Chapter Thirty Four


Taehyung grabbed your hand as he turned down another hall, mumbling something under his breath as Hoseok got closer to your side. Jimin quickly intervened, creating a wall between you and Hoseok. Jimin glanced up Hoseok and then to Taehyung, who refused to look or speak at anyone or anything except for what was ahead of him. Hoseok scoffed at Taehyung’s lack of ‘respect’, his mask successfully drowning out his threats and curses to the other boys. 

Jungkook stepped between you and Taehyung, removing his hand from yours. Taehyung turned his head to the side, more incoherent mumbling coming from his mouth.

Suga walked close behind you, his eyes darting from Hoseok to Taehyung and back to Hoseok. Each time Hoseok would glance at Taehyung - or vice versa - he would get a smack to the head. It seemed as if they were trying to train cats to not fight each other, and it was failing miserably.

As soon as Suga took his eyes off of Hoseok, Hoseok made his move. Busting through Jimin, he shoved you out of the way. Jungkook reached into his pocket but was too late to react as he was carelessly pushed to the side, Hoseok’s eyes locked on Taehyung as he shoved him into the nearest locker, grabbing Taehyung’s neck and repeatedly slamming his head into the locker.

Jimin and Suga pulled Hoseok away, having ultimate struggles as Hoseok’s grip around Taehyung’s neck just got tighter. Jungkook stepped in slowly, hitting the side of Hoseok’s neck as hard as he could.

Hoseok’s hands immediately released from around Taehyung’s neck, Taehyung taking in a breath of air as Hoseok fell to the floor. Almost as soon as he dropped, Jungkook was fixing his legs in a crossed position and asking Jimin to hold his back straight. Taehyung looked down at Hoseok who was staring up at him, his breathing hitching as Jungkook slapped and rubbed at the back of his neck.*

After a few slaps and rubs Jungkook helped Hoseok up, this time guiding him to the front of the group as if he was a prisoner. Hoseok would roll his neck every once in a while to try to subtly glare are Taehyung and you, but it just didn’t work out for him.

Suga walked with Taehyung, leaving Jimin to walk with you as the six of you exited the building.

“You okay?” he asked, resting a hand on your shoulder. You nodded carefully, your eyes not fixed on any one thing. You felt the small piece of paper linger in your shirt, feeling anxious with it sitting here.

Sooner than you wanted to, you were crammed in the backseat with Taehyung and Hoseok. Since Jimin was the strength he sat in the back with you, keeping a careful eye on Hoseok as he glared right at you.

You folded your hands in your lap, eagerly wanting to give a hand to Hoseok. But you knew that with the face he was giving you, he meant harm, and if you tried to offer your hand it would probably be broken in a matter of seconds.


As soon as you were back at Triptych, you could feel yourself unsafe once more. The only person who really made an effort to protect you was infuriated with you and more than likely wouldn’t hesitate to take you out- and not do dinner either. Taehyung was pissed at you too; having to come back to someone you had traded off a mere day ago was embarrassing. You had no clue what Jungkook, Jimin, or Suga were feeling towards you right now, but with how they let you walk (or run, really) ahead and make your way inside, it was probably pitiful and sympathetic.

You kept the door open for the other guys, scrambling into the small office that Namjoon would normally be in. Seeing as that was really the only place you could hide without getting in much trouble, you sat on the floor and took a deep breath.


You looked up and saw Namjoon sitting at his desk, twirling a pen in his hand as he looked down at you. He seemed awfully confused.

“Oh, hey!” You said, acting as if you didn’t mean to be in here. “Sorry about that, I was just leaving!”

Namjoon shook his head, motioning you over to the chair in front of his desk. Not wanting to be in any more you took a seat, crossing your legs as Namjoon finished up what he was writing.

“Something’s up with you.” he stated, setting his pen down and moving the sheet of paper to the side. He folded his hands in his lap, sitting back in his chair. “Wanna talk about it?”

You puffed your cheeks, tapping your thumbs on your lap. You gave in sooner than you expected, letting out every thought on your mind.

“Everything is just so hectic right now- well, it has been since I’ve been into all this, but that’s not the point,” you said, closing your eyes and shaking your head.

“Hoseok is just…. He’s so kind but he’s so stressful and this whole other gang thing has been putting my heart on the verge of failing and all these bruises that still hurt and all these new scars and emotions and I just-” you let out a deep breath, your back slumping.

“Everything is confusing, I’m confused, I feel like I’m going crazy, and I just don’t know what to do or say. I’d try to get out of here again but there’s really nowhere for me to go? Taehyung has over half my clothes, Hoseok has a bit of my heart, Suga has money waiting for me, Jimin is teaching me how to do all these things,”

“Everything is flying at you all at once, and you have no clue how to take it all in?” Namjoon summarized, looking at you. Hesitantly you nodded, Namjoon nodding with you.

“It’s not everyday someone gets yanked into a gang, you know. I think that for a person as ‘lucky’ as you, you’re doing pretty well. You’re not dead, you’re just a little damaged, and you haven’t gone completely crazy yet.” he said, earning a small laugh from you.

“All of this is hard to digest, in a way,” he continued, looking over to his pen. “You being the only girl in the group, are getting all the lashing of hormones and from the other guys.”

With a small laugh he leaned in.

“I’m pretty sure it’s evident that they haven’t gotten any in a while.”

You jaw dropped as he leaned back in his seat, smiling as if nothing ever happened.

“You are not in a committed relationship with Hoseok. Did you ever call him your boyfriend?” he asked, smacking his lips. You shook your head, Namjoon pointing at you with a smile.

“One supposed obligation destroyed. What about Taehyung? He has your clothes, yes, but Suga owes you money for something?”

Once more you nodded. Clapping his hands together he spun in his chair.

“Grab your money and buy yourself a new set of clothes that only you know about. I’ll take out to shop at some point, you can keep them in here, and if they ask I say they’re from a girl I did the other night.”

You sighed happily, cringing a little at the last part but nevertheless you felt relieved.

“And Jimin can still teach you things. You kind of need that guidance as long as you’re going to be here.”

“And how long will that be?”

Namjoon’s smile slowly turned upside down, cracking his fingers hesitantly.

“Longer than you want.”

You let out a defeated sigh. That’s what you thought.

“But, remember. You don’t owe anyone here anything. If anything, we owe you a new wardrobe, medical expenses, and even a little therapy.”

Once more he got a small chuckle from you, Namjoon proceeding to wave you out with a smile.

“If you want to talk more, my door is always open.”

“And if you’re away?”

“My door is always open, just come and take a breather in here.”

You gave Namjoon a lighthearted smile, feeling more relieved since you had talked with him. He was right; they did owe you a lot! All of what he said and more, plus therapy for decades, if need be. Maybe they could buy you a puppy after all of this blows over? Who knows- with the money you assumed they had they could buy you an island!

But still, as you walked through the small back room of Triptych, you felt a lingering sense of fear. You crossed your arms as you felt the stare of Suga, who sat in a chair at a table with Jimin, who seemingly refused to lock eyes with you. Uncomfortably you turned away from them, pulling out the small piece of paper in your shirt.

“I’m going to get some fresh air,” you stated, grabbing the handle of the door. Suga nodded, knowing that you couldn’t get far without them finding you.

You walked out of the building, the sun setting quickly as you walked down the streets. You held the paper in your hand, repeatedly looking down at the small phone number listed. As soon as you got to another building you walked inside, borrowing someone’s phone. You dialed the number quickly, thanking the person again as the phone rang.



“Oh, hey _____! Is something wrong?”

You let out a soft sigh, crossing your legs as you stood.

“Listen, I know I didn’t pick you and you’re probably upset and I understand but-”

“Say nothing more, I’m on my way. Where are you?”

You told him what store you were at, hanging up as soon as you finished. Once more you thanked the person who lent you their phone, walking outside and rubbing your arms as you stood waiting outside of the small building.

A small white car rolled up, the passenger side window rolling down as the car slowed to a stop.

“Come on.”

You nodded and walked to the car, opening the car and feeling a familiar hand on your shoulder as you sat down. Jaebum looked at you with a small smile, removing his hand from your shoulder as he drove off.


Jaebum sat with you in his car, the two of you slowly picking at the ice cream he bought. He was like that best friend who was there for you after a rough break up; buying you ice cream and just listening to you as you ranted.

“I just don’t feel… safe?” you said, questioning your words. Jaebum nodded, eating another spoonful.

“The only one who wants to protect me is more than furious with me.”

“And you think he just might kill you?” he asked, peering up at you.

You nodded solemnly, poking at your icecream with your spoon.

“I’d be scared too, you know. But you can’t just stay away from him forever.”

You looked over at Jaebum, feeling betrayed at his words.

“I mean, if he really loves you, he’ll get over it, right? You chose him in the end, and that’s all that should matter.”

“I guess, but,”

“Listen, if he tries to pull something, I know Namjoon well enough to say that he will personally dispose of Hoseok.”

Hearing the word ‘dispose’ made you cringe, leaning back in your seat as you tried to get the image of a happy Namjoon and dead Hoseok out of your mind. Jaebum shrugged, giving your arm a light fist bump.

“Nothing bad will happen. Worst comes to worst, you still have my number.”

You nodded again, giving him a small smile as he set his ice cream down.

“Let’s get you back to them, then?”

Jaebum drove you all the way back, stopping at a safe distance so that he wouldn’t get caught. He allowed you to leave you half eaten ice cream in the car, telling you how someone else would happily eat it. Before you left, though, he ran out of the car and towards you.

Embracing you in a tight hug, Jaebum pressed a kiss onto the top of your head. It hurt you that you felt so safe with him, yet so hated in a place you had been known in longer. You hugged him back, Jaebum moving you side to side before letting go.

He left with a wave, quickly driving away as you walked back towards Triptych. You weren’t sure how long you had been gone, but it was enough time or the sun to set and the temperature to drop a few degrees.

You rubbed your arms before you reached the door, taking a deep breath before swinging it open. You were going to step in, but you were stopped by Taehyung looming at the entrance.

“I got put into all this because I traded you for two important people,” he said, tilting his head. “And now you’ve sneaked out?”

You looked into his eyes, seeing something other than seething rage as he leaned closer to you, his hand moving to the back of your neck and pulling you forward.

“You’re in for it now, _____.”

Taehyung yanked you inside, slamming the door shut for all to hear. You hoped that someone would run around the corner and rejoice for your return, but it seemed like no one else was in the building.


*From the videos I watched, after you get a neck pressure point you want to do all that to increase blood flow to that area and to get the nerves back up and running!

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!