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It was the most beautiful night I've ever spent in this entire year and I'm glad I get to spent it with Byulyi.

She told me she needed a love advice out of all topics we can talk about, she choose that one above all. It took me by surprise but I tried to not be a and listened to her problems, then gave her a short yet important advice for her to confess her feelings to this girl. She told me it's someone I knew and in that moment I don't feel like I want to know who she is.

But after the love advice thing, she never talked about anything involving that matters.

"Merry Christmas." She handed me a box wrapped nicely in red with green ribbon around it.

I took it from her and put it on my lap, we were exchanging christmas presents right now and we decided to sit on the carpet nearby my small christmas tree. It was one of those things I managed to do in my free time and it does look cute in my living room, so yes, it was worth it. "It looks cute." I told her as I examines the gift.

I turned to her and before I could say my thanks, she got it faster than me. "Thanks, I wrapped it myself."

"Makes it even cuter." Sometimes I just can't help it.

Besides, it's worth it when I get to see her getting flustered.

After a series of exchanging gifts, we've talked about various of things, catching up those moments we've spent without seeing each other and those little events we've been through without telling one another because we simply have no time to stay in touch. She didn't forget to comment my surprisingly neat apartment and of course, my personal favourite christmas tree. Suddenly, everything I did for the past two days was worth it now Byulyi is praising me for it. She told me about her college and classes, a little bit of her daily activities and some of her friends and professors. How her roommate won't stop asking her to go out. How one professor actually picked her as her favourite student. How she struggled with her academics and yet aced everything when it comes to the real cooking test. She didn't miss the part where Soojung and her friend, Amber, would be kind enough to help her out.

I didn't get to tell her much about what happened to me but it was okay since there isn't really much changed since the last time she saw me. Plus, it wasn't that much interesting too compared to hers. So I was just sitting and listening to her stories, respond to her when it was needed.

Four years passed, she became more talkative now.

"You sure enjoy talking a lot now, huh?" I teased.

She raised her shoulders with a soft chuckle. "Ah, I was feeling too excited, I guess. I mean, it's been four years now since the last time I saw you... You had no idea how many times I wished I spend certain moments with you instead."

I know she was not being greasy, it was easy to make the difference now. "You are really born greasy." Maybe I can finally make out the difference or maybe she's being more obvious.

"I get that a lot."

"Figured. How many girls have you nailed while you're there?"

She lets out small laughter and said, "Unfortunately, none."

"What? None? I don't buy it."

"But that's the whole truth. Sad, isn't it?" She pursed her lips, trying to make a puppy look.

She looks cute and it almost distract me. "Wipe that face. I still don't buy it."

"Well, you can ask Soojung." She reached out for something in her pocket, her cell phone. "Should I call her for you?" She asked as she scrolls through her contact list. Before she could find Soojung's contact, I quickly snatched the phone from her grasp, it made the phone almost fell but I caught it.

"No need. Just...are you being serious? Not even once? Do you ever date anyone while you're there?"

She let out an exasperated sigh, "No, I never dated anyone. There's no one ever caught my attention and I'm not looking for a partner either."

"What about Jung Soojung then? You told me you have a crush on her."

I noticed how often she hang out with her senior, Jung Soojung, through the stories she told me earlier. It seemed like they became good friends ever since Byulyi won the competition with her as the partner and somehow I feel very uneasy with this fact. No, I know Byulyi won't replace me with Soojung even though she's ten times more good looking than me but the idea of Byulyi being close friends with Soojung made me think she really is the girl Byulyi is falling for.

My guts tells me she wants to confess to Soojung.

I had to bite my lower lip thinking about it.

My guts is always right.

Well, mostly.

It was just a matter of time until I spill the beans to her; indirectly asking her if my conclusion is true.

"I have a crush on her." She admitted. "I still do."


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It's not an update. I reuploaded chapter 28 because I accidentally deleted the whole chapter back then.


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mfHelena #1
Chapter 40: Im still waitin🤍
lovemammoo #2
Pls update. Im still waiting
lovemammoo #3
Chapter 40: Author-nim pls come back...
Astrae_17 #4
Chapter 40: I really loved your story! I would love to find out how the story ends! Thank you for your hard work on the story!
Astrae_17 #5
Chapter 40: I really loved your story! I would love to find out how the story ends! Thank you for your hard work on the story!
sugalyn4 #6
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
sugalyn4 #7
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
sugalyn4 #8
Chapter 40: hello author 👋🏼
Chapter 40: waiit, author nim please comeback
Chapter 40: Your a/n...
Moonbyul's comeback??

Dont forget Mamamoo's on 3rd nov tho lolol