
Stolen Heart


February 05, 2021

                A little girl stares at the moving gold fish inside the bowl. It was a gift given by uncle DongHae today on her birthday. She watched it was it swam around the small container designed by her. She looked at the clock on the wall, 3:30 pm... Her father had not returned yet.

                She sighed in boredom. She twiddled on the laces of her pink frilly dress... She looked at the wall clock again to check what time it is... She went to the table where her special gift was sttled, she eyed on the box, thinking what is inside. She cannot open it yet... she has to wait for her father to come.

                “I’m home!’ Asweet, charming voice echoed in the whole place.

                “Appa!” The little girl called and ran towards her father and gave him her biggest hug. “You’re late” She pouted.

                “Ah... Mianhe, nae dearest” SungMin smiled at his daughter. “At least I came, right?” With that she smiled.

                “Neh!” The little girl said. SungMin pats her head.

                “Ah... SunHi... you’re so cute” SungMin smiled gently and carried her in his arms. “Happy birthday, nae sarang... are you ready?”

                “Neh!” SunHi said, excitingly. SungMin took the box on the table and let SunHi carry it.

                The father and daughter went to the car to have a little drive towards their destination. SunHi is showing great interest on the wrapped box, but she didn’t dare to open it since it was a tradition to open it on a particular place.

                “Come on, Sun Hi-ah” SungMin said as he opens the door on the other corner. SunHi smiled toothily and took her father’s hand, while holding the present on her other hand. SungMin also gathers the basket of food, white roses, and mat.

                Both of them went through a black gate that symbolizes melancholy and solemness. They walk through the gray cobble stones and passing rectangular concrete stones. The place has a sad aura... though its sadness does not affect the father and his child. They turned right and settled in front of some pillar with a single rose engraved on it.


In Loving Memory


Lee Yeun Ja


From: Husband and Daughter

Birth: December 21, 1988

Died: February 05, 2017


                SungMin looked down to where his wife lies. His feelings gets numbed everytime he visits her... but nevertheless, he feels happy that she’s not suffering anymore. SungMin looked to the little girl... she was staring at the stone. SungMin wondered what she’s thinking of. SungMin prepared the mat and the food in front of the grave. After, he litted some joss candle and placed it on the small vase.

                “Jagiya... let’s eat” SungMinplaced his hands together. SunHi followed his gesture.

                “Eat well Umma!!!”  SunHi said cheerfully.

                After a while, they enjoyed eating the food SungMin prepared. Both were talking to each other lively, ignoring the sad lament of the surroundings. Just then, SunHi stared at the pink box and her eyes shines. SungMin chuckled.

                “Go on, open it” SungMin placed the box in front of her. “Happy birthday, nae sarang”

                SunHi gave him her brightest smile and began to unwrap the parcel. It revealed a beautiful doll that resembles much of SunHi. It was also wearing a dress like hers. SunHi took the doll in awe and hugged it. Just then, SunHi spotted the birthday card, she took it.

                “From Appa and Umma” SunHi read. “Appa... why is it that Umma is here” SunHi gestured on the card. SungMin knows she does not understand yet... but one day she will.

                “SunHi-ah... it will always be Appa and Umma” SungMin caressed her hair. “It will never change...” SunHi looked at the doll and smiled.

                “Gomawoyo, Appa, Umma!” SunHi smiled.

                SungMin watched her as she still hugs the doll with all her love. SungMin smiled and remembered the day YeunJa sews the doll. She was excited and ecstatic.

                “Yeobo... that’s enough, you’re tiring yourself” SungMin said, concerned.

                “Nonsense! This will just take a few more minutes” YeunJa said.

                “But, the doctor said don’t stress yourself” SungMin pouted. YeunJa smiled at him and caressed her 5-month belly.

                “Ah... that’s alright!” YeunJa said. “Little baby knows I’m doing this for her, don’t you my little one” YeunJa said and looked at SungMin. “You have to give this doll to her...Since I can’t”

                “Don’t say that” SungMin said.

                “Ah... let’s just face it” YeunJa smiled “God’s will is this. This child is a gift from Him... we must nurture it with love... I don’t want to stop now. I love this little child in me”

                SungMin dropped a tear...

                Yes... It will be always Appa and Umma... who loves the little child who came on the day of his loss...

                “I love you, SunHi” SungMin said.

                “I love you too, Appa!” SunHi smiled.


(A/N: This is the bonus chapter guys! :D stay tuned for the sequel of this story!!! :D))

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Chapter 32: Wahh. It made me cry. Wonderful story~
authentic22 #2
Chapter 32: This is gweattt!!
*sob* *sob*
Chapter 32: Wae ~ omg this was the saddest story I've read in a while
I cried
I actually cried
princesscloudz #4
What a nice fanfic!This is the first time that I read sungmin oppa fanfic(I spent months to read a lot of yesung oppa fanfic) but it really made my day!!!!I cried so hard when i read the last part.
I also love your yesung fanfic "We got really maried"...now I will read "it's you, it's only you" and wait for your other amazing fanfic...
Chapter 32: This was such a good story... but so bitter-sweet T__T
I love this story!! The story plot, everything was fantastic, it was sad, but sweet~ Loved it :3
AWWWW :( Minnie's story has so much sadness in it :( but it's a very touching story, i love it :D
AiMei_4 #8
kyyaaa you made me cry in the middle
of ths night!!! haha thanks for the awesome fanfic you made
sujusyndrome #10
It's so touching!