Chapter Ten.


“Those boys are evil, you know. How’d you even get caught up with them? A pretty girl like you normally makes it back home safe with her shoes…” Suga said, putting his feet up on the desk. He seemed pretty relaxed and chill with the situation, even though he did have a newbie in his hands. Someone who had never done any sort of drug deal, or tried any sort of drug, or even knew that a gang this big existed.

“It’s a long story, really.” you replied, clearing your throat. How many drugs could one guy have?

Suga nodded, cracking his knuckles. He took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair as if he was waiting for you to elaborate. Just as he was relaxing, the phone on his desk rang. Opening one eye, he sighed. He picked up the phone, holding it to his ear as he closed his eyes once more. He nodded every once in a while, totally dismissing the fact that you were silently coughing in your little chair.

“She’s here, and fine. I don’t see why you’re worrying so much. It’s weird. You’re weird.” Suga said to the person on the other line. You could hear the person on the other line yelling at Suga, probably about him being weird. 

“Don’t get fussy! She’s in good hands. We’re going to go on an adventure soon, too!”

More yelling from the other line.

“Yah, what did I say about being fussy? I’ll call the boss on you.”

A few seconds later, Suga pulled the phone away from his face and set it back on the table. 

“He hung up on me, how rude.”

Sitting up straight, he focused his attention on you. With a small smile on his face, he stood up, opening a small drawer.

“We’re going on a top secret mission, miss…..” he said, drawing out his sentence.


“Ah, yes, that. Put this on, we don’t want anyone ending up identifying you as an accessory now do we!”

Suga threw a small package at you, a grin still on his face. “Oh, and I’ll get you shoes. Don’t worry. Hurry up now, we don’t have all day!”

You opened up the small package, seeing what was inside. It looked like a small makeup kit; smokey eye colors, bronzer, dark lipsticks and eyeliners, everything. 

“If you cake your face up, no one will be able to notice you without all of it on. You don’t catch on very easily, do you?”

You rolled your eyes, and began messing with what’s inside.

“Don’t be afraid to talk to me now. If you’re going to be with me for who knows how long, you need to at least try to befriend me. It’s the best way to not get killed.”

As you messed with the eyeshadow, you decided to converse with him. Even if he was joking about the getting killed part, you weren’t going to take any chances, especially with someone like him.

“So, what exactly do you do?” you asked, adding the dark colors to your eyelid.

Suga walked around the room before speaking, stopping in front of you. 

“Simply put, I’m a drug dealer. In more words, I do everything drug like. I make drugs, sell drugs, distribute drugs,” he waved his hands around as he listed everything that he did in his days. “But do I do drugs?” He let out a small laugh. “Occasionally.”

You moved onto eyeliner, taking your time to create a perfect wing, or as close to perfect as you could get it. 

“What’d you do before this?”

Suga shrugged. “Went to school, played with friends, ate a lot, slept a lot, the normal teenager things.”

You took the top off the lipstick, and began applying it on your  lips. “So you’ve been in this since the end of your teens?” you asked, removing any extra lipstick before capping it. 

“Yup. Ever since I turned 19, I’ve been in this. It’s actually nice. A constant supply of money, good friends, regulars,”

“Constantly running from the law?” you added, putting everything back into the little bag. Suga said nothing in reply. Another package was tossed your way, this one bigger than the last.

You opened it up carefully, seeing a red pair of heels. They were strapping, and boy were those heels a little bit too high. But then again, they looked stunning. You took the shoes out, placing them beside you and looked at what was under them. 

A red dress was folded carefully. You held it up in front of you, admiring the flowery lace that was there. You turned it around and sighed loudly. An open back. Like from the base of your neck down to your lower back open. All skin. 

You looked up at Suga, who had a sly smile on his face. 

“How did you even know what size I was?”

He shrugged once more, heading towards the door. 

“I’ll leave you alone, let you get dressed and ready. And before you ask, no, there are no cameras. But in this case,” he opened the door, walking into the next room before exclaiming, “I wish there were!”

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!