Chapter Eighteen.


The two of you were escorted into the back of a black car, seemingly plain from the outside, but on the inside, it was fancy. There was champagne, wine glasses, and even a privacy partition that was already rolled up.


Taehyung came in right after you, sitting right next to you. His hand rested on your thigh, his eyes on all the different kinds of drinks. He looked over at you, a sly smile on his face as he opened up a bottle of champagne, the car slowly moving to a start.


“A toast?” he said, pouring you a glass and handing it to you. You have him a suspicious look as he poured himself a glass, raising it up into the air. He leaned closer to you, his eyes on your lips yet again as he spoke.


“To the best girl I’ve met in ages,” he said, clinking his glass on yours.


As he made his move, the car slammed to a stop. Thankfully, no drinks spilled. But, you did hear the driver’s door slam shut. A few seconds later, the door opened, a hand reaching in and grabbing Taehyung’s shirt, practically dragging him out of the car.


Setting your drink down, you rushed out of the car to see what was going on. You peeked your head out, not seeing anything, but hearing a lot of yelling coming from the other side. You snuck out of the car, quickly running to the other side.


What you saw, you weren’t sure if it was all true.


There stood Hoseok, fists wailing on Taehyung, the two screaming and yelling at each other. Taehyung mustered up the courage to fight back, moving his fist upwards onto Hoseok’s face, catching him right in the nose. Hoseok paused, his hand still holding Taehyung. He sniffled, a small line of blood coming from his nose.


“You’re dead.”


Hoseok raised his fist, Taehyung anticipating the hit of the season--


“Hey!” you yelled, pulling Hoseok away from Taehyung before his fist could make contact.


Hoseok looked at you, noticing your dress, your makeup, your heels, everything. Looking over at Taehyung once more, you saw the anger in his face rise. Taehyung was sitting on the ground, holding his nose as he tried to take in what had happened.


“What the hell is going on!” you yelled at Hoseok, grabbing his chin and moving his face to that he was looking at you.


“Ah,” Taehyung yelled, still holding his nose.


“He’s mad because he likes you, but I got to kiss you first.”


Hoseok shoved you to the side, walking towards Taehyung.


“You are so dead!” Hoseok yelled, cracking his knuckles.Taehyung let out a little snicker, giving Hoseok the most fed up face.


“Oh come on, Hoseok. You know this isn’t the way to get the ladies.”


“What do you know? You get them attached to you, kiss up on them, and then kill them!”


You looked at Taehyung, a frown on your face as you pursed your lips.


“It’s what I’m paid to do, just like you’re paid to make the weapons that carry it out!”


“Hoseok--” you said, running up to him and grabbing his arm. He whipped around, his stare softening as soon as he laid eyes on your face.


“Just…. Just forget about him, okay?” you said, putting your hand on his shoulder. Looking back at Taehyung, Hoseok at his teeth and turned around, walking away.


“Pft, I knew you’d do that. You’d do anything for her. You’d punch Suga in the face, you’d punch me in the face, hell I bet you’d become a clown for her! Wait, you already are.”


Before you could do anything to calm him down, Hoseok walked over to Taehyung, kicking his side, Taehyung keeling over in pain. He stood over Taehyung, huffing loudly before walking away, not looking back.


You stood there in awe, watching Hoseok walk back towards you, still fuming with rage. But, he wasn’t moving away from you, he had his eyes locked on you, your eyes locked with his.




His hands cupped your face, his lips smashing against yours. As much as you wanted to fight back and yell at him for beating Taehyung up, everything just seemed like it was falling into place. It took you a few seconds to do so, but you wrapped your arms around him, one of your hands moving up and through his hair.


When it seemed like the kiss would never stop, Hoseok pulled away from you. His eyes stayed focused on your face, examining every little detail as he ran his thumb on your cheek. You looked up at him, still shocked, but feeling more loving towards him. You let out a small laugh, doing the same to his face and pushing his hair back.


“I hate to be mean--” Taehyung said, his voice sounding pained.


“But you’ve injured the only one who really knows how to fight.”


Hoseok looked over at Taehyung.


“And what do you mean by that?”


Taehyung chuckled.


“We’re late for our appointment,” he started, looking at you. “And now there’s here to get us.”


Just as Taehyung finished his sentence, the roar of a car engine was heard. Hoseok looked to his side, seeing a large black car approaching. He pushed you over with Taehyung before running to the both of you, mumbling under his breath as he headed for the trunk.


One, two kicks and it was open, revealing a staggering amount of weapons and explosives. Cracking his neck, Hoseok choose one of the bigger guns and holding is tightly. He pulled out a mask, similar to his other ones, and put it around his neck.


“You know, a normal person would think that if you work on weapons all day you’d know how to use them,” Hoseok mentioned, watching the car come to a halt. “Since I make them and all, I’m pretty sure I know how to work them.” He put his mask over his face, and as soon as one of the doors from the car opened, he began shooting.


You covered your ears, crouching down next to Taehyung as Hoseok shot at the other men who came jumping out of the car. One by one they fell, none of them smart enough to get down or start shooting back at him-- all but one. The man who you assumed was the leader of whatever group it was stepped out of the car, a small handgun being gripped tightly.


“That’s a really small gun you’ve got there,” Hoseok mentioned, aiming at the man. The man chuckled, raising his gun.


“At least it’ll do some damage.”


Before Hoseok could react to the man’s change in target, two bullets were fired. Right after, Hoseok fired at the man, dropping his weapon as soon as the man fell dead. He took a few deep breaths before turning around to check on you.


You looked up and down at yourself, noticing that you were fine.


“Thank god, he must have missed!” you cheered, nudging Taehyung.


But Hoseok didn’t seem all too relieved.


“Still down about the happenings, Taehyung?” you asked, looking over at him. all aboard the feel train, next stop, deathmaybeville


No words came from Taehyung. In fact. Nothing came from Taehyung. No words, no movement, no breathing.


“Taehyung!” you yelled, finally noticing what had happened. Right shoulder, one bullet. Right abdomen, the second bullet. Hoseok came running over to Taehyung, lying him down as soon as he saw everything. He took off his mask, yelling at you to go get the first aid kit that he had in the trunk. Without hesitation, you ran.


What you thought would be a large kit, was extremely small, no bigger than your hand. But you had to trust Hoseok.


When you came back, you saw Hoseok tearing bits and pieces of his shirt off and pressing them into the small bullet wounds. No words were exchanged; you handed the kit to Hoseok, and applied pressure to the pieces of cloth, using one hand for each bullet as Hoseok dug through the little case.


“Taehyung you…” Hoseok mumbled, pulling out a pair of tweezers. “Thank god you’re unconscious--”


Hoseok removed your hand from the wound in his abdomen, where the effect of being should would really happen. He could deal with the shoulder at any time, but the abdomen was not to be messed with.


You could see Hoseok cringe as he put the tweezers in and began fishing around for the bullet. It took forever, or what had seemed like forever, until he finally pulled it out, letting out a small scream as he threw it to the side, ripping off more of his sleeves to cover it.


“You--” he said, opening the car door. “You stay in the back with him and keep doing what you’re doing--” He seemed frantic. Hoseok went from wanting to kill him, to now desperately trying to save him.


Hoseok hoisted Taehyung into the car, rushing you in and slamming the door shut before going to the drivers seat and immediately starting the car, not giving a care in the world about the other cars that he had nearly hit making his way back.


In the back, you were just as stressed. You kept your eyes on Taehyung’s face, looking for any change in it, any eye openings, anything. But there was nothing. You had no clue if he was going to make it at this point, especially without a real doctor.


About 15 minutes into the drive you felt tears running down your face. Even though you had only known him for a day and barely knew anything about him, it felt like you were losing someone important, like you were letting a loved one die in your arms.


The car stopped and the door was immediately opened, Jungkook on the other side. He looked at you, and then down at Taehyung, cringing before crawling in and taking your place. You moved onto a different seat, trying your best to watch as Jungkook did his thing.


Placing gauze everywhere he saw blood, cleaning things out with that same alcohol he used on you, snipping off bits and pieces of clothing, all with the most focused look on his face.


You saw Hoseok standing outside, the most worried expression on his face. Without a second thought, you ran out to him, nearly tackling him in a hug. He said nothing as you gripped onto his shirt, turning away from what was going on inside the car.


And all he could do was watch.

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!