Chapter 41


 “He hurt me.”

Jessica’s voice quivered. She stared at Onew, whose eyes were still on her torso.

 “Every day I wake up and I look in the mirror and I see this.” Jessica pointed at the harsh pink line that marked her body. “This ugly… ugly mark on my body and I hate it. I hate it. I hate that I have to see it every day. I don’t understand how people can continue living their lives when they’ve been marked.”

The cool air around her caused her to shiver and she abruptly reached down to pull her dress back up, quickly shading herself from the exposure.

 “People would normally say I should be proud that I’m still here. That this scar is a reminder of how strong I was.” She covered her body with her arms, evading Onew’s gaze. “But I don’t. I don’t see it. Every time I see this, it just reminds me of how weak I am. How ugly it’s made me. It’s like a habit I can never get rid of.” Jessica raised her eyes to look at Onew and her heart sank when she saw him looking down. This was what she was afraid of. That look of doubt. A look of disappointment. Could he be ashamed? Was he ashamed of her too? She tasted the tanginess of blood as it seeped from the harsh biting down of her lip.

Onew, with his strong arms, enveloped Jessica and suddenly her legs lost their strength and she crashed her small body into his. Under normal circumstances, one would cry but her tear ducts were dry. She couldn’t weep.

The front door was suddenly being banged on, the harsh knocks getting louder. Onew pulled away reluctantly and covered her with his jacket before opening the door.

“About damn time.” Doojoon marched in, followed closely by Krystal. His eyes searched around and he found Jessica hunched on the edge of the couch. He rushed to her side and kneeled down, checking up on her. “For God’s sake, Jessica, next time finish a conversation before ending the phone call.”

Onew hung back while Krystal observed the scene, confused to the bone. “What’s going on?” After the call half an hour earlier, Doojoon was a frantic mess. She questioned him when they drove over, but she was only responded with silence.

 “Why don’t we all sit down,” said Onew as he gestured to them. Krystal stayed in her spot, still trying to figure out the deal between her sister and boyfriend. In the few minutes she observed, she knew there was something more. She’d seen them close before, but not in this proximity. She repeated, “What’s going on?”

Clearing , Jessica spoke, “Soojung, sit down.” Krystal didn’t budge. “Sit. Please.” At her sister’s demanding tone, Krystal obliged, her eyes trained on Doojoon, who was now sat cross-legged on the floor, still a fair bit close to Jessica.

 “There’s something you don’t know and I’ve been keeping it quiet for some time,” said Jessica slowly. “Donghae and I didn’t- we didn’t break up because we weren’t ready to get married. I left him.”

 Krystal looked at her. “You said you wanted to wait a bit longer but Donghae couldn’t wait. So you ended it.”

 “No, I ended it with him because he-” Doojoon nodded for her to continue as Jessica worriedly glanced at him. “He changed. Into someone I couldn’t spend my life with.”

 “I don’t understand.”

 “He was abusing her, Soojung,” blurted Doojoon. Jessica shrunk back into her seat. “He abused her and she left him.”

Krystal froze. “What?” Onew shifted slightly, uneasy at seeing Jessica look so frail. “He did what to her?”

Doojoon was getting impatient with Krystal’s stubbornness. “He abused her. He said things to her and he touched her. That’s how she got the scar.”

 “What scar?”

He turned to Jessica. “She hasn’t seen it? Has he seen it?”

Onew nodded slowly . “I recently found out.” Jessica pulled his jacket closer to her and wiped her streaked face. “Jessica, why don’t you clean up first and I’ll give you a change of clothes. Krystal, you can go with your sister.”


 “Jessica and I, we’re just friends.”

Doojoon finally said as he and Onew sat on opposite ends of the couch. They were waiting for the girls to return. The atmosphere between the two males was uncomfortable to say the least.

 “I just happen to know a part of her that no one else does, but I have no romantic feelings towards her. I never have.”

Onew nodded curtly. “OK.”

 “I told her to tell you, you know. You and Krystal. But Jessica’s quite stubborn. Heck, it took me about two months to make her see that Donghae was bad news. And it took a lot of convincing for her to go talk to someone even after everything.”

 “Did she?”

Doojoon shook his head. “She said she wasn’t comfortable with telling a shrink the behind the scenes of one of Korea’s richest heirs. She didn’t want to be judged, even though that isn’t part of the shrink’s job. It’s why I tell her to call me whenever she’s having a hard time about it. I thought it was better for her to talk to me rather than keep it all in.” He peered at Onew who was staring blankly at the plain wall. “She was afraid of losing you.”

 “We’ve been together for a year. I don’t understand why she couldn’t tell me,” said Onew. “There were so many instances when she could’ve told me but instead she turns to you.” He didn’t say it, but it hurt his pride.

 “Then you should know how hard it is for her to open up. This isn’t like the time when you fall over in class and wish you rid yourself of the embarrassment. He scarred her, emotionally. For a long period of time.”

At the patter of feet coming closer, the conversation ended. Jessica and Krystal walked out, hand in hand, the latter with her eyes red and swollen.

 “Sorry to have kept you waiting,” said Jessica, sitting down. “I had a bit of trouble with the waterproof mascara.” She dug her fists into the sweater Onew lent her to wear when her joke was responded coldly.  

 “How did you get it?” mumbled Krystal. Jessica raised her eyebrows. She was hoping they could chat with a less serious atmosphere.

 “I don’t quite remember,” said Jessica with a light shake of her head. “I recall fighting with Donghae and the next I woke up in a hospital.”


 “When will you stop, Donghae? Please, how much more-“ Her left cheek stung as his palm slapped her. He was drunk again. And it could’ve been girl number one or girl number three, but the unknown female backed herself away from the ruckus.

 “You have no right to tell me what to do!” shouted Donghae. “I caught you with that secret boyfriend of yours, embarrassed me in front of everyone. You’re just like the other es, climbing your way up the social ladder.  People warned me about you. Get away!” He pushed her hard and she felt herself crashing into the furniture behind her. Her eyes glazed over and she could see the shadowy figures moving before falling into the darkness.


It was bright. Far too bright. And it was painful. Far too much pain. Was she dead? Could she still feel pain after dying?

 “Jessica! Can you hear me?” Her eyes adjusted and she struggled to move. She was finding it hard to breathe. “Don’t move. It’s me, Doojoon. Shh shhh, it’s OK. It’s just me.” A tear escaped from her left eye and she gripped Doojoon’s hand weakly. “I’ll call the doctor to check up on you, alright?”

She had lost quite a bit of blood and she was lucky the cut hadn’t gone deeper, the doctor said. Any deeper and her right lung would have suffered. Her fractured arm and bruised face would heal with time. The physical pain was bad. But what hurt most was the realisation that Donghae had done this to her. That’s what Doojoon told her.

 “If you hadn't told me you were with him beforehand, God knows what would have happened.” He had dark rings under his eyes and he looked like he was about to pass out. She opened to speak but ached. “Get some rest first and we’ll talk some more.”

But Jessica couldn’t rest. It seemed like the time she was unconscious was enough to recharge her and the only thing she wanted to do now was to find him. However, being stuck in a hospital bed, injured and attached to all kinds of machines prevented her from doing so. She could only think and ponder and two hours later Doojoon was up from his nap.

 “How?” she asked wispily.

 “I don’t know. He was gone by the time I came.”

She tried hard to recall but she could only remember his yelling.

 “I want to see him.” Doojoon remained silent. “Doojoon, call him.”

 “No.” Her eyes found his expression angry and upset. “I’m not letting that bastard get anywhere near you.”

 “Doojoon, please.”

Doojoon stood up and glared at her. “Do you see yourself right now, Jessica? He did this to you. You could’ve died! And you want to see him? Are you out of your ing mind?” He had never once denied her this harsh. “I gave you enough chances. I let you be with him to save his face but I’m not letting him off this time. Hate me all you want, but I am not letting him within an inch close to you. Forget it.”

She tiredly raised her arm and gripped his wrist, desperately tugging at it. Ignoring her plea, Doojoon shook her hand off and walked away coldly.


 “That was the time I told mum and dad I was going for my first internship. But I was still in Seoul, recovering from… everything,” she trailed off quietly. She remembered the phone call she’d given her parents and how persistent she had to be to convince them enough with the short notice.

 “How did mum and dad agree? I mean, mum I would understand but dad? There is no way he would have let you off like that not without an actual guardian and I’m sure he wouldn’t have approved of Doojoon,” muffled Krystal as she wiped at her tears. “There had to be someone that they trusted enough to let you go.”

Both Doojoon and Jessica nodded. They shared eye contact, both thinking about whether to reveal the other person.

 “Donghae’s mum.” They all turned towards Onew in surprise. “It was her, right? She was the one that took care of you.”

 “How did you-“

Onew smirked to himself. “It makes sense now.”


Jessica ran off with Krystal to take photos with the bride and groom, leaving Onew and Donghae’s mother alone. She caught Onew’s gaze and smiled.

 “You care for her very much.”

Onew turned to elder woman, with a shy, embarrassed smile. “I… guess.”

 “I know that look when I see one. She’s a beautiful girl, Sooyeon is. I treat her like my own daughter. Such a lovely girl with a big heart, though she doesn’t show it often.”

 “Yes, she is.”

Mrs. Lee’s face changed to a sympathetic one as she looked on at Jessica and the other girls fidgeting for the cameras. Jessica’s gleeful laugh could be heard. “She’s a tough cookie but she’s also oh so vulnerabale. She let you into her life, it means she trusts you.” Onew grinned politely as he listened.

 “I think I still have a bit of building up to do on that part. We’re still new.”

 “Take care of her. Love her and take care of her,” said Mrs. Lee.

 “I intend to, I mean, I want to.”

 “And remember trust isn’t easily earned as it is easily broken. So whatever you do, don’t break that. She’s had enough hurt,” advised Mrs. Lee carefully. She sighed deeply. “Promise me neither of you will hurt each other.”

 “I’ll try not to.”

 “Sooyeon made a good choice finding you.” She patted his arm affectionately, her eyes smiling warmly. “You’re a good man, I can see it. Make sure Sooyeon sees it too.”

Jessica returned in a flurry, still in high spirits, although it was soon dampened when Donghae appeared. Keeping in mind Mrs. Lee’s last words, Onew instinctively felt overprotective and wanted to take her away. Away from whatever it was that changed Jessica.


“Way to go dude!” Doojoon high-fived a beaming Onew. “About time you guys took the next step. I can’t believe it took you this long though.”

 “It did not take long.”

 “I can imagine that right about now, Krystal is probably thinking of ways for us to go on double dates.”

 “That… would be interesting. I think.” They watched the girls crowding around Jessica and the high shrill of laughter that was emitted.

 “Take care of her,” said Doojoon softly. Onew twisted his head round, Doojoon still looking straight ahead. “Jessica. Take care of her.”

 “I will,” replied Onew.

 “She’s not weak, but she’s not that strong either.”


 “She’s got a lot of walls around her, so if she trusts you, don’t break it.”

 “I won’t.”

 “Whatever you do, don’t ever hurt her.”

 “I won’t,” repeated Onew, puzzled. Doojoon turned to face Onew and saw the expression he had.

 “I mean, I know this cos’ I’m dating Krystal and I just figured, before she goes to you all ‘you’re dating my sister and I’ll hurt you if you hurt her’ speech comes out, that I’d cover it,” said Doojoon quickly. “But I’m also saying it as her friend. Don’t hurt her.” He finished with a serious tone.


 “I thought it was a little bizarre that the two of you said practically the same thing. It bugged me for a while but I never really figured out why. I just brushed it off,” said Onew as he finished re-telling his story.

Jessica’s eyes found Doojoon’s and she smiled at him, ultimately grateful she had a friend like him. She mouthed a thank you to him and he blinked once in acknowledgement. 

 “And that’s basically it.” She could feel the lightness of her shoulders, the hidden secret she had kept for so long was finally out in the open. It was eating her up inside all these years but she hadn’t realised how bad. It wasn’t just Onew that she was worried about but more so her little sister; the one person she had wanted to protect from all things bad. Jessica knew she would have a difficult time dealing with her later. Five minutes passed in complete silence and no one said nor made any movement. 

 “I think it’s time we get a move on, don’t you?” said Doojoon, breaking the heavy silence. He could see how drained everyone looked.  

 “It’s five in the morning. I’ve got two empty guestrooms, you guys can crash there,” offered Onew. Considering his own state at this moment, he figured Doojoon was just as bad. “I’d feel a lot more at ease with that rather than you driving home at this hour.”

Doojoon glanced at the girls and nodded. “Thanks, Onew. I’ll just use your bathroom if you don’t mind.”

Jessica made her way over to Krystal, who was still on the couch, her legs curled under her and her arms crossed. At her older sister’s embrace she burst into tears again, locking her arms around her tightly, her tears soaking Jessica’s hair. Jessica quietly cried as well, gently calming her down as she patted her back tenderly. The sisters shared a few words; of disappointment, of small apologies, of encouragement. It could wait till later, said Jessica. It pained her to see Krystal so affected by it. She looked at Onew over her sister’s shoulder and she hoped he could see how sorry she was.

But she couldn’t read his expression. And that feeling of the unknown was far more worrying. 


A super late update and I apologise immensely! I've been so busy with school and assignments, it's crazy! Thank you for being so patient~! Big hugs to all of you xo

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jhing1309 #1
Chapter 45: my first ever read story coming from you.. thank you for the wonderful story and keep it up^^
Chapter 44: woahh it's so romantic
sorry if i just comment here
i read this today and nonstop
this is really good story
Chapter 45: Congrats on your second child, Onsica! I hope it's boy (lol)

It's finally end :"(
I'm sad honestly since this is one of my fave onsica stories ever. I'll re-read it again for sure. Btw, I'll be happier if you could make another onsica story, haha!
Thank you for writing this awesome story and good luck author-nim!
Chapter 45: if you're saying your writing is amateur than what am i. teehee. anyway, i love the way it is. Good luck & probably after yr final alteration, i will reread all over again... :)
Chapter 44: this is BEAUTIFUL!!! Im loving it! hehe. Good work authornim! <3
Chapter 43: Oh my god!! Onsica >< Loving your story, been wating for you to update
Update soon author~nim!!
lwyCarmen #7
Chapter 43: Reading this after becoming a Donghae fan feels weird cause he abused Jessica lol
gorjesshend #8
Chapter 42: okay, mmm, it just i really like this story, especially the thing between doojon and jessica, i dont know it just.. it just they have strong bonding that i cant explain it, i really love their moment, although it is a onsica story hahaha, doojon really took care jessica so much,

am i crazy if i hope this story will end up with doojon-jessica? XD
Chapter 42: it's ending??? awww~~~ happy for sica though~ her OST??? didnt know since i was quite busy~~~ T^T
which song?im so gonna google it. thanks for the info
Chapter 41: Oh God, now i'm really crying.
Hope jessica will be stronger and
relationships revived.
