Chapter Eleven.


    After Suga left, you were reluctant to do anything. To strip and put on a dress like this, to walk around in heels as tall as that, to face what you were going to face. You were fearing the worse, and anything could happen. He could have been over exaggerating, or even under exaggerating. You had no clue what was going to happen, so for the time being you had to follow the professionals orders and hope that you don’t die in the process.

Before getting undressed, you checked in all the corners of the rooms for little chips or cameras. You really didn’t want a peeping Tom in the mix. After thoroughly searching the room, or to the extent where you felt satisfied and somewhat ready, you decided that it would be best to get dressed now.

Quickly and silently you got undressed, taking off everything except for your underwear. Damn open back meant that you couldn’t wear a bra! You put the dress on as quickly as you could, having some trouble fixing your s to be comfortable, just as soon as you found the right spot for them, you felt a little more at ease.

Next was the heels. Although they were gorgeous, you knew that they were going to be death to walk in. But that the price you paid for beauty, and getting caught up in the mess, all caused by a little lie that you thought you’d get away with.

The heels went on easily, and fit perfectly. You stood up, looking down at your shoes, legs, arms, hands, and finally at the door Suga had exited out of. You took a step forward, getting used to the feel of the shoes.

“One step at a time…” you mumbled to yourself, looking at your feet as you walked towards the door. You paused before grabbing the knob, gulping as you turned the knob and stepped forward, pushing the door open. 

The room looked like some sort of storage area mixed with  a living room. It was really weird, to say the least. Suga and a few other men were sitting on the couch, just chatting casually. But as soon as you came into sight all heads turned.

“I knew you’d look nice in that,” Suga said, standing up and walking over to you. Peering behind you, he let out a little giggle. “I really like the back view.”

You took a step back, crossing your arms. 

“But that doesn’t matter, because we have to get going.” He looked down at his watch, tsk-ing loudly. “We’re late too. What took you so long? Were you looking for cameras?” he asked, walking towards another door, this one much bigger and heavily guarded.

“Ah, they all do that. Why do I even ask-- I’m a good guy at heart!” he whined, opening to door.

Looking back at you, he sighed loudly.

“Let’s go! I’m not going to tell you how pretty you are and hold your hand over! Moooove!” he yelled, letting his guys pass through the door.

You picked up the pace, quickly walking over to him in your heels, trying not to fall over and make a fool of yourself. With each step you took he clapped, making a small click sound and nagging about how slow you were. As much as you wanted to tell him to shut up, he basically owned you right now, and would end up using you as bait if you misbehaved.

Finally, you were out the door and being escorted into a black car. You were sitting between two burly men who held guns, and sat across from Suga who had a large grin on his face.

“Ahhh, are you ready boys?” he asked, leaning back in his seat as the car speed off. The two men nodded, laughing evilly as Suga nodded.

“What exactly are you doing?” you asked timidly, watching your tone around the men.

“We’re going after a group of boys who have yet to pay for what I gave them,” he said, waving his hands around. “I told them what would happen if they didn’t pay me soon enough!”

You looked down at your feet as the men conversed on what to do-- They didn’t really converse, though. Suga just said to follow their instincts and don’t shoot him. No where in their little conversation did they mention your safety, or what exactly you were there to do.

Suddenly, the car stopped. Suga  and the two men remained just calm and happy, whereas your head went forward, thankfully your body was stopped by one of the men’s arms across your stomach.

“I thought you were going to do a frontflip,” Suga whispered giggling happily as yels from outside the car were heard. “Looks like they’re waiting! Come on, girlie! Let’s go kick some .”

You were quickly hurried out of the car, Suga happily looking around, his hands behind his back as if he was walking around in a candy store (or in his case, a drug store). As you jogged towards Suga, you got a good look around. An empty parking lot behind some sort of factory was the setting, just about 5 men standing in front of you and Suga.

“Gentlemen!” Suga yelled as you stood behind him.

“I believe you owe me something.”

He walked closer to the five men, not caring about the larger weapons that they were carrying. 

“You really think that you’re going to get away with this?” he asked, as if he had been robbed. The men stood there, obviously a little shaken by Suga’s boldness. Looking each one of them in the eye, he took a step back.

“You guys are going to have to pay up, or man up.” He turned his head to you, a smile on his face. “Was that good?”

You didn’t reply.

“Ahhh, she’s a tough one, isn’t she.” he mumbled, facing the men once more.

“So, will you pay?” Suga asked, leaning forward.

“Why are we just standing here! Shoot him!” One man yelled. 

Suga laughed.

“You hear that boys?” he yelled, turning and facing the car. “He said shoot him!”

The two men who you were riding with jumped out of the car, running towards the opposing men. With a smile still glued on his face, Suga pulled a small handgun out of his pants and aimed it at the man in the middle.

“I need some sort of payment,” he said as his men took down the other 4 boys. He tilted his head to the side, sighing sarcastically. “I guess you’ll do.”


The man fell to the ground, Suga staring down at him. He shook his head, turning around and beginning to walk back towards you. When Suga’s men had finished, they did the same, cracking their necks and reloading their guns as they did.

You were petrified. You had no clue what do. Run and risk being taken down like the other men were? Or stay put and be put through who knows what. You thought for what seemed like forever, before you came to the decision to just stay still. Last time, running didn’t get you very far.

Suga put his hand around your shoulder, leading you back to the car.

“You’re not even gonna hide the bodies?” you asked. Normally, killers would hide the bodies so that no one would know.

“Nope. I leave it as a warning to their little friends.”

Soon enough you were back in the car, sitting quietly. This time, you were seated next to Suga, the two men he brought with now acting as bodyguards; one sitting next to the doors on either side of the car.

It was quiet. Suga said nothing, you said nothing. He kept a watchful eye on you, though,  glancing at you every few seconds. Every time you would look back at him, he’d turn away from you and put on that druggish demeanor once more.

“So, what happens when their friends see?” you asked, breaking the silence.

Suga blew out a puff of air, trying to think of the easiest way of saying ‘We could die, but hey--’. “Well, they might--”

His words were cut off as another car T-boned the front of his, causing the car to be sent back, and roll. As soon as he had felt the impact, Suga had your head in his stomach, his arms covering the back of your head as the car rolled on the pavement.

All you could hear while this was happening was commands being yelled from Suga, the crash of windows, and the yells from people. It was like everything was happening in slow motion. Although you couldn’t see anything, you could feel everything. It was like riding a rollercoaster that does all those loops, except on a rollercoaster there was a low chance of dying.

Finally, everything had stopped.

All the sounds had stopped, the yelling had stopped, the crunching and tiring screeching had stopped. Everything was quiet.

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!