Chapter Twenty Five


“Hey, Yugyeom,” the man who was covering your mouth said. You had a feeling that you’d end up learning their names one by one, something that would be helpful to both you and Namjoon’s gang if they ever saved you.

“Lay off a little, we don’t want to bruise her up. Jae will flip his .”

Rolling his eyes, Yugyeom loosened his grip on you, seeming quite pissed off about it.

“Jr., seriously, slow down. We’re not in a rush or anything.” Yugyeom said, hitting the headrest of the driver.

The driver, Jr., didn’t pay any mind to your captor’s advice, and continued to speed down the streets.

“Well, you know everyone else’s name,” the man said, finally uncovering your mouth. “And there’s really no point in you screaming unless you want to give us headaches…”

Straightening his jacket, he looked down at you.

“My name is Jackson. You know Yugyeom, and Jr.,” he said, waving to the members he mentioned. Looking over to Yugyeom, he sighed.

“What else should I tell her?”

“Maybe that her little friends killed a good part of our gang? And that we’re holding her hostage until we get what I want? Or maybe the fact that either way she’s going to end up dead?”

Jackson whistled, raising his eyebrows and looking over at you.

“He’s a little cranky, don’t mind him.”

Just as Yugyeom was about to protest, Jackson raised a hand, mumbling something that you couldn’t quite comprehend. With kind eyes Jackson put his attention back onto you, the car continuing to maneuver through the streets.

“I think what he meant to say was that… Your friends caused a lot of damage to us. We’re a family here, you see. And your friends killed our family members, so now we’re taking one of theirs.”

Jr. laughed.

“Well, I guess you’re not really ‘family’ to them,” he added, putting air quotes around the term family. “I guess you’re kind of like their little toy, to put it kindly,”

Once more Yugyeom rolled his eyes, this time with a small chuckle.

“But, that’s not the point. We’re taking you and using you as a warning. Basically, you’re going to be the model we use when expressing what will happen to them if they kill another one of us.”

You swallowed hard, avoiding all eye contact.

“That kind of stuff won’t work. You’re stuck with us and there’s really no way of escaping. It’s just your fate, _____.”


“ …”

Receiving a small slap from Taehyung, Jimin huffed, trying to get himself calm. He could hear Namjoon yelling into his phone, yelling at either Hoseok or Jungkook, and either way it wouldn’t end up good for them.

“Get it together, Jimin. If Namjoon sees you freaking out he’ll–”

“He’ll what.”

Taehyung’s neck went back, his body completely turning away from Namjoon as he proceeded towards Jimin. Scoffing, Namjoon walked away, muttering something about Jungkook as he moved towards Suga.

“Ah ,” Taehyung mumbled, going back to Jimin.

“You know what if Hoseok finds out, someone is going to die.”

Jimin nodded, knowing that Taehyung wasn’t playing around. He had gotten to close to _____ in the past few days, and it seemed like he’d take out anyone who threatened to hurt her– Jimin didn’t even want to think about what would happen to himself if Hoseok found out it was Jimin screwed up.

Watching as Taehyung paced around, doing jumping jacks and letting out little yells, he remembered that Taehyung had come out of an argument with Hoseok about _____ with a broken face and somehow a gunshot wound.

His body tensed up as he heard a car pull up into the parking lot, looking over to see who it was. Jimin let out a loud sigh of relief– it was just Jungkook walking out of his car with that same black bag he always carried. Except this time he had a small handgun attached to his belt.

Knowing that Jimin would probably yell, Jungkook made motions for him to just keep his trap shut. Everyone eventually scrambled over to Jungkook, eager to hear what he had to say. They had formed a small circle around him, all except Jungkook shaking in anticipation. But what Jungkook had to say nobody wanted to hear.

“I just need you all to shut up about the whole ______ thing for as long as you can,” he started, rubbing his temples. “Hoseok is all tensed up and I was able to convince him that ______ was fine and that one of Suga’s guys came and got her, so if any of you spill that she’s gone,”

Jungkook looked up at Jimin, his tone firm and angry.

“You’re gone.”

Jimin let out a shaky breath, nearly fainting as he imagined his death.

“And even worse, I’ll be gone. As soon as he realizes I lied to him about his precious baby, he’ll have my head sitting on a spike outside of his little home.”

Namjoon turned away from the group, screaming for Hoseok to get out here.

Jimin’s head whipped to Jungkook’s car, his heart nearly jumping out of his mouth as he saw a tall figure exit the car.

“Jungkook.” Suga said, tapping Jungkook’s arm.

“What’s gonna happen to my men when he finds out that they don’t have her?”

Nobody moved as Hoseok approached them, his spiked mask on, his walk low and his eyes fixed on Suga.

Jungkook shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on Hoseok.

“Just don’t get him riled up, okay?” Jungkook whispered, barely turning his head to Suga.

“Hoseok you piece of .”

Jungkook tried to grab Namjoon as he walked towards Hoseok, nearly losing his as Namjoon fearlessly shoved Hoseok back.

“Where is she?” Hoseok asked, his voice flat.

“Where do you think she is, ?” Namjoon yelled, throwing his hands into the air. Namjoon laughed, resting his hands on Hoseok’s shoulder.

“She’s gotten herself ing caught again!” he screamed, a wide smile on his face.

“And what are you concerned about? Her safety? Or yours?” Namjoon added, looking over to the rest of the group. “Their lives or hers? The life of your family, the people who took you in when you were at your worst, gave you a place to stay, a new name, a new face, a new job– A new life.”

“I want to know where _____ is.”

Namjoon screamed.

“You hear that boys!” he called out.

“He wants to know where that lousy girl has gone! The one who nearly got Taehyung killed! Who nearly killed herself!  Who nearly killed the man who loves her SO much!”

Namjoon scrunched his face, turning back to Hoseok and taking his mask of, proceeding to land a nasty slap on the side of Hoseok’s face. Namjoon stared at Hoseok as he regained his composure, a scowl present on both of their faces.

“Get your head out of your . Stop letting your teenage hormones get to your head. You have a job to do.”

The two men stared at each other.

“Do you have the goods, or do I have to get them myself?” Namjoon asked.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, putting his mask back over his face before heading back to the car. Two hits on the back of the trunk and it was open, Namjoon and the others, hovering over to see just what Hoseok had brought.

Namjoon chuckled, giving Hoseok a hard pat on the back.

“Every time you fail me, you always redeem yourself.”


Checking his watch, Jackson tapped his foot. He had a strong grip around your neck, nonchalantly holding you as you clawed at his arms. Finally noticing that his grip was a little too intense, he chuckled, apologizing and giving you a little more room to breathe.

Yugyeom and Jr. stood at each side of the room, another mystery man walking in through the front. An incredibly handsome man was strutting towards you in a nice suit, dress shoes, and hair done up all nice.

“Is this her?” he asked, pointing to you as he fixed the cuffs on his sleeves. Jackson nodded, smiling once more.

“I can see why they like her so much! You dress quite nicely!”

The man waved to you, a polite smile on his face.

“My name is Jaebum, but my friends– Mmm, I shouldn’t tell you that.” With a happy sigh he stepped next to Jackson (who you assumed was the Jimin of their little group, being strong and all that), shaking his shoulders to loosen up.

After standing for a good minute Jaebum looked around.

“They’re a little late, aren’t they?” he asked, looking over at Jr. Jr. nodded, pulling out his phone and showing Jaebum the time. Jaebum his teeth, a small frown on his face. “They’re really late.”

After waiting for what seemed like forever, you heard footsteps again.

“Is that them?” Jaebum asked, sounding like an excited fan. “Oh I hope it is, they’re pretty late– We’re going to have to do some real damage to enforce our how important our time is as well.” The footsteps got closer and Jaeum elbowed Jackson.

“Straighten up, Jackson. We have guests. Yugyeom, Jr., ready, aim!”

Their guns, instead of being pointed towards the intruder, were pointed at you. Feeling you tense up, Jackson’s hold around your neck got tighter.

“Don’t try to move, _____.” he whispered, returning to his soldier like stature.

Six familiar faces came in, one by one. Namjoon, Suga, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and last but certainly not least, Hoseok. All of them looked equally pissed off, Suga and Hoseok looking more angry than any of them. But one thing was exactly the same on all of them; they all wore a mask.

“Ah, my favorite boys,” Jaebum exclaimed, taking a step forward. “You got our message, but I think that you all forgot the time we agreed on,” he mentioned, frowning once more.

“We didn’t agree on anything.” Namjoon stated, continuing to walk towards Jaebum.

“Watch how close you get, Namjoon.” Jaebum said, turning his playful demeanor into a more ‘I won’t hesitate to kill’ kind of mood.

“One step closer and we give you a little sneak peak at what will happen to you all if you just happen to kill another one of our guys!”

“But weren’t we going to do that anyways?” Jackson asked, openly speaking his mind. Jaebum raised his eyebrows, putting one finger over his lips as a smirk appeared on his face. Jackson nodded happily, returning his attention to you.

“What do we have to do to get the girl back…” Namjoon questioned, keeping his eyes locked on Jaebum.

“Oh come on now, don’t be so formal with her! You know who she is, why not use her name?”

Rolling his eyes, Namjoon asked his question again.

“What do we have to do to get…. _____… back?”

“Oh you don’t get her back.” Jaebum quickly answered. “Well, I guess you can have her back when we’re done with her? But,” he scrunched his face up, trying to hold in what sounded like laughter. “She might be a little bit messy!”

You closed your eyes, your hands once more on Jacksons arm, hoping that he would give you a little more breathing room again. But instead he just made it a little tighter, probably to appease Jaebum’s indirect wishes.

“Alright, _____, are you ready?” Jaebum asked, turning towards you.

“Boys, what did I leave off on?”

Jr. smirked, Yugyeom answering happily.


“And might I ask, what comes after aim?”

Yugyeom shrugged. “I don’t know boss, you tell us.”

With a happy laugh, Jaebum locked eyes with Namjoon, opening his mouth. But before words could come out, something was chucked across the room from Hoseok, Namjoon’s team crouching down and covering their ears.

As soon as the item tossed hit the floor, there was a huge explosion of smoke. The sound of things dropping was heard throughout the room, coughs and yells emitting through the smoke. You could feel Jackson’s arms slowly slip off of your body, hearing him cough and yell.

You covered your mouth and held your breath, looking around and trying to find Hoseok or Suga or Jungkook, or just someone to run to– alas, you couldn’t see a thing. But someone saw you.

You heard footsteps getting closer to you, and you prepared your body for any sort of impact– and you were glad you did. Someone rammed their arm into your stomach, hauling you over their shoulder and continuing to run until they had gotten out of the building.

You opened your eyes after hearing a door being kicked open, seeing a tan car with one person by the open back door. The man who was running with you jumped into the backseat, shoving you as far into the car as he could.

Before he raced back out of the car, you caught a glimpse of their face. That face that had absolutely lied to you– a face that looked so sweet but had a job so dangerous. Suga had practically saved you, and was running back into battle.

You reached your hand out to him, but he just looked away and ran back into the battle, the man who held the door open now slamming it shut, the car making an immediate start away from the action.

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!