Twenty Six

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The dinner ended so well.

So far, it is the best dinner date I’ve ever had.

I may have been a little biased because it’s Byulyi and because we kissed and have officially engaged now, though still without a ring, but she accepted my proposal. But overall, everything is just going so well, I almost didn’t believe this is reality. I mean, on the way to the car, I even asked Byulyi to pinch my arm just to make sure I’m totally awake and not making this all up in a dream.

She didn’t pinch me but she told me, “If this was really a dream, even I wouldn’t want to wake up from it.”

She also kisses me again after she said that.

I think that after our third kiss, she became bolder with stealing a few kisses from me and honestly, I really don’t mind. It feels nice, okay? Stop judging, you would have been the same if you were me.

But something missing.

I mean, we are both technically engaged but like I said, there’s still no ring and because Byulyi was so eager for a ring, the other day I went to a jewelry store to buy one with Irene’s company. It was rather hard to choose until I settled with a decision that almost make Irene pull her hair out until she’s bald.

I still remember how frustrated she was.

“Okay, Kim Yongsun. My dear best friend, Solar.” Irene lets out an exhasperated sigh. I felt bad but after hearing her little pep-talk, it leads me to this one specific decision. “Look, we’ve prettymuch get all the rings stored inside this store and you dare to tell me you’re not buying one?”

And yes, I didn’t buy the ring.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I still want a ring for Byulyi and I as a sign that shows we are officially engaged, but I just think I can’t choose it alone. It’s going to be our engagement and I want us to pick one that we both like. I did my research about it beforehand, there is a way to do it so it is a hundred percent possible.

The shopkeeper kindly told us that it is not every day where one will do this type of proposal where there is no ring prepared. But he also mentioned that if I were to pull this off, all I need to get is just a tiny box. It’s going to be empty. Fortunately, before I even do the proposal, Byulyi already gave me her answer and that tiny box she pushed inside my hand was an empty box either (she told me she was afraid I already buy the ring so she left it empty). But this left me slightly wondering if I still need to do it.

“So, um, we’re engaged now?” I bit my lower lip, hands on my lap as I glanced at her for a mere second. Somehow the idea of being engaged to Byulyi is still unreal to me.

She narrows her eyes, “Yeah, I thought it was obvious and all?”

I slumped in my seat, pouting. “It’s just… You asked me to get a ring and—“

“Oh, that one?”

“Mmhm, should I propose to you again? Like, officially?”

Byulyi giggles at me instead and I had to hit her arm so she stops. Her small glance accompanied by that sweet smile makes me slightly blushing. She sighs and with eyes still focusing on the road ahead, she reaches for one of my hands.

“The truth is, that first proposal you did in the car, it was official enough for me. I was just still a little shocked that time. I thought you’re joking with me—“

“Yah, how can I even joke about that…”

“I know, but it was so sudden.” She squeezed my hand and see how her cheeks starting to redden little by little. “You caught me off guard.”

When I can’t help it anymore, I leaned and kisses her cheek. “You’re so adorable, you know that?” Byulyi didn’t say anything yet her cheeks and even now her whole face is boiling red.

Now I get it why she likes me to be on the receiving end.

“A, anyway, since you asked… Does that mean you already get a ring?”

“Well, yeah, about that…” If I tell her I didn’t end up getting one today, will she be upset? Knowing Byulyi, I doubt she’ll be upset though. I do believe she has this soft spot for me. “Um, I went to a jewelry store today.”

“Oh, you did?”

I nodded and starting to enjoy the way Byulyi rubs the back of my hand with her thumb. “Yeah… I went there with Irene and it was really hard to pick one. We spent nearly two hours there because I can’t really settle with one.”

“You know, you can randomly pick one of the cheapest ones and I’d still treat it like a treasure.”

I had to roll my eyes at her, “And somehow I can foresee you saying those words to me.”

She kisses the back of my hand before urging me to continue the story. “So, did you finally find the one?”

“Mm, that’s the problem…” I sighed before biting my lower lip again. “I didn’t find it. More like, I can’t find it.”

Byulyi almost step on the break but I can see her holding herself from doing that. She still choked when she heard it. I mean, she must have thought I already have the ring with me.

“Why can’t you?”

Despite the tone she’s using, her hand is still holding mine without losing it up even just a tiny bit. “I want to get it together with you.” I simply told her.

It is true that it was the main reason I didn’t get the ring earlier today.

I was kind of expecting her to have more to say to me about my decision but all I got was how her face soften, then she gave me her charming hamster smile before kissing the back of my hand affectionately.

Then she asks, “Then would you like to do it tomorrow?” Well, I didn’t expect her to actually offer me right after I dropped the bomb and yet here she is.

The question was a bit rhetorical, to be honest. Like why would I want to postpone it anyway? If she asks for us to go get it right at this moment, I’d probably say yes to that too.

“Let’s go tomorrow.”

“Mm, we’re not rushing…” I felt her gaze at me before tearing it away to the road. “—are we?”

I shook my head. I used to wonder about that too but looking back to those times since the first time we met, I realized we’ve spent too much time denying each other’s feelings and I think why would we need to waste more time? The sooner the better. Besides, I'm not getting any younger here. I also think about the fact that Byulyi still needs to fly back to London for another year and if we’re going to be apart from each other again, I will make sure to make her mine first.

So, no. We are not rushing.

Byulyi and I talks every now and then throughout the entire trip to my place, but then I noticed Byulyi did a turn where she supposed to go straight ahead. “Um, Byul-ah, I thought we’re going to my place?”

“We are,” She squeezed my hand softly as she expertly parked the car one-handedly. “We just need to stop by a bit to buy grocery first.” Byulyi was quick to let go of my hand, undo my seatbelt, step out of the car and rushed her way to open my door as if I can’t do all of them myself.

“You’re acting as if I’m incapable or something.”

Byulyi still offers me her hand, which I took by instinct despite my whine seconds ago. “I always wanted to do these things.” Was all she came up with as an excuse. I held back a scoff because even though it was a little too much, it is still very sweet and kind of her.

“If you want to do that, you can just be my personal driver.”

“But a personal driver can’t do this, right?” I was going to ask what does she mean by that but stopped altogether when she planted a very quick kiss on my lips, instantly making me blush. I hit her on the arm but Byulyi only laughs while I try to hide my face.

In the next few minutes, we’re strolling around the market, arm-in-arm, and though I’m not normally very clingy, I don’t mind it when Byulyi offered me her arm once she got a cart. I honestly don’t do grocery shopping a lot and when I do, it’s usually just me getting all my favorite ramen and the few toiletries that was running out at my place. Also, some canned food and eggs.

“You should really quit on that habit, Yongsun-ah.” Byulyi scolded me when I told her I usually eat canned food, take-outs, and sometimes I just eat out. “You’re engaged now, so stop living your life like a single person.” She nonchalantly said while picking out the celery.

For once, I didn’t take it as an insult but it does embarrass me because she knows that every time I do that, I must have not dated an

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It's not an update. I reuploaded chapter 28 because I accidentally deleted the whole chapter back then.


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mfHelena #1
Chapter 40: Im still waitin🤍
lovemammoo #2
Pls update. Im still waiting
lovemammoo #3
Chapter 40: Author-nim pls come back...
Astrae_17 #4
Chapter 40: I really loved your story! I would love to find out how the story ends! Thank you for your hard work on the story!
Astrae_17 #5
Chapter 40: I really loved your story! I would love to find out how the story ends! Thank you for your hard work on the story!
sugalyn4 #6
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
sugalyn4 #7
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
sugalyn4 #8
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
Chapter 40: waiit, author nim please comeback
Chapter 40: Your a/n...
Moonbyul's comeback??

Dont forget Mamamoo's on 3rd nov tho lolol