Chapter Fourteen


The car ride was horribly silent. No one spoke, no one moved. It felt as if all eyes were on you, as if you were the one who caused all this mayhem. You weren’t ready to die, if that’s what this was going to lead to. You had caused so much trouble so far, and it’s only been a day.


It seemed like forever until the car had stopped once more, Seokjin being the first one out. He opened your door, helping you out as Hoseok watched your back. Jungkook hopped out after Hoseok, keeping a close eye on you as you walked. Suga was the last one to come out of the car. You had taken a glance at him before he turned away, and saw that his nose was totalled, for lack of a better word. There was no way that his nose wasn’t broken.


Once more, Hoseok’s arm was linked with yours. Another door was opened for you, you taking your time to step through and take a look at your surroundings. Everyone followed you and Hoseok, even though the both of you had no clue what was going to happen.


The room was dimly lit; there was one light hanging from the ceiling, casting an eerie shadow upon a man who sat behind a large desk, two hefty body guards at his side.


You were sat down in a wooden chair, Hoseok standing behind you. Seokjin stood angrily on your left, gripping Suga’s arm tightly. Jungkook stood emotionless on your right, glancing at your back every now and then.


The man behind the desk leaned forward, his chair creaking as his did. His face didn’t show-- the light wasn’t strong enough to show his features, and you were too far away to get a good look.


“What. The hell. Is going on?” the man asked, impatiently tapping his fingers on his desk. Seokjin looked at Suga, shoving him forward to speak for the group. Suga hung his head, not wanting to make eye contact with the seemingly powerful man behind the desk.


“These guys didn’t pay me. If I don’t get paid, we don’t get anything from it. So, I went out to show him what happens. It all went well, but his friends T-boned us as we were driving away.


“And what the hell happened to you? And the girl?”


A large sigh came from Suga.


“I knew that no one wanted her dead, especially him,” Suga said, looking over at Hoseok who stood facing forward, tapping his foot and resisting the urge to break another one of Suga’s bones.


“So, I held her head so that she wouldn’t die, told my guys to go out and kill whoever boned us, woke up out of the car with her next to me keeled over.”


You could tell that the man was now looking over at you.


“Your story?”


You gulped.


“We got t-boned, yeah. I woke up with my head in Suga’s lap, panicked, he was out cold next to me, the car was on fire, I had to drag him out.” you paused, remembering all the events. “The car was crackling and popping and I had finally gotten him out of the car, but my heel got stuck on something, had to rip my foot out,”


After another pause, you continued.


“I crawled out, dragged him further away, and then the car was just…. popping everywhere. I climbed on top of him, turned our heads away from the car, and covered his ears, then it exploded.”


“And everything hit her. Everything.” Hoseok added, glaring at Suga.


“That was her decision to do that! She didn’t have to if she didn’t want to, hell she could have just run away!”


“But she didn’t because--”


“Shut. Up!” the man yelled, slamming his hands on the desk.


Suga and Hoseok immediately shut up.


“Suga. You’re weak. Why would you make a scene like that? No wonder your car got totalled, you were ing around. What if I killed your friends, giggling like a little , would you want me dead?”


Suga said nothing.


“And Hoseok. Stop being such a little crybaby. She’s fine, yeah? Look at her!” Hoseok didn’t do anything.


“Look at her!” he yelled.


Unwillingly, Hoseok looked down at you, then back up at the man.


“She’s fine. She’s more of a man than you are.”


The man leaned back in his seat, groaning loudly.


“Jungkook, fix Suga’s nose. Don’t go easy on him.”


Jungkook nodded, walking over to Suga and grabbing his arm before walking out of the room.


“Seokjin, go get V. Send him over to Hoseok’s. And Hoseok,” the man said, tapping his foot. “Keep her in your sight. Don’t hand her off to anyone unless I tell you. Okay?”


Hoseok nodded, grabbing your arm and rushing you out of the room.


“I thought that I made myself clear,” you heard the man mutter before the door closed.


Hoseok practically dragged you into a new car, helping you in and shutting the door behind you. He hopped in the drivers seat, not taking the time to buckle up before speeding off onto the streets.


Another silent car ride. Another ride that felt like it was going to last forever. You sat in the back, your side to the back of the seat so that your seat didn’t touch the back, a frown on your face as the car sped through the streets.


The car had stopped once more and you were in a familiar place, seeming more friendly as the sun was setting. Hoseok had jumped out of the car, quickly jogging to your side and opening the door, helping you out once more.


He left you to walk on your own this time. He walked up to the door of his little home / lab / storage area, grabbing a set of keys out from his pocket. He flipped through the various keys, finally finding one painted black and using that to unlock the door. He held the door open for you, and you walked back into the familiar place.


You sat down in the chair in front of his little mixing table, being sure not to touch anything. He closed the door, locking it once more when it was shut. You let out a small cough, trying to make it seem like you were clearing your throat. The same deadly smells that were in here last time were still extremely present.


Without saying anything, Hoseok grabbed another mask from the top of a shelf, putting it over your face once more. It was like deja vu, but this time there were no words of caution, just silence.


“Can I go… sit on your bed for a little?” you asked, wanting to get out of this situation as soon as possible.


“Just go ahead and sleep; it’s getting late anyways.” he replied, tossing you a small green key. You assumed that since you left he started locking things up again, but you weren’t sure. Maybe he had done that all the time, but you were just noticing it now?


You wanted to ask him where he would be sleeping, but you knew that he would probably just ignore you and shoo you away. So, off to his room you went. Using the key, you unlocked the door and stepped in, turning on a small light before sitting down on his bed.


You back ached, your dress was torned and smelled horrible, your feet hurt, all in all you were just in pain. Just as you were about to lie down Hoseok opened the door and tossed something in, mumbling a ‘here’ before shutting the door again.


You walked over to the door, and saw a small pile of clothes on the floor-- a pair of jersey shorts and a black t-shirt that was clearly too big for you. But you weren’t going to complain. They were better than your torn up dress.


You moved your arm up to your shoulder, retracting your arm and letting out a small ‘ow’ as your back stinged. There was no way that you were going to be able to get anything off, or on. As much as you hated to say it, you were going to need help.


“Hoseok,” you called out. Almost immediately, the door opened.




“I can’t get anything on or off.”


Hoseok’s neck went back, his eyebrows going up as he realized.


“I gotta help, don’t I.”


You nodded, letting out a small sigh.


More silence.


“So, you face that way,” he said, pointing to the wall across from you. “So that I just see your back and nothing else.” As thuggish as he seemed, he was actually a nice guy.


Once more you nodded, hearing Hoseok walk out of the room once more.


“Don’t move-- I have scissors.” he said, grabbing the fabric on your shoulder.


“Why do you need scissors?” you yelled, adjusting the mask on your face.


“It’ll be easier, and a lot less painful. I’ve had to do this my fair share of times.”


Sighing once more, you faced the wall, using your hands to hold the front of your dress up as Hoseok snipped the sleeves.


As you held the dress up, he grabbed the shirt he gave you and slid your arms into the sleeves one at a time, so that one hand could hold the dress up. Once the shirt was on, you let the dress drop to the floor.


“It was such a nice dress,” you mumbled, kicking it to the side.


Hoseok said nothing, putting the shorts on the floor. You put your legs in one by one, Hoseok shimmying them up and stopping at your hips, tightening the drawstrings (?) so that the shorts wouldn’t be falling down constantly. All while he was doing this, you were looking at the one hand that you had clawed and bruised. Hoseok noticed you looking at it, so he quickly finished up to escape your stare.


Hoseok stood up straight and took a step back.


“There. Comfy?” he asked, his eyes locked with yours.


“Yeah, totally.”


Another silence.


“Alright-- You get some sleep. Be careful with your back. Jungkook will be back in the morning to…” he waved at your back huffing. “Fix it.”


You thanked him and closed the door, carefully sitting down on the bed. There was no way that you were going to sleep tonight, no matter how hard you tried. Too many things had happened, too many thoughts will flood your mind. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.


You carefully rolled onto your side, ignoring the bouts of pain that came from your back. Closing your eyes, you tried to imagine your bed, the comfy sheets and pillows that you had, as well as the smell of one of your favorite candles, and somehow, you were able to sleep.




You woke up slowly, and unhappily. You didn’t want to wake up. Sleeping was the only way you could forget about the events that happened, and dream of some random things that would never happen, like you flying in an airplane or running away from a 50 feet pair of scissors.


Letting out a small sigh, you began to sit up. You noticed that you still had the mask on, and grumbled to yourself. There were going to be red lines around your face for sure. With another huff, you stood up, immediately wanting to sit back down, but instead, you walked towards the door.


You grabbed the knob and turned it carefully, opening the door just so that you could peer out. You looked over to Hoseok’s desk, and saw him sitting there, leaning over.


“Probably working on something,” you mumbled, opening the door a little more. You peered out a little further, noticing that his head was lying down on the table as well.


“Hoseok?” you whispered, noticing that he didn’t have have his mask on. You had gotten no reply.


You stepped out of your little room, walking towards his desk.


“Hoseok quit playing around you’re freaking me out.” you said, taking another careful step towards him. More silence. You had come to had silence since meeting these boys, but now, you were fearing it more than ever.


You looked over at the the two small containers he was holding in his hands, not having any clue what they were but then coming to the conclusion that they were probably really dangerous. Then again, what isn’t dangerous in this place?


Timidly, you nudged his leg with your foot. No movement from him.




You kicked his leg this time.


“Hoseok get your head out of your and get it facing me.”


You reached your arm out, flicking his head as hard as you could.


You waited for him to raise his head and yell at you, telling you that what you were doing was dangerous and could get him and you killed, but none of that happened. You balled your hands into fists, huffing angrily as tears started to well up in your eyes.


“Hoseok you piece of engineer guy get up!” you yelled, kicking his leg once more.


Before you could yell at him any more, the door opened. You turned around quickly, seeing Jungkook standing there with his little black bag, staring at you intensely. Slowly, his eyes drifted over to Hoseok, who had yet to move.


“Oh me…”



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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!