Chapter Thirty Six


“I guess we’re here.” Suga mumbled, turning the radio off as Taehyung stopped the car he was in. Suga parked the car, taking a step out. Hoseok let go of your hand and stepped out as well, holding the door open for you.

“The hell is this place…” Hoseok questioned raising his hand to cover the glare of the sun.

It didn’t look like a place as much as it did a scene from a horror movie- I mean seriously. What was up with these guys and picking places so creepy? This time it was an old abandoned textile factory (bless u lexi) in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

“What the …” you mumbled, feeling a cool breeze run through your hair.

Taehyung stood in front of the building, shaking his head.

“Well if he wants us to find him he’s gonna be waiting a while.”

“Maybe we should split up?” Jimin suggested.

“You know that’s never a good thing.” Suga said, hitting Jimin’s arm.

“Well you know it’s just Namjoon in there probably being a again and seeing how well we can do on our own.”

You looked over at Hoseok, who was glaring at Taehyung after what he said.

“Don’t give me that look,” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes. “_____ can fight. You and Jimin taught her, didn’t you? She’ll be fine. She can protect herself. She doesn’t need you escorting her everywhere.”

Hoseok looked down at you, ignoring Taehyung’s last phrase.

“Do you need a knife?”

You looked down at your feet, shaking your head. Before Hoseok could hand you one, Taehyung gave you his own knife.

“I can fight with my hands. You need the knife more than I do.”

You thanked him and held the pocket knife firmly in your hand, staring at the large entrance into the building.

“I guess we should go in?”

Without further hesitation Taehyung led everyone in, directing them on where to go and where to meet if they couldn’t find Namjoon.

“_____, you search on the top floor. Remember, if you can’t find him meet us right back here, okay?”

You nodded happily, quickly running off to the steps; with the way the building looked there was no way you were going to trust the elevator.

You had no clue how many floors there were, but it seemed like they would never end. You were winded by the 6th flight of stairs, but it was the point of no return. You weren’t going to go back down and lie to them just because you couldn’t get up the stairs. You slapped yourself and proceeded upwards, nearly crying out in relief when there wasn’t another staircase to be found.

Unlike the other hallways, there wasn’t much of a path to choose. It seemed like one big square hallway- you would end up going down each one in less than a minute. You were having trouble deciding to go left or right first, but a noise coming from your right made your decision easy.

As bad as it seemed, you needed to check out the noise. Maybe Namjoon had heard your heaving and wanted to give you a little hint? Either way you proceeded down the hall, flicking out your pocket knife as you crept through.

You were at the end of the first hallway now, and then only way to go was to your left. You turned and flinched back, seeing a silhouette standing at the end of the hall you were turning on.

“Namjoon, is that you?”

The tall figure turned around, his head tilted as he stared at you. You still couldn’t see who he was, so with your pocket knife ready to engage the motherer, you took a few more steps forward.


You were in the middle of the hallway now and still couldn’t figure out who this guy was.

“Come on now, stop being a .” you said, easing your stance.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say, _____.”

Finally taking a step into view, the man revealed himself. With his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face Seokjin walked towards you, a devious look in his eyes as he stared.

“I never thought that you would be one to say that, but then again you have been hanging out with those boys for far too long…”

“Where’s Namjoon?” you asked, not wanting to start any petty conversations. You were up here for one reason, and that was to find Namjoon. Remembering Taehyung’s words, you glared at Seokjin. If you couldn’t find Namjoon, you were to come right back down, and that’s just what you were going to do.

“He’s not up here, I’ll tell you that much. For right now, it’s just you and me.”

“Well,” you said, looking to the side. You took your defensive stance once more, making it known that you had a knife and that you were able to fight. “Which floor is he on?”

Seokjin circled around you, stopping when when he was opposite of where he was before. He kept his eyes locked on yours all the while, that smirk on his face sticking there as you internally panicked.

“I can’t tell you that.”

He slowly pulled his hand out of his pocket, revealing a small knife similar to yours.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to try to fight me.” Seokjin said, holding back laughter. 

You glanced down at your little pocket knife, taking a deep breath to try to regain confidence.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to try to stop me.” you retorted.

Seokjin tilted his head to the side, a wide smile on his face as he stepped towards you, the knife pointed to you.

“You’ve gotten balls since I’ve seen you last,” he mentioned, you backing up as he got closer. “I’m surprised I can’t see them hanging under that skirt of yours.”

You squinted at him, wondering if he really just said that. Regardless, you watched as he took a large step forward, scaring you back.

“How do you expect to win when you’re so scared?” Seokjin asked, going in for a quick hit to the stomach. You quickly moved out of the way, feeling anger rush through your veins. As a retaliation you caught his back, leaving a hearty slash through his clothes and skin. Seokjin let out a small hiss, his attention now solely on you.

“ you, Seokjin.”

Seokjin sighed, shaking his head.

“You’re going to die here today, you know that?”

Seokjin moved to the right and you moved to the left; knowing this Seokjin switched the hand his knife was in and caught your left side twice- one small stab wound in your side and a tiny slash on your arm. But, as he was attacking you, you went for his leg. Through his attacks you hoped that you could snag his leg; your only way of knowing being verbal cues from him.

Seokjin let out a loud yell as you stabbed the back of his leg- a nice hit by you. Just as he was about to fall to the floor he wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you down with, effectively putting you in a chokehold.

At this point you were bleeding on Seokjin, but he didn’t seem to care. You waved your hands around, hoping that the blade of the pocket knife would land somewhere handy. Upon hearing another yell and feeling his grip on you weaken you quickly scrambled away.

Regaining your breath you straddled Seokjin, raising your knife above your head. You noticed the large cut you put under his eye, the blood trickling back as he laid on the ground. With a loud huff you brought the knife down.

Seokjin hunched forward as the blade went into his chest, his head hanging back as you took the knife out, landing one more secure stab next to the first one. After a few seconds of labored breathing Seokjin fell back onto the floor, his head to the side as he breathed heavily.

You rolled off of Seokjin, holding the small stab wound on your side as you stood up. With your knife still in you hand you began walking away, a victorious glint in your eye. You had killed a guy bigger than you, stronger than you in knife skills- and damn you felt good!

There was a grip on your ankle.

You whipped your head around, seeing a sadistic smile on Seokjin’s face as he yanked your ankle, sending you crashing to the floor. Your head hit the ground hard, darkness taking over your vision for a short amount of time. As you tried to recover, Seokjin crawled over to you, the blood from his wounds dripping onto the floor and being smudged by his legs.

“You thought you could win?” he mumbled, one hand pressing down on your neck, you cheek pressing onto the cold marble floor.

“I don’t care if I die as long as you go with me.”

He let out a small chuckle before sitting you up, embracing you in a tight hug- or what you thought was a hug before he slowly pushed his pocket knife into your stomach. You were too horrified to let out any sort of yell, but as soon as the knife came out you let out a gasp.

Once more it went back in, Seokjin’s breathing sounding more and more labored. As a last ditch effort you raised your knife, catching Seokjin by surprise once more. At this point the two of you were just leaning on each other, mindlessly poking and cutting at each other as if your lives depended on it.

After what seemed like hours later, you were the first to fall to the floor. Your knife fell out of your hand, Seokjin letting out a struggled laugh before collapsing just a few feet away from you.

“Well this .” Seokjin said, staring up at the ceiling as his laughter slowly died out.

“I really thought I was going to win.”

You turned your head to Seokjin, frowning weakly at him.

“At least we’ll both die at this rate.” Seokjin turned his head to you, an apologetic smile on his face. “Sorry I never returned your shoes. They were so cute and I may or may not have sold them.”

“You’re kidding?” you whined. You loved those shoes like no other, and he had just sold them away. “You’re such a .”

Seokjin nodded, once more his eyes diverting to the ceiling.

“You were super pretty, too.”

“Thanks. It’s nice to hear that. Maybe you can say it again before I actually die?” you joked.

“Sure, why not. If I don’t die first, that is.”

You nodded resting your hand on your stomach and pulling it away, looking at all the blood. Your hand dropped to the floor, your eyebrows furrowing. 

“I never knew I could bleed this much.” you pointed out.

“You’re lucky I didn’t hit you somewhere else. You would have been even more surprised.”

And here came the awkward,deathly silence.

“Well, since we’re both going to die, anything you want to confess or talk about?” you asked, millions of thoughts rushing through your already light headed mind.

“Well, I was thinking about hiring you.” Seokjin mentioned.

“For what?”

“My business.”

“Aren’t you a-”

“I’m not just one of them, I lead them too.”

“So you were going to hire me as a e?” you asked, feeling both offended and a little honored- feelings didn’t make sense at this point, and you were’t going to question it. Now really wasn’t the time for questioning.


“And if I denied?”

“I would have killed you.” Seokjin laughed, letting out a sigh.

“What about you?” he asked. “Anything to spill?”

“Well, I’ve done it with a few of the guys, I guess.”

“_____, you dog!”

“Shut up, Seokjin. You can’t say that.”

“I guess you’re right. You missed out on it with me, though. I’d like to think that I’m the-”

“Just tell another one of your stories. I don’t want my last talk to be about how many girls or guys you’ve screwed.”

Seokjin let out another laugh that faded out slowly, Seokjin turning his head away from you.

You closed your eyes, your hands raising to feel your face one last time. Well, I guess you could say you’ve lived a fun life. You got one last screw in before you died, you killed a guy, had a somewhat relationship, and worked in a gang. You lived the crazy high life that people always talked about wanting to have- and you wished that you could tell them that it wasn’t as fun as it was cracked up to be.

“You okay?” Seokjin asked.

“I’m dying, Seokjin. Do you think I’m okay?”

“True, true. Sorry it had to go like this.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I guess I understand.”

More silence.

“Okay, let’s say our last kind words to each other,” Seokjin suggested. “I’ll go first.”

“_____, you were a doll. You were nice, didn’t mean any harm; you were like a butterfly. You will be missed.”

You let out a soft chuckle, nodding as you thought of your last words to him.

“Seokjin, you were a motherer.”


“Let me finish. You were a motherer, but you were so nice and cool. You were pretty nice to me except for when you were a - which was a lot, but, I’m sure that all the guys loved you to hell and back. I really wish you hadn’t gone bat , though. I think we could have been a thing.”

“You’re so sweet,” Seokjin cooed.

“Okay, no more talking. I don’t want to ruin the moment.” you said, waiting for the cold embrace.


You were going to close your eyes and let nature take it’s toll before you heard someone call out your name. You turned to Seokjin, whose head was turned away from you. You had no clue if he was dead or not, but the scene left you with teary eyes.

Still, you laid in silence as the voice continued to call your name. Maybe it was God? Maybe he was going to list out all the things you did wrong and send you to purgatory, forever stuck to haunt this building. Maybe Jin would join you?

“_____ where are you?”

As the voice got louder it became more recognizable. You turned your head to the side, hoping that you would just pass out or something before whoever it was could get to you and cry over you, while you were still alive and watching. Talk about awkward.

Quick footsteps got louder and louder, closer and closer as the seconds went by.


It was Jungkook. 

You opened your eyes, but now they would only stay open halfway. You were truly hoping to go before having to make this poor boy suffer again, but you knew that wouldn’t be the case.

Jungkook slid down the floor and landed next to you, immediately fawning over you. Before he could say anything you gave him a kind smile, hushing him.

“Listen, Jungkook, there’s nothing you can do, okay? I mean look at what this dickwad did,” You motioned to all the stab wounds and cuts you had.

“Hey! Watch your tongue!”

“Sorry, Seokjin.” you grumbled, rolling your eyes.

Jungkook looked over to Seokjin, who waved to Jungkook with the smallest of smiles.

“Sorry we couldn’t catch up before _____ stabbed me to death.” Seokjin mentioned, a small giggle being heard from him.

Ignoring Seokjin’s statement Jungkook turned back to you.

“No, no, _____ I can save you, okay?” he said. Jungkook stood up, putting his hands under your arms to pick you up. As much as you wanted to protest you didn’t have the strength.

“Shut the up and listen to me for one second, Jungkook. If you mess up my dying words I will haunt you so hard.”

Immediately Jungkook stopped, shaking his head before proceeding to pick you up. He held you bridal style as so not agitate any of the stab wounds by slinging you over his shoulder and jogging away.

“Don’t worry, _____. You’ll still die with me!” Seokjin cheered as Jungkook carried you out of the halls. The last thing you ever heard from Seokjin was that terrible laugh, the last thing you saw was his pleading face and desperate smile.

As Jungkook ran down the stairs you faded in and out of consciousness, your head rising and falling. Each time you would look up you saw Jungkook’s determined face, each time you looked down you would be reminded of Seokjin.

You out for a few seconds, this time when you regained vision you saw everyone waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Once more, darkness overtook your vision. You were up again, this time Hoseok’s fearful stare on you, Taehyung’s jaw gaping as everything moved in slow motion.

“I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” you croaked out.

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!