I Hate This Love Song

From America to Korea


Amanda's POV
"I think i like that stupid girl" When choi said this in my ear i was filled with happiness. and fear. I put my hands over his witch were around my waist and pulled away from him. I didnt want to drag this out. I didnt want to hurt him. There was no way i could ever deserve to love someone again. 
"Well you should stop" i said turning to face him. fighting back the tears." I dont know if ill ever like you the way you will lke me. So you should just look for someone else." we stood there in silince for awhile i could feel his eyes on me. "You should leave." i said quietly.
"Yeah i guess so...." he replied. He walked past me and out the front door. 
When the family came in a couple days later i decided i would tell kailey everything about what had happened to far. She waould be mad at me for the way i handled things but shes my sister so i knew she would love me anyway. She was 4 years older than me so i thought she might be able to give me some good advice. 
Megans POV: 
It was around 4 in the afternoon when i heard a knock on my door. It was Amanda she was dressed in an all black dress and her eyes were puffy from crying. My heart dropped.
"Please dont tell me someone else died i dont think i could handle it." she looked up at me and smiled at me sadly.
"no.... I..... I'm going to Junhyungs grave. I need to say some things..... im sick and tired of being so pathetic. I was wondering if you would go with Kailey and I. You arent staying you are just dropping me off and im goign to walk back myself. I need to be alone for awhile." She said all this while staring at her feet and I could tell she was really trying to get better so i would support her.
"Of course ill go with you Amanda." she looked up at me and her eyes filled with tears again.
"Im so scared." she whispered. I embraced her trying to tel her how proud i was of her and how much i missed her. I let her go and she walked to the door to wait for me with Kailey. I turned and went back into my room and brought out the letter and Junhuyng had given to me. Maybe this was the time i was supposed to give it to her. I joined Kailey and Amanda and we all walked to teh cemetery together.
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afiercesong #1
Aw. I liked this.
BeautifulVIU #2
hahahaha good. it is deffinately my favortie chapter so far...... im quite proud of it. Its some of the best writing ive done. I WANNA SAVE IT! hahaha but mybe i just love it cause its sooooo cute and you KNOW how i feel about cute things
i just died
BeautifulVIU #4
HAHA im laughing at them too RAY IS SO CRAZY
HAHAHAHAHAHA....... im laughing at our past comments......And way to be emo amanda hahaha
BeautifulVIU #6
im so scared i tHink im gonna WII WII
BeautifulVIU #7
hahaha thinking about minho drunk makes me happy and laugh
omg choi....your crazy
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this was so good amanda...and still junhyunggggggg
BeautifulVIU #10