Chapter Twenty Six


For what seemed like the thousandth time you circled Suga’s desk, your hands on your hips as you paced around the room. You passed by the same two people each time, feeling their eyes following you as you walked. You let out an angry sigh, shaking your head as you stopped.

“When the hell are they going to be back?” you asked, looking at one of the men. “They’ve been gone for hours. Is this other gang really that bad?”

Neither of them responded, both of them continuing to stare at you. Rubbing your temples you continued pacing, mumbling about how stupid these people were.

Your head shot up as soon as you heard the doorknob click, the two men who were watching you slowly stepping to the back of the room.

In came the boys one by one; Suga, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung. Their faces were dirty, their hair all messed up, all of them seemingly out of breath. Taehyung’s mask was around his neck in a matter of seconds, letting out a loud sigh before taking a seat against the wall.

“Jesus, I really hope we don’t have to do that again.”

Taking off and holding up his mask, Namjoon praised Hoseok.

“If we didn’t have these babies, we’d be dead. Nice idea, Hoseok.”

Hoseok brushed it off like it was nothing, taking a seat next to Taehyung and receiving a fist bump. Suga wedged himself between Hoseok and Taehyung, groaning loudly as he took his mask off.

“As much as these helped, these things could have killed me just as easily,” Turning to Hoseok, Suga returned the mask. “How do you breathe in these things?”

Hoseok shrugged, taking the mask and setting it to the side.

“Wait, there’s only four of you,” you counted, looking out the door. “Where’s Jungkook and Jimin?”

“They’re not here?” Suga asked, looking up at you. You shook your head, tapping your foot on the ground.

“It took long enough for the two of you to get here, I have no clue what’s taking them even longer…”

“Something’s gotta be wrong here,” Hoseok said, quickly getting up and walking out off the small office. All of the other members followed, you tagging along behind Suga as everyone filed outside and grabbed a car. Thank god Suga had some of the bigger cars–

Taehyung took the role as the driver, Hoseok jumping in the passengers seat, everyone else filing into the back seats. You were put in the middle, Namjoon and Suga squishing you as they closed the doors.

“They shouldn’t be too far behind– They did leave before us.” Hoseok mentioned.

Taehyung nodded, stepping on the gas.

“We’ll go the way we came, then go a different path.”


His vision was blurry, the strong smell of gasoline and smoke filling the air around him. Waving his hand around, Jungkook realized that something was wrong. It felt like his chin was touching his chest, but it wouldn’t do that unless he was asleep. Was he sleeping?

“Jimin,” he said, rubbing his eyes. He blinked a few times, his vision slowly coming back to him. And as soon as he was able to see something, his heart dropped.

Looking out his window, the ground was closer than it should have been– and upon further looking, there were parts of a car scattered across the street. And that’s when it finally hit him. The car was upside down. That wasn’t drool he was feeling running down his chin, and that surely wasn’t Jimin he was smelling.

His heart began racing as he unbuckled himself, immediately regretting it once his body hit the floor– or really, the roof of the car. Jungkook looked down at himself, noticing tons of little cuts and bruises on himself, but nothing too major.

He turned to Jimin, his eyes widening as he stared. Jimin’s upper body lay strewn across the middle of the car. The only thing keeping him halfway in his seat was his seatbelt, which wouldn’t be holding him for much longer. Jimin’s window was shattered, his door busted in and his airbag now deflated.

Jungkook helplessly hit Jimin’s arm, trying to get some sort of reaction as he tried to shimmy his way over. Shakily, his hands went around Jimin’s wrists, checking for any pulse. And that’s when the flashbacks of the obvious accident came rushing back.


“Come on Jimin, we gotta get out of here!” Jungkook yelled, hitting Jimin’s arm as he put on his seatbelt.

“Jungkook, you have never used your seatbelt before.” Jimin mentioned, starting the car and slamming on the gas.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, hitting Jimin’s arm once more.

“Just do it this once. I have a really bad feeling.”

Jimin sighed happily, complying and putting on his seatbelt.

“Happy now?”

Jungkook nodded, letting out a small chuckle.

Jungkook took of his mask, throwing it in the back. Jimin followed suit, carelessly driving with one hand, but quickly returning his hand to the wheel as soon as the mask was out of his way.

Just as the tension was starting to ease up, Jungkook heard the loud honk of a truck. He looked over to Jimin’s side, seeing a large truck heading straight into their car. Before Jungkook could say anything, the car was hit–

Jungkook’s neck was whipped to the side, his airbag giving him a safety uppercut. Jimin’s body was knocked to the right, half of his body coming out of his seat at the impact. The car rolled upside down, Jungkook grabbing onto Jimin’s sleeve as the car rolled down the street, the two boys being tossed mercilessly inside. Jungkook called out for Jimin, not being able to hear any response before his head was thrown to the side, hitting his head on the interior of the car and knocking him out cold.


“Jimin,” Jungkook called out again, unbuckling his seatbelt and slowly easing him onto the roof of the car. Carefully, Jungkook pulled Jimin out of the car, pausing to forcefully open the door. Jungkook fell next to Jimin as soon as they were out of the car, Jungkook immediately crawling to Jimin’s face.

“Jimin you piece of !” he yelled, messing around with his cheeks. Getting no reply, Jungkook panicked. Crawling back into the car, he looked for that little black bag he carried. It was no where to be found.

Looking around frantically, Jungkook screamed for help– he was wishing that anybody, anything, something would just fly out and help him. He didn’t care if he ended up getting arrested, he just wanted help.

After minutes of screaming and hollering, he knew that there was really only one thing he could do. With tears pricking at his eyes, he folded one hand over the other, placing them on Jimin’s chest. Without any further hesitation, Jungkook pressed down, and began the process.


“Did you hear that?” Namjoon asked, rolling down his window. Hoseok shook his head, Suga rolling down his window as well.

“I didn’t, what was it?” Taehyung asked, slowing down and preparing to make a u-turn. Namjoon pointed over to the left, trying to figure out where in the world the direction of the voice came from.

“Try down that way, I swear I heard something.”

Sighing, Taehyung nodded. He turned the car down some old street, and there was nothing. He let out a small sigh, looking to the left and right for anyone running.

“Man, I swore I heard something–”

“What’s that?” Hoseok pointing to somewhere behind a patch of trees. “That looks like smoke man,” he added, looking out the window.

“Should we go towards it?”

Namjoon nodded, Taehyung turning down the lane where the smoke was coming from. Just as he turned into the new street, he slammed on the brakes.

“,” he mumbled, looking out in front of him.

“The hell is that?” Suga asked, unlocking his door and stepping out. “What happened here…?”

Everyone jumped out of the car, Suga helping you out and stepping to the side.

There were pieces of a car all down the street; tires, glass, metal parts, everything. There were skid marks from the tires on the road as well, and then there lie a upside down car further down the street.

“You don’t think…?” Hoseok mumbled to Taehyung.

Tilting his head to the side, Hoseok began running towards the car. You followed after him, trying your best to keep up with him. Taehyung and Suga followed you, Namjoon slowly following behind.

“Oi, who’s there?” Hoseok called out, standing in front of the car.

Hoseok got no reply. He leaned forward, a frown on his face.

“If you’re trying to hide, you’re not doing a good job.”

It was obvious that whoever it was wasn’t going to reply. Either they didn’t want to be found, or they were dead in the car, and it was just crackling they were hearing. But, the boys didn’t seem to care. You decided to investigate further, slowly taking steps to the other side of the car.

Your stomach lurched, your hand automatically going to cover mouth as soon as you peeked around the corner.

“_____, what’s wrong?” Hoseok asked, jogging over to you. Turning the corner, Hoseok saw exactly what you were seeing and just froze.

Jimin lie on the ground, small little cuts spread across all visible skin. Some of his clothes were torn, some spotted with blood, and we was missing one of his shoes. But what made the sight unbearable was Jungkook, who was hovering of Jimin, doing compressions on him and whispering angrily to Jimin.

You took a step forward, leaning down to try and hear what Jungkook was saying. But as you watched him you noticed that he was doing it completely wrong.

“Jungkook, move,” you said softly, trying to slowly move him away. Jungkook looked up at you, his face stricken with unease and distress.

“Jungkook, you’re not doing anything, you have to press in harder.” You mentioned, realizing that he wouldn’t move without some sort of persuasion.

“I don’t want to hurt him anymore.” Jungkook said, looking back down at Jimin, and continuing his failing compressions.

Coming up behind him, Hoseok grabbed Jungkook’s shoulders.

“What are you on?” Hoseok asked.


Hoseok hauled Jungkook away, taking you by surprise. In a bit of a panic you knelt down beside Jimin. You quickly rolled your sleeves up, picking up where Jungkook had left off but this time with more force.

You began counting from fifteen in your head, feeling a rib or two break under your hands.

“You broke a rib!” Namjoon yelled, quickly walking over to drag you away. Taehyung moved in front of you, stopping Namjoon.

“It’s kind of what you’re supposed to do.” You replied, continuing to press down. Counting in your head, you kept your eyes on Jimin for any sort of movement or breathing. When you got to thirty you let out a heavy sigh.

As you tilted Jimin’s head back you could feel all eyes on you, especially Jungkook’s. You pinched his nose and opened his mouth, taking a deep breath before giving him two ‘breaths of life’. You watched his chest rise each time, making sure that it did so meant that your breathing had gotten through.

You went back to compressions, Taehyung squatting down next to you. He took a hold of Jimin’s wrist, looking up at the sky and mumbling to himself. Taehyung shook his head, putting Jimin’s wrist down.

“_____, I think it’s too late.” Taehyung said solemnly.

Paying no mind to his negativity you continued your compressions, letting out a small huff at seventeen.

“_____ just stop it’s no use.” Taehyung added, pushing your shoulder.

Twenty three.

“You’re just making Jungkook lose his mind over here, stop trying to get his hopes up!” Namjoon yelled, adding onto the negativity.


Once more you tilted Jimin’s head back, going through the breathing cycle once more.

You took Jimin’s pulse, nearly throwing his hand onto the floor when you didn’t get anything. Taehyung walked away from you, muttering about how stupid you were. Hoseok led Jungkook back to their car, putting an arm around his shoulder. Namjoon followed, patting Jungkook’s back.

Suga was the only one who stayed with you.

“I know you think you can save him,” he said, keeping his voice low.

“Jimin is like a brother. If you think you can save him I’m going to stick with you.”

As you gave more compressions you looked up at Suga, smiling softly as he grabbed Jimin’s wrist.

“What are you up to now?” he asked, keeping his eyes on you.

“Twenty seven,”

As soon as you got to thirty you were back to Jimin’s face, giving two more breaths.

By this time you were worn out. You were slowly giving up hope on Jimin, but you wouldn’t stop trying until you knew it was useless.

“Hey, hey, hey hold on,” Suga said, putting his hand on your shoulder.

“Either I’m going crazy or-“

You removed Suga’s hand from Jimin’s wrist, replacing it with yours and feeling for a pulse. When you felt that small little ‘bump’ you nearly screamed. Instead of using your words you hit Suga repeatedly, hoping that he would get what you mean.

“Does he really have a pulse?” he exclaimed, checking Jimin’s neck for another pulse. Throwing his head back, Suga let out a small yell.

He quickly stood up, picking up Jimin and throwing him over his shoulder.

“This is so uncomfortable for me but you’re alive, and that’s all that matters!” he yelled, jogging towards the car.

You ran in front of him, adrenaline running through your veins. You had just saved a life, and you were going to beat up Taehyung for not having faith in you, and that’s just what you did.

Leaping onto Taehyung’s back you gave him one of the hardest noogies you have ever done, yelling that Jimin had a pulse and that he was wrong for not having any faith.

Suga finally reached the car, Hoseok letting out a strong sigh as he opened up the door. You were sent in first, Jimin being placed in after you; his read was resting on your lap. Taehyung hopped in the driver’s seat, Jungkook squeezing in on the floor of the back seat. Namjoon took his place in the passenger’s seat, handing two guns to Hoseok and Suga.

All the doors were closed, but you were confused.

“Where are Suga and Hoseok gonna go?” you asked, looking down at Jimin.

“We have a car this big for a reason, _____.” Namjoon said, looking out his window. You did the same, and saw Hoseok and Suga standing on the running boards on the sides of the car, guns pointed and free hands gripped on the grab handles on the outside of the car.

Without another word the car sped off. You acted as the ‘medic’ of the group for right now, Namjoon giving directions, Taehyung driving, and Suga and Hoseok being the car’s personal armed guards. 

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!