Chapter Twenty Four


For the past ten minutes you had been sitting there, Hoseok’s head resting on your shoulder as you ran your fingers through his hair, soft sighs coming from Hoseok as he adjusted the tightness of his hug every few seconds. You never thought that you would have been stuck in a position like this, practically cooing someone much fiercer and stronger than you back into whatever he thought was an okay reality.

You could hear him let out a deep breath every once in a while, as if he was trying to calm himself down or coax himself into sleeping and just getting through the night. As much as you appreciated his efforts to look past the recent situation, you feared for the worst.

It made you a little upset, though. You were the one who would be having an emotional breakdown right now with all you’ve been through– but then again you had no clue what had ever happened to Hoseok. You bit your tongue, glancing down at Hoseok once more, feeling both pitiful and upset.

“We should get you cleaned up too, yeah?” you whispered, running your hand through his hair once more. You could feel him nod into your shoulder, although he didn’t bother to move anything else. You tried to scoot away, but his arms were still wrapped around you as tight as ever. You let out a long sigh- it was like you were dealing with a child.

“I’m gonna go get a paper towel and some water. I promise I won’t touch anything.”

Finally, Hoseok let go of you, watching you with sad eyes as you walked away. You looked back at him, giving him a reassuring smile although it hurt your face to do so. You walked out of the room, shaking your head as you began to silently look for something to wipe his face off with.

Your head whipped to the door, hearing something outside loud outside. Peeking back into Hoseok’s room, you noticed that he had somehow fallen asleep in the mere seconds that you were gone.

You walked back into his room, grabbing his keys off the center of his bed so that you could re-lock the door and make sure that he was ‘safe’.  You looked around for something to use as a weapon, just in case anything happened, spotting a small pocket knife on one of the shelves.

Cautiously you walked out the door, shutting it behind you as a strong breeze nearly sent you falling. Tucking the keys into your pants you looked around, trying to find the source of the noise.


Sticking the pocket knife down your shirt (thank you s) you turned to the door once more, picking up the keys and unlocking the door. Just as you were about to turn the knob and enter, you felt an arm go around your neck, someone slowly dragging you away from the door.

You clawed at the arm, trying your best to hurt whoever it was, but just like in Jungkook’s hideout, everything you did just seemed to make it worse. In a last minute effort, you reached your leg out, trying to kick the door and let Hoseok know that something was wrong, but you completely missed.

Boy, you just weren’t having a good week.

Just as you were really beginning to struggle with sight, you threw your hands back, grabbing the hair of the man who was trying to kidnap you, pulling forward, to the side, and all in all just away from their scalp. This kidnapper wasn’t liking it, either.



“Hey, watch the hair!”

You recognized that voice.

Before passing out, you reached your hand back and hit Taehyung across the face, trying to get your message of ‘this isn’t a good idea!’ across.


The feeling was all too familiar. Waking up in an unknown location was becoming less and less of a worry compared to the other things you were being put through. So calmly and slowly you opened your eyes, moving your hand to feel out just where you were.

You could hear Taehyung and someone else talking in front of you, voices hushed and secretive. You moved your head to the side, seeing two familiar faces sitting in silence. Jimin and Suga seemed to be waiting patiently for some sort of command– But both of them seemed incredibly stressed.

You heard Taehyung sigh. Looking up to him, you saw the ‘Boss’ of the whole crew.

“This is all just too… risky.” Taehyung mumbled, tapping his head on his leg. The Boss nodded, running his hands through his hair.

“Everything we do is risky, though. This… this could end up bad. I’m talking we could lose some people.”

Taehyung looked up at the Boss, concern in his eyes.

“Namjoon, do you not have faith in us?” he asked, trying to be playful as he hit Namjoon’s arm. Namjoon tilted his head to the side, glaring at Taehyung.

“You could be the one to go.”

Namjoon opened the door, giving Taehyung one final remark.

“Don’t this up.”

Nodding silently, Taehyung got out of the car, taking Namjoon’s place in the driver’s seat. You watched as Namjoon walked into Hoseok’s building– Had you been sitting in this car for that long? You could only imagine how long they had been talking.

“Ahh, you’re awake?” Taehyung asked, shutting his door and starting the car. “You really pulled my hair. Never knew your grip was that strong.”

Realizing he wouldn’t get a response he blinked, letting out an awkward cough before shifting around in his seat, the keys being put into the ignition. Looking back in the rearview mirror, Taehyung solemnly spoke.

“_____, are you comfortable in that?” Taehyung asked, turning his head to you. You looked down at your clothes. You were still in the sweatpants and shirt from Jungkook’s little hideout, small bloodstains dotted everywhere. You looked up at Taehyung, shaking your head.

“Okay. I hope you don’t hate us but we got you something different to wear,” Grabbing a small box from the floor of the passenger’s seat, Taehyung tossed it back to you. You gave him a confused stare before taking the top off the box, rolling your eyes when you saw an outfit and a pair of shoes.

“It has all the…. Necessities…” Suga mentioned.

“Boys? Let’s give her some privacy?” Taehyung added, stepping out of the car. All the other men followed suit, shutting their door and walking away from the car. As soon as they were out of sight, you rummaged through the clothes. A black button down long sleeved shirt, jeans, and Mary Jane type shoes, along with undergarments. You glared out of the window, wondering how in the world they knew your sizes.

Without further hesitation you changed. Taking off the dress under the shirt and sweats was a struggle, not knowing where to pull or where to tug. You ended up ripping it in various places just to get it off.

Everything was easy to get on, except for the jeans. Never would you have thought that you’d be in the situation where you have to change as quickly as you could, and put on jeans in a car.

Once everything was on you opened the car door, throwing out the old clothes and adjusting your top.

The boys filed in the car once more, taking their original places.

“Now that we have all that sorted out…” Jimin said, looking over at you. You gave him a small smile, crossing your legs. You were glad that they had gotten you something different to wear, but you were still a little freaked about how they knew what sizes fit. Nevertheless, Taehyung continued.

“Are you guys ready?” he asked, directing the question to the men in the car.

Suga turned his head to the window, Jimin looking down at his hands.

Everything was tense, and you had no clue why. All you knew was that this was no funny matter.

The whole ride to wherever you were going was long and silent. No one spoke, everyone’s eyes fixed on something random, nobody making any effort to try to fill you in on the situation. As much as you wanted to ask Jimin about it, you knew that it would increase the tension and probably get them all riled up.

After a while, Taehyung made a wide swing into some random parking lot. Like waking up in a different location, this parking lot setting was becoming more and more predictable, as well as the large industrial like building in front of the car.

Taehyung pulled the keys out of the ignition, tossing them back to Jimin before the two of them got out of the car. You followed Suga and began crawling out of the car, Jimin nearly slamming the door on your fingers as you climbed out.

“No no no, you have to stay in here.” he said, moving your hands out of the way.

“Why? I always come along with you guys.”

Jimin’s face stiffened, his words as serious as they could get.

“Not this time. Do not move from this car.”

He rolled the window down less than an inch, slamming the door shut and locking the car.

“Jimin!” you called out, banging on the door. You got no response. Letting out a loud groan you sat back in the seat, angrily looking around.

“Treating me like a damn dog…” you mumbled, kicking around a little.

You didn’t know how long you had just been sitting there, wiggling your feet and crawling around in the car just trying to entertain yourself. It seemed like forever, but you knew that it was probably just five minutes. Time goes by slow when a gang leaves you in a locked car.

Just as you were about to crawl into the driver’s seat and take a nap on the horn, you heard the faint ringing of a phone. Finally, something to entertain you! It took you a while for you to find it in the passenger’s seat, but when you did you were relieved.

On the phone was Jimin’s picture for the caller ID. You quickly answered it, although you quickly had to pull the phone away from your ear.

“_____!” Jimin yelled, the sounds of gunshots nearly drowning out his voice. He was panting into the phone, the yells and screams from many other people audible in the background of the call.

“Jimin what is going on?” you yelled, putting the phone back up to your ear.

“_____ you have to get out of there! It was a set up– they’re going for the car!”

Your head turned to the window, hearing the hoots and hollers of voices unknown to you.

“Jimin you you locked the doors!” you screamed, pulling at the door handle. Your heart was racing. You yanked at the door even more, Jimin yelling something to who you assumed was Taehyung or Suga.

“_____ just do anything! Kick the window out! You have to get out of there!”

You could hear him running as gunshots continued. Frantically, you crawled to the front seat, having some struggles. You could unlock the driver’s door (the stupid child lock on the backseat’s doors left you with only this option) and make your escape there. You heard two loud knocks at the driver’s window, you trying to throw yourself to the unlock button inside the car.

Just as you were about to unlock the car and get out of there, the driver’s window was kicked in, glass shattering and flying in all directions. You quickly shimmied to the back seats, trying to lie down on the floor and make it seem like you weren’t there. You saw a hand reach in through the broken window, pressing the unlock button twice and getting all doors unlocked.

The man stepped in the car, paying no mind to you.

“_____ get out of there!” Jimin bellowed into the phone.

The door to your right opened, a man stepping in and grabbing the phone. The door to your left opened, a different man pinning you down as the man who stole your phone sat next to you, shutting the door before covering your mouth.

Hearing the screaming coming from the phone, the man looked down at the device with a scowl. The left door was closed, one more man jumping into the passenger’s seat and tossing a pair of keys to the new driver.

Holding the phone up to his ear, the man listened to the yells and commands that Jimin was trying to give you. The car sped off, the man with your phone just laughing.

“I’m sorry, _____ isn’t available right now.”

He rolled down the window, the harsh winds caused by the speeding car blowing your hair around. The man screamed ‘goodbye’ into the phone, throwing it out of the car and rolling the window back up.

With his hand still over your mouth the man smiled.

“I guess your day could be going better?”

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kirbykirbykitty11 #1
Chapter 36: I just spent two days of my life reading this and I must say, it's totally been worth it! Thanks for an entertaining and thrilling read! I was just wondering if you were ever going to continue the story or if I've reached the end 0.o (I hope not)! Regardless, I understand what it's like to be busy! Take your time!
minleo #2
Chapter 36: I love this so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Please update soon~~~
minleo #3
Chapter 36: OMG!! This fanfic is amazing!!! T^T I love it sooooo much~~~ <3 <3 <3 Please update soon, author-nim!!
ByunhunnieUnicorn #4
Chapter 36: Please tell me this is not the end ;-; this is one of the best fanfics I ever read
Bookie1698 #5
Chapter 36: Whaaaaaaat? Noon! They both can't die? Whyyyyy?
exotic_kpopforever #6
Chapter 36: “I’m just dying, nothing to see here.” This is like my fav thing
exotic_kpopforever #7
Chapter 35: This may or may not be my favorite BTS fanfic ever
oo96 #8
Chapter 35: This story is just... I'm at a loss of words! Seriously, you deserve much more credit! Please update soon!!!