Chapter 31

It Started With A Prank Call




“Unnie!!” The pillow was pulled off of my face instantly while EuJin let out a horrible scream.

I looked up to see Ji Min standing next to me by the bed, looking down and breathing hard. I saw her kick someone on the ground before she turned to me, and I saw her eyes light up.

“Unnie, you’re awake.” She turned back around and narrowed her eyes at the person on the ground.

Did Ji Min just take down EuJin?

“You must be EuJin.” She took a step forward and I heard EuJin scoot back on the ground. “I have been told many stories about you, the girl who was saved along with my unnie, who wanted to steal Daehyun-oppa from unnie, and the one who tried to kill my unnie.”

With the strength I had, I slowly pushed myself up on the bed and watched the scene in front of me. EuJin had a bloody nose and by the way that her hair was sticking in every direction, Ji Min must’ve grabbed her hair.

“You were the one who kidnapped my unnie, and almost had her . You were the one who caused her to be in a coma for weeks.” Ji Min lowered to EuJin’s level and glared daggers at her. “I won’t forgive you.”

EuJin, still covering her nose, laughed. “So what if I tried to kill her? I hired those men to your sister and get rid of her, but that didn’t happen. If she doesn’t die now, she will later. What makes you think a little kid like you can scare me?”

“I can do this.” I watched as Ji Min pulled her phone out of her pocket. The police’s number was dialed in. They heard everything. EuJin’s eyes slowly widened.


The door swung open and I looked up just as his eyes met mine. I saw relief flood his face before he looked down at EuJin and glared. He pulled her up roughly.

“Oppa! You’re hurting me!” She yelled. He ignored her protests and pulled her out of the room. Ji Min walked over to me, suddenly embracing me into a tight hug.

“Unnie!! You’re awake!” She hugged me so tight, I could barely breathe. I weakly patted her back and she finally let go. “And just in time too to see me do those awesome moves.”

“…you just punched her.” I quietly said. She rolled her eyes but pulled me into a hug once again.

“I thought you’d never wake up. We all thought you’d never wake up. You don’t know how happy mom and dad and Yuri-unnie will be!” She smiled at me widely. “But eww… you look like a witch with your hair all messed up and those eye bags.”

I chuckled but then smacked her arm. “Hey, don’t say that.”

The door opened again and he walked in.

“So I uhh… will just go now and leave you both alone.” Ji Min quickly walked out of the room, the door shutting behind her. I stared at him while he stared back, then he smiled.

I held my hand out and he quickly took it as he sat down on the bed next to me, kissing my hand before looking at me.

“Daehyun.” I whispered. I leaned into his chest and he held me close to him.

“You did it.” He whispered to me. Something wet dripped onto my cheeks and I slowly looked up to see that he was crying. I wiped his tears before mine came too. I hugged him tightly and buried my face into his chest. “I missed you.”

Soon, I fell asleep.


*Third Point of View*

He turned away from the door, clenching and unclenching his fists. He couldn’t watch them hug any longer. He wanted to storm in and tear them apart from each other, but then he couldn’t do it. No, he couldn’t. No matter how much it hurt him to see someone he like, no love, be held by someone, he won’t do anything about it. Besides, if being with Daehyun made her happy, then he won’t interfere.

He walked outside and into the cool air and took in a deep breath.

“Let her go Seyong.” He whispered to himself. “She was never yours to start with.” He closed his eyes for a second then slowly, he walked away.

*End of Third Point of View*




Short chapter... i know XP I'm sorryy!!! i'll try to update again soon ^_^ thanks for still reading! remember to comment! <3




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Queenka94 #1
This story gave me butterflies, feels, anxiety,
and pinkie-swears ♡♡
Gomawa again ♡♡
Queenka94 #2
Chapter 33: *SIGHH* ♡♡
So happy. They're together. They're soo cute together.
And all the cameos were jjang! Hehe, I love Zelo's character here. Lol.
I love the plot, and even though there are some loose flowed well. Annddd, I liked the fact that the chapters were short -I got to read it in about 2hrs XD
Though it would be a pain if I had to wait for updates..but then again.. When was I ever patient when it came to waiting for story updates? LOOL
Good job, author-nim!! :)
Chapter 33: Omg why is the story already over ㅜㅜ I really enjoyed reading this fanfiction and I love your writing style. This was one of the best storys I've ever read~♡♡♡♡
CJD150 #4
Chapter 33: I luv youuu.. this story is jjang
ZicoRuthy10 #5
Chapter 33:
lol I always prank call people with my friends xD
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 31: I shall call this chapter the pity party for Seyong. Aww poor guy
DaeNaekkoya #8
Chapter 33: Aww so sweet!!!! One of the best stories I've read!! I really liked the humor in here it was hilarious and other scenes gave me butterflies <333 A good story for Daehyun feels <333
naadzx #9
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: KYAAAA such an awesome ending! i've never expected how the hell "me" and "him" in ending could married? WOW. keep writing author-nim, you have a wonderful imagination! saranghae<3