Valentines Day-Doojoon (Not a Sequel)

Cute Oneshot scenes

Okay so here is the next one-shot I have to do! I'm trying to get all of these done before I have school so expect fast uploads XD I might be taking a short break after I catch up because mid-terms will be coming up soon! * sigh * Also I got an application as I closed up my one-shots so I'll probably write that too...and this other one-shot I received. Well they will just be the first ones after I open...I DONT KNOW LOL okay so here is the next one-shot and I hope you like it!! This was a surprise gift by JustWinter, and its for Kim Rinnie!! I hope you like it Kim Rinnie!!!

Kim Rinnie x Yoon Doojoon

The teacher droned on about how math was used everywhere, and at anytime. I didn't pay him any attention. Instead I just zoned out as I watched Doojoon and his best friend Yoseob on the other side of the room.

“Rinnie, pssst, Rinnie!” My friend Hae Ri whispered in my ear. I jumped slightly, and looked at her. She pointed to the teacher who starred at me.

“Y-yes, Mr. Kim?” I asked, feeling my face grow hotter as I noticed everyone was starring at me.

“I asked if you could tell me an example of where math is used in the real world?” He crossed his arms, already knowing that I hadn't listened to his little spiel. My eyes cut to Doojoon- oh my god he is looking- I looked back at Mr. Kim.

“Y-yeah of course! Math is love. Love is like an equation, one without an answer...but everyone tries to figure it out by using different mathematical ways.” I smiled proudly at myself, and Mr. Kim nodded approvingly.

“Well done, okay children that is all for today. The bell for lunch is going to ring soon.” I sat back in my seat and let out a sigh. Thank goodness, if anyone knew that I wasn't listening because I was-

“You were starring at him again!” Hae Ri said as she slapped my arm. I gasped and held my arm as I looked at her like she was crazy.


“Rinnie, why don't you just ask Doojoon out if you like him so much?”

“What! NO I can't do that.” We loudly whispered back and forth, but no one was paying attention to us.

“Um, you sure can! Its the 21st century, Rinnie! Get with it!” Hae Ri frowned and crossed her arms. “If you don't do it you'll lose your chance.” That made me frown. I slumped in my chair and looked over at Doojoon, who was laughing with his friends. I wanted to do as Hae Ri said, but...

“What chance? He's too popular, and I'm normal. Plus he likes someone already.” Hae Ri sighed and pet my hair.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know that! Who is she? Want me to break her arm?” She gave an evil grin, and I just shook my she could get scary

“I don't know exactly who..but I heard shes in our class.” I looked around to see all the most popular pretty girls in my class. Which one do you like Doojoon? How can I change to be like them, so that you would like me as well?

“Well lets go, the bells going to ring. We can figure this out at lunch.” I nodded, and the two of us stood up right as the bell rung. All the kids filed out, and we were the last to leave. I smiled though, because I was able to walk out of the class behind Doojoon. “Sorry~” Hae Ri whispered to me, I was about to turn to ask her why she was sorry...but I couldn't. Hae Ri pushed me into the back of Doojoon! I froze as he stumble forward a bit, and looked back to see a sprawled out on the floor me. I blushed and sat up on my knees. Why did my bag have to open too! Hae Ri you'll regret this!

“I'm sorry, are you okay?!” Doojoon asked as he knelled down to my eye height. I looked him in the eye, blushing the whole time, and shook my head.

“You didn't do i-”

“Rinnie, calm down. Its fine. Here~” He reassured me as he handed me my books that fell. I smiled and thanked him as I took the books. Our hands brushed when I grabbed the books, causing me to blush. I stood up quickly, and Doojoon laughed.

“Thanks Doojoon.” I smiled at him as I threw my bag over my shoulder. Doojoon smiled back, but then it faded and he looked around. “What?” I asked him.

“Where did everyone go?” He asked out loud. Hey thats right...I turned around to see Hae Ri wasn't there, actually NO one was in the halls. I laughed awkwardly and turned back to Doojoon.

“I guess you're the only nice person to stay and help me.” I laughed, causing Doojoon to smile.

“I guess so, but Im fine with that. Come one, lets go to lunch. Don't want to miss it right?” He said, and I nodded. We walked down the hall side-by-side....and let me just say it was the best day of my life.

“Hey Ronnie,” He began. I looked up at him. “Do you like anyone in our grade? Well school?” He looked at me, and quickly looked away when we made eye contact. As we walked into the cafeteria, many eyes were on us. I blushed and smiled at him.

“Yeah, but its just a one-sided thing. He'll never look at me the same way.” I gave him a sad smile, and then turned to go sit with my friends.

-----------------------Doojoon's POV---------------------

I watched her walk over to where her friends sat. She did like someone? I sighed and walked over to my table. If she liked some one...then that just hurt my chances even more.

“How did it go?” Yoseob asked me. “I made sure to clear out the hall way! You better have made a move.” I sighed, and looked down at my food that Yoseob already bought me. What a friend.

“She...likes someone.” That shut Yoseob up, as well as my other friend Kikwang. They knew that I liked Rinnie for a year now, and knowing this made them sad as well.

“That's just not cool. Don't worry, she'd pick you over him I bet.” Kikwang reassured me, or at least tried to. I turned around to look at her from across the room. She looked distressed earlier in Math when I looked at her, but now she was all happy. Did I really have a chance?

For a second, I swear she looked up and looked me in the ye. I smiled, hoping she was, but I frowned when she quickly looked down. I felt like I had no chance now....I was going to have to tell her soon...

“Valentines day!” Yoseob yelled, causing a few people to stare at him, including me.

“What do you mean?” Kikwang asked him.

“You'll tell her you love her on VALENTINES DAY! Not only will it be romantic, but she'll be able to accept your feelings BECAUSE its so romantic.” Yoseob whispered from across the table. Valentine's day, huh? That was only in a few days...could I do it?

----------------------VALENTINES DAY RINNIE'S POV-----------------------------

It was the most romantic time of the year, and I had to sit through school watching all the cute little couples kiss and stuff. Wow, I never knew being single could be this bad. Especially when I'm in love, but I can't share it. The day was about o end though, and as the school dismissal bell rung, I got up and walked to my locker happily with Hae Ri.

“I'll see you later, okay? I'm leaving to go on my date with that boy from science!” She said as she waved and bounced away happily. Even Hae Ri had someone to spend time with on Valentine's day.

I closed my locker, and when I turned to leave I jumped seeing Doojoon leaning against the lockers a bit down. He was only a few feet away from me...and once again we were alone in the hallway.

“Hey.” I smiled at him, not knowing exactly what else to do. Doojoon nodded, and walked up to me.

“, I was wondering if you would want to talk?” I was surprised, but nodded and followed him to my favorite classroom. It was the garden clubroom, so it was filled with pretty plants and flowers. “You like it?” I smiled and nodded. Doojoon nodded back and walked over to a rose bush. He picked off one and handed it to me.

“Happy Valentine's Day, Rinnie. I figured since you said you had a one-sided crush, I could help you out.” I sat up straight at that part. He remembered? It had been over a week since the hallway moment we had. I smiled and looked at the rose.

“Thanks, Doojoon.” When I looked up he was looking at me. He blushed and sat down across from me. I laughed, so cute.

“Rinnine....I was wondering, about your crush.”


“Do I know him? Is it Yoseob, Kikwang?” I laughed, and shook my head. You're so close Doojoon, but its not like it would matter to you anyway if you found out the truth.

“Oh...okay good.” Good? “So, who is he?” I thought about a way to mess with him...

“He is the type of guy that I find myself staring at during class, the guy who makes me laugh and smile. The kind guy who will help me when no one else does.” I trailed off thinking about all the cute times I've had when I thought of Doojoon. He nodded, and looked away.

“You probably already know I have a crush. Everyone seems to know.” He sighed, it must be hard being popular.

“Do I know here? What type of girl is she, Doojoon?” I twirled the rose in my hand and tilted my head. Doojoon went quiet, but he turned and looked me in the eyes.

“The type of girl who isn't like the popular girls. Shes the girl...that I find myself looking at in class, the girl who I find myself looking at during lunch, and the girl I purposely walk near just so I can help her in case something happened.” I blushed slightly. Wow he must really like her.

“How about we both tell each other who we like?” Doojoon spoke up after a minute of silence.

“What? But I um....”

“Promise me you'll do it. We each other.” I sighed. Might as well get it out.

“Doojoon...I....I like-”

“You.” My eyes snapped up and I starred at him.

“I'm sorry, what?”

“I like you, Rinnie. Even if you don't like me...I want you to know.” My heart began to speed up. No one ever liked me before.....and oh. My. was Doojoon telling me. I blushed and covered my face. Doojoon's eyes widened. “I- I'm sorry did I say something wrong? I knew I shouldn't have told you! Its all Yoseobs fault! Gahh-”

“No...its fine.” He looked at me, confused. I smiled and laughed.

“I always thought you liked someone in our class....but I never knew it was me all along.”

“Rinnie, do you like me?” I slowly nodded and looked down. Doojoon started laughing, which caused me to look up confused,


“I always thought you liked someone else, now I feel better.” Doojoon smiled at me and took my hand from across the table.


“I really like you Rinnie, and I....have for a long you want to-”

“YES I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU!” I answered spazzy. Doojoon laughed, and squeezed my hand.

“So You liked me....who would have guess...I still can't believe it.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I could feel his face grow hotter when I pulled away.

“Now you believe me?” I asked with a smile.

“You don't even know.” He replied as he took me in a kiss, one that told me I would be safe from now on, just as long as I was in his arms.

ENNNNNNNNNNNNND OKAY SO THATS ANOTHER ONE DOWN HAHA I really hope you liked was interesting for me to write but lol idk. I hope you and your friend liked it!!


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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD