Those Moments

Sweet Candies


I sat down on the audience seats as I felt on my deepest humiliation ever. For god sake, I've lost to this red head guy. For the past three days I trained with Sungyeol for the athletics competition. This so called L.Joe, what a stupid name he's even not an American nor English, keeps coming to our practicing session and accompany Sungyeol till the end. When I try to be closed to Sungyeol, L.Joe keeps coming to Sungyeol and handed him everything that he needs. Today I'll be sulking till the end of practice session. I know it's very childish of me, but I don't feel for give it a try anymore.

It's Sungyeol turns to get he's record check. He gets on his position and get ready. L.Joe, sitting a bit far from me, keeps screaming 'hwaiting' to Sungyeol. What an annoying guy. I ignore him and focusing on Sungyeol who was already running on the field fastly. He's great, he's long legs surely helps him.

Wow, Sungyeol your record is keep increasing day by day. You did great! We'll surely win because of you!” Said Jejin, one of our team member.

That was great! Keep up the good work, Sungyeol!” Said Kyuanh cheering him.

Thanks guys! I'm firing up now, we'll surely win the competition.” Said Sungyeol.

Then L.Joe got up from his seat and went to Sungyeol bringing him, his towel and a water. “Hey, here for you!” He handed him everything. Sungyeol gladly accepted it. “You did great! I was amused at your running skills.”

Thanks, L.Joe.” Sungyeol answered simply to him.

Well, that's the end for our practice today. Keep up your health tomorrow is the big day!” Said Jejin. “Sungyeol, don't sleep too late ok. I could say that you're our class Ace for athletic.” As Jejin said that, Sungyeol smiled widely, he looked proud of himself.

I will! I won't dissapointed our class.”

Ok, you may go home now. Thanks for the hardwork.” Then Jejin and Kyuanh left first.

L.Joe, I'll change my clothes first ok.” Said Sungyeol. “Oh! And don't wait for me, just freely go around. I'll give you a call later.”

Oh sure, just take your time.” Said L.Joe.

I was witnessing that scene, I just stood in silence. They didn't sound like someone who you met for only 4 days. Gosh! What on earth!

I saw L.Joe leaving first and Sungyeol walked to the changing room. I prepared my bag and was going to follow him, but I stopped. I stopped as I saw Sungyeol was a bit limping. Did he hurt his leg? I could hear a small wince fromhis mouth as he walking to the changing room. I decided to follow and inspect him first.

I entered the room and walked silently to the other side of the lockers. He sat on the bench and straigh his legs. He took off he's shoes and he's socks and there I could see he's feet was swollen as I saw a purplish mark on it.


I reflectively went out from the changing room and ran for an ice pack. I don't care about my plan today. Lee Sungyeol is ing hurt! I was panic, how could he let his feet swollen like that. Moreover, he's not even showing any sign of suffer. I ran inside the school and went to the infirmary. I banged the door.

Whoa, do you need something?” Mr. Shin asked me as he was surprised.

I.NEED.AN.ICE.PACK.NOW.” I said to him sounds like threatening him. But I was panic.

O-oh okay. You can take it, it's on the freezer.” Mr. Shin said. I opened it and got the ice pack, “Is there anyone hurt--” without listening to him, I ran outside. “Oh wow. He didn't even listen to me. Well I just wish my ice pack would go back to me.”


I went back to the changing room and opened it well actually I banged it just like I banged the infirimary door. Sungyeol was surprised I could see he already changed his clothes. I tried to control my breath first and walked calmly inside the room. I bent down in front of him. He was confused.

M-Myungsoo, what are you trying to do?” Sungyeol asked.

Don't hide it.” I said to him.

Huh? W-what do you... mean? I didn't hide... anything.” Sungyeol lied.

Are you fine?” I asked him.

W-what?” He asked back.

I asked you, are you fine, Lee Sungyeol?” I raised my voice.

I-I'm fine.” He answered. But he's face was showing everything.

I was angry actually, how could he lie about his condition. I bent down on my knee, then opened he's shoes and he's socks forcefully, he winced. I looked at his swollen mark, then I looked to him. He looked to the other side, clearly avoiding my stare. I let out a sigh to calm myself, then gently put the ice pack on his feet.

You shouldn't force yourself like this.” I said to him. He turned his head slowly to me. “You should take a rest rather then forcing it like this. Look what you did? Your feet is swollen.” Sungyeol was silent. He didn't say anything. “Maybe I didn't do stuff like what L.Joe did to you, but I know you more then L.Joe does.”

Myungsoo... I..”

It's ok Sungyeol. I just want you to know... I care about you.” I said it. I was being honest to him. Sungyeol looked at me with a speechless look and stayed like that.

I decided to leave rather than being awkward like this. He was in his shock state I think. “Sungyeol, keep the ice pack. It's Mr. Shin belongings.” I said to him, he nodded his head slowly. “Don't force yourself, if you couldn't make it tomorrow just retreat. Everybody will understand.” I opened the door and walked out but suddenly I felt someone holding on my t-shirt. I looked back.

Myung...soo...” He was on the verge of crying. “Will... you promise... not to tell anyone about this? I.. Just don't want... to dissapoint them.” For a moment I saw the fragile Sungyeol, the anti-social Sungyeol, and the shy Sungyeol. Just like the old Sungyeol. Tears suddenly rolled down to his cheek.

I let out a big sigh, how could I decline his favour? So I turned my body and I answered him, “I promise.” then I wiped his tears.

T-thanks Myungsoo.” He said and hugged me. He was crying on my clothes. I moved my hands hestitantly to his back, but in the end I did it and comfort him. I wish we could be in this state forever. But nothing last forever.



I was walking with Dongwoo as we enjoying the fourth day of the Festival. Dongwoo was telling me how the Star Empires girls in basketball team are super tall and skillful in playing basketball. He said that they were also pretty and gorgeous.

Yah! You have Hoya! Don't you dare checking out for other girls or else!” I said to him.

Hmmm... Woohyun, don't be too naive. You're also checking out other girls right. I saw your expression when you saw those cheerleaders from CUBE High. I could say the same to you then, You have your beloved Dr., Sunggyu hyung!” Dongwoo countered it back to me.

I-I wasn't checking them out. I was.. just... admired them. Yeah! I admired them how could they did those stuffs.” I made an excuse.

Tch! Bull.” Dongwoo said.

He was blabbering about other stuffs again but then I noticed a figure that I used to recognize. It was a girl, she made her way to us. She walked elegantly and stopped right in front of us.

Oh it's you!” Dongwoo said. “How are you?” he greeted her. I looked at him, how could he know her?

I'm fine Dongwoo. You?” She asked Dongwoo back.

I'm fine too.” Dongwoo answered. Then he sensed as I was being cornered. “Oh! Sorry... Woori, right?” She nodded. “This is my friend, Woohyun. He's also Myungsoo's closest friend.”

Hi Woohyun.” She gave her hand, “still remember me?” She asked.

I was taken a back. I never know she would remember me. Go Woori, me and Myungsoo's senior whose happened to like Myungsoo back then and so did Myungsoo.

W-why are you here?” I asked her.

Woohyun, that's a bit rude actually to ask that kind of question. But let me just answered it. I go to DSP High School and today I came to cheer for my schools. That's all.” She said. I senses something not right.

Wow! I just remembered it that you and Myungsoo were from the same school.” Said Dongwoo to me, “It's must be nice seeing your old friend.” Dongwoo said smiling happily and innocently.

It's great Dongwoo. I'm very happy meeting them.” Confessed Woori.

Dongwoo and Woori chatted happily and they seemed to fit well on the conversation. While me, I just felt something so odd, something not right here. Since the first time I met Woori in Junior High with Myungsoo, I never feel comfortable around her. There's always something went wrong after meeting her.

Woohyun? Are you ok?” Woori asked me as she looked I was so deep in my thoughts.

Uh? Yeah I'm ok.” I replied to her.

Well, why don't we have some snacks together?” Suggested Dongwoo. I looked at him and gave him an odd stare. Why does he act like he really knows her well? “Would you like to go Woori noona?”

Aish, Dongwoo... don't call me noona. It's making me so old. Just call me Woori, I don't mind and sure, I'd love to go with both of you.” She answered to Dongwoo then she looked to me. “Shall we go now?” Again, another strange vibe from her.

Uh.. sure. Let's go.” I said to her. She smiled to me and gestured for Dongwoo to lead the way.

While both of them busily talking to each other, I was deep in my thought again. I'm aware of anything that's gonna happen in the future from now on.



I finally able to walk from the changing room. My phone keeps ringing all the time as L.Joe called me. After the 5th times he called, I finally answered it.

Sungyeol where have you been?” L.Joe asked worriedly.

Sorry, I was... taking shower first.” I lied to him.

Oh, well then I waited for you on the school gate. Are you going home now?”

Yes, why?”

Want me to accompany you?” He asked straightly. But then I felt not right, being too close like this L.Joe for only 4 days. We need distance. Beside, somehow my mind keeps repeating the scene of Myungsoo treating me so gently.

L.Joe... I'm sorry to tell you. But, can we just take time now? You know... we just met each other like 4 days ago and now we're being too close like this. It's not that I hate it, but I just need some space between us ok.” I said to him. He was silent for seconds.

Uh... I'm sorry then Sungyeol if I was being to close to you. But my intention is good, don't get me wrong. But I respect your decision.” He said. I'm glad he's an understanding guy. “I hope we meet again soon, Sungyeol. Walk safely to your house.” He said.

Thank you, L.Joe. You too.” I said then he hung up. I sighed. I hope L.Joe didn't get me wrong.


I walked alone to the front gate of my school and turned left to my house direction. As I put my first step outside from school, he was there, it's Myungsoo. He was there leaning on the school's wall and looking at me. I walked slowly and passed him by. To my surprise he actually stopping me.

Sungyeol, let's walk together.” He said firmly.

No, you don't have to walk me home. Don't worry I'm fine.” I said to him.

Who said that I'm going to walk you home? I just want to walk together with you.” He said. My face went red and I was so embarassed. I was being to confident of myself. So I just walked ignoring him but he grabbed my arm. “I was just kidding. Let me walk you home.” He said sincerely now. My face went red again, but not because of embarassment, it's because all of these butterflies feeling inside my stomach.

Without giving any appropriate respond, he took my hand and hold it securely. I could feel his warm hand in me. He led the way to my house. I couldn't say anything he was being so nice to me. I couldn't think anymore at his sudden behaviour.

How is your feet doing? Fine?” He asked me suddenly.

Ugh... well...” I was going to say fine again, but there's no use lying again to him, so I told him the truth. “It's still a bit sore, but it'll be fine soon. Thanks for the ice-pack.” I said to him.

Gladly that I could help you.” He said smiling to me with his killer smile. I could die at that time instantly and I think he did it as my body reacted weirdly and making me fall. “Hey Sungyeol! Are you ok?” He caught me on his hand as I fall.

Ah yes, I just... don't feel right.” I said to him.

Then he suddenly turned around and bent down with his back facing me. I was surprised as he did that, was he going to carry me? No way right?

Hop on, I'll carry you until your house.” He said like a gentleman would do.

No, I'm extremely find I could walk.” Then I made an attempt to stand but somehow I couldn't stand properly and fall again.

Just hop on, Sungyeol.” He said getting annoyed as I wouldn't listen to him. “Please...” He begged to me as he waited for me to hop on to his back. I finally surrendered and hop on to his bag.

Sorry, If I'm heavy.” I said to him shyly.

You're not that heavy. I'm strong you know.” He said as he confident at his skill.

I circled my hand around his neck and laid my head on the crook of his neck. I could smell he's scent. I silently let out some tears. How I wish I could turn back time and have this kind of moments with him again. Not in this kind of situation between us. It's not tears of sadness, it's happiness. Being this close with him is enough. I don't need those wild affection from him. The carrying side of him is enough. I cried with a smile on my face, until my eyes started to close slowly and soon I drifted to sleep.

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.