Answers pt 2

Stolen Heart


                SungMin looked down on his knees. He closed his eyes, trying to absorb everything that had been said. Is this man playing a game with his heart? Did he deserve this for being so close with girls? If so... why did he have to lose someone he finally learned to love?

                “You’re making yourself difficult, Lee-ssi” Byoung said and drank his tea.

                “Aniyo...” SungMin said, he felt like his heart is ready to burst. He looked at Byoung. “How could you say that... when you placed our lives in jeopardy... I should have known YouMi was playing all along”

                There was utter silence; only the clock ticking sound can be heard. SungMin could only see the hatred in Byoung’s eyes. SungMin was ready... to receive a blow or two. But it didn’t came... instead a fragile man faced him.

                “YouMi... she agreed to replace YeunJa in order to protect her. YouMi knew that you are impossible to meet up with her... so in order to protect her, she pretended. Our plan was to keep you away from my sister.” Byoung said and his voice cracked. “There came a flaw in our plan... I can recall it perfectly.”


                “Hey” I said softly as I saw the sight of YouMi. It was the day I returned to Seoul together with YouMi from Mokpo.

                “Hello” She said distantly and smiled. I approached her...

                “How’s it been?” I asked. She kept silent, then I felt this pang on my heart that I could not understand.

                “It’s been well” YouMi said and looked at the view before us. It seemed she had changed.

                “How’s the guy?” I asked. She turned to me with those pained looks.

                “He’s fine...” YouMi  said. Is that all? I looked down and noticed a glittering object on her finger. I was surprised to see a ring on her ring finger.

                “YouMi...” I said She looked at me solemnly.

                “I don’t think I can keep on pretending, Byoung” YouMi said. I chuckled...

                “Don’t joke around, you know I hate jokes when I’m serious” I said, hoping she was really joking.

                “Aniyo...” YouMi said, I stared into her eyes, filled with tears. “I can’t go on pretending, Byoung... I’ve fallen in love”

                “What do you mean?” I scoffed. “Please stop fooling around, I can’t...”

                “I’m serious Byoung...” YouMi said. “I love SungMin... I don’t want to pretend anymore” She turned her back and slowly walking away. I stand there... staring at her moving figure. Somehow... it tells me that she’ll never come back anymore...


                SungMin looked at Byoung in amazement. Had this guy... loved YouMi in silence? And he... how could he not see it? Byoung was now shedding tears in front of him. SungMin paled as he thought of how many hearts were broken because of his love.

                “Please... stay away from my sister, leave her alone, I can’t stand it if I lost her...” Byoung said, bowing fully at SungMin. “I’d do anything you want...”

                SungMin paled at the sight... a senior bowing at junior. It takes a lot of shame to do this and SungMin does not want it... but can he really leave YeunJa?


(A/N: End is this going to end like this? Find out soon!) COMMENTS ARE LOVED!!!

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Chapter 32: Wahh. It made me cry. Wonderful story~
authentic22 #2
Chapter 32: This is gweattt!!
*sob* *sob*
Chapter 32: Wae ~ omg this was the saddest story I've read in a while
I cried
I actually cried
princesscloudz #4
What a nice fanfic!This is the first time that I read sungmin oppa fanfic(I spent months to read a lot of yesung oppa fanfic) but it really made my day!!!!I cried so hard when i read the last part.
I also love your yesung fanfic "We got really maried" I will read "it's you, it's only you" and wait for your other amazing fanfic...
Chapter 32: This was such a good story... but so bitter-sweet T__T
I love this story!! The story plot, everything was fantastic, it was sad, but sweet~ Loved it :3
AWWWW :( Minnie's story has so much sadness in it :( but it's a very touching story, i love it :D
AiMei_4 #8
kyyaaa you made me cry in the middle
of ths night!!! haha thanks for the awesome fanfic you made
sujusyndrome #10
It's so touching!