Fake Date To Eyes, Real Date To Hearts-Nichkhun(2ND APPLICATION NOT SEQUEL)

Cute Oneshot scenes

 Hey everyone!! IM ALMOST DONE WITH ALL OF THE FANFICS!! Lol I should be opening my applications soon enough so get ready to send in new apps!!


You think I should take a break and think up a story that might be an application one ^^ HURRY AND TELL ME AHHHHH!!

Lol so here is the NEXT one-shot I have and its about one of the SWEETEST guys in K-POP! Don't try to deny it either because its the truth <3

Nichkhun Horvejkul x Kim Kae Ri

-----------NICHKHUN'S POV------------------------

I smiled at my director as he walked into the room.

“Hello , nice to meet you I'm 2PM's Nichkhun-”

“I know, son, you don't have to tell me. So lets get this started.” The man said with a stern but kind face. He threw a packet of papers on his desk and motioned me to sit in the desk infront of his desk. With no hesatance I took a seat, and so did the director.

“So what is the story for this show, sir?” I asked, tilting my head. The director smiled.

“The idea of the show is that an idol- you- is going to take a random person- a fan- on a 'date'.” I opened my mouth to speak, but the director cut me off. “We talked this over with your manager, and he said it was fine. Don't worry though, we find fans that aren't super crazy. You'll be out of harms way, okay?” He gave me a soft friendly smile, and I nodded.

“Who is she?” I asked, did they already find a fan? Wouldn't it be hard too, if they didn't want ot find one that would go crazy over me? I shook my head, and looked at the desk. The director slid an envelope across the table and looked at me. I gave him a forced smile, scared to see what was inside the envelope. I sighed when I saw it was just a picture. I slowly took out the picture, and starred at the girl.


“Like her?” My head snapped up when I realized I had spoken out loud. Khun you dunce! The director laughed at my facial expression. “Calm down, shes a year younger than you, and is from America. We found her walking around, and figured she was your fan....and turns out she knew A LOT about you.” He nodded, happy with himself. I looked back at the picture and studied the features.

The girl seemed to not be very tall, and her hair was a very light brown. Her face was cute, her smile bright. She probably was confused about the sudden blind side of press talking with her. I felt sad that I had to bring an innocent girl into the celebrity world, so why not do whatever I can? I'll make sure she is comfortable.

“Do I get to meet her?” I looked up, giving the director my cute smile. Would he fall for it? I figured I should at least talk to this girl.....that way we can be not awkward once the show begins.

“Hmm...well it wasn't planned....but I don't see why not. She isn't famous, so I already know you don't know much about her. Fine, I'll give you her address.” The director smiled and wrote down some information about the girl on the back of the card. For the second time, he handed me the picture, and I glanced at the back.

Name: Kae Ri

Age: 20

Address: ------------- (so I don't feel like making one up, so what? IMAGINATION PPL!)

I smiled at the card and thanked the director. As I walked out of the building, my phone began to ring. After trying to figure out the number- and failing- I answered it.

“Hello?” I asked in English. The other end was quiet for a minute. “Hello?” I asked in korean this time.

“Um....I'm sorry to call, but I was given this number?” The voice asked. Her voice was a bit quiet, seeing this was the first time she spoken to me I guess. I laughed, noticing that she spoke in English.

“Who is this? Did my manager give you this number?” I asked. The other line made noise, that sounded like papers being shuffled. I laughed again when she came back on.

“Yeah I think so. I'm sorry is this not who I think it is?” I looked around and smiled.

“This is Nichkhun Horvejkul, from 2PM.” The other line had a quiet gasp.

“Then I'm right...”

“Are you Kae Ri?” I asked, coonfused by the silence.

“Neh~” She replied hesitantly in Korean. I laughed.

“Great, I was planning on meeting you before the shoot.” I stopped and turned, it felt like someone was watching me. I saw a few fans peeking through open windows of passing cars. I jumped and waved shyly.

“Is everything okay?” Kae Ri asked me. I waited a few counts until the fans drove away.

“Wow that scared me...” I whispered under my breath. “Yes I'm fine. Can I meet you?”

“Sure I guess. I'm near this building where the director for your show works. I had a meeting with him earlier.” She went quiet again. So she wasn't the talkative type? It was probably just because we were speaking in both Korean AND English.

I walked down the street, ignoring the glances people where throwing my way. I looked around to see if I could find someone on their phone. If she was close, I could meet her and talk with her. Getting a ride in this traffic would be too much.

“Well how about I meet by the cafe near there? I'd like to meet you, and not many people go there.” I offered. I scanned the crowd of people, when I spotted her. She was sitting on a bench smile into her phone. Her short shoulder-length hair was blowing in the wind. I smiled, starting to walk up to her.

“Sure I guess... are you close?” I was really close, you didn't even notice me when I sat down next to you on the bench. You're so engrossed in the phone call aren't you. I hung up, which caused Kae Ri to look at her phone confused. She lifted her head, and slowly let her gaze fall on me.

“Closer than you think.” I smiled, holding out my hand. Her eyes widened at my sudden appearance. I laughed and took her hand that wasn't holding her still opened phone. I shook the hand, which was so much smaller than mine, and looked up to she her small blushing face. She looked at me.

“Where you there the whole time?” She asked me. I shook my head.

“No, why?”

“Because that would've been really creepy.” She answered, her face brightening as she smiled. She was different in person than that picture. Her hair was more straight, and the light brown had some streaks of darker brown. The sun's doing. I laughed again.

“Yeah thats true, and you're okay at Korean.”

“Not really, I only know enough to keep me alive.” She smiled more, showing off her straight teethe. I tilted my head.

“And you came from America to here? Why?”

“Too meet k-pop idols.” She laughed, followed by my own laughter.

“How about me?” I asked, leaning in. I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand as I rested my arm on the back of the bench. My usual pose. Kae Ri seemed to ponder my question. “You didn't! I thought you were a fan!” I exclaimed, faking sadness.

“I did! Seesh.” She rolled her eyes, which fell onto the picture I was holding. “Um...is that me?” She pointed to the picture. I sat up and looked at the picture. I nodded and she took it.

“Sorry, they gave it to me so I knew who would be my partner in the show. Don't worry, thats not one out of hundreds, just one picture.” I flashed her a smile, and she nodded.

“So what do we do on this show?” She asked me. I looked around, and then back to Kae Ri.

“We go on a date.”



“You don't think that I'll get mauled by fans?”



“Because I'll be protecting you.” I replied. Kae Ri widened her eyes; shyly she looked away.

I smiled to myself, and leaned back on the bench. I let my head fall back and sighed. While I gazed at the sky, Kae Ri was looking at the picture.

“This will be fun.” We both said, at the same time, in English.

--------------------1 MONTH LATER---------------------------

The next month went by fairly fast. Kae Ri and I saved each others numbers, and talked on a normal basis. By time the show was being prepared to be shot, we had already become friends. Many times we would talk in English- our Korean both not being at a high level- and it was funny watching all the people trying to figure out what we were talking about.

For the most part, I was actually waiting for the show to start. Not so that it would end quicker, but because I wanted to see how Kae Ri would cope with all the cameras? Could I help her? Would she be the same girl I took her as when on camera? So many questions, but they all washed away when Kae Ri walked onto the set for the show. The hosts, that would be narrating our show, all crowded her. She was stopped just after walking in a few feet. Many people surrounded her to ask questions. I sighed, and watched her from across the room. I was frowning, but smiled when Kae Ri's gaze fell on me. I waved slightly, and she excused her self; walking over to where I stood.

“You okay?” I asked her, as a sigh escaped her lips. Shee nodded and ajusted her hair which was in a small ponytail.

“I never knew this was what I was signing up for. That's all.” Kae Ri said, and I laughed.

“Don't worry, soon you'll ignore the cameras, and focus on me.” I said pointing to myself with my thumb. Kae Ri rolled her eyes, and fixed her shirt. I watched, and looked her up and down. She was wearing short purple plad shorts. They were annoying me when she shifted her weight to the other leg, because...

“What?” She asked, moving her head so her face was in the way of where my eyes were looking. “You ert, what are you doing?” She asked. I coughed and looked up at her, then to this lady that was walking past me. She was in charge of dress codes.

“Excuse me,” She looked over at me and smiled.

“Yeah Khun?” I pointed to Kae Ri's pants.

“She needs to change her clothes. The shorts are too short for a woman to wear.” I said, causing a 'are-you-kidding-me?' look from both the lady and Kae Ri.

“Um...sure Khuh. Kae Ri, follow me?” She asked, and Kae Ri nodded confused, but followed. I sigehd and ruffled my hair as she left. Girls don't learn, huh? She can't wear those shorts on camera! People might think of erted things while they should be watching the show!

“What was that about, Nichkhun?” I looked up to see Taecyeon, one of my fellow members, walk over to me. I smiled and shrugged. He was also on the show with me, and he was with another girl.

“Nothing, where is Seung Hi?” I aske dhim. Taec rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his large chest.

“Shut up, Khun. Why did you make her change? She looks cute.”

“It was innappropriate.” Taecyeon gave me the same look the other girls gave me.

“Is there something you're not telling me?” I shook my head. Was there? “Because from what I see...you don't want her showing her legs infront of the cameras.” He said, pointing to the camera crew behind him. I shook my head.

“No, its just not right for girls to show that much skin until marr-”

“Bull, Khun.”

“Whats wrong?” Kae Ri asked, as she just popped up next to me. I jumped.

“Gah, that scared me.” I thought out loud. Taecyeon smirked when he saw her.

“Hi Kae Ri! I'm Taecyeon.”

“I know!” Kae Ri couldn;t hide her excitement. I frowned.

“Oh hear that Taecyeon? Seung Hi is calling you.” I pushed him, and he left...yelling stuff about 'she isn't even here ye't or something. I smiled at Kae Ri. She was now wearing capri pants, and even changed her top to a cute T-shirt. She smiled back at me, and we stayed like that for a few seconds.

“READY ON SET!” We snapped out of it and looked at the cameras. It was finall time. I couldn't help but have a childish smile on as I looked at Kae Ri.

“Ready for our date?” She laughed.

“Khun, you asking me out?” She asked in English. I blushed, but laughed.

“Maybe I am~”

We walked onto the set, and began to film the show. I felt happy as I sat in the love seat with her...This was fake.....

But to me it felt so real.


I hope you liked it ^^ I wasn't really given much info, but I had fun writing Nichkhun.

This was based of of a WGM type-of-feel so good job if you recognized any special scenes tha happened XDDD and if you don't know what I meant by Nichkhun's usual pose....its like this?


or this


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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD