frown. I laughed.

     "Is that so?" I said, causing the others who probably didn't know I was there, look up. I didn't care about them though, because I was captured by the eyes of one person. The boy supposidly named Junhyung looked up at me as he fixed my brother's pillow. He gave the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. All of a sudden I felt warm and butterflies filled my stomach. He walked over to me and held out his hand.

     "Don't worry, I took good care of him Miss Hana! Hi I'm Yong Junhyung, Kikwang's friend." He said with a grin as I slowly nodded and shook his hand. His hand was warm and bigger than mine, and I felt safe as I looked at him and shook his hand.

     "Hana...Lee Hana..." I blushed. He let go of my hand and pointed to Kikwang.

     "This guy normally boss you around? He's been giving me so much work! Ha" He laughed, showing me a sweet eye smile. I laughed too and nodded.

     "He's normally like that!" Junhyun nodded and walked back to Kikwang and patted his head.

     "Kikwang don't make your sweet sister work so much, now! Shes a lady not a slave!" He said as he picked up his bag. See him, the other boys followed suit.

     "You're leaving?" I asked him as the other boys said their goodbyes and left. Junhyung nodded.

     "Got to go study for exams!" He made a gag sound, causing me to laugh. He smiled and patted my shoulder. I blushed lightly. "Listen Hana, if this guy here pushes you too know who to come to." He winked and pointed to himself. I nodded shyly as he smiled and walked past me. I heard the door close, but I didn't turn around. I stood frozen, trying to figure out the feeling I had.

     "He's single you know." Kikwang spoke up, causing me to snap out of my trance. I waved my hands.

     "What? N-no I wasn't thinkign that!" I said. Kikwang nodded and rolled his eyes.

      "Whatever, just get him before someone else does. I totally approve of him, just not any of the other guys." He smirked and went back to the magazine he had in his hands now. I frowned, but then smiled at what he had said.

      Single? Well maybe I'll look into this Yong Junhyung guy.

      ----------------END OF FLASHBACK------------------------------------------------

      I smiled to myself as I remembered that life changing moment. I finally reached the cafe where I was supposed to meet Junhyung, and as I opened the door...he was sitting in his usual seat and waving at me with a huge smile. I laughed and waved as I walked over.

      "Hello, beautiful." He said, smiling like the time I first laid my eyes on him. I felt my self blush. "You okay Hana? You're face is red." He asked, giving me a quizzical look.

      "What? Oh no...hehe I'm just thinking about how sweet you are." I said as I sat down across from him.

      "Sweet? Well thanks! Ha, well I'm sorry we couldn't meet on our 'first meeting' anniversary." I stopped and starred at him. He remembered? How sweet, I laughed.

     "You remembered?" I asked him, earning a nod like it was obvious.

     "I'm a good boyfriend, you know. I remember all of the important details in our relationship." He told me, as he took out a small box with a bow on it. I looked from the box to him.

      "Whats this...."

      "I thought you'd forget, so don't worry I'm not mad. Happy one year anniversary Hana!" He gave me a goofy smile as he slid the box over to my side of the table. "You probably forgot about it because of I'm going to let it slide this time." He stated.

      "I'm sorry..."

      "Its okay! I'm the one who feels bad because I didn't ask you wanted." He frowned, angry with himself. I felt horrible! How could I forget? I sadly returned a frown.

      "Junhyung you kidding me? I don't care if you got me anything or not! You remembered!" I smiled at him, and slid the box back to his side, but was stopped half way by Junhyung. He lay his big hands onto mine so I couldn't move the box. He shook his head andslid the box back to me.

     "Hana, I love you. I'd shower you with gifts every day if I had the money! So at least take a gift for our one year anniversary!" I sighed but nodded and picked up the box. I slowly opened it, and was surprised at what I found.

     "Junhyun.....nothings in here?" I said, but he just nodded like a little kid who was keeping a secret.

     "Thats because my present to you can't fit in a box. I Yong Junhyung am taking my girlfriend out for a full day of fun. Thats my present to you~" He announced. I laughed and felt so happy. He really knew how to give me a present that was more meaningful than something like jewerly.

     "Thats perfect Junhyung, I mean it." I said. "And I'm going to give you...." I tapped my chin as I htought of an idea.

     "You're present to me is nothing more than just spending the day with me. I don't want you to waste money. I want you to focus on  exams." He stated. I shrugged.

      "Well if you say so." I laughed and he nodded. A waiter came over to us holding a giant sundae. I looked up at him with a confused expression.

      "Mr. Yong, here is the sundae you ordered." The waiter said as he placed it down infron of Junhyung. It had one candle on it. Junhyung thanked the waiter and looked at me.

     "Happy anniversary Hana." He said as he slid the ice cream sundae toward me. I felt like crying! He was being so nice to me even though I had forgot such an important day. 'Junhyung you're just too good to me. What did I do to deserve such a nice guy like you?' I thought as I fed him a spoonful of ice cream.

     "I love Junhyung. So much." I smiled at him.

     "I love you too, Hana. Thanks for making this year the best one so far." He said, warming my heart. He leaned over the table and kissed me. His lips tasting as sweet as his personality, and as sweet as his love for me.



Thanks for applying Anshiiya!! I appreciate it. Also thanks to my applyers readers and subscribers!


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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD