Last Gift

Stolen Heart


                SungMin and the boys were shooting for some variety show. Though, he promised to visit YeunJa after the shooting. The staffs were having the time of their lives as they kept on laughing at the Super Junior antics. The boys were good at variety shows that it results to high ratings.

                “Good work everyone!” Leeteuk said “Gamsahamnida!”

                “Neh, hyung, where are we going next?” Yesung asked.

                “Home” Leeteuk said and looked at SungMin. “Looks like SungMin will not be going home with us”

                “You know he has to visit YeunJa” EunHyuk said showing his gummy smile.

                “Tsk... I expect a wedding invitation soon” Heechul smiled and pats SungMin.

                SungMin smiled as he saw his hyungs left the make up room. He’s glad that his hyung at least approve his love for YeunJa and are willing to support them until the end. Later, he’s going to see his beautiful girl. But before that, he’s going to the flower shop to buy her favourite roses. SungMin got on his car and went to the nearest flower shop.

                “W-what can I do for y-you sir?” Says the lady attendant. She’s flustered to be in front of a teen idol.

                “Please give me your freshest white roses” SungMin said. “Oh, can I pick the bow for it?”

                “Sure sir” The lady offered him the box of bows. SungMin smiled and picked the pink bow. The lady attendant came back with the bouquet of white roses. SungMin wrapped the bow on the flower carefully and beautifully.

                “Gamsahamnida” SungMin said and gave his payment.

                SungMin placed the bouquet carefully next to him. He grabbed something from his pocket... a small pink box. He opened it and revealed a shining diamond ring. He knows its a bit early but he has to be sure that she’ll be his while there’s still time. With that last peak, he closed the box and drove towards the hospital.

                YeunJa was in room... wondering to what time SungMin will arrive. Byoung was looking over her; he sat on her bedside, reading some book. It was then; the nurse came in with her medicine. YeunJa knows it’s another time for suffering, but she knows once this is over she won’t take those pills ever again. YeunJa took the medicine.

                After quite some time, the medicine took effect. YeunJa’s head was spinning, this has never happened before, but her head ached so much. Everything was spinning around her and she couldn’t take it. YeunJa placed her hand on her head and gripped on her brother.

                “YeunJa!” Byoung called anxiously.

                “My... head...” YeunJa said through clenched teeth. She screamed, she can’t take this much pain.

                “Nurse!!! NURSE!!!” Byoung hurries to call the nurse, it was then the screaming ceased and Byoung saw YeunJa has lost her consciousness. “YeunJa! YEUNJA!” Byoung tried to revive her, but to his fear, he couldn’t feel her breathing. The Doctor and nurses came in.

                “Take her to the E.R.!” The Doctor said and the nurses did as they were told to.

                “Doctor, what happened to my sister?” Byoung asked with tears on his eyes. The doctor pats his back.

                “I’ll see what I can do for your sister” The doctor said.

                SungMin was still driving his way towards the hospital. It was when the traffic light turns red and he has to pause driving for a while. SungMin sits still, looking on the highway. It was then he looked sideways to check his side mirror, he saw a lady sitting beside him, wearing a peach dress and a hat on her head.

                SungMin was really surprised and he closed his eyes. He looked sideways again, but the lady disappeared... only the bouquet of white roses left. He grabbed the bouquet, and saw one rose bud fallen from it’s place. His heart began to palpitate... as though something bad is happening. SungMin shook his head and noticed it the traffic light was already green.

                SungMin arrived to the hospital. He was wearing a smile, he was sure he can make YeunJa smile today. But as soon as he steps on the hospital, his heart began to race. He couldn’t understand why but he felt sorrowful.

                SugnMin takes every step towards her room... but as he did, YeunJa’s heart gives a dangerous sign of heart beats. The doctor was inserting hose for her to breath. It was then when YeunJa’s heart beat stopped. The doctor grabbed an electronic pad.

                “1,2,3, CLEAR!” The doctor hit the pads on YeunJa’s chest.

                Outside the E.R. was Byoung hearing the deafening sound of YeunJa losing her heartbeat. Byoung stared into nothingness, hoping that what he hears right now were just illusions. Then, he saw SungMin in a far view, going to the receptionist.

                SungMin saw Byoung on the far end of the corner. He was sitting in front of the E.R. SungMin wonders why he would be there. SungMin approached Byoung to give his greetings when he saw the tearful eyes of Byoung. This only meant one thing... YeunJa’s life is in danger. In a few seconds... the doctor came out. He looked at SungMin and then Byoung... he shook his head.

                Byoung kneeled out of agony. SungMin dropped the bouquet of white rose, tears forming in his eyes. SungMin rushes inside the Emergency room. He looked at the pale body of YeunJa. He went closer to her with his whole body trembling. He kneeled beside her and took her hand... cold... cold as ice.

                “YeunJa...” SungMin muttered. “Aniyo... Yeunja...” He placed her hand closer to his lips and kissed it.

                SungMin’s heart slowly rips into pieces as he caresses her cold face. Her beautiful eyes... her heart melting smile... her cheerful self... her warm character... will just gone. He never got to say that he loves her very much... he never got to share his dreams with her... never got the chance to make her happier... Everything just gone with the wind.

                “YeunJa... there are so much things to be done... so much memories to make... so much places to visit... so much plans to make... so much dreams to fulfil...” SungMin said softly. “How are we going to do this if I lost you...”

                SungMin grabbed the small box on his pocket, revealing a very beautiful ring. He takes the ring and placed it on her ring finger. He again kissed her hand.

                “I want to marry you...” SungMin whispered. Byoung watches in pain and in amazement as SungMin did. SungMin has proven that he is worthy of his sister’s love... how could he not see it? Now she’s gone...

                Byoung raised his head and shocked at the sight. He saw a lady entering the room in peach dress and white hat. He couldn’t see the face... but her figure is really familiar. The lady seemed to touch YeunJa’s hand... Then, she turned around. She looks at Byoung’s face...

                “YouMi...” Byoung muttered. YouMi smiled at him and went closer to him, she was transparent... YouMi caressed his face.

                “Byoung...” YouMi mutters and disappears.

                SungMin felt shivers on his body a second a go. It was then; the heart beat detector gave beeping sound. SungMin looked at YeunJa who gasp roughly for air.

                “YeunJa?” SungMin touched her face and felt warmth coming back to her. SungMin smile. “Jagiya..?”

                Byoung was surprised. His sister came to life...

                “Nurse!” Byoung went outside to call the doctor and nurse. Meanwhile SungMin was crying out of relief. YeunJa took off all the things attached to her face. She looked sideways limply and saw SungMin. She smiled...

                “Anyeong Jagiya...” She said softly and weakly.

                “YeunJa!” SungMin embraced her tightly, he cried more.

                “Jagiya... don’t cry...” YeunJa said and felt something on her finger. She raised her hand and saw a beautiful diamond ring on it. “What’s this..?”

                “Jagiya... I’m never going to let you go...” SungMin said. “Will you marry me?” YeunJa gave her widest smile. Then Byoung, the doctor, and nurses came in, surprised that YeunJa is breathing again.

                “This is a miracle” The doctor said. YeunJa showed her hand to Byoung who just nods. She embraced SungMin.

                “I will...” was YeunJa’s reply.

                Everything became so radiant. SungMin looked at the window and saw a light silhouette... YouMi smiles as white wings sprouts on her back SungMin smiled his gratitude towards her. YouMi’s wings began to flutter and she disappears...

                “Saranghae, nae YeunJa...” SungMin said through muffled voice.

                “Saranghae” YeunJa replied.


(A/N: THE ENDDDD!!!!! Btw, I cried so much as I was doing this chapter that's why it was so long ahahhahah... stay tuned for the BONUS CHAPTER!!!! weeeee~~~~~~ I'm now working on Yesung's fic story entitled "WE GOT REALLY MARRIED!!!" just click on the title if you want to view it ^^ THANK YOU TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS!!! TO ALL COMMENTS!!! SARANHAEEEEEE!!!!!)

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Chapter 32: Wahh. It made me cry. Wonderful story~
authentic22 #2
Chapter 32: This is gweattt!!
*sob* *sob*
Chapter 32: Wae ~ omg this was the saddest story I've read in a while
I cried
I actually cried
princesscloudz #4
What a nice fanfic!This is the first time that I read sungmin oppa fanfic(I spent months to read a lot of yesung oppa fanfic) but it really made my day!!!!I cried so hard when i read the last part.
I also love your yesung fanfic "We got really maried" I will read "it's you, it's only you" and wait for your other amazing fanfic...
Chapter 32: This was such a good story... but so bitter-sweet T__T
I love this story!! The story plot, everything was fantastic, it was sad, but sweet~ Loved it :3
AWWWW :( Minnie's story has so much sadness in it :( but it's a very touching story, i love it :D
AiMei_4 #8
kyyaaa you made me cry in the middle
of ths night!!! haha thanks for the awesome fanfic you made
sujusyndrome #10
It's so touching!