
Sweet Candies


I woke up feeling anxious as everytime I do anything, all my mind would always be come up with what happened yesterday between me and Myungsoo. Damn, I didn't do anything with him we're just barely talk but he was the sweetest guy I've ever seen. He was offering himself to hear my story. Would Sungjong even do that to me? No, he won't, well he will but not everytime. Now what will I face today as I meet him today at school?

“Hey bro, wake up. Are you going to stare blankly all day long like that?” Sunggyu hyung came to my room suddenly when I sat on my bed deep in my thoughts.

I looked to him, “No, hyung,..” I answered him with a flat tone.

“Then stand up and take a shower, geez what happen to you?” He said and left my room.

Right! I snapped back to reality as I remembered my rank dropped. I got 2nd place. My parents haven't known about this as they went home so late yesterday. Please tell me that they already gone this early morning.

As I'm praying to god my hyung came again, “Oh! Sungyeol, mom and dad went early this morning and they said, they want you to call them to tell them your exam scores.” My mouth went down in shock. I was praying earlier, but god didn't hear me? “What's with the expression? You got bad score. Well then, poor you. Bye.” He said and left my room.

“AARRRRGGGHHHH!!!” I screamed loudly, don't care about the neighbour or any passer by around my house could hear me or not. I'm stressed out!!!



I went downstairs and eat breakfast with my hyung. He staring at me all the time, he looks curious about something. “How bad is your score, Sungyeol?” He asked me. I didn't answer him and still eating my breakfast. “Come on Yeol, it couldn't be that bad. You are smart.” He tried to cheer up.

“Hmm.....” I stopped eating and looked at him in the eye. “My rank.... dropped hyung.” I said to him sadly.


“2nd place...” I answered him.

He sighed, man is he going to be mad at me? No, no, no please don't. “Sungyeol......” He called me.

“Y-yeah?” I answered him nervously.

“Come on! 2nd place is not that bad. The different must be only like 1 point between the 1st place. I think mom and dad could understand that.” He actually complimented me? Whoa!

“Do you think they could understand me?” I asked him, cause I couldn't believe it. My parents really strict about scores and ranks.

“Hmm..... Actually I'm doubting that. But I wish they could. Just try call them and say sorry and stuffs. You got my back, Yeol.” My hyung is the best. He fully supported me. Oh my where can't I get a hyung like this? If he's not my brother I'd date him hehe.

He stood up from his sit and grabbed the phone. He handed it to me. I was so scared but he forced me to call them. I sighed and started pressing the numbers. Soon, I heard a familiar voice of my mom.

“Hello. Sungyeol?” she already guessing it's me.

“Yeah, mom. It's me.” I said nervously.

“So, let's hear your scores!” She said excitedly on the other line.

“I'm so sorry mom, lately I've been distracted with some stuffs. I couldn't make you proud of me. I just want to say sorry to you for not being a good son.” I said to her sadly. Some of it maybe a lie. What stuff making me distracted huh? My hyung looked at me and I knew that he pity me.

“Why are you talking like that, son?” My mom asked worriedly.

“My rank dropped into....... 2nd place mom.” I said to her finally.

“2nd....... place?” I sighed again for I don't know how many times. I knew she will be mad at me. I didn't answer her. Then she talked again, “Yeollie, you knew that I don't like it when you got bad scores or when you're rank is dropped right?” She confessed her dissapointment. I nodded somehow, don't know if she could feel me nodding. “Just... try to make it up in the next semester. Study more harder.”

“Yes... I will mom.” I said and then she hung up the phone immediately. She's mad but she's not expressing it to me like usual. Usually, she will shouted and saying that I'm lazy and I couldn't be like my brother, blablabla.

“So?” Sunggyu hyung asked me.

“She's mad, but she didn't yell on the phone or anything, she just confessed her dissapointment.” I said to him.

“You learnt your lesson yeol. Study harder from now on. Ok?” I nodded. “Then I'll go first. Bye Sungyeol!” I said bye back to him and he left.



I walked to school with a gloomy feeling, if people see my aura they must be see darkness around me. I feel like I fall in a limitless ravine. I passed the bread bakery and stepped back again as I saw Myungsoo stood up in front of the shop. I shrugged it off and walked again until he called my name suddenly.

“Sungyeol!” Oh he called me, and he got my name right. I turned around and our eyes met. I blushed and lowered my head in reflex. He approached, “Can you not lower your head and look at me, I'm not a damn bad guy who want to plunder you.” I raise my head slowly and looked at him. He looked flawless as always, my heart start beating faster, damn what is this feeling? “This is much better. You know what, I've been waiting for you there.” What? He's waiting for me? What does he want?

“What... do.. you want from me?” I asked him while staring at him awkwardly.

“Uh... well I just got this feeling to walk with you to school. If you don't mind?” He said. What? He wants to walk to school with me? Doesn't he know that it's an awkward situation?

“Are you sure, Myungsoo-ssi?” I try ask him, maybe he doesn't mean it that way.

“I'm sure. I just want to know you more. That's all. And didn't I say just call me Myungsoo?” He said, he looks sincere. I just nodded to him to everything he said and so we walk side by side to school. This time I'm not in the back, but on his left. I looked down all the time we walk. Then suddenly I my head hit a branch of a tree. Stupid I should look straight to the front.

“OUCH!” I said and rubbed my forehead. “Ouch, damn it's hurt...” I winced.

“Are you ok, Sungyeol?” He asked in worriedly.

“It's hurt Myungsoo...” I whined to him with the most sadness tone I have and puppy eyes. Oh right! DAMN! I looked like a little kid now, oh no my image!!!

“Sungyeol....?” He looked amused at what I did. I changed my facial expression into a flat one and pushed him away from my sight. “Sungyeol! Do you have to push me?” He asked while trying to catch me up. “Oh by the way, did you just whine to me?” He asked with a wide smile on his face.

“No, I didn't.” I sai d to him. Ughh, me and my stupid act. What should I do now?

“You did! I heard it clearly you whined. Sungyeol? I don't believe it that you're such a choding.” He said to me, I gasped and stopped my pace and faced at him. Now, he knew it, why should I hide it anymore.

“Myungsooooo! Aghhh!!!” I hit him several times.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sungyeol stop it!” He caught both of my hands. “Sungyeol... I don't know that you really want to touch me that much. I'll let you then...” He put both of my hands on his chest and moved it down to his abs.

I screamed as I realized what he did to me. “Yah!!! Myungsoo!!!” I pulled my hand back.

“Whoa! This choding could scream as well.” He said totally teasing me and laughed happily.

“Ugh Myungsoo, you're unbeliavable!” I said to him and walked away leaving him laughing on the street like a crazy.

“Hey! Don't leave me choding!” He called me, oh my god, with a nickname 'choding'. I'm dead.

I turned around and went to him. “Don't you dare calling me choding at school! Or I'll make you suffer with a whole lots of coffe beans chasing you cause I make them a live!” I threatened him.

He laughed harder now, did I say something wrong? “HAHAHA! Sungyeol you are very funny! I'm so amused with you, you know.”

“Stop it, Myungsoo! You looked so stupid now! You know?” I'm stressed out now dealing with this guy.

“Sungyeol, you know what. I'm interested in you now.” He said suddenly as he tried hardly to stop himself from laughing. “I'd love to have a boyfriend like you. Why don't you be mine?” He asking me to be his? My face blushed hard as it turned into a tomato. I decided to leave him and walked away. “Sungyeol... so you don't want to be mine?” He said sadly.

I reflexively turned around and approached telling him, “it's not that I don't like you. But I don't know you, Myungsoo.” Oops?! Why should I care! I should just leave him. “Never mind forget it!” I left him but then he grabbed my arms and he caught me in his hug when suddenly I felt a pair of lips touching mine softly and sweetly. It's not a really long kiss, but very sweet and memorable. He parted our lips first and he looked at me in the eye.

“I'd love to claim you as mine, eventhough I don't know you that well. Because you already captivated me at the first meet.” I melted at his smile and I don't know what possess me, I hugged him suddenly. I found comfort and warm in him.


Little did Sungyeol know, Myungsoo smirked as Sungyeol fell for Myungsoo's charm. It's been only 2 days that Myungsoo and Sungyeol talked to each other, but Myungsoo could tame Sungyeol very fast. Myungso smirked in victorious and he wished that one month would pass by fastly.



HELLO DEAR READERS! I'd like to say a few words.

First I'd like to say, a big thank you to Alushoususankari

She made the poster for 'Sweet Candies' for the latest chapter!!! I appreciated your support so much. For those who want their design to be put in my FF just wall me and I'll send you my email adress. I'd be so happy if you guys would help me with it :D

Second, I'm so busy lately, that's why maybe next time I couldn't update everyday, maybe 2-3days/update. I have a dance practice for an Audition in my hometown. The winner gets a chance to train in Korea for 6 months! WHAT A WORTH PRIZE, RIGHT? and rumour said that the winner will train in CUBE. idk about this actually hehe. Please readers, wish me a goodluck!

*I'd like to inform u guys too, that I'm a guy :D (first time telling this to you all).

Well in the end please enjoy this FIC!!! don't forget to comment ;)

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my opinion....lol. But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.