Counting Time Doesn't Matter When It Comes To Love- Jonghyun

Cute Oneshot scenes

THIS IS NOT A SEQUAL TO THE FIRST JONGHYUN ONE-SHOT lol just saying. Thanks to the applier for answering questions and sorry for teh wait ^^; hope you like it and that it fits what ever you had hoped!!

Park Jiyeon x Kim Jonghyun


     Ever regret not confessing to teh person you love- or better yet...did you ever breaking up with your one true love? Well....I have. You get tired of the same person, want someone new to make teh butterflies appear in your stomach...and just to make you go crazy. My boyfriend Jonghyun and I had broken up after dating for a few years. We were both eachother's first love, and back then I wished it stayed like that forever. Eventually though...we just got, tired? It was a mutal break up though, so don't get teh wrong idea. Neither Jonghyun or I am at fault for this relationship coming to a close. Right? Sorry, I'm always like this. When it comes to Jonghyun I just....aish! Park Jiyeon snap out of it! Its been a long time since I saw Jonghyun last! Why do I still regret the decision of breaking up? I'm over him! I've moved on since the 2 years-52 days- 9 hours- and ....35 seconds since I saw him last......... oh who am I kidding.

     "Jiyeon! C'mon we're going to the club!" My friend Mimi said as she waved her hand infront of my face. I sighed, the club, thats not exactly a bad idea. Get jonghyun off your mind Jiyoen! He shouldn't be in your mind anyway!

    "Okay! Yeah sorry I was just thinking." I smiled as we got up to go.

    "About Jonghyun? Whats it been...over a year since you broke up? C'mon Jiyeon snap out of it!" She rolled her eyes and ran down the stairs as fast as her heels would let her. I followed, mentally scowlding myself. Mimi was right- I'm not going to think about him anymore...tonight.

     -------------------------------JONGHYUN'S POV---------------------------

     I sat in the booth at the club with the other guys, and smiled at the girl sitting next to me. She blushed, and offered to buy me a drink...but I ignored her. These girls are so easy! I no I haven't been in a real relationship in a while, but thats because of....Jiyeon.

     "Hey, Jonghyun." Minho said as he nudged my side. I looked over at him and where he was pointing. "Isn't that your ex-girlfirend....Jina? Jilly....jinyon...." Minho asked, trying to remember her name.

     "Jiyeon...." I breathed as I stared at her from across the room.

     "Jiyeon! Right! Ha, man shes looking good." Minho smirked as he looked her up and down. I ignored him and focused on her. Jiyeon why were you in  a place like this? You weren't the type to go to clubs. I frowned remembering all the times I had tried to get her to go to dance with me, and how I ended up staying by her side. Heh, I smiled then as I thought about how much she still made me go crazy. Not to mention.....

     "She really is looking good." I whispered to myself. Her hair was longer, she was wearing more make-up although she didn't need any at all, and she had grown too- her hight you erts!- I stood up to go meet her but was stopped by a hand that grabbed onto my arm. I turned to see Minho.

     "Jonghyun, dont. Can't you see how she probably wouldn't want to see you? Especially not in a place like a club?" He reasoned. I sighed and sat down. Maybe he was right. I sipped my beer and stared at her. How sad...I feel like its the first day I met her again...the day I fell head over heels.

     -------------------------Jiyeon's POV----------------------------------

     As we danced, I felt like I was finally forgetting Jonghyun. Maybe I should have come here back when he would nag me about how I would go with him. I laughed and continued dancing with Mimi. I even danced with a couple of cute guys.

     -----------------------Jonghyun's POV---------------------------------

     Why was she laughing and dancing all close to those boys? They probably would jump her if she left with them! I squeezed the can of soda in my hand(minho said I shouldn't drink anymore) as I watched her. I felt like a Dad watching his daughter dancing with some sleezy guys...or at least a jealous boyfriend. But no. I'm not her boyfriend anymore. That was a mutual break up..... oh who am I kidding?

     ------------------------Jiyeon's POV------------------------------------

     When the song ended I decided that that was enough for now, and Mimi and I went to go sit down in a booth away from the dance floor. I don't know why but the whole time I felt like someone was watching me.....

     -----------------------Jonghyun's POV--------------------------------

     As I watched her walk back from the floor to a booth a little bit away from mine, I couldn't help but feel like I was in love again. I know it may be surprising, but I was actually the one who fell in love first. Jiyeon wasn't popular like me, but she was so different from all the other girls. She stuck out in my mind, and eventually I found myself in a one-sided love. I sighed for the hundreth time and decided it. I'm going to go over there, and talk to her. I stood up, but right as I stood up the music stopped, and a slow song began playing. I couldn't believe it, it was our song. I stood up, brushing Minho's arm off, and began to walk over to the girl whom I loved for years. It felt like my feet were dragging me. This...was right.

     -------------------------Jiyeon's POV--------------------------------

     I really felt like there was a pair of eyes on me, but I shook it off. Right as I was forgetting about Jonghyun too, our song came on in teh club. Mimi's eyes shot from the guy she was talking to, to me, and then to the dancefloor.

     "Jiyeon....just shrug it off. Its not like he's here or something. Go dance with a random guy. Get rid of the fact that it was your son!" She offered the idea. I shrugged and stood up. Who would be a good choice to dance with...I scanned the crowd to see who could replace Jonghyun when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I jumped and backed up into the body. I turned to see a smirking Jonghyun. The butterflies came back. Jonghyun was hotter. His jawline was more rigid, his hair dyed to a georgus blode, and not to mention his eyes as he stared at me, coldly yet warmly.

     "Ji-ji, its been forever....You're looking great-" I didn't know what to do, I just grabbed him into a hug. I clung onto his necka nd was surprised when he hugged me back just as desperately. "I didn't know...I thought you had forgotten me..."

     "Its kinda hard to do that." I joked. "When you're in my mind 24/7." I pulled back and smiled at him. Seeing him, it was hurting me. I shouldn't be feeling like this yet......

      -------------------Jonghyun's POV----------------

     ...yet I couldn't help but stare back at the girl I loved. No scratch that. The girl I love.

      ------------------Jiyeon's POV---------------------

      " with me?" He asked me, his voice as soft as I remembered. Although he grew into a real man, I could still feel like my old Jonghyun was there. The Jonghyung I loved- no scratch that- love. I nodded and took his hand as we walked onto the dance floor, leaving a mouth-open-wide MiMI. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he laied his hands on my hips. This felt we just pick up on where we left off.

      'I don't know when it was from teh moment I saw you,

      Every minute, every second, I kept on thinking about you.

     What are you doing?(oh no~) Where are you right now? (oo baby~)!

     " know I've missed you? I felt-"

     "Different without me?" He finished my sentence. I smiled up at him and nodded. "I see, well Jiyeon. Did you know that I've missed you too? No girl could match up to you becase-"

     "Because I was different from them?" He blushed slightly and nodded. I giggled and pulled him down so we were hugging as we danced. I leaned my head up so I could whisper into his ear.

     "Jonghyun you don't know how haooy it makes me feel when you say that. This whole night is making me feel better than I have in the last 2 years 52 days 12 hours and 30...35 second." H e pulled away slightly to give me a questioning look.

     "You've been keeping track, too?" He asked me. I was about to nod, but I stopped.

     "Too?" I tilted my head. Jonghyun's eyes widened and he looked away.

     "Well...yeah. And you're wrong Jiyeon!" He gave me a pout. Even though he had gotten hotter, his baby pout was still as adorable as it was back then


     "Its been" 2 years 52 days 9 hours 30 minutes and 55 seconds." I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

     "Why is it earlier when we just saw eachother a bit ago?" I asked, again he blushed.

     "I've been...well I've been watching you since you got to the club." He embarrasingly admitted. I laughed.

     "You were what that feeling was? I knew someone was watching me." I joked.

     "Yah~ I was watching you because I couldn't get over how beautiful you were! Not because I missed you or anything...."

     "Pssh yeah right. You already said you missed me- wait. beautiful?" I blushed. Right then our song ended and Jonghyun let go of me. He scratched his head and then smiled.

     "Yeah...this is embarrasing to say to you but.... Jiyeon you're beautiful." I blushed.


     "I couldn't stop staring because I was jealous of the other boys in the club." He grabbed my hands and gave me a caring smile. "Jiyeon I don't know about you but I think we were meant to see eachother again." I couldn't find the words to answer him. Right then Minho walked up and patted Jonghyun on the shoulder.

     "Lets go dude." Jonghyun looked at Minho and then back to me. He let go of my hands and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. It was sweet and full of love. It was like the fire never went out when we were together. This kiss was safew and warm, one that I would kill for. He pulled back and we stood there staring, Jonghyun whispered as he kissed my cheek.

     "Jiyeon please think it over. Call me when you decided if you want to take me back. I love you still Park Jiyeon." With that he smiled and turned as he followed Minho out the door. I walked back to my booth in a daze. Mimi stared at me and waved her hand infron of my face.


     "Hand me my phone."

     "Why do you feel sick?"

     "No, I just have to call someone...they had a question for me." She handed me my phone and I pressed speed dial 1. With in seconds Jonghyun picked up.

     "What is it?"

     "Jonghyun....yes." I answered. He was probably still in the parkinglot, he just left and I was already sure of my answer. He didn't answer me, but I already knew how happy he was. Why? Because in the background I could hear yelling and cheering 'YES! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN! ONEW DID YOU HEAR? SHE SAID YES!' I laughed at teh silly man I love so much.


END~ I hope you liked it lol I wanted it to go on longer but I decided that was a good way to end it. In someways it leads the reader to imagine the rest. THANKS FOR APPLYING AND SUBSCRIBING!!



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Chapter 4: I love the plot!
Saranghae Onew oppa~~
kuririn #2
Ilovethissssssssss. ;A; <3
shesworthit #3
Chapter 42: took me long to finish! adn great
all i can say is.... i... LAAAAAAHB THESE ONESHOTS!! ❤<br />
aahhh yeaah ;) <br />
otaaay bye bye then~ <br />
imma go jejemon (?) on ppl i like to annoy XD
OMG! Thank you, thank you for the final shot! Loved it!! I am so sorry I have not commented on it earlier, don't know how I missed the update..<br />
It was probably hard to write about your biase, 'giving' him to the other girl, but probabbly that's why it came out so sweet! <3<br />
All your stories are great and I hope you will come back, we will be waiting!!
Mrem96 #6
@magnetfelt lol thanks so much for reading hahah Im lhappy you liked them ^^<br />
what do you have to mention??? XD
Wooh! Done! I liked your one shots! I liked both with Thunder, and the one with Heechul. I liked them all, but... I gotta mention some x)
Mrem96 #8
Awww I'm happy you think so! Hahaha I loved that one too ^^ thanks for reading hope you enjoy teh others if you want to read them too!!!
29... So far my favourite one! Omg so...:D<br />
Mrem96 #10
@magnetfelt hmmm? what is it? lol I can write it or you can take the rights if you want to....??? XDD