Hidden Pain

Stolen Heart


                Dear Diary

                                I just found out... I’m dying...


                SungMin felt pain for his past lover as he read the first phrase. He could see droplets of tears that blotched the writing on the paper. He was not there when she died... he never knew that she was dying of cancer... Finally... his tears start to fall...


                                It pains me to think that I’ll be leaving him soon... I love Sungmin... I really do. I                                                 couldn’t afford seeing him cry because it’ll hurt me so badly. I don’t think I have the guts to tell him about this though... I’ll try...


                SungMin’s sobbed and closed his eyes. It was as though the pain of losing her came back to him... it ripped his heart, thinking all the pain she might gone through without him on her side. Nevertheless... she never fails to show a warm smile on her face. But... is that what is real or just... a fake?

                SungMin lost to consciousness... he slowly drifted to drowsiness... soon, he drifted to sleep.



                SungMin could hear that lovely tone... “Wae...” SungMin muttered. He was dreaming about yesterday...

                “Anyeong!” SungMin said gladly at the sight of her. They were in the cherry blossom park.

                “How are you Jagiya?” YouMi asked as soon as she was in his arms.

                “I’m fine, you?” SungMin asked. “You thinned...”

                “Ah, this is nothing, I’m on a diet” YouMi said with a hint of lie on her tone.

                “Aigoo, why are you dieting?” SungMin asked and placed his arms over her shoulder and continued to walk deeper in the park.

                “Because, I want to look y when I got my gown for our marriage” YouMi smiled.

                “Araso...” SungMin said and sensed her sweet smell. “What did the doctor said?” SungMin felt her tensed up and walked slowly.

                “U-uhm... well...” YouMi started. Just then, when she lifted her face up... she was in total surprise... she was really pale as though she just saw a ghost.

                SungMin looked to where YouMi was looking. The breeze blew slowly and blossoms of the trees flew with it. In a distant with pale white skin was a lady wearing a brown coat, hair laid down the same way as YouMi’s hair was. The girl looked at both of them with utter surprise as though she too... saw a ghost.

                “YouMi...” The girl muttered. SungMin looked at YouMi... her eyes were starting to tear up.

                “YouMi... do you know her?” SungMin asked. YouMi nods slowly...

                “Jagiya... let me talk to her...” YouMi said softly and lets go of his grip and went closer to the girl.

                SungMin watches from afar... he could see there was a heated discussion. He gets himself ready... just

                “Yah...” YeunJa said softly “What are you doing...”

                “YeunJa...” YouMi muttered.

                “Tell me... all those things I’ve found out... tell me... all I’ve read from my email... tell me those are lies and a part of your joke...” YeunJa said. Her voice differed from what she used to. YouMi trembled and her heart was beating fast.

                “I’m sorry...” YouMi whispered.

                “What have I done to you? Why did you betray me?” YeunJa asked in a low voice yet it was dangerous.

                “I...” YouMi muttered. “I fell in love...”

                SungMin was surprised as YeunJa grabbed YouMi’s shoulder and shook them.

                “Yah!!! How dare you!” YeunJa yelled. “How could you do this to me?! You lied to me! You’re Worthless!!!”

                “Yah! That’s enough!” SungMin interfered and held YouMi near to his chest. “Don’t you dare yell at her, if you don’t want to file a case against you!”

                With that SungMin held YouMi near him and both left the area as soon as possible. YeunJa watched in tears as she saw... her best friend and crush together in a distance.


(A/N: This story is nearing end, what do you thing will happen next? What is the real truth of YouMi's betrayal? For your own opinion.... do you think what YouMi did is right? 

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Chapter 32: Wahh. It made me cry. Wonderful story~
authentic22 #2
Chapter 32: This is gweattt!!
*sob* *sob*
Chapter 32: Wae ~ omg this was the saddest story I've read in a while
I cried
I actually cried
princesscloudz #4
What a nice fanfic!This is the first time that I read sungmin oppa fanfic(I spent months to read a lot of yesung oppa fanfic) but it really made my day!!!!I cried so hard when i read the last part.
I also love your yesung fanfic "We got really maried"...now I will read "it's you, it's only you" and wait for your other amazing fanfic...
Chapter 32: This was such a good story... but so bitter-sweet T__T
I love this story!! The story plot, everything was fantastic, it was sad, but sweet~ Loved it :3
AWWWW :( Minnie's story has so much sadness in it :( but it's a very touching story, i love it :D
AiMei_4 #8
kyyaaa you made me cry in the middle
of ths night!!! haha thanks for the awesome fanfic you made
sujusyndrome #10
It's so touching!