Chapter Thirty One


You muttered to yourself, looking at everything that was given to you. Of course, underwear and a bra, along with a floral skirt, black tights, and a black ribbed camisole. Just like every other time, you put the clothes on one by one, absolutely hating the struggle that came with tights. You had to adjust them many times before they felt right- until they had fixed themselves you found yourself grabbing at the fabric, pulling, tugging, and groaning.

You shuffled around your room, kicking the now wet towels to the side and messing with your hair before walking out. You adjusted the tank top as you knocked on Taehyung’s door, picking at the collar.

“Come in- It’s open!”

You opened the door, entering with a small huff. You took a seat on Taehyung’s bed, hearing him let out a mighty sigh as he straightened his tie.

“We’re going to make a quick pit stop first,” he said, turning to you. “Does this look okay?” he asked, a small frown on his face. Looking at his outfit, you nodded.

“It looks nice but,” You stood up from the bed, walking over to him. “Your tie is still crooked.” Carefully you straightened it out, hoping that you didn’t tighten it in the process. Taehyung had a smug grin on his face the whole time, trying his best to hide it when you took a step back to look at it again.

“Better?” he asked.


He smiled at you, giving you compliments on your outfit as if he didn’t buy it.

“Yeah, it is pretty cute, but I miss my old clothes.” you mentioned, taking a gander down at your legs. They looked pretty damn good in these tights, and you deemed it worth the struggle.

Taehyung let out a sigh, nodding before grabbing your hand.

“Like I said, we have a little errand to run before we get down to business,” he stated once more as he pulled you down the steps and out the door. “Trust me, you’re going to love it.”

He pushed you into the passenger’s side of a new car; you noticed how they seemed to change every time they needed one. They either had a lot to spare, or were just constantly stealing them. Either way you buckled up- always safety first. You had learned that lesson the hard way.*

Taehyung plopped himself in the driver’s seat, making a quick getaway.

As the drive went on, you noticed that the things you would pass got more and more familiar. And as Taehyung slowed down he smiled at you, trying his best to hold back his laughter.

“You recognize all of this?” he asked, making a smooth turn into a small apartment complex parking lot.

You stared out the window, our jaw dropping as you saw the familiar apartment complex that you called home.

“Taehyung how did you-“

“I have my ways, _____.” He said, pulling into a parking space. He turned the car off, grabbing a suitcase from the backseat as you scrambled out of the car.

“What the hell is that for?” you questioned, seeing the suitcase Taehyung was rolling in your direction.

“You’ve said how you miss your old clothes,” he started, putting the car keys into his pocket and handing the suitcase off to you. “So we’re going to grab some. You have 15 minutes.” He looked down to his watch, glancing up at you.

“Let’s go, _____. I know where you live but not which apartment.”

Without any further hesitation you took off running, making a mad dash for your apartment. You could hear Taehyung laugh as you ran.

“I’ll be waiting here! Don’t be late!”

You decided to take the stairs— as lazy as you were, you were on a time crunch and didn’t want to waste any minutes standing in an elevator, especially if someone else got on. Thank goodness you were only on the second floor.

You ran down the halls, stopping at your door completely out of breath.

“…” you mumbled. “No key…”

You put yourself inside Taehyung’s devious mind, rolling your eyes when you thought of what he might do. You quickly opened all the zippers to the suitcase, finding the key in the smallest front pocket. You hastily opened up your door, letting out a content sigh before walking in. Everything was just how you left it.

Not wasting any time, you began to raid your apartment.

You grabbed your shoes that laid in the hallways, jackets that hung from a hanger, as well as several pictures that were hung on the wall. Making your way to your room, you stopped in the kitchen, grabbing your favorite snack.

You hauled everything into your bedroom, putting your suitcase on your bed. You opened it up, running to your closet and taking out everything you could. You removed the hangers hastily, throwing things into the suitcase haphazardly.

Your attention was quickly drawn to your dresser. You began rummaging through it, grabbing every unmentionable and pair of sweatpants you could hold. Your favorite shirts, shorts, and tank tops were shoved into the suitcase as well, but it wouldn’t close by the time you were done.

You moved it onto the floor, sitting on it and zipping it up like that. Even then, it was still a struggle.

“Ahhh,” you breathed, opening up the smaller pockets in the front. You crammed every piece of makeup and jewelry you had in, as well as a few spare dollar bills and your favorite perfumes.

You scrambled to zip it up, running back to the door.

You looked back into your ransacked looking apartment, a sad sigh escaping your lips as you shut the door and locked it. You rolled the suitcase down the hall and to the elevator, pressing the main floor button. All of this was too familiar, and it made you sad to think that you might never see any of this again.

Just like he said, Taehyung was waiting in the lobby, staring at his watch. Noticing that you were walking towards him, he smiled.

“Grab everything you want?” he asked, taking the suitcase from you.

“Yes, thank you.”

“I got you covered, babe.” He said with a wink, quickly moving back outside and to the car. He threw your suitcase into the trunk, having to shove some things around to make room for it.

“How much did you cram in there?” Taehyung asked, closing the trunk and moving towards the front of the car. You shrugged, taking a seat in the front and buckling up once more. “Ah, well either way I’m glad you could get some clothes. I know you don’t like us shopping for your bras and stuff.” With a smirk he closed his door, turning the car on.

“But you have to admit, the bras are pretty damn cute.”

You turned to him, a frown on your face as you spoke.

“How did you even know my sizes?” you asked. You were actually pretty curious about this—everything he bought you seemed to fix perfectly; it all fit better than when you would go out and buy it.

“Well, that’s a funny story.” He said, starting the car and driving off. “The night you were with Hoseok Jimin and I browsed around your apartment- I keep my word when I say I didn’t know which number, but Jimin sure as hell did.” There was a small grin on his face as he spoke.

“We figured with the stress of everything that you’d be into,” he coughed. “Because of how stupid your lie was,”

Coughing once more he continued happily.

“That you might… you know…”

He looked over at you, practically begging for you to finish the sentence.

“Gain a few?”

“No, actually. The exact opposite. I mean, think of it. The last time you ate before you went to the club was probably minutes beforehand and it’s been god only knows how man days** since then.”

You folded your arms, staring out the window.

“Even with us you just ate a honeybun.”

You were silent.

“You do have really cute clothes though!” he exclaimed, trying to change the subject. “Like that one pair of sweatpants you have, the black ones with the little cat on it?”

You turned to him, your brows furrowed.

“Those are comfy.”

Ignoring that comment, you moved onto a different topic.

“So who was that guy? You didn’t really explain any of this to me,” you said, crossing your legs. Taehyung sat back in his seat as if it hurt him to remember.

“He was one of the many workers for JB.”

JB - which you assumed was the secret nickname for Jaebum - was the leader of that other gang Namjoon just despised. He was truly a special one—generally he seemed quite happy with what he was doing, didn’t seem to mind killing people, seeking revenge, or holding someone hostage.

“He and his buddies took Suga.”

His grip at the steering wheel tightened as he continued.

“I watched as they just grabbed him and dragged him away. He was kicking and screaming and that’s when I came in. I managed to grab one of them, but the other guy just wouldn’t stop. Before I could do anything they had left with Suga.”

He cleared his throat, easing his grip.

“And as you saw, the one I happened to catch got a little bit of a nasty end.”

Silence came once more, bringing an unpleasant feel into the car. Messing around with your skirt, you wracked your brain to try and find a question or statement to break the silence- even for just a few seconds.

“Do you have any idea on where they are?” you blurted out.

Taehyung looked over at you, giving you a quick nod.

“There are two places they could be. If they’re not at one, they’re at the other.”

“So we’ll go to the first one, and then the second?”

“If they’re not at the first one, then yes.” He replied.

“And where is the first place?”

Taehyung let out a dull sigh, seeming as if he had answered this questions more times than he would have liked to; but his answer something that hadn’t popped up as a possibility in your mind.

“A little place I used to call school. It was closed down a few years ago, and they don’t have the heart to tear it down and build a new one, so it just sits there and withers away.”

You sat back in your seat, letting out a puff of air.

This was going to be a wonderful trip.


*remember when Jimin didn’t buckle up? safety first kids. buckle the up. click it or ticket.

**not even darby knows how many days- i’ll be doing a lot of clarification on that soon, though!

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!