He Wakes Up

Sweet Candies



I drove to the school as fast as I could. The School was still crowded as the festival still running. I parked at the parking lot near the gate and hurriedly went out from the vehicle. I brought my bag and ran to the building. Then I remembered, I don't actually know where's the infirmary so I asked one of the student.

Excuse me, where's the infirmary?” I asked to a girl with a long hair.

Oh, just go follow this corridor and you'll find the infirmary on your left.” She explained, I nodded and said thanks.

I followed her instruction while looking to the door's name and finally found the one with Infirmary. I opened the door and went in, I gasped as I saw my brother with the oxygen mask on his mouth. What really just happened to him?

Sungyeol?!” I yelled and ran to him.

Sunggyu?” I could hear Woohyun called me. But I just ignored him and went to my little brother Sungyeol.

Sungyeol, what happened to you?” I looked at his pale face and examine his body. I tried to do the least I could do as a doctor. After checking him, I concluded overall he's still fine, I was relieved. I looked to all the guys remained inside the room. “One of you tell me the details what happened to Sungyeol.”

Gyu, it's ok. Mr. Shin said he's fine. He just needs some rest.” Woohyun said breaking the tense atmosphere. “But he's been not waking up for more than hours.”

What?!” I was shocked hearing the information, I thought it's only been less than an hour. “You called him fine?! God, Woohyun!!!”

I-I don't know, I thought he'll be fine Sunggyu.” He replied to me.

You stupid boyfriend of mine!!! How could he be fine when he's like this!!!” I yelled and approached him to land some punches on him.

Argh, Sunggyu stop it! Stop it!” He avoided my punches but then he hold both of my hands made me stop. “Sunggyu... he'll be fine. He is fine.”

Woohyun...” I let out tears fall down to my cheek. “Tell me again, he's fine, Woo...”

He pulled me into a hug and whispered to my ear sweetly. “he's fine Gyu, he's fine.” I hugged him back and felt his warmth around my body. I felt a little bit calm and secure. “Are you ok, now?” I nodded, but I didn't break the hug.

Meanwhile, Sungjong was actually paying attention to the scene while Myungsoo was just keep praying for Sungyeol.

Ah...... why should I have to see this kind of scene? I'm envy.” Sungjong whined.


The situation was a bit calm after some minutes. Sungjong went to the class and asked Myungsoo to wait for Sungyeol, which he happily accepted the request. Woohyun accompanied Sunggyu who was eagerly wanted to know the chronology. So they search for Mr. Shin and talking about the details of the incident. In the end, Inside the Infirmary was only Sungyeol and Myungsoo.


Yeol, I haven't told you about the end of our race.” Myungsoo said to the sleeping Sungyeol. “As you fell down, I screamed your name and ran to your place. I picked you up and..... we ran together as I brought you in my arm. In the end, our class won the race.” Myungsoo said smiling at the experience. “So, please wake up, yeol. We need you, everyone want you back.” Myungsoo hold Sungyeol's hand and kissed it. “I need you yeol..... I never knew your existence would change my life. I really need you, so please wake up!” Myungsoo begged and let out some tears .


On the other side, Woohyun and Sunggyu were peeking. As they were going inside the room, they heard a conversation and decided to peek a little. It was Myungsoo talking to the Sleeping Sungyeol. Both of them were quite surprised.

Is that Myungsoo?” Asked Sunggyu.

Yeah, it's him.” Woohyun answered. “be quiet, Gyu. I want to hear what he's saying.”

Both of them went quiet and heard all the conversation. They listened to every words carefully. As Myungsoo let out words by words, Woohyun and Sunggyu were touched because of Myungsoo's sincerity. They were surprised about the latter feelings towards Sungyeol.

So... that's the truth, he really does, loves him.” Said Sunggyu after listening to everything.

I knew it, Gyu. He just never admit it.” Woohyun responded. “So, what should we do now?”

Let's just give some spaces for them, I'm sure Myungsoo has a lot to say.” Said Sunggyu. Woohyun nodded at the idea and brought Sunggyu away from the room.



Yeol... wake up. Come on, don't make us worried.” I said to the sleeping guy in front of me, as the tears keep rolling on my cheek. “..... don't make me worried. I should have stopped you from the first time. If I stopped you, you wouldn't be here and end up laid helplessly.”

I kept put the blame on me, that's why I couldn't say much things to Sunggyu when he was inside the room. It's all my fault. I should have stopped him. Was I being careless on him? Should I be more protective? All the thoughts haunted me but there's only one main point that causing this to happen, it's all my fault.

I cried still holding his hand. I squeezed his hand for minutes, but then I felt something moving on my hand. I raised my head and examine the body, esspecially his hand. Was that hand moving? I wiped my tears and concentrated on his hand. I believe that hand was moving. I waited and then again! It's moving.

Sungyeol...? Sungyeol?” I called him again and again. His face making some motions, his muscle eyes moving, trying to open his eyes. “Yeol, you wake up???” I called him again.

Mmm.... M... Myu... Myung....Soo?” first word came out from his mouth was my name. I smiled and getting excited.

Yeah, Yeol, I'm here, I'm here.” I said and holding his hand.

Slowly he opened up both of his eyes and wandered around. I keep holding his hands, waiting for him to realize that I was beside him.

Myung... Soo?” He said again.

I'm here, yeol.” I responded and squeezed his hand. He finally found me and smiled at me. “What do you need? Oh, you need to drink first, wait here..” I was going to let go of his hand but he kept me. His hold wasn't that strong, but I understand he wanted me to stay. “You dont' want to?” He shook his head and smiled with his white lips.

Thank... you... Myungsoo.” He said to me.

No need to thank me. I'll do anything for you as long as you're happy and healthy, Yeol. Just don't push yourself like this, ever again or I'll be mad at you.” I said to him. I don't know if he could absorb all the informations or not, but at least he nodded at my words.

..... I'm sorry..... for making you worried.” He said.

It's ok. At least you wake up now.” I replied him. He smiled at me and I gave him a smile too. “Now, let me get the others, maybe they're waiting somewhere.” I said to him, now he let go of the hold and let me takes my phone. I texted Woohyun telling him that Sungyeol already wakes up. I didn't recieve any reply from him but in a minute the couple came and trying to catch their breath.

Sungyeol!!!” Yelled Sunggyu and hugged him tightly.

h-hyung...” Sungyeol said something but was too inaudible to be heard.

Gyu, I think Sungyeol is having a hard time to breath. Just let him go.” Said Myungsoo. Sunggyu obeyed Woohyun and looked at his brother.

Sungyeol, are you ok? Do you feel any pain on your body?” Asked Sunggyu worriedly.

It's ok hyung... It's just my feet I could still feel the pain.” Sungyeol answered.

You're being to hard on yourself esspecially to your feet. You know what, you're feet is becoming swollen really bad. You shouldn't be too hardworking! You need to have your limit, you know that!” Sunggyu scolded me.

I'm sorry...” That was all Sungyeol said.

Don't be sorry, just rest at home and don't make any hard movement with your feet. You need to use crutches. I'll get you one on the hospital.” Sunggyu said to him. He just nodded.

Good to see you awake, Sungyeol.” Woohyun said. Sungyeol gave him a smile.

Well then, just rest for a while. I'll go to the hospital and get the crutches.” Said Sunggyu to Sungyeol. Then Sunggyu looked to where I was and said to me. “You, take care of my brother, never leave him ok? If anything happened to him again, I'll hunt you down.” He threatened me.

Hyung......” Sungyeol trying to protest, but came out as a whine. I just nodded with my expressionles face.

Come on, Woo.” Sunggyu pulled Woohyun with him and they left the room.


So... Myungsoo... Mind to tell me.. about the ending of the race?” He asked.

Oh... well I told you already when you were sleeping, want me to repeat again?” I was joking and he smiled while trying to hit me, but he didn't success as he's still too enervate. “Ok, ok let me tell you.” I said and cleared my throat. “As you fell down, I reflectively ran to you. I came and picked you up. My mind was telling me to step a side but suddenly I was running forward with you to the finish line. The other contestants were really near. The distance was not that far, but in the end, we made it.”

We... made it?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yeah we made it, Yeol. Our class won the race.” I said to him.

Thank goodness. I thought I was a burden to our team. I thought because of my sudden unconsciousness made our class lost the race.”

No, you already did your best. Everyone really appreciated your hard work.”

Suddenly Sungyeol made moves and I could he wanted to change his position.

Do you want to sit?” He nodded. “Just laid down and I'll raise the bed.” I pressed the button and I could see him eye to eye now. The first move he did after meeting my eyes was a hug. He was hugging me tightly.

Thank you... Myungsoo. I don't know how much I owe you. Thank you so much.” He said.

No problem, Yeol. I'm really happy, If I could help you out. Besides, You're..... special for me.” Myungsoo said to me between the hug.

I released the hug and looked at him questionedly. “Special?”

Uh... Yeol... I know I'm not a good guy as what you're hoping for. I know that I'm not that kind of romantic guy out there. I also know that I was a jerk that hurt you so bad in the past. But one thing that I know for sure now...” I paused a bit. “I love you, yeol.”




An update guys! Hope you're still enjoying the story!

finally Sungyeol wakes up! And in the next chapter we'll have more drama~! Prepare for the battle with the past! *hint*

Enjoy guys! don't forget to comment ;D

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my opinion....lol. But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.