Next Step

Sweet Candies


Actually I mind.” I stood in my place still shock at what he's saying, I turned my body slowly and looked at him who was grinning like a maniac.

Ex-excuse me?” I said still in shock.

But then he let out a small giggle. “I'm just kidding. You just look funny and cute.” He said as he approached me. Then he let out his hand, “Hi! I'm Byunghun, but call me L.Joe. I'm from TOP High School. And you?” I looked at him first then I accepted his hand and shake hands.

I'm Lee Sungyeol. Please call me Sungyeol.” I said nicely to him.

Aigoo you're really cute.” He complimented me making me smile in thank you. “Well, it's really nice to meet you Sungyeol.”

Nice to meet you too, L.Joe.” I smiled.

So, are you free now? I was thinking if you could take me for a walk around your school? I could treat you for a late lunch, if you want.” He offered. He seemed a good guy, I don't see any suspicious things on him.

I'd love too. But..... I'm still waiting for my friend actually, L.Joe. So maybe--” but then the one that I've been waiting came and cut my words.

NO! It's completely fine with me, hyung! I have lots of friend who could accompany me. You could go with....... uh your name?”

L.Joe.” He answered.

Yeah, L.Joe. Go go! I'll see you later hyung!” Sungjong pushed me to L.Joe until I was about to fall down to him, but he caught my hands. I looked at Sungjong but he was already nowhere to find. I look at the hands and found it was L.Joe's hand. I saw him and something felt weird inside of me. I went back to my sense and stood up properly.

Is that your friend?” He asked.

Yeah, that's Sungjong. He's my best friend.” I said to him. He mouthed an o.

Well then, shall we go?” He asked. I nodded and walked beside him.


I took L.Joe for a walk and introduced some of the school's spots to him. I informed everything about the competition and where some of the competition takes place. He was a fun guy in the outside looks cool and cold but in the inside he's a really easy-going person and nice. I spent a good time with him.

After about a good half an hour we walked around the school he took me to a lunch in a stand that the school's festival provide. It was a simple delicious bento. We sat at the table and got to know each others.

Wah, so you're some sort of a king-ka in your school?” I asked in surprised as I know he has a group of his own in he's school.

Hmmm I don't like to be called as king-ka. I'm just a normal student who happens to be more appealing than others. That's all.” He said as he being modest.

Wah, you're really a good person.” I said as I complimented him. “It's really nice to meet you.”

He laughed and replied, “It's really nice to meet you too.”

Then suddenly a group of guys came to L.Joe and snapped L.Joe's back. L.Joe was surprised at the sudden hit and looked back. It was his friend I supposed. They all look friendly but once look scary.

Yah! That's hurt. Can you just tap instead of hit?” L.Joe said to a boy with a long smooth hair like a girl.

Sorry sorry. We were just surprise as we saw you with a 'new friend'.” He said. L.Joe just stayed quiet. Then the guy talked again. “Aren't you going to introduce him to us?” He asked.

Ah right.” L.Joe looked at me. “Sungyeol, all of them are my close friends. They are my members group, Teen Top.” I nodded and smiled to all of them. “This one is Niel, Ricky, Changjo, C.A.P, and Chunji.”

Hello, it's really nice to meet you all.” I said to all of them.

Aigoo, you're good L.Joe, he's cute.” Said Niel. L.Joe just laughed and smiled to me. Again, I felt something weird inside of me.

Oh wait wait!” Suddenly the little one called Ricky said. “I think I've seen Sungyeol hyung somewhere...” Ricky think and think. “OH RIGHT! You're one of the contestant for Woolim's School Prince, right?”

Oh god! How does he know about it? “Eh... well... uh... yes, you're right.” I answered him shyly.

Hey! You didn't tell me about it!” Said L.Joe.

Uh.. I don't think it's something that I should tell to you.” I said to L.Joe. “But excuse me, Ricky, How do you know about it?”

Don't you know hyung? They take a vote from students outside of Woolim too. That competition really is huge for this year.” Ricky said in amusement.

I don't know about it.” Oh great now my face is all around the side of school. Got, I think I couldn't stay normal after this. I'm so shy!

Don't worry hyung! We'll support you! We will vote for you! TOP High School is on your side!” Said Changjo the one beside Ricky.

Yeah! As Changjo said, we will make all of TOP's student vote for you. So don't worry, TOP is on your side.” Ricky said.

Uh thanks, but you don't have too. You guys haven't seen the other contestant right?” I asked them.

I did. The other looks horrible I think. You're cute and innocent, which is your charm. So I better vote for you than the others.” Niel said.

Thanks a lot everyone.” I said to them and smiled shyly. L.Joe smiled at me and ruffled my hair. Suddenly we just got that close. It was a great time with Teen Top members.


Gah! Why Myungsoo is so complicated. Who was that girl? I died in curiousity. Great, now I'm all alone without no one. I miss my hoaegi.

I decided to text him, I hope he has time to reply. Oh he should or I'll be mad at him.

From: Dongwoo

To: Hoya

Aegi! Where are you now? I'm all alone.

Myungsoo suddenly shoved me away.

Are you still busy?


I sent it and wait for a reply. After a minute, there's no reply, maybe he haven't opened his phone. So I just waited. Until 5 minutes still no reply. AH! Why he must be that busy? God. Keep calm Dongwoo. Hoya we'll come to you later.

Hey it's Dongwoo. You look miserable.” Woohyun came and laughed at me.

Yah you!” I shouted to him. But then I saw a middle age guy next to him. I stopped what I was going to do and stayed normal. He's not Woohyun's brother right? Because he doesn't have any brother. “Hello.” I said to him nicely, testing the guy.

Ah, hello.” He replied. Good, he's a nice guy.

Yah! Don't you say hello to him. You're not allowed.” Said Woohyun possesively.

Woohyun, he was just greeting me.” The guy said. I grinned in victory. “So, Woohyun, you're not going to introduce me to your friend?” He asked.

Oh right! I'm Dongwoo--” I was going to give my hand but Woohyun snapped it away.

Save your hand.” Woohyun said deathly. I rolled my eyes at his possesiveness. “Sunggyu this is my stupid friend, Dongwoo. And Dongwoo this is Sunggyu.... uh my boyfriend.” I gasped as Woohyun said that.

Whoa! You're his boyfriend? You're this greasy person's boyfriend? You're not mistaken him with other person you know, maybe?” I asked him and got a hit from Woohyun.

Sunggyu laughed. “Yes, he's happened to be my boyfriend.”

What? You have problem Stupid Dino?!” Woohyun gave a challenging look.

Slow down dude.” I said to Woohyun then I backed to Sunggyu. “So, uh sorry for being rude, but you don't look our age. How old are you?” I asked him.

Hey, age doesn't matter--” Woohyun was going to complain but Sunggyu answered my question.

I'm 23.” He said smiling to me.

I took Woohyun with me, away from Sunggyu hyung (as he much older than me). “Yah! How could you get him? What did you do? Did you do it on purpose?” I whispered to him.

God Dongwoo! How could you even think like that. I didn't do anything. It's just a pure love, I love him so I just did what I have to do to get him. And no, I didn't do it on purpose I love him like you love Hoya.” Woohyun said.

I think you're being honest. Well ok, I approve him.” as I said it, I got a hit again on my shoulder. God, he's being cruel.

So, finish with the talking?” Woohyun's boyfriend or Sunggyu hyung asked.

Yeah it's just a stupid conversation made by this stupid friend of mine.” I fisted my hand and ready to punch him in the face anytime. Later, after Sunggyu hyung left maybe. “So, where are we going now, Gyu?”

I don't know. I feel like just sitting around. I'm tired of walking around.” Answered him.

Then let's have a snack on that stand. It seems sell lots of delicious food.” Said Woohyun.

Ok, I'll just follow you.” Woohyun took Sunggyu hyung's hand and walked together. I looked at them in envy. But then Sunggyu stopped his pace. “Uh, Woohyun are we going to leave your friend? He looks lonely. Why don't he go with us?” Suggested Sunggyu.

Are you sure?” Woohyun asked because he didn't like the idea.

Yeah let's just invite him.” Sunggyu said without waiting for Woohyun's respond. Then he looked to his back and shouted. “Dongwoo! Let's go together!”

As I heard Sunggyu hyung invited me to go with him, I grinned happily because at least I have someone to be with. I ran to them and asked to Sunggyu hyung. “Are you sure hyung? Is it ok?”

Of course, the more people the more fun we have, right?” I nodded to his statement. I looked to Woohyun he let out a deep sigh. I could totally inferred that he doesn't like the idea. “Let's go then.”



We went out from the gym and walked around together while talking about anything that we could share. Woori looks happy with her current life now. She said after she graduated, she'll be applying to a university abroad. Probably Julliard as she wised. I encouraged her by telling that she could make it. She's a wonderful ballerina, I believe she could make it.

So I told a lot about myself. I haven't heard anything special from you, Myungsoo. Spill out something, your plan in the future. Or maybe... you're current crush?” Woori asked in curiousity.

What? I don't have any crush.” I said to her. I knew I was lying, there's only Sungyeol in my heart. I admitted it already. “You?”

I think I have one. It's all like the old times.” She said while enjoying the walk.

Old times?” I asked her.

uh... I mean... right now! Yeah, we're walking side by side together. It's like the old times, don't you think?” She looked at me. I nodded in agreement. “When we went out from school we walked together to home as our house in the same direction.” She smiled happily as she recalled everything.

Do you still live around there?” I asked her.

No, I already moved. I moved to an apartment by myself. You can stop by to my apartment anytime. I would be happy if you come.” She said.

Yeah, maybe later I will.” I said to her.

Myungsoo, you're still the same, the quite person you are. Aren't you going to be a bit talkative? Just tell me anything, I don't know what should I ask you.” Woori looked annoyed.

Hmm well I'm Kim Myungsoo, still living in the place you know. I'm still 17 and single.” I said to her.

That's all? As I expected just like that.”

Then what do you expect?”

I don't know, your dreams, future, problems anything.”

I don't have anything to tell you now, Woori.”

She scoffed at me and said, “Still the closed Myungsoo as ever.” I just gave her an apologetic look. “Well then, instead of waiting for you to talk. I think it's already time for me to go home. I still have to go to my ballet course.”

You still have a course? Aren't you like a pro at it?” I asked her.

Hmm I instructed some students while myself keep reviewing and learning the basic.” She said. Still the same hard-working Woori. “Well, I think this is a goodbye. Tomorrow I'll be coming back to this school. I hope we'll meet again.”

Sure, Woori. See you tomorrow.” I said to her.

After I said it, she looked shy and approached me. Suddenly without I predict, she landed a kiss on my cheek and whispered to me. “My feelings, it's still the same as it used to be.” Then she backed off.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Myungsoo!” She waved her hand and left me.

God, what kind of plan do you have for me now?



It's decided, the guy is L.Joe as most of the comments are telling me to do L.Joe but thanks for others who already suggesting me with other idols. this is just the beginning of a new drama in sweet candies. You could say this is like the second season of it hahaha. I feel like making a k-drama. But please give me lots of love and support ok! Have great day! <3

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.