Her Heart

Stolen Heart

                SungMin stays at the Cemetery for quite some time, staring at the smiling face of YouMi. She was beautiful as ever and her smile never fades from his sight and mind. Oh how he really wished she was still by his side, breathing the very same air as he does. The pain in his heart never ceases to ache as he remembered her laughs, cheers, and her voice.

                “Aniyo… she already said goodbye… why fret?” SungMin said smiled to his self, but he can’t control the tears that fell from his eyes.  

                SungMin looked at his wristwatch; he has to go now. He smiled at his sweet heart’s picture and waved bye. He has to go home... As he embarked his car, he saw a lady entering the cemetery. He knows that figure… that girl… SungMin frowned.

                “Park YeunJa…” SungMin muttered.

 He focused his eyes on her… looking to where she’s going. But to his surprise, she stopped by YouMi’s grave. Sungmin got worried that YeunJa will vandalize her grave… but she didn’t… instead she placed a single white rose. SungMin wondered why she did that… YeunJa hates YouMi!

SungMin gets out of the car… he wants Yeunja out of the area. He could remember how YeunJa yelled YouMi. He could not bear seeing Yeunja yelling at his beloved… As SunMin gets out, his phone rang.


                                “Yeboseyo, is this Mr. Lee SungMin?”

                                “Neh, Lee SungMin Speaking”

                                “This is YouMi’s mother “

                                “Oh, HyunJung Umma, what is it?” SungMin calls Youmi’s mother as Umma since they were about to get married… but sadly the wedding was called off.  But still, YouMi’s parents insist to let SungMin call them as appa or Umma.

                                “Listen, we have to talk in person”

                                “Araso..” SungMin said and went directly to their house.

                The Min’s house were located in Namsan… they’re living in a condo. As SungMin went to the 7th floor, he could hear YouMi’s laughter echoes. He frowned… he doesn’t want to go here anymore.  But since YouMi’s parents asked him, he’ll have to go through the painful halls of memories. He went to the room 62 and rings the doorbell.

                “Oh, SungMin, come in” Mrs Min said and let SungMin in “Appa is in the living room.”

                SungMin went to the living room and bowed at YouMi’s father. Mr. Min gestured him to tke a seat.

                “We called you about YouMi…” Mr. Min said.

                “What about YouMi?” SungMin asked in a solemn voice. MrMin and Mrs Min exchanged looks.

                “You see… before YouMi died… she decided to have a heart transplant…” MrMin said.

                SungMin couldn’t believe what he said… it’s ok for SungMin to let her give her heart away… but why didn’t she tell him?

                “Why are you telling this to me only now?”  SungMin asked. Mrs Min heaved a sigh.

                “We didn’t know either…” Mrs Min said. “We only knew this morning…”

                “Who has her heart?” SungMin asked, frowning at the thought.

                “She asked the doctor to give her heart to Park YeunJa…” SungMin gaped at what they said… He just looked at them. Why on earth would she give her heart to that crazy lady?!


(A/N: Hello guys!!! sorry for the late updates T-T I'm on On Job Training now... far away from home. So I don't have my computer to update the stories easily... So Sorry, don't worry, I'll continue this ever now nd then... ehehhe Comments are appreciated ^^ :D thanks for subscribing guys!

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Chapter 32: Wahh. It made me cry. Wonderful story~
authentic22 #2
Chapter 32: This is gweattt!!
*sob* *sob*
Chapter 32: Wae ~ omg this was the saddest story I've read in a while
I cried
I actually cried
princesscloudz #4
What a nice fanfic!This is the first time that I read sungmin oppa fanfic(I spent months to read a lot of yesung oppa fanfic) but it really made my day!!!!I cried so hard when i read the last part.
I also love your yesung fanfic "We got really maried"...now I will read "it's you, it's only you" and wait for your other amazing fanfic...
Chapter 32: This was such a good story... but so bitter-sweet T__T
I love this story!! The story plot, everything was fantastic, it was sad, but sweet~ Loved it :3
AWWWW :( Minnie's story has so much sadness in it :( but it's a very touching story, i love it :D
AiMei_4 #8
kyyaaa you made me cry in the middle
of ths night!!! haha thanks for the awesome fanfic you made
sujusyndrome #10
It's so touching!