
Sweet Candies


Ding Dong~ The bell rang. I ran to the front door and guessed, it must be my parents. And I was right, my parents came home.

OH!” my mom surprised seeing me at home. “Hello son! I don't know that you're at home, why you didn't tell us that you're coming home?”

I thought, things were busy at the hospital? Are you having some free time these days?” Asked my dad.

Not really, but not as hectic as usual, mom, dad.” I answered them. “But, I'm coming home because of Sungyeol, actually.”

Sungyeol?” My mom asked but then smiled. “You're missing him, right? Aigoo.” I was going to say something but she already walked inside the house and found two handsome boys sitting inside her living room. “Omo! Myungsoo! Hello!” She greeted him happily.

Oh look who we have here today, it's Myungsoo.!” My dad exclaimed. What the hell? Why my parents knew Myungsoo and they sounded so happy after seeing him.

Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Lee.” Myungsoo bowed politely. “I'm sorry for bothering both of you again at night.” Myungso said to them. Wait... Bothering my parents again at night? This doesn't sound right.

Wait... mom dad, you guys already meet Myungsoo before?” I asked them as I was really confused at the situation.

Of course, Gyu! He's your brother's boyfriend. He stayed for the night yesterday. Right, Myungsoo?” My mom explained to me. Myungsoo just nodded nervously to me.

Oh... Ok... great.” I said feeling defeated as Myungsoo already introduced as Sungyeol's boyfriend to my parents. How about Woohyun?

Are you going to stay here again, Myungsoo?” My dad asked.

He shook his head. “No, sorry sir. I don't want to be rude. But thanks for the offer.”

Aigoo, Myungsoo don't be so shy. We're more than happy to have you here.” My mom said to him. But then he noticed there's another guy on the sofa. “Wait, I think we have another guest here.”

Hello, I'm Nam Woohyun, It's please to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Lee.” He stood up and bowed to them.

Hello Woohyun it's nice to see you too.” My dad said. Woohyun smiled.

Why all Sungyeol's friends these day are so handsome?” My mom muttered to herself but loud enough to be heard by the third of us. “So where is Sungyeol?” Suddenly she asked.

He's already asleep in his room mom.” I said to her.

Oh that's rare of him sleeping at this hour.” She said.

Sorry Mrs. Lee, I just want you to know, Sungyeol was unconscious this morning after the race.” My mom face was shocked. “B-but don't worry, Sungyeol is already fine, he just needs rest.” Myungsoo trying to calm Mrs. Lee.

Thank god. Thank you Myungsoo. I'm happy Sungyeol is in the right hand.” My mom said and hugged him. God! Why my parents love Myungsoo so much. She released the hug and looked at me. “Gyu, why you're not telling me about Yeol getting sick?”

I was going to tell you but you were hurriedly going inside when I was talking to you.” My mom just shook her head and sighed.

Well then, I think we need to get inside first ok, right dear?” My dad said to my mom trying to lighten up the mood. “Have fun boys!” My dad said and left with my mom.


The third of us sit down again on the couch and relax, but Myungsoo suddenly hurried preparing his bag. Me and Woohyun looking at him questionly.

Are you going home now?” Woohyun asked.

Yeah, I don't have any business again. Sungyeol is already asleep, so I think I'm just gonna go home.” He explained.

Well ok then, Myungsoo.” I said to him.

Myungsoo brought his bag and we walked together to the front door. “Myungsoo thanks a lot for taking care of my brother. I'm sorry if I've misjudged you in the past. You're a good guy. Promise me you won't hurt my lil brother. Ok?”

It's ok, hyung. I could be a badass at the same time. And I promise, I won't hurt him.” He answered. “So, I'll go now. Bye!” He waved his hand at us and left.

I was going to get inside but Woohyun hold my arm suddenly. I looked to the hand and to the person, “Woo? What is it?”

Is there something wrong, Gyu? You don't look fine since your parents came in. You're not going to tell me anything about it?” Woohyun asked.

I turned my body and faced him, he released his grip. “Well, there is something that bothering me. But I think it's not important right now.” I said to him.

Really?” Woohyun asked as he looked to my eyes seriously. But I just keep staring at him too. “Well I think you don't want to tell me now.” He said as he surrendered. “Gyu, let's go out tonight.”

to where?” I asked.

Anywhere. Let's just go for now.” He said. I looked him and finally nodded to his request.

I said goodbye first to my parents as I said I'm going back to my apartment. Woohyun also said his goodbye to my parents and went out the house with me. I was going to go to the driver seat's door but then Woohyun already stood there.

Car's key, please?” He asked.

Woohyun... You still don't have any driving license.” I warned him.

But I do have license for driving to your heart, right?” I felt the butterfly feeling inside my stomach, damn those cheesy line.

Stop the cheesy line.” I said to him. But he just smiled and kissed my cheek. I gave up and finally gave him the key. “Drive safe, Woohyun. Drive safe, ok.”

I will Gyu, stop being like and old woman.”

WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Woohyun just laughed get inside the car.



The night was quite silent as Woohyun drove to a quiet place around residential area. I keep asking him where are we going but he didn't tell me anything and keep telling me that I'll know later. Suddenly he parked the car near beside bushes on the side of a residential area.

Here?” I asked him.

Yep, wait here.” Woohyun said, I nodded and suddenly he went out. But then he only went to my door and opened it like a gentleman.

Woo, you don't have to do this kind of thing, it's embarassing you know.” I said to him covering my blushing face.

But you like it, right?” Woohyun countered it. I just stayed silent, indeed I like it very much. “Well, aren't you going to lock your hands with mine and walk to our destination?”

Woo! It's embarassing!” I protested to him.

Oh come on Gyu, no one will see us at this hour. Why don't you just be a clingy boyfriend for a while.” Woohyun said to me and offering his hand to me. I reluctantly moved close to him, I hesitately moving my hand to his but in the process Woohyun forcely moved my hand. “Isn't it nice?” He asked, but I didn't answer it.

Let's... just.. go.” I said to him shyly. He nodded and started walking.


Woohyun walked me to a park which I didn't recognize what park is it. The place was too dark for me to recognize the surroundings. I just kept holding to him and followed where ever Woohyun go. Actually, I don't really like dark places too much. So I tightened my grip on him.

Gyu, is everything alright?” I didn't answer and hide behin his back. He looked at me in worried. “Are you... scared?” He asked. I looked at him and nodded slowly. “It's ok, Gyu. I'm here. There's nothing gonna hurt you. Just stayed on my side ok. We're almost arrive.” Woohyun said and led the way again.

After a few more walk I asked him. “So are we there yet?”

Well you could say that.” Then suddenly Woohyun let go of my hand, in a reflect I grabbed his hand again. He looked at me and suddenly burst into laugh. “Gyu, I don't know you're scared of darkness. Now, could you let go of my hand? I need to do something to make this place lighter.” I let go of his hand and grabbed his clothes. He looked at me and laughed again. “Ok, ok, you can just hug me if you're really that scared. A hug won't disturb me.” He said, so I did what he told me. I feel like a baby somehow despite my old age.

Woohyun let go of his phone and turn on the camera flash. It was bright enough for me to see wheich park I was. Then I realized it's the park near my hospital where I work. Even the light was enough to lightened up the place but I still didn't let go of my hand around his waist. Woohyun suddenly let out a paper from his pocket. I raised my eyebrow, what is he going to do? Then he tear the paper making a hole of a heart shape. He directed the flash of his phone to the paper and there a silhouette of a big heart shape.

Do you see that? That's my heart for you, Gyu.” He said. I stunned and felt a ticklish feeling inside of me. I let go of his hug and stood properly.

Woo...” I looked to the heart shape non-stoply, it was too mesmerizing. It was just a simple silhouette but the meaning of it was moving my heart. I turned my attention to him and he smiled to me. “Thank you very much.” I said to him and surprisingly he pouted.

Just a thanks?” He asked with a pout.

uh... what do you want?” I asked. He touched he lips with his hand asking me to kiss him on the lips. I blushed. “If you remembered right under this tree was where I claimed you to be mine with a kiss. Now, I want you to kiss me and claimed me yours.” I didn't protest and smiled to his favor.

Without much words to say, I leaned to him slowly. He closed his eyes waiting, I leaned more and more until our nose touching each other. Woohyun didn't move back an inch. I hold back for a while, taking my time, until my body moved by itself and crashed his lips with full of love and lust. I moved my hand behind his neck and deepening the kiss. His hands were moving and makin its way around my waist. I couldn't hold it anymore, inside of me there's something burn, I abused his lips and made it wilder which suprised Woohyun. So, he broke the kiss.

Gyu...” I backed to my sense and just realized what I did. I couldn't look at him after it, he must feel that I'm such a old man. “I don't know you'd kiss me that hot. But......... I'm actually underage Gyu.” He said, I widened my eyes and shook my head.

No, you're not Woohyun! You're 17, aren't you?” I asked him.

Well... going on 17 actually. I'm still 16.” Woohyun confessed to me. I face-palmed.

Great, I'm dating a more younger guy.” I murmured to myself. I turned my body and walked to a random place. But then he back-hugged me.

Come on, Gyu, love doesn't know age. I love you, you love me, then we're happy. I don't mind dating you at all, because I love you so much. You do too right?” He asked me.

I stopped my pace and said, “I do love you too. But...”

No, but! I love you, you love me, than we're happy. As simple as that.” I sighed and curved my lips into a smile. He really knows how to make me smile again.

Ok, I trust you Woohyun.” I said. Woohyun kissed my neck and laid his face on my shoulder.

We ended our night trip and backed to my apartment.



Another day begin, I adjusted myself with my crutches. I went to school by bus in the end. It was difficult to walk using crutches at first but I'm glad there's Myungsoo beside me. He went to my house early in the morning to take care of me. My parents were really happy at the present of him. I still don't know what make them so happy about Myungsoo. Then as we went out, Myungsoo keep helping by bringing my bag and stuffs. I said that he didn't have too but he insisted.

Myungsoo, my bag please, I could still hold it, you know.” I said as I sat down on the bus with him beside me.

First, I want you to call me, Myungie, again. Then Second, I decline your favor. Sorry, Yeol, but let me help you, ok.” Myungsoo responded. I pretended like I'm sulking but he gave me an annoying respond, “Acting like that won't change my decision Yeol.” I pouted, he looked at me with a small laugh, then he suddenly kissed my cheek. I was surprised and looked at him. “Now stop talking and save your energy.” I blushed at his gesture and I shut my mouth tightly. I hope he's not going to baby sit me at school...



Update everyone! to be honest, I'm not really satisfied with this chapter.

But I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment ok! I love you all! <3

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.