Chappie 28

E.L.F or One Directioner?!

Bomi looked at the bandage that was wrapped around her ankle with distaste.*If I find the bastard who did this to me, I'll make sure that person will not see the light of day!* Yonghwa waved his hand in front of Bomi for a few seconds. She glanced up at him and noticed he was in full costume too. She bit her lip to stifle a giggle.

"You're looking rather handsome." Bomi patted the empty seat next to her, signaling him to rest beside her. Yonghwa focused his gaze on Bomi's wounded ankle and absent-mindedly reached out to touch it.

Bomi flinched from the pain and glared at her friend. "ARE YOU A ING ?! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU TOUCH A SPRAINED ANKLE?!"

Yonghwa chuckled. "Still the same Bomi, even when injured." Bomi rolled her eyes at his comment and watched Seohyun walk gracefully across the stage towards Donghae. Seohyun wrapped an arm around his waist and smiled sweetly at him.

"Oppa~ Can I join Super Junior for dinner tonight? The unnies have vocal sessions." Seohyun batted her eyelashes delicately. Bomi felt her insides growing hot from anger. Why the hell is that girl flirting with anything that moves? She had the sudden urge to rush over there and gift Seohyun with a huge slap to the face. But she took a few deep breathes and swallowed her anger.

Donghae nodded to Seohyun's question. "We'll be eating Thai food at the dorm today." Seohyun immediately grinned while Bomi scowled.

"If you keep scowling, you'll get wrinkles once you turn 20." Yonghwa teased joyfully. Little did he know what would happen next. Bomi glared at Yonghwa before shoving him off his chair. Ms. Lee instantly rushed over and helped the stunned Yonghwa up. Bomi growled angrily at him and slowly limped towards the exit of the auditorium. As she was hobbling, she saw Seohyun rushing over towards Yonghwa feigning kindness and helping him up from the corner of her eye. Bomi gripped tightly on the fabric of her dress and inhaled deeply to release her aversion towards Seo--hyun. 


At the dorms..

Once Seohyun stepped foot into Super Junior's dorm, she immediately started bowing politely to her sunbaes. Bomi hung her coat on the coat rack and limped slowly into her room. Kyuhyun was on his laptop gaming on Star Craft again. Bomi set her bag down and sat on a wooden chair beside Kyuhyun.

"Seohyun is here you know.." Bomi mumbled awkwardly. Kyuhyun paused his game and stretched his sore arms. "I've been playing since 7 in the morning!!"

"You've got to be kidding me. How is that game so fun?!" Bomi shook her head in confusion and began unpacking her binders. Kyuhyun rotated his sore neck and happened to see the thick bandage tied around her ankle. "What happened to your foot, Bomi?"

 "I'm about 99.9% sure Seohyun tripped me, leading me to a sprained ankle." Bomi opened her math textbook and began to copy the problems into her notebook. *How is that possible? My innocent dongsaeng wouldn't do such an evil deed. Bomi must be wrong, it could've been someone else...* Kyuhyun tapped his chin in thought. Bomi looked up from her work and watched Kyuhyun mumble to himself. *Sometimes, I think Kyuhyun is one insane man* She began chuckling at the thought.

>>2 hours later<<

{Bomi's P.O.V}

Dinner was served after I was finished with my damned math homework. I sat in between Henry and Kyuhyun and across from Seohyun. Her non-stop chattering about SNSD's promotions made me lose my appetite so I was just sitting there, twirling strands of pasta around the fork. I looked up to see everyone looking at me play with my food. I smiled sheepishly and placed my fork on the table and pretended to listen to Seohyun talking. 30 minutes into the meal, I remembered my violent action towards Yonghwa. Guilt began to consume my insides. *Should I call him? He probably knows that I'm hot-tempered...but what if he's mad at me? I don't want him to be mad at me!!! He's my only close friend at school other than Ah Ra. If I call him now, would it be weird? Ugh, it. I'm going to call him* I took out my phone and dialed his number.

"Bomi-ah!" Yonghwa immediately picked up. I let out a relieved sigh and began apologizing. "I'm sorry, oppa, for shoving you off your chair for no reason. I was just really pissed about Seohyun injuring my ankle and acting so innocent afterwards. Please forgive me, Yonghwa oppa!"

There was silence on the other line. 

"Oppa?" I whispered. 

Yonghwa cleared his throat and chuckled. "Bomi, I was never mad at you. I know you're a hot-tempered person so I couldn't get mad at you." I smiled at his reply as I munched on my caesar salad. "Well anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were okay so we wouldn't be on awkward terms. Since you're obviously okay, I'm going to hang up. Bye, oppa." I put my phone on the table and noticed everyone's eyes on me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead from the evil glare Seohyun was giving me. It was after her glare did I realize all of the idols in the room heard my conversation with Yonghwa. *HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID BOMI!!! THEY'LL DEFINITELY MURDER YOU FOR ACCUSING SEOHYUN OF INJURING YOUR GODDAMN ANKLE...I'm so screwed.*



Hiya my loyal readers, I'm sorry for not updating in such a long long long long time T_T i've been so busy with school work so yea. I really do apologize and I'll try to make up for my slow updates by making them longer than usual :) Hope you guys liked this update and remember to leave comment replies!!! Thats all for now.


I feel like I'm not even a co-author but as cloudprincess said, junior year is very hectic :( so both of us are unable to update any of our fics. But we'll try our best to update or give spoilers :) 



Bomi to xXxCatsLoverxXx

I don't like KPOP because most of the singers go under plastic surgery and can't be themselves :/ oh and my cats get equal amount of attention for me :) Hope your friend doesn't murder me after what I did to Yonghwa oppa :|

Kyuhyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

Yes it was eye was swollen so much, I couldn't leave the dorm. What must I do so you wouldn't speak of the incident again?

Seohyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

And how would you know what boys like? Oh and do you think I care about what you ship? Obviously not.

Yonghwa to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

No I can't tell her now!!! I think I'll just scare her away :( AND ROOT FOR ME AND NOT KYU!!!!

Super Junior members to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

If he needs to be beaten up, we'd make sure he learns his lesson :)

Jihun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

I can't read what unnie wrote!!! But I'll ask Yonghwa hyung to read it to me :D

Me to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

I guess I was born to be funny, hehe. I hope this new update is okay. I haven't updated in so long so I feel really guilty :'( 

Seohyun to TasLuq:

Yes, I'm ing close to Yesung. And I don't give a flying about what anti's think about me. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me.

Kyuhyun to TasLuq:

HUH. Why that little bastard. I'll have to knock some sense into him since he can't have my Bomi. Oh ...did I just really say that?! O_O forget you heard me say this. THANKYOU!

Yonghwa to TasLuq:

I did have a crush on Ah Ra but now I've moved on~ And please continue to root for me instead of the jerk idol, Kyu

Bomi to TasLuq:

How can Kyuhyun and Yonghwa both like me?! Thats impossible..ANYWAY I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SEE ONE DIRECTION'S CONCERT!!!!!!

Me to TasLuq:

I'm sorry for not updating in so long...junior year is very busy :/

Seohyun to SuperGirl1315:

Fine. If you want me to seduce Kyu oppa, I'll seduce him in the next update. 

Kyuhyun to SuperGirl1315:

He doesn't need a new bible though, sorry. *Grabs the game from your hands*

Yonghwa to SuperGirl1315:

If you go for hyung, Seohyun will hunt you down :| and thats not good!!!

Me to SuperGirl1315:

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG!!!! I APOLOGIZE A BILLION TIMES!!!! But I hope you enjoyed this update :) 








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back from my camping trip :P i'll update later today since i'm unpacking now :D


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Chapter 34: hmmmmmm /evil reader mode on/ i think bomi can gush a bit more over her 1D boys in front of kyuhyun :P now 'that' would be funny.
and awwwwwwwww sungminnie you so cuuuuute /blushes/
Chapter 33: can seohyun just go and crawl into a ditch? she over-reacts to EVERYTHING!

atghhhhh oh and bomi, make kyuhyun suffer >:D
Chapter 33: @kyuhyun: yah cho kyuhyun i'll personally fly to seoul and beat ur ___ with a stick. you don't treat a girl like that. =____= you should know better *sigh
Chapter 32: wow.... seriously bomi... and kyuhyun. STOP BEING SO COMPLICATED!
Chapter 31: @Seohyun ; Yeah ____, no I'm not.
@Kyuhyun ; YES. *^* GUILTY AS FAWK.
@Yonghwa ; THEN.. THAT MAKES YOU GAY. <33333
@Author Nim; It's alrightttt update soon!
@Siwon ; OMG WHAT IS IT OPPA. <3333
Anna13 #6
Chapter 30: It's sooo nice hope u update soon!!! <3
omg soooo good please update soon. :)
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: O.M.G. seohyun is such a !!! Im so looking forward to the next chapter.