Strawberry Ice Cream Wont Do- Kyuhyun(2ND APP NOT A SEQUEL)

Cute Oneshot scenes

Hey guys I decided to write another one-shot while driving home, and I picked out of the ones I have left (NO OREDER LOL) and I have a 'sequel' just a different plot ^^. Thanks for subscribing and applying again and I hope you like it! Kyuhyun isn't my best character in super junior to write about...but somehow I am able to do it! Hahah enjoy it <3 I loved the plot idea so I just hope I get it down lol.

Lee Hae Rin x Cho Kyuhyun

What makes you shut up? If you get it your fine, and that there is never NO time for it? For me, its strawberry ice cream. In my high school years I have become smarter, and even more talented. Because of this I decided to become active in my school by joining many activities- or organizing them- but it doesn't help my mood. Just like everybody else, I become moody when I have so much to do! You fret, thinking you wont be able to make deadlines, plus you have the weight of your whole club on your back for example. Like I said though, there is always something that will shut you up.

“Strawberry ice cream?” My mother asked, sliding a bowl across the counter. I smiled and gladly accepted it. “I swear, Hae Rin! One day you'll die of these school activities! Be it that the ice cream hasn't already beaten them to it.” My mother rolled her eyes, but smiled at me. I sighed as I ate my ice cream happily.

“I know, I know. I just....can't give this up mom. You know Donghae is the reason I'm still eating this.” I smiled to myself as I took another spoonful. My mother sighed and sat down across from me, she patted my hand and made me put down my spoon. I looked up at her to see her wearing a sad smile.

“Hae Rin....this isn't right you know. Donghae hurt you! I feel like you should give him up by now, its been months and nothings going to happen.” I sighed and nodded.

“I know, but I still like him....I think.” I looked down at my ice cream and played with it using my spoon. I looked back up. “He is still single...”

“But you're always busy. Plus he will just hurt you again! I can't have that. What about that one boy?” She asked me, I tilted my head.

“Huh? Who?” She thought about this trying to remember the name. She snapped her fingers.

“Cho Kyuhyun! I was talking to his mother at the market, and she tells me how much he adores you, Hae Rin. Has he been nice to you?” I smiled slightly. Yes, Kyuhyun was my classmate, and he has been trying to court me for a looong time. I had nothing against him, in fact he was actually a pretty nice cute guy. The only thing was, was that I had such a heavy schedule, which makes it hard for a commit. On top of that there remaining feelings for Donghae my ex-boyfriend.

I feel bad when someone ever talks about Kyuhyun. Sure we would be a nice couple, he even knows how to make me smile. He puts up with the annoying me, sad me, and crazy me. Hes...truly a wonderful guy...but....

“He has been courting me for a long time, you knew that.” My mom's eyes bulged.

“That’s the Kyuhyun? Why didn't I see that coming! Well then by all means I agree to the marriage!” She smiled and laughed when I gave her a look. “What? Isn't he your type?” I rolled my eyes.

“Sure he is, but I'm too busy.”

“Busy thinking about Donghae?”

“N-no! Mom its about school things!” She flipped up her palms.

“Fine, fine! But don't come to me when it gets all confusing. I'm defenitly going to say 'I told you so.'” I shook my head and ate more ice cream. “Clean that up when your done.” She added as she walked out of the kitchen. I laid down the spoon and let a sigh escape my lips.

“Donghae....Kyuhyun....augh!” I picked up my bowl and dropped it in the sink. I'll think this over, and see what Tiffany and Taeyeon think tomorrow.

---------------------------NEXT DAY-------------------------------

When I walked into my class, as usual the first person I saw was Donghae. He style his hair for today, and was talking to his best friends Kangin and Kibum. Those three were inseparable....just like how I used to be with him.

“Hae Rin!! C'mon class is starting!” Tiffany called from the back of the room. I blushed when some students looked at me. Donghae glanced at me when I walked past, but other than that he ignored me.

“Okay, so I saw this really cute guy the other day right?” My other friend Taeyeon started as I sat down in the middle of them. I sighed, causing Taeyeon to stop where she started.

“Whats up with you, Rin-Rin?” They both asked me, in sync. I looked at them with a frown.

“My mom. She wants me to forget about Donghae, and stop my activities so I can stay healthy.” Tiffany nodded to herself and slapped her book.

“That's true! 10Points for mom! Ha, but really Rin-Rin. You need to give up the ice cream, as well as all that Donghae bull. Hes over you, and you need to open your eyes and look for better men!”

“Like Kyuhyun.” Taeyeon pointed out. Tiffany nodded.

“Right! He's always talking about you, and remember when you cried over Donghae? Kyuhyun suddenly appeared!”

“And gave you strawberry ice cream, too.” Taeyeon pointed out again. Tiffany gave her the 'shut up let me tell this story' look.

“Exactly. He always make you feel better, and he totally understands this crazy schedule you got yourself into!” The started to criticize me about how I still haven't given him an answer, but I could only yell at myself for being so undecided.

“Okay kids, today we are going to pair you all up in groups with the other class. Because our class is a bit...anti-social with the other school, me and Mrs. Kang thought it would be best to get the classes together and make new friends.” Mr. Oh said as he gave the three of us a look. I thought about what he said, pairs? So...wait the other class! That’s Kyuhyun-

“Our first group is Mrs. Lee Hae Rin and Mr. Cho Kyuhyun-” He continued naming pairs, but all I could hear was my name and Kyuhyun's. Oh great...

“That’s perfect Hae Rin! Now you can finally talk to this boy! He probably is going crazy after finding out your together.” Taeyeon told me with a smile. I ignored her and grabbed my things. I noticed Donghae was looking at me. He looked away after frowning when I noticed him. I sighed, did he have feelings for me still? Ugh, snap out of it Lee Hae Rin! I mentally punched myself as I walked out of the door, and bumped into Kyuhyun. He looked surprised, but smiled.

“Hey, Hae Rin. I was just coming to get you...”

“Hey Kyuhyun.” I smiled back. I didn't feel awkward around him anymore, I guess because now I'm not with Donghae.

“Want to go to the Library? My teacher said that we have to research at places.” I nodded, and we walked down the hall together. The other pairs all went their separate ways, but I just didn't pay attention to them. Kyuhyun was actually catching my interest with his crazy stories and smile. What a silly guy.

“Here you go.” He said as he opened the door for me, I thanked him and walked in. The library was quiet, and barely a handful of people were in there. “Hey...Hae Rin I'm going to go get some books for us okay? You wanna start writing the ideas?” He smiled at me as he leaned on the table. I nodded, and he left me there to begin writing. I was confused, because normally he would use every chance he got to talk to me. Why was he being so calm?

“Whats up with you today Kyuhyun?” I asked him when he returned. He sat down in his chair next to me.

“What....?” He gave me a confused smile and opened a book.

“I know you like me, and I appreciate it, but normally you wouldn't be this quiet.” He laughed quietly and nodded.

“Well, I guess its because I know you're busy? You're always busy after school running around. You wear yourself out too...and I just don't want to add to that.” He looked embarrassed when he mentioned that. I smiled.

“That's sweet Kyuhyun, thanks.” He looked up at me.

“No problem, just think about what know.” I knew he meant the courting. I nodded.

“I'll think it over...just....I'm not sure if I'm ready for anything.”

“Because you still like Donghae?” He asked me. I sat up at this part, and looked at him like he was crazy. Did he know? “I knew it,” He chuckled softly, “Its fine Hae Rin. I understand all of it. Just think about giving me a chance. I'm here to make you happy.” He winked playfully and slid me a book.


“For now lets just focus on our project, okay? No relationship talk.” He smiled and I nodded. We spent the rest of class in the library, and he even walked me back after we were done.

'Maybe I'll think this over, more than I planned to.' I thought.

-------------------AFTER SCHOOL-------------------------

I walked out of the gates to my school, and started to walk home, when I saw Kyuhyun chilling out by the front wall. I smiled and walked over to him. He didn't see me coming, but when I tapped him on the shoulder he gave me a cute smile. He was like a puppy that cheered up whenever his owner came home.

“Hae Rin! Whats up? Going home so early?” He asked me, I laughed and nodded.

“New right? Normally I'm here until real late, but today I have no plans.” I smiled up at him, he perked up and got off the wall at this part.

“Then do you want to hang out? I promise we can look over the project too-”

“Its fine, Kyuhyun. I can hang out without doing work.” I laughed, and he blushed.

“So then thats yes?” He asked me, hope in his eyes. I nodded, and he smiled leading me the way to my house. Who knows, maybe hanging out with him wouldn't be that bad.

We walked for the many blocks to my house, and it was actually nice getting to know Kyuhyun. Usually I had tried a bit to ignore him, but when I was with him he made me feel like a normal girl. Unlike how Donghae did...Donghae made me WANT to think about school more....which makes me wonder why I even went out with him?

“Here we are.” I said as I opened the door to my house. Kyuhyun let me in first, and he followed behind me looking around.

“You're mom isn't home?” He asked me. I shook my head.

“She works until around dinner time. Why?” I replied, confused as to why he asked. He looked around and smiled.

“Because I'd be embarrassed if she knew I liked you so much.” I blushed at hearing those words. No one was ever so comfortable about their feelings for me...Kyuhyun walked around.

“Do you have a piano?” So many questions, I laughed and nodded, pointing down the hall.

“Its in here.” We walked in to this small room, my father had made to stop annoying us with always playing the piano. My father had passed away two years ago, and now I only came in here to cry.

“You play?”

“My father did.”

“Did he..” I sniffed, and nodded. “I'm so sorry, maybe I shouldn't play it.” I looked up and shook my head.

“By all means do, it would be nice for this piano to have someone play it.” Kyuhyun smiled warmly at me and took my hand. I was surprised but didn't show it. He led me to around the piano, and had me sit next to him on the stool. I watched as he cracked his fingers and placed them on notes. Beautiful sound engulfed the room as he began to play.

“Wow, I didn't know you this.” I began. He smiled at me and looked down.

“Its my favorite song. I thought I could sing to you.” He looked at me, and then back to the piano. He began to sing the song 'All I want' by Toad The Wet Sprocket. I smiled, knowing the song, and interested by how beautiful he played it.

Nothing's so loud
As hearing when we lie
The truth is not kind
And you said neither am I
*But/ And the air outside so soft is saying everything

**All I want is to feel this way
To be this close
To feel the same
All I want is to feel this way
The evening speaks I feel it say

Nothing's so cold
As closing the heart when all we need is to free the soul
But we wouldn't be that brave I know


And it won't matter now
Whatever happens to me
Though the air speaks of all we'll never be
It won't trouble me

And it feels so close let it take me in
Let it hold me so
I can feel it say...
” As he finished, his hair fell in front of his eyes, giving off a very Charismatic look. I blushed when he looked up at me and smiled.

“Ahem.” Both of us looked up to see my mother in the doorway. We both immediately stood up, and Kyuhyun bowed.

“Who is he?” My mother asked, crossing her arms.

“Mom, this is Cho Kyuhyun.” Again, Kyuhyun bowed. I tapped his shoulder, telling him to stop. My mother's features faded from being nosy to complete happiness.

“OH MY GOD! COME HERE THEN!” I groaned as she ran over and hugged him. Kyuhyun looked at me like he was being eaten alive. I'm surprised my mom didn't do that either. She was already suffocating him by hugging him.


“I have heard so much about you! Your mother told me everything, and Hae Rin adores you.” He looked confused, but gave a small smile.

“Thank you...I'm just here to keep her company.” My mother clapped her hands together.

“You are the perfect man! Hon go out with him will you?” She said, smirking and walking out of the room.

Well, this is awkward.

Kyuhyun laughed, his voice filling the room once again. I starred at him.

“Whats so funny?”

“Your mom...I'm happy someone thinks I'm good enough for you.' He gave me a small smile. Right then I felt horrible.

“I'm sorry for always hurting you Kyuhyun...”

“You never hurt me. I'm just here to make you feel better. Don't worry about me asking you out either. I'll try to keep my distance. See ya.” He said as he walked out into the hallway. I don't know what came over me, but I ran after him and grabbed a handful of his jacket. He turned around confused.

“Kyuhyun...I'm...don't do that.” He turned to me, and I let go of him.

“What?” He asked me, I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. I looked up at him into his nice-filled eyes.

“Don't distance yourself from me. I'm not used to it.” His eyes widened at the confession.

“Hae Rin does this mean that you'll date me?” He asked me. I looked down, and then back up at him.

When I gave him his answer, his face was priceless.


Well probably not exactly that lol but close enough hahaha. I'm finally done this one-shot, although I liked writing it. I feel like I'm getting better at Suju stories? Yes? No? COMMENT PLZ!



I CHANGED the forward because I had to limit the members of Super junior that I will write. I don't know some of the members, I cant even NAME them its hard to write them.


thanks for applying and I hope you liked your one-shot!!
almost done guys!! 

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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD