The Name I Loved-Onew(SEQEUL)

Cute Oneshot scenes


Hey everyone!! I'm not living up to my usual 2 one-shots a day lol but I figured that its okay if I get one at least...because School is getting into the EXAM WEEK NOOOOOOOOO so I'm going to be short on writing one-shots! I'm almost done, and I have about 3 more to write? My BFF Blue_Ice

(also writing one-shots) is writing one of my one-shots because I couldn't do it due to complications ^^ so yeah I'm almost at the point where I WILL open my one shots up again!! Or should I stop writing one-shots/ slow down on them and START A STORY?? ITS ALL IN THE POLLS PLEASE VOTE!! So without further ado here is the next ONE-SHOT its is a sequel, and its a SHINee member yayyyyy.

Onew x Nanie


It has been years. 11 years to be exact, and now I was happily married to the man once known as Onew from SHINee. Sadly the boys ended their contract and moved on to solo albums. They came to our wedding, and even married themselves. Jinki, who sometimes I call Onew, and I lived the past few years in blind love. Everything we did, we did together. He was truly a wonderful guy, the same one I had met way back when.

Recently, Onew and I had become more intimate? You can say that, but when we realized how much we loved each other....things happened. Yes, you are thinking right.

I'm pregnant, with a little baby girl....and I don't think my life could get any better. I can never be happier than I am right now as I live my life being nurtured by the one- and only- man I love.

“Nanie, you should go to bed....I don't want you staying up late if you'll be waking up early to throw up.” Onew tried to smile and laugh, but I knew he was afraid when he saw me sick. I kissed him and he hugged me.

“I don't mind, its all for our future.”


“I'm fine, Jinki.” I said as I pulled away and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, still able to before my stomach grew. “But I'll sleep.” I whispered and walked away to get ready for bed.

---------------ONEW'S POV----------------------

I watched the one girl I loved, and smiled to my self. Imagine me as a dad? I was afraid to hold Yoogeun when I was in will I really be able to do this? I'll practice before though, and maybe I'll call my friend Minho. He had a little boy, one that resembled the boy we had taken care of long ago.

I walked over to the phone and dialed my good friend's number. I waited a few counts, until finally the other end picked up.

“Onew Hyung? That you?” Minho's deep voice filled my ear. I smiled, having not spoken to him in forever.

“Yes, yes. Its me! Minho-ah, ho is Jun Min?” I asked him, Minho chuckled.

“Hes fine, and I heard you and Nanie are having a baby? Congrats~” He said, happiness in words.

“Thanks, and thats actually why I called you, you have any advice? I wasn't really good when it came to Yoogeun.” I said, embarrassed. Minho laughed, and sighed.

“Here it is Hyung, you'll be even more scared. This is your own child, and you'll want to take better care of it since you're older...but I'll tell you what. All these worries well go away when you hold your Baby for the first time. That's how it was for Rae and I..” I smiled.

“Thanks, Minho. I'm going to go though, Nanie is going to bed.”

“Go get her tiger. Good luck.” Minho laughed, and we hung up.

It'll be different? Maybe thats I cant wait. I walked into the bedroom to see Nanie's sleeping self in our bed. I chuckled with a goofy smile on my face, and bent down to kiss her. I tucked her in and laid down beside her.

“I love you, Nanie. I'll make sure our daughter grows up into this world healthy and happy.” I whispered, Nanie responding by snuggling into my chest. I kissed her forehead, and fell asleep laying beside her.

------------------MANY MONTHS LATER DAYS AFTER BIRTH-------------

“Jinki, here take Ha Ni.” Nanie smiled at me, as much as her tired body would let her. I walked over and happily took my new-born daughter in my arms. Minho had been right, and I thanked him for that advice. When I held Ha Ni in my arms...the world changed. I wasn't scared, just happy- complete.

“Look how beautiful she is, love.” I said as I cautiously sat down next to Nanie. We looked down at the sleeping baby, who's small hand wrapped around my pinkie. Aww! I felt my childish self come back. I laughed, quietly so as not to wake the baby, and kissed her head.

Right then, Ha Ni coughed. Her eyes opened, widened, and she began to cry as she coughed more.

“What is it?!” Nanie exclaimed, taking Ha Ni gently from me. I gave her over, and felt like a statue as I stood there....unable to move, do anything. “Jinki call the hospital! Something is wrong with our baby!” Nanie yelled as she tried to figure out the problem, and calm Ha Ni down. I snapped out of it and let my instincts take over. I ran to the phone and immediately called the hospital. Within minutes the ambulance arrived and we got it. I couldn't help but let the tears cry as I watched from the side lines as my wife screamed, and my baby cried on. Although now, she was coughing up a liquid.


---------------------AT THE HOSPITAL-----------------

Nanie and I raced along with the doctors into a room where a man dressed in a long white coat began to perform procedures on my child.

'Please don't let this happen...Ha Ni can't leave me...its been only' I thought, as my mind was running in so many different ways. The doctor forced us to leave, and while we sat in a bench outside the doors...I held the sobbing and shaking body of my wife.

“Nanie, she'll be fine. Believe in the doctors.

“Shes pale! Jinki she's dying...” Nanie gasped between shaky breaths. I held her tighter, the tears finally falling once I realized it.

Nanie was right. Ha Ni was dying, and all I could do was wait. Wait behind the doors-

That kept my dying baby girl from me.

--------------------AN HOUR LATER--------------------

The door slowly opened open, and the man who I saw before, in the coat- except this time it was covered in blood- walked over to Nanie and I. Nanie's eyes were wide and stained from crying. The doctor looked away, took a deep breath, and looked back at us.

“Mr. and Mrs. Lee?” He asked, already knowing who we were.

“Tell me....TELL ME NOW!” Nanie yelled at him, grabbing handfuls of the doctor's coat. Her voice was hysterical. After a few counts, the doctor's gaze finally fell on the doors behind him. Nanie slowly let go of the coat. She knew, and so did I.

Ha Ni...

“I'm so sorry, but your daughter- Ha Ni- died of heart failure. She coughed up to much blood...and although we tried...she choked on to much of it. Her heart failed.” He frowned, true sorrow in his voice, and all I did was stand and walk past the two of them. I opened the doors to the emergency room....and I saw my sweet daughter laying on the operating table. Her little hands weren't clenched anymore. They were opened, lifeless. I felt my legs give I sobbed, covering my face with my hands.

-----------------5 MONTHS AFTER THE DEATH-----

I drove up to the cemetery, Nanie silent beside me. It was exactly 5 months since the incident. It didn't feel like that much time passed, it felt like I was just reliving those moments outside the doors. Waiting to see my daughter's smiling face. But of course, that day would never come again. I would never see my new born child anymore.

“Lets walk the rest of the way, Onew.” Nanie spoke up, her voice already hoarse.

Nanie had it harder than me, she lived to have a child. She was excited ever since we gotten married, ever since her pregnant days, and those few days we had with Ha Ni was the highlight of her life. After the death of Ha NI though...Nanie changed.

We got out of the car, and I held flowers as we started our way up the hill to where she was buried. Nanie wrapped her arms around one of mine, and laid her head on my shoulder. We quietly trudged to the grave, silent once again.

The past 5 months hadn't gone by quick. They were spent all the same. People, including the SHINee boys, would visit us from time-to-time. Everyone would bring gifts, and tell us how sorry they all were. Nanie wouldn't come out of the room though. She would cry her eyes out whenever she heard someone in the other room mention our baby. She became anti-social. I tried to help her, help her forget, but she wouldn't allow it. Many days she even imagined Ha Ni was still alive. She'd go to the room which had been Ha Ni's, and would pretend to hold something. I would watch from the crack in the door, as she sang a song to her. Its was a sweet song, one that would make me cry when I heard it. Lately she had gotten better, but I knew that this visit to the grave would make her come to her scences. No one who is living has a grave.

“Nanie, here.” I handed her the flowers as we finally arrived at Ha Ni's tombstone. Nanie took the flowers hesitantly, and laid them slowly onto the ground in front of the tombstone. I knelt down beside Nanie, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She was cold, as well as pale, and the tears began to form. I glanced at the words written on the tombstone.

'Forever our child, forever in our hearts, forever our love.'

“Onew, I'm sorry I've put you through so much over the past months...I just....” She grew quiet, and the sobs began. I held her closer, and kissed her forehead.

“I know you've been affected by this, Nanie, but I'm going to be here with you till the end. You need to move on.” She silently nodded.

“Please sing to her, she never did get to hear your magical voice.” A soft chuckle came out as she reminisced about our lost child. I sighed and smiled at her.

'My hands become cold
The memory of love coldly draws near
It becomes painful
I don't want to be unfair to you any longer

Knowing that I can't love you
Who is close to me
Who can't look at me
It's too hard to wait
I can't stand it anymore
Since it won't be achievable

That name I loved
Became too distant as I went out to call it
I now write that name down
I'm on the verge of tears
I want to hide within myself
Remember that day now
Where all I could do was love you
Because an unachievable love is still love'

I let a shaky sigh escape my lips as I wiped the tears. It had been my favorite song I sang when I was still with SHINee, in fact it was one of my first solo songs. It seemed to fit perfectly now though, and Nanie thought so too.

“Onew, thank you, for always being there.” She whispered and kissed my cheek. I hugged her and both of us cried. “I think its finally time, I moved on.”

A small smile formed on my crying face, and I hugged her tighter. We would start anew, and live happily as we remembered Ha Ni.

The name I loved.

ENNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDD lol I know you didn't ASK me to have Onew sing a song...BUT I HAD TO TO MAKE THE MOOD SWEET hahahha I hope you enjoyed it and thanks everyone for reading! I'll probably have my hiatus end in a few days yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Like that song?

Not know what its called? Wanna hear it really?


Name: The Name I loved

By: Onew SHINee and Yeonwoo



THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!! <33333 

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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD