D-4 Don't leave

You changed me
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The two males could say that the fouth day of their trip was dedicated to resting. Reason to that was Wonwoo getting a cold. It wasn't a bad cold, just a stuffy nose and a little bit of coughs here and there, but even with that Mingyu told him he looked horribly sick, which he needed to go with.

They spent around two or more hours downstairs in a huge store that was inside of the hotel they were staying in. Arguing on what kind of chips to buy, if they should buy something that will probably never get useful for them, but they just felt like they needed it, or who will pay for the all the stuff they bought, was probably the best way to spend the late night.

They already got used to people telling them they looked cute or how good they looked together, so it wasn't of much surprise when they heard it on the cash register that morning. With a little smile and a small "thank you" from Wonwoo, his voice muffled because of his nose and a scarf that was loosly wrapped around his neck, Mingyu took his hand and they were in minutes back at their apartment.

"Can't we go somewhere? I'm bored, Gyu..." Wonwoo yelled from the couch, as he wrapped a blanket around his small figure.

"You will get even sicker than you are now." Mingyu was busy making tea in the kitchen to even have any intention to talking with him. "After all, don't you want to just stay here and wait for me to prepare something for dinner while you watch some Christmas movies?" The taller brought the cup of tea in front of Wonwoo, imediatelly crushing down next to him. His arms extanded while he hugged Wonwoo closer, making sure he gave him enough warmth.

"But, they are only showing reruns. I watched it ten million times." Wonwoo whined, making puppy eyes to Mingyu. "Please, just lets go anywhere, even if it means just driving without stopping anywhere, I just want to go out."

One thing Mingyu disliked more than snakes, was whiny Wonwoo. It happened all the time - Wonwoo whining about wanting something for a couple of minutes and at the end talking Mingyu into making it happen. He hated how little it takes Wonwoo to fully coax him into doing anything that he wants, and how much influence his whiny, sweet voice had on Mingyu. As much as he hated it, he loved it. It was a love-hate relationship.

"Babe..." Mingyu sighed, gently carassing Wonwoo's sides.

"Please, drive Wonnie around the town." Wonwoo clasped his fingers together, pouting up at Mingyu. It was adorable that Mingyu could feel his heart jumping out from his chest. He rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Okay, I guess we could do something." Mingyu sighed in defeat. When he heard a squeaky noise from Wonwoo, he actually thought his heart couldn't be in a more joy than it was at that moment. Wonwoo jumped up from the couch, placing a big, messy peck on Mingyu's lips. "But, " The taller started, putting his index finger towards Wonwoo. ", we are only driving around, no stopping, no going out or anything. And dress warmly."

It didn't take Wonwoo even two seconds before he was running to their room, yelling "As if I didn't know that!", which got Mingyu shaking his head, taking a small sip from the cup filled with tea.




Mingyu's intention was just driving around the town that they were staying at, listening to music both of them like, talk about things to do in the future and sightseeing. It wasn't a big deal for him, but as Wonwoo desperatly wanted to go somewhere he needed to think of something.

Wonwoo was wrapped up in a fluffy blanket on the car seat beside Mingyu's, the hood of his jacket covering his forehead. Two brown orbs were almost invisible under the hood, as they were taking in the sight around the car.

The car ride was quiet, with two males quietly humming and singing to the songs heard on the radio. Mingyu was riding slowly just because Wonwoo told him so, saying "We might miss something if we drive fast.".

Both of them didn't really know where they were going, especially with the fact that they truly didn't know anything about Japan.

"We should make this song our song." Wonwoo whispered, as a quiet melody of Ed Sheeran's Tenerife Sea played on the radio, as his eyes darted towards Mingyu, a glimpse of twinkles in them. Mingyu looked at him with a smile on his lips, squeezing the olders hand tighter. "I could hear it playing on the night when you kissed me for the first time." It was dark in the car, but Mingyu couldn't help but notice a tiny tint of rose creeping onto Wonwoo's cheeks, as he let his head fall down to look at his chest.

"How did you hear that? We were so far away from the stage..."

"I'm good at hearing small details." The shorter chuckled. "I liked that day. It really made me so happy."

"I never thought you actually liked that date, it was so ty and quick of me to make that move." Mingyu kept his eyes on the road, as he heard Wonwoo quietly humming beside him.

"Are you kidding me? I was literally screaming that day as soon as I entered my room. It was perfect." The shorter said in disbelief, making Mingyu laugh his heart out at how adorably cute he is.

The conversation quieted down, as Wonwoo kept his gaze at their tangled hands. He loved Mingyu a lot. Maybe a lot wasn't even a good word for that. He loved him so much that it felt like his heart doubled in size and felt like it would jump out of his chest.

"Gyu..." The elder looked up to meet Mingyu's eyes, before looking back down. "That guy I was talking about, my ex. His name is Kim Dongbin." Wonwoo continued, tracing little lines on Mingyu's palm.

"Why are you telling me that now?" The taller had his eyes focused on the road, but it didn't miss Wonwoo the little furrow of his eyebrows at the sudden mention of the guys name.

"Because he's a part of the crew that hangs around Donghyun." At that Wonwoo could feel Mingyu's grip around his hand tighten as well as the one on the steering wheel. Wonwoo felt a car stop, as Mingyu imediatelly turned towards Wonwoo.

"Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"I felt like it wasn't that important, after all it was all a matter of past. But these days those memories are coming back to my head. I keep thinking about them whenever I am with you. I did love him, but the time that I spent with him was the worst." Wonwoo's voice was stained with something not that unfamiliar to Mingyu, as his eyes got filled with sorrow.

"What kind of worst?" Mingyu held Wonwoo's hands tightly, his head bent down to try look at Wonwoo's eyes. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, no, he was actua

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KarMen707 #1
Chapter 42: is there a continuation of this story? where can i read this to the end???
leeyaaawon317 #2
Chapter 42: hey , i'm just found your story last 2 days ago and today im already finish read all the chapter !! OMG what im trying to say is idk how to express this your story HELLA GOOD AND DAMN THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IDK WHAT TO SAY IM JUST FREAKIN HAPPY TO FOUND YOU WRITTING THIS STORY T_T .. tbh i cant stop smiling when i read all the chapter damn so fckin sweettt !!!! and i wanna to kiss you HAHAHA because i NEVER found a hella good story like this .. it's make like very reality duhhh Mingyu and Wonwoo is my main otp , I SHIP THEM SO HARD XD since svt debut . I also recommend your story to all my friends (they also meanie shipper) and WE CANT STOP SCREAMIN LIKE A ES AND SMILING LIKE A CRAZY GIRL .. ahhhh im so impressed and happy omg i never feel like this when i reading meanie ff .. I GIVE YOU 100/100 !!! if u dont mind pls continue writting thiss ")))))) ILOVEYOUUU
yoo_kihyunie #4
Chapter 39: I like long chapters better.. I think this chapter's length is perfect... And so cute hiw wonwoo handle the situation and comfort mingyu.. And please update soon !! Cant wait for what to happen next !!!
Chapter 39: This chapter was so cute and fluffy despite what happened to Mingyu. Wonwoo looked after hi so much that I couldn't stop squealing.
ajexastxsvt #6
Chapter 38: Ohemgeeeeeeee! Sweet~♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 38: Ahhhhhhhh so cute! ^_^
*.* *.* *.*
ast_yui #10
Okay so i already read all the chapters, it's a good story i liked it!
Keep writing so you will improve your grammar~