Chapter Thirty


You couldn’t help but laugh as Hoseok ran towards the small dresser, pulling out clothes and throwing them at you as he hollered to Taehyung. He quickly put pants on, running his hands through his hair to disguise the fact that yours had been running through and knotting it up for god only knows how long.

As he walked towards the door you hastily put on the clothes he gave you; a shirt that was a little too small on him but fit perfectly on you, and another pair of sweat pants. As his hand rested on the door he looked over at you, whisper yelling for you to do something with your hair and act like you were in pain.

With a smile, Hoseok opened the door.

“We were just finishing up—sorry it took so long,” Hoseok said, opening the door further. In doing this Hoseok hoped that Taehyung’s suspicions would lessen, seeing as how Hoseok was willingly letting him look inside and ‘not’ trying to hide anything.

Taehyung looked around, a small frown on his face as he walked in.

You rubbed your thigh, acting as if that was where Hoseok had cut you as Taehyung took a seat next to you. Hoseok’s eyes met with yours for a moment, but his eyes were filled with panic. On the floor lay your clothes, cut and sprawled across the floor.

You looked over to Taehyung, hoping to distract him.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. We got on the ground and I tried to kick him off and when he was getting up to call it a draw he accidentally cut my leg,” you laughed. As you went on about your excuse Hoseok slipped the clothes behind his dresser, anxiously looking back over at Taehyung every two seconds.

Taehyung’s eyes roamed off of you and onto the framework of the bed. He stood up, touching the headboard. Noticing how loose he was, he turned back to Hoseok.

“Man your bed is almost broken—what are you doing at night?”

You covered your mouth, trying to make it look like you were just rubbing your nose and not laughing.

“I don’t know,” Hoseok stated, nearly losing his cool. “I got back and it was all shaky.”

Taehyung looked down to you, ruffling your hair as he spoke.

“As long as _____ is okay!”

Hoseok stepped to your side, a smile on his face as Taehyung waved, walking out of the room. But he paused at the doorway, turning his head to the side.

“And just a piece of advice.” Taehyung turned to you, a mischievous smile on his face.

“Either Hoseok needs to go easier or you need to find a way to keep those screams in. You guys woke the youngest.”

Taehyung walked away, leaving the two of you in complete shock. Hoseok turned to you, you turning to Hoseok. You took a deep breath, letting out a loud laugh seeing Hoseok’s face. Hoseok laughed along with you, crouching down and covering his mouth.

“Oh my god the poor thing!” you said through laughter. Tears were starting to form as you laughed, holding your stomach as you rolled on the bed. “He’s scarred!”

As you laughed you heard someone else walking down the hall.

With tousled hair and baggy clothes on, Jungkook walked by your door, stopping and staring at the two of you. He shook his head, a visible shiver going up his spine as he walked further down the hall.

Hoseok dropped himself on the bed, grabbing you and pulling you to his chest. He nuzzled his face in your shoulder, leaving a small kiss.

“We should probably go to bed,” he mumbled. You nodded your head, lying down with Hoseok. He placed one more kiss on your shoulder before rolling over onto his back.


“Wake up!”

You were startled awake by the yell of Namjoon who had come running down the halls with a pot and a wooden spoon, hitting the metal and making harsh banging noises throughout the halls.

“Wake up! We have business to take care of you lazy asses! Up and at ‘em!” Namjoon screamed, pounding at each door. He let out little screams and yells as he did, completely scaring you and Hoseok into consciousness.

Hoseok sprinted out of bed as if Namjoon did this often—making you think that there would be a consequence if you didn’t get up quick enough. As much as your brain didn’t want you to, you hauled yourself out of bed, running out of the room before Hoseok.

You ran down the steps, nearly falling forward and down the stairs as you ran. Hoseok followed behind you, rubbing his eyes and going down two steps at a time. He plopped himself on the floor as soon as he was downstairs, closing his eyes and messing with his hair.

Taehyung was down next, throwing himself onto the floor next to Hoseok. He let out a loud groan, still in his pajamas as he rolled around on the floor. His hair was sticking up in various places much like yours, but his hair definitely looked better. Speaking of hair, you couldn’t remember the last time you took a shower, but boy could you really use one.

Suga was the last one downstairs, slowly trudging to a nearby table. He sat down seemingly alert, and ended up having his face fall flat on the table.

Seeing as how tired everyone was, it must have been early—

But something was off. You looked around as Namjoon walked into the room, pot and spoon still in his hands. There was no sign of Jungkook anywhere—maybe Namjoon was letting him sleep in because he didn’t get any last night? You brushed the thought off of your mind, flinching back as Namjoon wailed at the top of his lungs.

Finally, he stopped. Suga was somehow still asleep on the table, but he wouldn’t be for long. Walking over to Suga with the pot and spoon, Namjoon whispered in Suga’s ear.

“If you’re not up in three seconds, the pot gets it.”

Suga didn’t reply.

Three seconds later Namjoon smiled, vigorously hitting the pot with the spoon until Suga was awake.

“Now that I have your attention, I should tell you the plan for this morning.” Namjoon said, looking at his little minions.

Hoseok raised his hand.

“What time is it?”


Your heart broke. You heard Taehyung let out a small sob, complaining about how he never had to get up this early. Suga looked over at Namjoon, a scowl on his face as he spoke.

“Does this plan involve coffee?”

Namjoon shook his head.

“I can throw boiling water on you, if that’ll help.”

Suga blinked slowly, mumbling under his breath.

“Where’s Jungkook?” you asked, being the next one in line to raise your hand. Namjoon shrugged, waving his spoon in the air.

“That boy has business no matter what time of day.”

Looking down at Taehyung, Namjoon sniffled.

“Any other questions?” Namjoon asked, his eyes on Taehyung. The last one of the little class it seemed you were in raised his hand.

Letting out a long sigh, Taehyung dropped his hand on the floor.

“When does this class end?”

Hitting Taehyung’s head with the spoon, Namjoon replied with a blunt “Until you die.”

“Wait, Jimin is gone too,” Suga mentioned, looking around. “If you let him sleep in and not me I will…” Namjoon glared at Suga, waiting for his witty reply. “I will keep my trap shut for the rest of class.” Suga mumbled, resting his head on the table.

As soon as Suga was done, Namjoon went over the plan for the day.

“First of all,” he started. He leaned in, making the most disgusted face he could. “You all reek. How long has it been since you have taken a shower?” he asked, turning his head. Taehyung rose his hand to speak up, earning a glare from his boss. His hand went back to the floor, his head turning the other way.

“I want you all to bathe, god dammit. But, since we have a lady here she goes first.”

Taehyung whined loudly, grabbing at your feet.

“Why _____. Why.”

You shrugged, happily standing up. Namjoon directed you to the showers, making the rest of the boys get up and do some stretches. As you stepped into the bathroom you could hear him yelling about how he would ‘stretch your muscles’ himself if they couldn’t get it into gear.

You took the longest shower ever. You up all the hot water, standing in the shower until ice cold water was running down your body. You took up all the soap you could, getting the best lather you’ve gotten in years. You smelled like one of the guys, but it didn’t matter- you were clean,  and your hair was nice and silky again. It was horrifying watching all the grime from the past few days wash down the drain.

As you were in the shower you tried to imagine what the guys were doing out there. By now they definitely would have moved passed stretches- there were a few bumps and yells from the other room, but you paid no mind to it. Probably Namjoon yelling at the other guys or them doing some practice fights or whatever.

You stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around your head and body. You walked out of the bathroom, forgetting that the other boys were in the room. Pausing in your steps you looked around, letting out a whistle.

You tilted your head, looking around at the mess that sat in front of you. Chairs were knocked over, things moved out of place, and yet a small note lay on the table, seemingly untouched. You walked over to it and picked it up, reading it.

We’ll be back soon! Last minute business! Don’t miss us too much~

-       Jimin and Hoseok

You set the note down, noticing that there was literally no one in the room. You turned your head to the side, hearing something from a different place. Quietly you stepped towards the source of the noise, trying to listen in on what was happening as you walked.

“Come on now, you can let me go– I’ll give you every piece of information you want!” you heard someone whisper. A small chuckle echoed through the building, followed by the sound of someone being shushed.

“You’re going to tell me nothing, I know it.”

You finally got to the source of the noise; an area that looked like a bigger VIP room. You peeked inside, not wanting to be seen.

What you saw was something dastardly.

Taehyung stood in front of a man who was lying on the floor. The man had one hand raised up to Taehyung as if telling him to stop as he tried to scoot away. Taehyung twirled a bat in his hand, looking down mercilessly on the man.

“I’ll tell you anything!” the man yelled. Taehyung tilted his head to the side, closing his eyes.

“You’re so loud,” Taehyung mumbled. “Maybe that loud mouth will tell me where you took my friend to?” he asked happily, practicing his swings. The man looked at Taehyung’s powerful swings, dreading his unclear fate. Taehyung made swishing sound effects, letting out a content sigh as he looked back down at the man.

“I can’t tell you-“

“That’s what I thought.”

Making one final practice swing, Taehyung stepped on the man’s stomach. The man reached his hands up to Taehyung’s leg, trying to remove his leg.

“Hey now hey now, stop that,” Taehyung commanded, giving the man’s hands a good whack. Immediately the man’s hands removed themselves from Taehyung’s leg, once more being raised into the air.

“I’ll ask you one more time- I feel like being nice.”

Putting more pressure on the man’s stomach, Taehyung asked again.

“Where did your friends take mine?”

“I can’t-”

“I can’t I can’t I can’t!” Taehyung yelled. There was silence.

“Instead of can’ts, let’s think of cans.”

Smiling brightly, Taehyung raised his bat.

“I can crack your skull open! See! It’s not that hard! And then you can turn those words into actions! Just watch!”

You turned away as the bat made contact with the man’s head, a sickening sound echoing through the room.

“It’s amazing what a positive attitude can do,” he mumbled. You turned back to the room, seeing Taehyung step off of the man. You didn’t know how, but the man was still conscious.

“Please, I want to tell you, I can’t,”

Taehyung let out a sigh.

“That’s both good and bad. Bad because I really don’t want to kill you, but good because…” Taehyung sighed, raising his bat once more. “I haven’t done this in a while.”

The bat connected to the man’s face once more, but this time, Taehyung didn’t stop. One hit after another Taehyung laughed. You turned your head away once more, slowly sliding down the wall as Taehyung wailed on the man.

All you could hear was the echoing of bones breaking, splatters of what you could only assume was blood, and the huffs and laughter of Taehyung. But the laughter slowly turned to angry sounds, the hits becoming more furious. With each hit Taehyung yelled the question, “Where. Are. They?”

You heard the bat drop to the floor, loud breaths coming from the room.

You stood yourself up, covering your nose and mouth as you peeked into the room once more. Taehyung stood over the now mutilated body, his head hanging low as he stared down at the man. His hands were covered in the man’s blood, and you assumed everything else was too.


Slowly, Taehyung turned his head to you, a wide grin on his face. His shirt was covered in splatters of blood, his face got hit with a few drops as well.

“Hey there, _____!”

He noticed your eyes diverting to the man on the floor. Taehyung chuckled, running his bloody hand through his hair. He turned his body to you, his head still locked on the man below him.

“Oh, don’t mind him, really.” Taehyung said with a sigh. He turned back to you, giving you a blank stare.

You pointed to his shirt, nearly fainting at the sight full on.

“Dammit,” he mumbled, looking down at his shirt. He looked at the body of the man, proceeding to yell at it.

“Look at what you did! You ruined it! How the hell am I supposed to get all this out?”

Taehyung sighed.

“You bled too much,” he commented. With another huff he began ing his shirt, not minding that you were just staring at him with your jaw threatening to fall. As soon as all the buttons were undone he took his shirt off, placing it over the man’s nonexistent head.

Taehyung turned back to you and let out a laugh.

“What, you’ve never seen a guy go shirtless before?” he asked.

“I’m going to go take a shower, I figure you don’t want to talk with me like this.”

As he walked past you he ruffled your still wet hair, either not caring or not knowing that his hands were covered in something you didn’t want in your hair.

“Now I have to go wash my hair again,” you mumbled, walking past him. “You got blood in it!”

Taehyung laughed.

“Well you’re not drenched in it, are you?” he asked, grabbing your hand.

“Oh my god Taehyung let go you’re gross!” you exclaimed, moving your hand away from his. But as soon as one hand was gone he grabbed the other, pulling you back to him. Your back was on his chest, Taehyung’s arms around your waist.

“Taehyung you’re so gross! It’s on your pants and now it’s on my towel, in my hair, and on my hands!” you yelled. You could feel one of Taehyung’s hands in your hair again, ruffling it around and giving parts of your hair a red tint.

“Get off!”

Finally he let go of you, smiling as he watched you glare at him.

“You have to retake your shower, I have to take a shower,” he said, a smile still on his face. “I can was the blood out of your hair and you can wash the blood out of mine,” he cooed.

“Just take your damn shower.” You mumbled, fixing one of the chairs and taking a seat.

“That’s what I thought. I’ll be out soon,” he said, walking towards the bathroom, but he paused for a moment. With a serious face he turned back to you.

“If anything happens, come and get me, okay?”

You nodded, Taehyung walking away happily.

It didn’t take long for Taehyung to get out of the shower. You assumed that he must be extremely good at washing foreign substances out of his hair, because in about fifteen minutes he was exiting the bathroom.

You looked up, expecting to see a dressed Taehyung, but got something completely different; a towel around the waist only Taehyung. You covered your eyes, groaning as he walked towards you.

“Come on now, I know you’ve seen a guy before,” he said. “Well, we all know…” As soon as you uncovered your eyes he gave you a wink, giggling as he walked away. You rolled your eyes, making your way to the bathroom to rise out your hair.

You took your towel off and stepped back into the shower, groaning loudly as you scrubbed your hair once more. There was more in your hair than you had thought, making you cringe as you piled more shampoo into your hands.

You heard the door open, nearly screaming as Taehyung popped his head in.

“You need some help in there?” he asked, giggling as you yelled at him once more.

“Okay okay I’m gone, but if you need any assistance, just call my name,” he hummed. The door shut and you let out a sigh. But you were too happy too soon.

“Oh and if you want I can-“

“Get out!” you screamed. Once more the door was shut.

As soon as you were finished, you grabbed a new towel and dried off, wet strands of hair sticking to your skin. It annoyed you when it did that, and there was no doubt in your mind that Taehyung was going to comment about it.

“Come meet me in my room, _____! I have a surprise for you!”

Rolling your eyes you ran up the steps, holding onto your towel for dear life as you walked into Taehyung’s room. Finally, he was dressed. His hair was still wet, but he was dressed. God bless.

“Your hair looks very nice when it’s wet,” he commented, moving a piece away from your face.

“What’s the surprise, Taehyung—and it had better not be what I think it is.”

Taehyung paused for a moment and sighed, grabbing his belt off the bed.

“Well there goes that one.”

You raised your eyebrows.

“Just kidding! You know that Hoseok has those senses where it’s like ‘My girl is getting it and it ain’t from me’ kind of things,” he rambled, putting his belt on. He looked over at you, bursting into laughter before rummaging through his desk.

“You crack me up, _____.” He said. He pulled out a small box and handed it to you.

“Curtesy of yours truly!”

You opened the box, seeing another set of clothes tightly packed inside.

“You’ll have to come back in here for the shoes.” He added with another wink. Without another word he pushed you out of his room and into yours, happily shutting the door behind you.

You sighed and took the items out of the box, mumbling as you saw each one. Just as you were about to drop your towel Taehyung opened the door, making you flinch.

“Do you need any-”

You threw the empty box at him, hoping to hit his head but missing when he closed the door.

“I’ll take that as a no!”

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!