Best Arrival Ever-Taemin(NOT A SEQUEL)

Cute Oneshot scenes

 Hey everyone! Wow I'm surprised how many apps I got after only being open again for a few hours hahahha. I am happy you all want me to write for you, and I'll try to get them all up SOON! Idk HOW MY SCHEDUAL IS LOOKING SO....WE'LL SEE ^^ right now I am going to write a SHINee one-shot for a FIRST time applier <3 thank you~ I hope you like it.

Lee Taemin x Jang Rima

Finally school was over! The holidays were rolling in, and Australia couldn't be any more boring. Not that I don't like where I live, its just that I would rather be spending it in Korea! I mean that is where all the magic happens, right? Well as my gift I asked for ONLY a trip to korea....and as the holiday grew closer, I knew my parents wouldn't crack.

“Rima, come over here.” My mother motioned me over to where her and my dad were. I sat down across from them confused.

“Yeah...?” I asked them, what did they want?

“You're father and I were talking, about this holiday. It is a week long one, and we made a decision.”

“What am I staying at Grandmother’s?” They laughed and shook their heads. My mom patted my hand with hers, and gave me a smile.

“Rima, you're going to Korea.” My mom said as if it wasn't a big deal. I felt my body freeze at the handful of shock I had just received. Korea? Me going to KOREA?

“WHEN DO I LEAVE!?” I stood up, hitting the table. My father laughed, and both of them stood up as well.

“Tomorrow night, so I suggest you begin packing.” I couldn't contain my excitement as I ran around the table and jumped on my parents. From me saying thank you a million times, I doubt they want to ever hear that word again. Who cares though, because I was going to Korea.

-------------------AT THE AIRPORT------------------------

“You guys aren't coming?” I questioned, as my parents stopped right outside the gate to Korea. They shook their heads and gave me safe smiles.

“No, this is a trip for you only. You know we wouldn't survive there for even ten minutes!” I chuckled, but teared up. I gave them both hugs, and as I walked onto the plane- luggage rolling behind- I couldn't help but let them fall as I waved goodbye to the best parents in the world.

“We advise you to now buckle your seat belts, for we will be departing in less than five minutes.” I ignored the voice as it talked on and on. I was finally in the air when I heard a familiar laughter. 'Hmm? What was that?' I turned around in my seat slightly, so that I could see who was occupying the seats behind me. I jumped and covered my mouth as I sat normal in my seat.

Sitting behind me, was Choi Minho, and Taemin. They were from SHINee....the one band I was hoping to see while in Korea. They were behind me! TAEMIN AND MINHO WERE BEHIND ME!

I opened up my phone to text all my friends, but I had to mentally hit myself for forgetting that there would be no service.

“Miss would you like something to drink?” A sturdiest asked me, as she rolled up with a cart. I nodded, and asked for water. This will cool me down, I hoped. As I took my glass from here, my seat was pushed forward a bit from behind. , as some of the cold water fell onto my lap.

“Omo I am so sorry!” I turned around to see

“Ah!” I exclaimed, not all that quietly either Taemin's head in between mine and the person beside me's seat. I blushed and looked down at the water that spilled. “Are you okay?” He asked in Korean. Because I wasn't Korean or anything, I couldn't speak fluently. Luckily though from watching shows and listening to music I could get a long...

“Uh...” I nodded, although I could have replied in Korean I couldn't find the words. Taemin stared at my and tilted his head.

“You don't look so good. Oh!” He stopped, and then thought for a few minutes. “Are- you- good? Sorry~” He said in English, a heavy accent noticeable as he spoke. I smiled and laughed.

“I'm fine.” I said in English, and then again in Korean. He nodded and held out his hand.

“My name is Taemin, I'm really sorry about that.” He apologized, holding out his hand. My eyes widened when I stared at this hand. He didn't know I knew him! I looked back up at Taemin, who was smiling. His smile made me blush as I slowly reached out my hand. Taemin met me halfway and shook my hand enthusiastically. Minho sat up and looked at me. I quickly withdrew my hand from Taemin's soft one. I bowed my head slightly and sat facing forward once again.

“What did you do, Minho?” I heard Taemin whisper to Minho. Minho sighed.

“Don't draw so much attention. We don't want her taking pictures or filming us. Remember our last plane ride?” I frowned and looked out the window. They saw me as just another person.

“But she doesn't know us. She would've been screaming. Plus....I spilled her water onto her.” He whispered back to the charismatic boy. He ignored Minho and stuck his head back in between the seats.

“I'm so sorry, but: do you know me?” He asked the last part in English. I chuckled when he couldn't see, and turned around to face him. He had a cute child-like smile on, which made him my favorite in the first place. I waited a few seconds so I could think it over. Should I pretend I don't know him?

“” I whispered the last word and looked down. Taemin's face fell for a second because he was wrong, but when I looked him in the eyes he wore an even brighter smile.

“That's even better! So you do know 'SHINee'!”

“I'm actually I big fan.” I replied. Luckily I knew how to have this type of conversation in Korean, which made it easier for Taemin as well.

“Minho she does know us. Hey KEY! Jonghyun, this foreigner knows who we are!” From behind Minho popped up Key's head. I waved awkwardly, and a smirk formed on Key's face.

“FOREIGNER!” The other members, except Minho, began throwing questions my way.

“Whats your name?” Key asked me, being the one member to speak English at concerts. I smiled.

“Rima. Jang Rima.” Key nodded.

“Where are you from?” Onew asked, from in between Jonghyun and Key.

“Australia.” They began to 'oooo~' and 'ahhh'. I laughed.

“Who is your favorite?” Taemin asked me. I blushed, and look around to their anticipating faces. They all leaned in, but right as I opened my mouth the sturdiest from before strolled over.

“Excuse me, please sit in your seats normally.” She said, her voice emotionless.

“Pssh, who does she think she is?” Key mumbled as he sat down and crossed his arms over his chest. Jonghyun patted his shoulder, and the two of them went back to what they were doing. Everyone sat normally, and acted as if the conversation never occurred. I sighed and looked out the window.

“Psst~” I heard, and ignored. It was probably the window making sounds as the wind swept by.

“Rima~” I jumped, hearing Taemin's low voice whisper in my ear. I put my hand over my ear and turned around- bright red. He was smiling again.

“YAH!” I said, not caring if he was famous or not. He chuckled and leaned in.

“Minho fell asleep, so now I can talk to you without getting scolded.

“The others are awake.”

“The others don't care.”

“Won't you get yelled at?”

“Who cares?” He pouted, his bangs falling in front of his eyes. I sighed, and looked back at him.

“What is it, Taemin?” I was going crazy on the inside. He wanted to TALK TO ME! I could barely contain my excitement. Taemin gave me a chin nod.

“I want to know who your favorite in SHINee is?” He rested his arms on the side of my chair. His arms were skinny, and covered in bracelets. One was fake leather with black and white spikes on it. I smiled, remembering when he wore it on a show they were in.

“Do I have to tell you?” I said, embarrassed. Taemin nodded, leaning in.

“Want me to guess?” I nodded and looked down.


“ favorite is great at something.”

“Oooo what?”

“Not telling.”

“Hmmm, style? Key.” I didn't shake my head or make any movement. Taemin pouted again.

“No it is...or not. How about Minho? You looked sad when he didn't want us talking to each other....

“No its not Minho.” I stated. Taemin perked up.

“Yay one down.”

“But I gave you that one!”

“So? Ha, okay do you like the manly type?” I blushed and glanced over at the talking Jonghyun and Key. Taemin followed my gaze. “Jonghyun?”


“So it is Key?”



“” I whispered and looked out the window then back at him. Taemin's eyes widened as he realized he had already said everyone’s names but his. I blushed when he pointed to himself.

“Jeoyo? Dangsin-eun nal joh-ahae? I mean, you like me?” He stopped and spoke in his cute accent. I laughed and nodded giving him a smile. He blushed slightly, probably not seeing that one coming.

“You've been my favorite since you debuted, sorry if its awkward.” I said, using my translator to help me talk to him. He shook his head.

“I am very, very, happy.” He said quietly in English.

“You sound so funny when you try to talk to me.” I laughed, earning a glare from the stuerdiss. Taemin pouted.

“Yah, its hard when you aren't fluent.” He said, causing me to have to look at my translator. This was the best day of my life, and I'm messing it up by having to use this stupid thing!

“Joesonghabnida~” I smiled, teasingly. Taemin chuckled quietly and looked at me.

“Plus your accent is nice.” He said, I nodded.

“Yours too.”

We talked for almost the rest of the trip, getting to know each other- as well as making fun of each other. I was surprised to find Taemin and the other SHINee members to be just how I had dreamed. Cute, y, and nice. What a way to start off my vacation.


“Yah, Jang Rima.” Key nagged as he shook my shoulder. I jolted up and saw Key and Taemin standing above me.

“Did I..”

“You fell asleep, were here.” Taemin said with his cheery smile. I nodded, and got up slowly. I was still disoriented from just waking up, so Key offered to carry out my bags. I smiled at him, and Taemin took the bag from Key.

“I got it, Key. Lets go Rima.” He motioned me to follow, and I happily obliged as I walked off the plane; with SHINee's Taemin and Key.

“There you guys are! Come on!” Jonghyun yelled as the three of us walked out of the gate and into the airport. Taemin set down my bag.

“Will you be fine?” He asked me, and I nodded. “We have to go before any fans recognize us, so I guess I'll say goodbye?” He smiled, and held out his hand. This time I didn't hesitate in shaking it.

“Thanks for making my arrival to Korea fun, Taemin.”

“Thanks for saying I'm your favorite.” He slowly let go of my hand, and thats when I realized it. I was never going to see any of the members again.

“Yah, Taeminnie! Come on we have to go!” Onew called from down the walkway. I sighed, and Taemin frowned.

“See yah Rima. Nice meeting you.” As he turned and walked away I smiled.

“Taemin! Wait!” He turned around confused and I ran up.

“Can I have proof we met?” I asked him.

“Sure, you are a fan after all. What do you want a signature?” I shook my head and held up my camera.

“Picture.” Taemin nodded, approvingly. He slouched down so our heads were next to each other. We made a piece sign, and as I clicked the button to take the picture....I felt my cheek become warm. I jumped and saw Taemin smiling.

“Yah, what did you do?”

“Nothing~ bye Rima.” He waved and turned and ran off. I watched him leave, laughing at how he made walking look so much like dancing. I looked back at my camera when he was out of view, and my jaw dropped.

The picture was of my shocked face, and Taemin's beautiful one...kissing my cheek.

EENNNNNDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoyed writing this because it was different? Well more like real life situation. I know it got a little 'would never happen' but its a cute scene! What'cha gunna do? Lol so I hope you enjoyed your one-shot and I appreciate everyone for applying and subscribing!


^^ <3 

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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD