Chappie 25

E.L.F or One Directioner?!



It took all of my inner strength to not kill Yonghwa inside the coffee shop. We walked out of Coffee Bean and stared up at the dark sky. Thunder rumbled in the distance.


“Unnie, is it going to rain?” Jiyeon gripped onto my hand tightly. “I hate thunder…” She mumbled softly to no one in particular.

Jihun stepped forward and reached for her tiny hand. “Don’t worry, Jiyeon! Oppa will protect you!”


My lips voluntarily curved into a smile. Little kids are just so cute!!!! ^_^ I glanced at Yonghwa. He was gazing intently at his little brother’s actions and started chuckling. In a split second, fat drops of rain poured down on us.

“AHHHH!!!” Jiyeon jumped into my arms and squealed. “OTTEOKEEEE?!?!?!? I HATE RAIN!!!”

All of us started sprinting towards the subway station…well technically Yonghwa and me, with our siblings clinging onto us like koalas. I set Jiyeon down onto the ground once we were shielded from the downpour.

“Do we still go to Lotte World?” I inquired. Yonghwa shook off the rain on his hair and smirked at me.

“Of course! Kaja~” He grabbed Jiyeon and Jihuns hands, leaving me standing there. Is this supposed to be his revenge? =_=


>>>Inside Lotte World<<<


“YAAAAAAY!!!” Jihun and Jiyeon screeched in unison. I covered my ears and winced at their loudness. How can something so small make such a loud noise? It befuddles me…

“Yah.” Yonghwa snapped his fingers.

“Yea?” I turned to look at him.

“Are you hungry?” He pointed at the food stalls. “What do you want to eat?”

“I want ice cream.” I stated matter-of-factly and started grinning at the thought of eating ice cream.

“You weirdo.” He walked towards the stands.


I looked back at Jihun and Jiyeon who were in a store that sold animal ears. They both tried on a headband. Jiyeon wore rabbit ears while Jihun wore leopard ones.

“Unnie! Can me and Jihun buy this?” Jiyeon called.

I sauntered towards them and handed the saleslady 10,000 won. Jiyeon giggled at Jihun’s ears and pinched his cheeks.

“Don’t do that!!” Jihun rubbed his sore cheeks and pouted innocently.


“I’m back with food~” Yonghwa sing-songed. I greedily snatched the bowl of Dippin’ Dots and wolfed it down. Yonghwa sat down awkwardly beside me on the bench and began commenting on my way of eating.

“I’ve never seen a girl eat like that before…aren’t girls supposed to be graceful when they eat?” He teased.

I dropped the spoon and glared at him. “Why the hell are you concerned about the way I’m eating?”

“It’s embarrassing.” Yonghwa stated bluntly.

If only I could kill someone with my glare. Unfortunately, lasers didn’t shoot out of my eyes so I just punched Yonghwa in the arm.

“Damn woman. You punch really hard.”

Before I could reply, my phone started ringing. LOUDLY.


 ♪ Baby you light up my world like nobody else
 The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
 But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell
 You don't know
 Oh Oh 
You don't know you're beautiful  ♪  


I quickly silenced and bowed my head down at the people glaring at me before answering.

“Yeoboseyo?” I sighed.

“Sweetie~?” It’s my mom? O_O

“Omma? Why are you calling me?”

“Did you forget that it’s been 2 weeks? I’m going to your father’s office to pick up my baby.” My mom said sadly

OH … “But omma, I’m at Lotte World with Jiyeon. I’ll call you later when we’re going back. BYE!”


I quickly ended the call. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to my mom. I know you guys are probably wondering, ‘how can you not want to talk to your own mother?’ but it’s a complicated story. Some of you might know because I mentioned it before. Yonghwa looked at me strangely.

“Stop looking at me like that.” I snapped. “And stop judging me.”

“I wasn’t judging you.”

“Yeah you were.” I stood up and tossed my empty bowl into the bin. “Let’s go, Jiyeon and Jihun! Time to play.”


They followed me obediently.


After a few hours of ice skating, and riding rides, we decided to leave until..





















*Ding Ding Ding


“Annyeonghaseyo. This is the Lotte World staff and we’re sad to have to announce this but the rain has caused the main road to flood. No one will be able to exit this building until the water recedes.  We apologize for the inconvenience this can cause. There are saunas on the basement floors where you can rest and eat. Please feel free to check in. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.”


*Ding Ding Ding


My mouth fell open at the announcement. Now what…Jiyeon looked at me and pouted.

“Unnie, does this mean we have to sleepover at this place?”

“It’s okay Jiyeonnie.” I patted her head to calm her down.


Yonghwa was also having the same trouble as me. Jihun wouldn’t stop bawling because of the announcement.

“I WANT TO GO HOME HYUNG!!!” He screamed his head off, causing the bystanders to stare.

“Shhh…” Yonghwa his head. “Just think of this as a one day vacation, Jihun. Don’t panic! You have hyung here. Plus you wouldn’t want Jiyeon to think you’re a wimp right?” I giggled at his last statement.


Jihun wiped his tears away and straightened his back as if to say, ‘I must look manly for Jiyeon!’


The sauna was extremely crowded with angry customers.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE IS NO MORE LOCKERS?!” A nearby woman hollered loudly. Jiyeon pinched my arm with a fearful expression plastered on her face. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.


Yonghwa cleared his throat and grinned at me. “You will thank me later.” Huh…? He made his way to the check in desk and flashed the lady a handsome smile.

“Can I please have 1 female and 1 male locker?” He brushed his bangs so they sat on his long eyelashes.

“Y-Yes…” She handed him 2 keys and 2 sets of outfits and grinned seductively. Is she really that desperate?


The woman who was complaining beside Yonghwa spun around and glared at the lady. “DIDN’T YOU JUST TELL ME THERE WERE NO LOCKERS?!?!?!?!”


Yonghwa took the chance to slip back to us and handed me the key. “Let’s meet at the cafeteria in 2 hours.”


I nodded and led Jiyeon towards the female section of the sauna. After I kicked off my Converses, and helped Jiyeon out of her boots, my phone began vibrating. Good thing I silenced that thing otherwise I would be ringing loudly again.



“BOMI!!” Kyuhyun yelled.

I winced at the volume. “Yes, Kyu?”

“Where the hell are you?!?!” Kyuhun chided. “We’re all searching for you.”

“No we’re not.” I heard Sungmin mumble in the background.

“Shut up Minnie!!!!” Kyuhyun shouted breathlessly. “Anyway, YOU DIDN’T ANSWER MY QUESTION LADY!”

Jiyeon tugged on the end of my T-shirt. I looked down at her and mouthed, ‘Hold on.’ She nodded obediently and played with the locker key.

“I’m at Lotte World, Kyuhyun.” I began explaining the situation.

After I was done, talking, the line was quiet. Did he hang up on me?

“Are you still with Yonghwa?” He suddenly said, his tone filled with hostility.

“Um..yeah.” I nodded my head even though he couldn’t see.

“You’re alone. With Yonghwa at a sauna…” He repeated.

“What part of yeah don’t you goddamn understand?” I was starting to become impatient. “Whatever. I’m going to hang up now. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Bye.” I ended the call before he could respond.


I bent down and lifted Jiyeon in my arms. “Let’s get washed~”


>>>2 Hours Later<<<


I ordered a bowl of ramen, a couple of boiled eggs and two containers of rice punch. I carried the tray back to our table and set it down. Jiyeon’s eyes was sparkling at the sight of food.


“Did you inherit your sister’s black hole stomach, Jiyeon-ah?” Yonghwa tucked a loose strand of hair behind Jiyeon’s ears. Jiyeon blinked innocently, not understanding what Yonghwa said at all.

I quickly took the chance to crack an egg against Yonghwa’s forehead. He screeched in pain while I was cackling at his misery. Hehe I’m so evil x)

“Evil witch!!” Yonghwa grabbed an egg and was about to hit it against my head but I snatched it out of his hand and smacked it on his forehead again. Yonghwa howled in pain.

“You think you can beat me?” I shook my head. “Silly oppa.”  


He glowered at me as I dipped the egg into some salt. I smiled sweetly at him before helping Jiyeon with the ramen.


After eating our dinner, we headed towards the little rooms that the sauna provided to catch some sleep. I piggybacked Jiyeon because she was already asleep. I knelt down and spread out a thin mattress and set her down. Yonghwa set Jihun’s mattress beside Jiyeon’s and tucked him in.

“Goodnight, Jihun!” Yonghwa patted his forehead. He inched towards the door and closed it, and made his way towards me. I lay down on my own mattress and turned to face him. He was gazing intensely at me, causing me to blush.

“Why are you staring at me?” I chuckled and pinched his nose.

“Ouchie..” He pouted and pinched me back.

“Aish, I’m gonna go to sleep. Goodnight, oppa.” I rolled to face the wall and tucked my hand under the pillow.


{Yonghwa’s P.O.V}


After a few hours of tossing and turning, I was still unable to sleep. I sat up and glanced at Bomi. Her head had fallen off the pillow and she was curled in a fetal position. I chuckled at her cute sleeping position. I slowly lifted her head and slipped my arm underneath and pulled her closer towards my chest. When he nuzzled her cheek against the crook of my neck, my heart began to race. Her breathing was calm and gentle. I couldn’t help but curl a strand of hair behind her ear. I gently traced my finger down her chubby cheeks and voluntarily grinned. Bomi-ah, I’ve never met a girl like you. You’re violent, scary, hot-tempered, lazy, stubborn, sarcastic yet so, caring, smart, beautiful, cute, funny, sweet, and unselfish. I’m falling deeper in love with you, Bomi Lee. Your imperfections make you even more perfect. Although you think so lowly of yourself, I think you’re the most incredible girl I’ve ever met. Don’t ever let Seohyun’s hurtful words get to you. When the time is right, I will reveal my feelings to you but until then, I’ll just have to keep my feelings to myself. I love you, Bomi Lee.


I think I should at One Direction into the fic soon lol :D Okay so I'll try to fit them in next update? Or the one after the next update :P Hope you like this update :) I really hate the new update on AFF. I can't add those section breakers..I'M REALLY HATING AFF RIGHT NOW!!!!


@ILIKEPRETTYBOYS: One of my friends is like that. And we say she'll abandon our beloved Koreans but shes all '1D is beast!!!' Ok so I know that up to now, there isn't much 1D so I'll try to add them for you :D Hope you like this fan fic. PS. this fan fic will mainly focus on Super Junior though so please don't be disappointed.


Seohyun to TasLuq:

I do believe that I'm close with Yesung oppa!! Ask any of my unnies!! I don't care if you hate me~ I have more fans than antis so whatever :D 


Kyuhyun to TasLuq

I wouldn't want to mingle with a hoobae. I'm y, free and single and ready to mingle....with hot girls. And my definition of hot girls doesn't include Bomi. 


Yonghwa to TasLuq:

How did you know I had a crush on Ah Ra?!?!?!?!?! O__O Keep it a secret, mmkay? ;) *ssssshhhhh*


Bomi to TasLuq:

I finally have some people on my side! Let's see if I can get one of the SUJU 'oppas' to be on my side! Kyu has a crush on me?! Impossible....


Kangin to TasLuq:

Hi there, did you miss me? The author says that I'll appear in the next update with mochi cheeks and Zhoumi? [Spoiler]



Me to TasLuq:

Kangin just gave a spoiler didn't he..aish that man. =_= Anyway, I'm glad you like my fan fic ^_^ /le hug



Bomi to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

At least I'm not alone? Hehehe. Yonghwa being my husband would be...IDK LOL I'd probably torment him everyday :D Those 2 children are such noisy chatter boxes :) and I'm proud to be their, unnie/noona. My 72 cats have name tags on them of course. My brain can't fit that many names :P


Kyuhyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

Bomi isn't my ideal type though so yeah... :) Oh please don't mention the day when they cornered me in the dorm. Author-nim actually stepped forward and punched me in the eye. My eye swelled up like I got stung like a bee...


Seohyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

Whatever man. I don't care. I can just convince them I'm innocent with my acting skills.


Yonghwa to xXxCatsLoverxXx: obviously know the answer if you're reading this now. 


Super Junior to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

We're pretty sure he's learned his damn lesson. After we beat him up, he sulked in his room for 2 days! 


Me to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

I try to make it funny I guess. :D Let's hope that punch knocked some sense into that maknae. 



Seohyun to SuperGirl1315

I'm ier than you! YOLO. My is y and firm so I can use it to seduce the oppas ;)


Kyuhyun to SuperGirl1315

He just continued reading his bible, miss. So please give me my Star Craft now.


Yonghwa to SuperGirl1315

My y body is reserved for Bomi's eyes only :)


Me to SuperGirl1315

Getting torn between  2 guys won't happen for a bit since Yonghwa doesn't want to reveal his feelings to our Bomi... :) 



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back from my camping trip :P i'll update later today since i'm unpacking now :D


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Chapter 34: hmmmmmm /evil reader mode on/ i think bomi can gush a bit more over her 1D boys in front of kyuhyun :P now 'that' would be funny.
and awwwwwwwww sungminnie you so cuuuuute /blushes/
Chapter 33: can seohyun just go and crawl into a ditch? she over-reacts to EVERYTHING!

atghhhhh oh and bomi, make kyuhyun suffer >:D
Chapter 33: @kyuhyun: yah cho kyuhyun i'll personally fly to seoul and beat ur ___ with a stick. you don't treat a girl like that. =____= you should know better *sigh
Chapter 32: wow.... seriously bomi... and kyuhyun. STOP BEING SO COMPLICATED!
Chapter 31: @Seohyun ; Yeah ____, no I'm not.
@Kyuhyun ; YES. *^* GUILTY AS FAWK.
@Yonghwa ; THEN.. THAT MAKES YOU GAY. <33333
@Author Nim; It's alrightttt update soon!
@Siwon ; OMG WHAT IS IT OPPA. <3333
Anna13 #6
Chapter 30: It's sooo nice hope u update soon!!! <3
omg soooo good please update soon. :)
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: O.M.G. seohyun is such a !!! Im so looking forward to the next chapter.