Chapter Seventeen.



Without waiting for your response, he floored the gas. speeding off to who knows where. As he drove, he kept a smug smile on his face, looking back at you in the rearview mirror every now and then.


“So, _____,  what do you think we’re going to do?” he asked, focusing on the road once more, passing nearly every car. Once more, he interrupted you before you could speak.


“I’m going to train you in the ways of Tae, and you know what that means,” he said, looking back at you once more as he switched lanes, moving onto a dirt path, one that you weren’t all too familiar with. Soon enough, the car had stopped once more, and abruptly at that.


You opened your door, still in Hoseok’s clothes with no shoes. You recognized the place; it was the back of Triptych, where you had first run away from Taehyung. You couldn’t believe it had only been a day since this had happened.


Taehyung linked his arm with your, groaning loudly as the two of you began walking towards the back door.


“We’re going to have to change this.” he grumbled, pointing to your clothes.


“As long as there are no heels, I’m fine.” You didn’t want to deal with heels any longer.


Taehyung let out a little laugh, sighing at the end and smiling brightly.


“You’re going to get heels, and it’s gonna be great!”


He unlocked the door, practically pushing you in before walking in and shutting the door behind him, relocking it as soon as he got in. You looked around, remembering the familiar bar scene where Taehyung had first kidnapped you. As you were looking around, you didn’t notice Taehyung holding up a dress, just your size, but not much your taste. It was a black, sleeveless dress with an open back and mesh lines under your s, over your s and on your stomach. And beside him were a black pair of pumps.


You turned around and saw the items, your head hanging back as you sighed.


“No,” you mumbled, shaking your head.


“But, _____, you want to live another day, don’t you?” Taehyung cooed, waving the dress at you. You stared at him, snatching the dress out of his hands and picking the heels up off the floor, feeling something inside the shoes.


“What’s this?” you asked, pulling out a small tube. You opened it up, seeing a dark red lipstick inside. You looked back up at Taehyung, who was smiling happily.


He pointed behind you, “Bathroom’s over there!”


You stormed off into the bathroom, dress, heels and all. You paused for a moment, turning around and giving him one last stare before entering the bathroom, Taehyung giving you a wave as you walked away.


All while you changed, you muttered about how ty all of this was. Why you? Why all of this? Why them? You adjusted your s in the dress, groaning loudly when they wouldn’t cooperate. But finally, and thankfully, they did. You stepped out, looking at yourself in the mirror.


“Oh my god…” you mumbled, shaking your head and pulling out the lipstick, putting it on reluctantly. You left the lipstick on the sink, puckering your lips and wiping off the extra color before putting your shoes on.


You frowned in the mirror, turning to the side and getting a good look at your back. There were little scratches everywhere, which didn’t look appealing at all. There was no way you were going out there with your back like this; all you could do was stare.


You had no clue how long you had stood there looking in the mirror, but it was enough time to get Taehyung worried, if that’s the right word to use.


There was a soft knock at the bathroom door, followed by Taehyung calling your name. You said nothing, looking at your back from another angle. Without letting you know, Taehyung walked in.


“What are you--” he began to say, pausing as he watched you worry. He let out a soft sigh, walking over to you, his shoes making soft clicks on the tile. He stood behind you  now, you fully aware of his presence.


“Why didn’t you knock?” you asked, quickly turning around.


He gave you a worried look, taking another step closer to you and looking in the mirror. You turned your head, looking at the image in the mirror, seeing your torn up back in the reflection. Quickly, you moved away from the mirror, looking down at the floor.


Taehyung approached you once more, giving you a soft look as he touched your arm. Rather than flinching away, scared by it, you were actually somewhat comforted by his touch. Noticing that you weren’t ‘fighting back’, he took another step closer, his hand moving from your arm to your waist. You kept your eyes locked on his, not moving an inch.


Taehyung leaned in, his other hand moving to the back of your neck, his eyes on your lips.


But, before he could do much more, there was a knock on the door.


“Anyone in here?” a female voice asked. Taehyung looked at the door, sighing loudly.


“Yes, I’ll be out in a second!” you replied, looking at Taehyung, who was walking away.


As Taehyung approached the door, he looked back at you, giving you a wink before stepping out.


You leaned against the sink, your heart racing. You shook your head, following Taehyung out of the bathroom, giving a smile to the girl who was waiting before catching up to Taehyung.


“Okay, _____,” he began, sitting at a booth that already had two drinks on it. Both of them looked like fruity drinks, and from the way Taehyung drank out of one, the other one was probably yours. You sat across from him, crossing your legs under the table. It seems like he was already forgetting about what happened in the bathroom.


“You’re going to pick up a guy.”


You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes.


“Excuse me?”


“Go pick up a guy, lure him in, and take him off somewhere--” he said, waving his hands around. “Kidnap him. It’s actually pretty easy!”


“You’re kidding--” you said, picking up your drink. Taehyung shook his head, taking another sip from his drink.


“Pick a guy, any guy!” he exclaimed, his arm gesturing to the loads of guys who were sitting and drinking alone. Upon seeing your face of confusion, he sighed.


“Do you need me to show you an example first?” he asked, setting his drink down. You didn’t reply quick enough. With a smile, he shook his head.


“You’re a natural, I can feel it! Just, go up to a guy and lead him in. When you’ve got him, just take him through that door over there and I’ll handle the rest.”


“You’re not gonna kill him, are you?”


Taehyung shrugged, giggling as he looked down at his drink, waving you away. With a huff, you got up, looking around for someone to ‘catch’. Your eyes landed on a handsome man sitting by himself at a booth. Another huff was let out, you straightening your back and getting your walk on.


“This seat taken?” you asked as you approached the man. The man looked a little flustered, but shook his head.


“Go ahead,”


You gave him a smile, carefully sitting down and crossing your legs under the table.


“So what’s a guy like you doing back here alone?” you asked, twirling your ankle. The man chuckled, setting his drink down on the table.


“I could say the same thing to you,”


You could tell that his voice dropped, becoming more sultry and husky. You turned your head to the side, trying to hide the fact that you were just a little miffed at how easy he thought you were going to be.


“Just exploring today, seeing what kind of things this place, or it’s people, have to offer.” you replied, looking up and him with a small smile.


The man leaned in, a smile on his face as well.


“Well, being one of those people, I’d love to show you what we have.”


He moved out of his seat, holding out his hand. You took it, standing up and taking a step closer to him, being sure to act as y as possible. The man sensed what you were ‘trying’ to do, and put his hand on your waist, tilting his head and looking you in the eye.


“I have just the place,” you said, taking a few steps back, holding onto his hand and guiding him to the door Taehyung had said to go to. You could tell the man was getting excited. You glanced over at Taehyung, who was getting out of his seat and heading towards the two of you.


You placed opened the door, quickly moving away as Taehyung ran over and pushed him into the room, quickly walking in and shutting the door behind him. You heard the door lock, standing there for a few seconds to try and listen to what was going on, but you heard nothing. Taking a deep breath, you stepped away from the door.


A few seconds later, Taehyung came out. He was a little surprised to see you standing by the door, but didn’t flinch back or say anything. He just looked at you, gave you a small smile and got very close.


Once more his hand was on your waist, his other hand intertwined with yours as he laughed.


“Ahhh, we’d make the perfect pair,” he mentioned, pulling your waist closer to him. Once more, your faces were what some would call ‘too close for comfort’ but, this was perfectly fine with you. Noticing how you stared at him, he bit his lip, that smile still ever so present on his face.


You felt his hand detach from yours, moving to your neck. He stared you right in the eyes, a passionate look in his eyes. You could feel a smile growing on your face as he held you closer. You had no clue why you were enjoying this. Maybe it was because you had been through so much in the past day? Or maybe it was because an incredibly handsome man was holding you like he had loved you for years--


Taehyung leaned his face closer to yours, gripping your waist as he pressed his lips onto yours, taking you by surprise, but then again, you kind of saw it coming. You wrapped your arms around him, Taehyung’s hand moving from your waist down to your hip.




Slowly, Taehyung pulled away from you, not in any rush. He let out a small laugh, kissing your lips once more before removing his hand from your neck, but moving his arm around your waist and turning you around.


There stood Seokjin, hands on his hips, Jungkook standing behind him, trying to hold back his laughter.


“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, looking at both you and Taehyung. Taehyung giggled, looking at you and biting his lip once more.


“Just having a good time is all,”


“We don’t have time for that. You do know that you’re supposed to be on your way to get someone?” Seokjin said, putting emphasis on ‘get’. Taehyung sighed and nodded.


“That’s why I had you get that guy,” he said, looking up at the ceiling, and then back down to you.


“You’re going on your first kidnapping mission, with yours truly!”

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!