The Game is on

Sweet Candies



“Very nice, Lee Sungyeol.” I was startled at the suddent voice in front of me as I just left the back stage room. I was even more startled when I see whose the voice belongs to, none other Go Woori. At this state I can’t say anything as she caught me red handed.

“Can’t say anything, huh?” She said proudly with her hands folded.

I decided to talk back to her rather than just stayed silent. “What do you want Woori? Let’s not make any commotion here and go back to the audience seat.” I walked away from her, but she didn’t let me go easily as she blocked my way.

“Do you think I could be fooled by a guy like you?” She put her evil face to on me as she’s challenging me. “What did you do inside? You know it’s forbidden.” My face was probably gone paler than before. I shouldn’t have done this. Now what? A girl whose trying to steal man is going to blackmail me with it.

I tried to deny it probably she’ll buy it. “I didn’t do anything, Woori.” I answered but then as I expected she scoffed. At least I tried.

“Yah, do you think I’m dumb. Well first of all, it’s clearly against the rules and second you know... I can offer something to you, let’s make a deal.” She wore her most evil smirk and tried to negotiate with me.

“Seriously Woori, I didn’t do anything, so just let me go.” I said and was going to walk away but Woori as a persistant girl blocked my way.

“I said let’s talk about it and make a deal.” She said then she walked to the side of the wall and lean on it. “You may go if you want, though.” She said and looked at me, I decided to take this chance and walked away quickly. “But you have to let me stay around Myungsoo all the time.”

I stopped my way as I heard her offer. I turned my face and looked at her with a questioning expression. “You heard me, you choose, let me stay around Myungsoo or...” I was shocked hearing her options but I sensed the other one is gonna be worst and my grip to my crutches was getting stronger. “I could just spill what you did to the judges and Myungsoo will be eliminated.” She said while showing me a picture of myself just now as I just went out from the room. When did she take it?

“Yah Woori, you’re being too much, I didn’t--” I said to her.

“I did not. You’re the one whose too much. Cheater.” The word somehow stabbed into my heart. She walked to me and said into my face, “All I ask to you was just let me be around Myungsoo more frequently, means that I have all of Myungsoo’s time.” Woori said happily and brushed my shoulder with her hands.

“You’re sick!” I shouted to her face and take bigger steps with my crutches.

“Sungyeollie~ Don’t forget the deal ok!” I saw her giving me a wink as I was going to walk away. She’s really sick and truly a pure enemy of mine.


I couldn’t stop thinking about the incident it was the worst. I came back to the seat looked even more miserable than before. I could see the worried look on my friends faces. They were questioning each other before Hoya started to ask me.

“Sungyeol, did something happen?” Hoya asked first, he must be worried if I got caught.

“Hyung, tell us if something happen, did you get caught?” Sungjong asked also.

“No, I didn’t guys. Don’t worry, it’s just that this worried feelings won’t go away.” I lied to them. There’s no way I would say that Woori just caught me. They would tell Myungsoo and I’m doomed with terrors from her.

“Really?” Asked Sungjong. He was the one who looked the most concern to me. I just nodded and put a fake smile.

“This is the School Prince Competition! The break time for all contestants have elapsed and now it’s time for them to show up.”

They all turned their attention to the MC, “Let’s just put our attentiont to the event again ok. Don’t worry about me.” They all nodded. But still I couldn’t stop recalling the accident just now.



Sunggyu’s POV


            I parked my car at the school’s parking lot messily. It was not the time to park my car neatly as I have to rushed to fulfil my promise. I tried to remember my way to the school’s gym, I followed the sound of cheered that echo through the hallway. Then finally I saw the gym, I looked at myself and no way, I looked horrible.

            “oh, wait, I think I know you.” Said a girl to me as I was panicking. I was silent while trying to remember whether I’ve seen this girl or not. She continued, “you’re Woohyun’s boyfriend, right? And also Sungyeol’s brother, right?”

            Oh, how does she know? Am I that famous? “yeah that’s right. How do you know?” I asked her.

            “I’m Woori, Go Woori. I’m... their close friends.” She said smiling to me. Then he added, “oh you probably wondering how could I know you. Well, I’ve seen you around the school during the school’s festival with Woohyun and you guys look so good together.” She giggled.

            I smiled widely to her, “ah thank you, Woori-ssi.” I’m happy that someone is happy for us.

            “Can I call you oppa?” She asked, I just smiled and nodded. “So oppa, you’re coming to see Woohyun right? The show is going to start again, shall we go in?” She offered.

            “But how do I look? Do I look horrible??” I asked her, eventhough I just met her but I felt like I’ve been friended with her for years. She’s a nice girl.

            “You look fine oppa, it’s ok, don’t worry. You are good looking and fine.” Woori said, instead of panicking I was taken a back at the compliment. Am I good looking? Hmmm. “Let’s just go inside, oppa!” She grabbed my hand and brought me inside.


            The crowd was awesome, It’s like in a Big K-pop join concert, where you can see many supporters or fans that brings boards, balloons, & some other supporting equipment. I was wowed as I could spotted Woohyun’s fanbase around the corner of the leftside audience seat. But then, I could see a lot of Myungsoo’s fans that merged with others as they brought up their boards and some walking texts on their phone. She guided me to one of the vacant seat on the event. Not a really bad view though.

            “Woori, this is wow... Is this event really that important?” I asked her.

            “Ne, oppa, every year the crowd has been always like this. You know it’s interested to see those people showing what they got on stage. Some people are good, but some are not. But then we could really see, who is the true king-ka or we call it as prince in Woolim High School.” Woori explained. “Oh, but they should make it into national competition, it would be interesting.” She said excitedly.

            “well it’ll be bigger than this, probably they’ll held it in Jamsil Stadium?” I laughed at my own joke and she laughed also.

            “Who knows oppa?” she responded. We laughed until the MC showed up and announced that the competition is going to start again.


            “Ladies and genteleman~ let’s start again the competition, as this round, we could hear our contestant talk in front of us about anything inside their hearts.—“ The MC talked as then he welcomed the contestants to the stage once again. “Shall we start with Nam Woohyun?” The crowd was amazing, but the MC was actually teasing them, “Or Kim Myungsoo?” and bang! The crowd was even louder. Well no wonder he’s the cool student type afterall. “Let’s start this round with Nam Woohyun!”

            I could see Woohyun’s face stiffened. He was so surprised to be the first one to come out. But I know he will do just fine, I pray for him all the time.

            Woohyun came in front and hold the mic. He coughed in nervous and looked to the audience, then he let out his charismatic smiles. I smiled to him, I wish he could spot me and be his power. I was so nervous as he raised his mic to his mouth and words then came out from his mouth.

            “Hi everyone, this is really a new experience for me to be able to talk in front of thousand people like this. To be honest I’m nervous, in fact very nervous. But I’ll try to do my best to everyone who support and someone who I know will always love and support me.” He said sweetly as Woori then looked at me with a teasing smile. I just smiled shyly. Then Woohyun started his words narration.

            “As I talk about love, what will pop out through our minds? A person? A pet? Maybe things? But mostly as we talk about love, there’s always this special person that we knew we want to hold and protect him/her forever.” He paused a bit and looked around. “I’m going to tell you about a story of how I fell in love with a guy that I know I just couldn’t let go of him when the first time I saw him.” Is it me? Or another guys he dated before? I pouted.

           “Candies, it was sweet and delicious. To be honest, I eat it a lot... like a lot.” He tried to raise the atmosphere making people laughed. “The sweetness of it that I never could get in life before. I keep eating candies to sweeten up my life. But sadly, not anymore after I have a problem with my teeth!” Some people laughed again as Woohyun talked in humorous tone. “It was so hurt, reminder for all of you don’t eat too much candies ok. So, I went to my usual dentist but the doctor was out of town, so I reffer to another doctor that is free at the moment.” I smiled, he talked about our first meeting. “I entered the room and felt like hitting a jackpot, I met the most cute, lovely, and beautiful guy, I swear I just want to make his mine for the rest of my life.” I blushed and smiled to myself, Woori who realized it also was poking me and teased me. “So he treated me and unlike other dentists he’s nice, friendly, and what is important he gave me a lollipop afterwards.” Laughed could be heard again, I laughed also. “After that meeting, I keep visiting him for no reason, we were more like hyung-dongsaeng relationship but I dislike it, so I finally brave myself and showed him that I’m serious and I said the words, ‘I love you’.” He said the words sweetly making all the girls swoon over him including me.

           He suddenly moved his gaze to my direction and talked to my driection, did he realize where I was? “And today, with the 7 years gap, me and him still having this beautiful relationship no matter what people say about the ages gap I just love him the way he is.” I covered my mouth as I was too surprised. He paused for a while before he continued. “Kim Sunggyu, Saranghaeyo.” He said oh so sweetly that I didn’t realize tears spilled down while laughing also. He smiled to me as I was sure that he spotted me already. Other audiences were so into Woohyun’s story that they clapped hardly and cheered loudly.

           “Whoa Whoa Whoa what a really sweet story and confession we have! The sweet Nam Woohyun is in action people!” Yeah and blalala the MC said stuffs while I’m still surprised with everything that Woohyun just said.

           “Oppa, you’re so lucky for having such a guy like Nam Woohyun, he’s so incredibly sweet. I wish I could have a guy like him.” She said to me and smiling in envy while giving me a tissue to wipe my tears.

           “Thank you Woori, but he’s idiot sometimes.” I laughed while wiping my tears.

           Then suddenly my phone was ringing, I looked at my phone and there’s a message from Woohyunnie.


To: Sunggyu

From: Woohyun

Thank you for coming! I spotted you hyung,

How was my speech? Suprised? Hahaha

Can’t wait to see you hyung, i love you.


To: Woohyun

From: Sunggyu

How could you spotted me from that many audience.

Because of your speech I cried ;_; but thanks Woohyunnie.

I love you too, see u later.


To: Sunggyu

From: Woohyun

Because you shine the most out of those people.

See you, my hamster ;)


           I smiled at the phone, this kid really... he really knows how to sweet talk. I’m glad that I met you Woohyun.



Sunyeol’s POV


           Me and the others people were surprised at what Woohyun delivered as his speech, it was incredibly awesome and brave to tell about their love story. My brother must be very happy if he hears this. But then I looked at Woohyun’s gaze as he looked to some directions then there I could see Sunggyu hyung, he was laughing while wiping his tears. He must be very happy then.

           I put out my phone and was going to text something to him when realization hit me as I looked to Sunggyu hyung direction again, he was sitting next to Woori? The hell? What is she doing with Sunggyu hyung?

           I looked to my side as I felt someone put his head on my shoulder and hold into my arms. It was Sungjong. He was crying... now what?

           “Hey, Sungjong? Why are you crying?” I asked to him.

           “Hyung... hiks hiks... Woohyun hyung is too sweet and... hiks hiks... I envy of Sunggyu hyung.” He said to me. I just patted his head and looked to the other couple next to Sunjong. Dongwoo and Hoya were having their moment. Because of Woohyun the atmosphere in the gym somehow getting into love dovey.

           “Don’t worry Sungjong, I’m sure you will get someone that will care and love you and more sweet than Woohyun.” I said to Sungjong. Sungjong nodded and released me. But then he hugged me and cried agian. I just sighed while comforting him.

           I comforted Sungjong with my eyes still looking at Woori who was playing nice with my hyung. What is she going to do now? Hasn’t she had enough stealing my Myungsoo? Now, is she going to make Sunggyu hyung into her side? I really can’t stay still looking at her playing her own game like this. I should make a move and turning the table. If you want me to fight, then I'll fight you. The game is on Go Woori.



Update!!! yeay i don't know if this update is a good one or not, cause I don't think I wrote a good one, but still at least I'm able to update while studying :D

Oh! and as you can see guys, I said it right, Sungyeol is not going to stay still and watch, he's the new Sungyeol, he's going to take part into Woori's game!!!


Give me some comments and pls vote my ff! :D


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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.