Chappie 24

E.L.F or One Directioner?!



I punched in the number code for the door angrily and kicked the door open. Yes I was still very mad at Donghae. You must be wondering how I overcame the kiss scene with that right? Well, I pretended he was my beloved Zayn Malik and *poof* all the awkwardness was gone just like that. After rehearsals were over, Donghae had the guts to come and ask me why I stormed off like that. *Sigh* That dense, clueless little fish bastard. You must think I’m over reacting eh? Well I’m not!! It hurts a hell lot ya know? T_T


“UNNIE!!!!” Jiyeon came barreling from the kitchen with a banana in her hand. I knelt down and stretched out my arms to hug her.

“Aigo!!” She almost knocked the breathe out of me. Jiyeon nuzzled her chubby cheeks against mine and smiled.

“I missed you unnie.” She planted a kiss on my cheeks and giggled happily.

“Who gave you the banana?” I asked as a I caressed her cheeks.

“Ryeowook oppa.”


I thought they had a photo shoot today? Well that was what Kyuhyun kept saying to me last night. Please don’t think erted things! I was trying to write my 10 paged research paper and he kept talking about their new album concept. Something called y, Free, and Single? I don’t know..mianhe for my horrible memory.


“Unnie~” Jiyeon poked my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yes, Jiyeonnie?” I stood up and led her to my room to set down my things. As expected, Kyuyhun was hunched up on his seat, playing Star Craft again…How is Star Craft fun?! I prefer Diablo than Star Craft…aish.

“Can I go see Jihun oppa and Yonghwa oppa today?” She puffed out her cheeks cutely.


Kyuhyun immediately paused his game and turned around to stare at me and Jiyeon. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

“Kyu, you wanna come too?”

“ANIYO!!!” He shouted loudly and sprinted like a mad man out of the room.

“Go ask one of the oppas to bathe you while I call Yonghwa oppa, arrasso?” I pinched her fluffy cheeks lightly.

“De!” She saluted me and ran off to find someone to give her a bath.


I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Yonghwa’s number.


♫I can show you my everything I can show you my everything
neo anin nugudo nae mameul ttwige han jeok eomneungeol
I can show you my everything I can show you my everything
neol saranghae saranghae neol saranghae saranghae neol saranghae♫


He finally changed his dial tone!!! I want to give him a big damn hug for changing it.

“Annyeong Bomi-ah.”

“Yonghwa, Jiyeon wants to play with Jihun today…” I mumbled softly.

“Are you sure its not you who wants to see me?” He teased.

“Ani!!!” I sighed. “Let’s take them to Myeongdong?”

“And then we can take them to Lotte World!!!” Yonghwa suggested eagerly.

“You’re a little to excited, oppa.” I giggled.

“Whatever~~~ Let’s meet in front of Lotte Plaza, de?”

“De.” I ended the call and changed into more comfortable clothes.

>>>1 Hour Later<<<


“I want crepes, unnie.” Jiyeon whined unhappily.

“We’ll get crepes when Yonghwa and Jihun arrives, okay?”

Jiyeon pouted sadly before running towards a toy store. “YAH JIYEON!!!!” But she didn’t listen to me…little kids (>_<)


“Want me to go get her for you?” A voice spoke behind me

I spun around and saw Yonghwa and Jihun chuckling to each other. “Why are you guys laughing? It’s not funny!!”

I dashed into the store to retrieve Jiyeon. It took me 10 minutes to coax her into leaving the shop. Yonghwa was practically laughing his skinny off at me. I glowered at him and headed to a crepe stand. I handed the snack to Jiyeon to stop her from sobbing.


“Are you happy now?” I asked.

“D-De..” Jiyeon nodded slowly, tears still running down her cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe them off and kissed her on the forehead.



Yonghwa let go of Jihun’s hand so the little kiddies could hold each other’s hand while sharing a crepe. I couldn’t help but coo at their cuteness. Seeing them like that made the hate I harbored against Donghae disappear. Yonghwa nudged me with his elbow and winked when I looked up at him.


“Care to explain why you’re winking at me like a ert?” I looked forward again to prevent myself from laughing. I could tell Yonghwa was frowning beside me. “Aish, I’m just joking lah, oppa.”

“I’ll forgive you if…” He paused for a couple of seconds.


“If you give me a kiss on the cheek.”

I slowed down my pace and stared at him. “Are ya serious?”

“Very.” His eyebrows pinched together cutely.

“No.” I started speed-walking towards the 2 kids and held Jiyeon’s free hand tightly.


I led them towards Coffee Bean and picked a seat for them. I turned around to see if Yonghwa caught up with us but he was nowhere to be seen. What are his long legs for..sheesh. I ordered 2 hot chocolates, one for me and one for Yonghwa and sat down between Jiyeon and Jihun.


“I want a sip!!” Jiyeon declared loudly.

“Me too!” Jihun imitated my sister’s loudness.

I blew lightly against the drink and held it up to her lips. She stuck out her tongue after she was done.

“Hot~” She blew on her tongue adorably.

Jihun copied her gesture. “Noona, where is my hyung?”

“I dunno…he’s such a slowpoke.”

Out of nowhere a voice popped up. “I heard that, Bomi-ah.”

I turned around and saw a tiredly looking Yonghwa. “Oh, hi!”

“You’re despicable, Bomi!!!” He sat down gruffly and started ranting. “I searching everywhere for you guys! How can you do this to me huh? I thought I was your friend Bomi!! I’ll never forgive you! You made me walk until my feet hurt.”

“How is it my fault that you’re wearing combat boots?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Damn you!” He crushed a napkin in between his hands and exhaled.

A few minutes passed. I glanced curiously at Yonghwa who was silent.

“Oppa, are you really that mad at me?” I poked him with an unused straw.

“Don’t talk to me.” He snapped.

“Oppa~” I pouted.

“However, I’ll forgive you, if you give me a kiss on the cheek.” He smirked.


I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. At the exact time, I heard a snapshot. I turned my head to see him grinning evilly at me.

“DELETE THAT PHOTO NOW!!!!” I jumped up and tried to grab his phone

“Never!!!” He held his phone up high so I couldn’t reach it. Why must I be so short?!?!?! (T_T)



AFF is being weird lately...I had to write this chapter twice so I decided to switch to Word otherwise I'd rage...aish. Does anyone know the song that I chose for Yonghwa's new dial tone? I'll update faster if any of you guys can guess! :3 PS. this is what Yonghwa looks like:



@soomin94: is this chapter length okay? hope you like it <3 :)


Bomi to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

Of course I'll take care of my cats! I'm a great mommy to them. Have you ever been kissed before? Heheh I'm being a creeper ain't I? :P After spending the day with Yonghwa and the 2 kids, I felt a lot better...damn I sound like a mother lol. The next update will take place in Lotte World with some intimate moments? Thats what author-nim said. :P


Kyuhyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

Everyone is a fan of mine :) But how can I not be your bias? I'm the best out of Super Junior!!!! One day, you'll realize that I. Don't. Like Love. Bomi!!!!


Seohyun to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

No one can bring me down!!! NO ONEEEE!!!!! NOT BOMI, NOT AH RA, NOT ANYONE! So don't anticipate for that scene ;)


Super Junior to xXxCatsLoverxXx:

We'd be happy to bully that maknae! We'll make him suffer for all the pranks he pulled on us!


Me to xXxCatsLoverxXx

Speaking of the maknae...I arleady knocked some sense into him...hopefully? I think Seohyun can play the evil stepsisters in this fic lolol. Hope you like the update, lovely reader!! :)



Seohyun to SuperGirl1315:

Really? But why was he telling about his loneliness? How dare you insult my bum as chewy? They're firm and y!!


Kyuhyun to SuperGirl1315:

When I told him, he looked quite where is my Star Craft disk?!


Yonghwa to SuperGirl1315:

You want me to take my top off?'ll probably die of blood loss from the nose bleed you'll have after seeing me half ;)


Me to SuperGirl1315:

I'll add lots of drama when I feel it is right. There will be so much drama upcoming chapters interesting? Hehe, hope you liked the chapter! And I'll try to update soon. :D 

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back from my camping trip :P i'll update later today since i'm unpacking now :D


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Chapter 34: hmmmmmm /evil reader mode on/ i think bomi can gush a bit more over her 1D boys in front of kyuhyun :P now 'that' would be funny.
and awwwwwwwww sungminnie you so cuuuuute /blushes/
Chapter 33: can seohyun just go and crawl into a ditch? she over-reacts to EVERYTHING!

atghhhhh oh and bomi, make kyuhyun suffer >:D
Chapter 33: @kyuhyun: yah cho kyuhyun i'll personally fly to seoul and beat ur ___ with a stick. you don't treat a girl like that. =____= you should know better *sigh
Chapter 32: wow.... seriously bomi... and kyuhyun. STOP BEING SO COMPLICATED!
Chapter 31: @Seohyun ; Yeah ____, no I'm not.
@Kyuhyun ; YES. *^* GUILTY AS FAWK.
@Yonghwa ; THEN.. THAT MAKES YOU GAY. <33333
@Author Nim; It's alrightttt update soon!
@Siwon ; OMG WHAT IS IT OPPA. <3333
Anna13 #6
Chapter 30: It's sooo nice hope u update soon!!! <3
omg soooo good please update soon. :)
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: @Seohyun
Yes you did.. because.. your.. /toot/ is itchy. ;D
You made out with Seohyun and now you're acting innocent?! ____ DAYUM.
@Author Nim
@Super Junior
Chapter 30: O.M.G. seohyun is such a !!! Im so looking forward to the next chapter.